2012年浙江省高考英语试题详解四 :阅读理解第二节


A. SlowDown Your Life

B. EscapeNow and Then

C.Separate Your Actions

D. AllowYourself to Be Weak

E. RelievePressure by Firmly Saying "No"

F. StopExpecting Everything to Be Perfect

How to Simplify Your Life

Less is more. Thisis why we say: reduce things by half instead of doubling them, getrid of junk instead of piling it up, relax instead of stressing,slow down instead of speeding up. Apply these principles in youreveryday life in a conscious way. You will then find yourself wellalong on your journey to simplification.


When youconcentrate on one task, you find you have energy that you didn'teven know you had. Just imagine: you are at a fair and you have tocarry two heavy pigs over 100 yards. If you keep grabbing one andthen the other, it will take forever, because one of them will keepslipping out from under your arm and running off. But if you tieone pig in a place, pick up the other, gather all your strength andmake a dash for the finish line, pause for a moment, run back andget the other one, and with great determination, carry the secondpig to the finish line, then you can be sure of success.


The pressure atwork is on the increase in all occupations. In the modern nuclearfamily, the expectations that formerly would have been shared amongall the relatives are now concentrated on the individualpartner.

If you have thefeeling that 24 hours per day are not enough for all the things youneed to do, then it's not because the day has too few hours, butbecause you have too many activities. A simple fact that overloadedpeople often tend to forget. The solution is equally simple: refuseto accept so many work assignments in your private life or yourworking life.


"I can handlestress" is regarded as a positive statement in the world of work.People who can handle stress are given more and more to cope with-- until one day they break.

Pay carefulattention to the signs that tell you that you are under more stressthan you can cope with. These signals can come from various areasof life. You become ill, or your work efficiencydecreases.

If you have any ofthese symptoms, change your life goals and decrease your toleranceof stress. Say quite openly, "I can't manage that."


"If only I wereslimmer, more beautiful, richer, more clever, then I would behappier." This is a dream that makes a lot of people ill,depressed, and unhappy. Life has its flaws, defects, corners, andedges. Only those who accept this reality can lead a really fulllife.

Of course there areactivities in which errors are dangerous: driving a car; crossingthe road. But life doesn't consist entirely of these things. Inamong them there is a lot of room for small and largemistakes.


Successful peopleall have their own places where they can withdraw in order to work.Find out which places improve your creativity. For me it's thetrain. When I know that I'm going to be traveling for four hourswithout phone calls and people knocking on my door, I find nay mindis free and I can read or write complex articles. There can beproblems working on the train, of course: if the person sittingopposite you keeps talking away, or if train traps make you tired(some people fall asleep after a few miles).

段落小标题选择关键在于对段落的主题句的确定或段落主题的归纳。本文是关于 如何简化生活的,因此在选择时,要根据各段落反映的问题,聚焦于作者针对该问题提出的对策。

61.本段主题句是其段首句:When you concentrate on one task, you find youhave energy that you didn't even know you had. 它表达的意思是集中于一个任务时,人的能量比自己知道的更大。其后作者用搬运两头猪的例子对任务分解的好处加以说明。本题答案为C。

62.在本段中,作者首先用段首句提出了工作压力的原因(The pressure at work is on the increase in alloccupations.),而在段尾则提出了解决该问题的办法:The solution is equally simple: refuse to acceptso many work assignments in your private life or your workinglife. 句中refuse的意思就是say no. 本题正确答案为E。

63.在本段中,作者指出:不示弱往往会使自己的压力越来越大直至你无法应付。在本段的最后一部分作者提出了对策:If you have any of these symptoms, change yourlife goals and decrease your tolerance of stress. Say quite openly,"I can't manage that.",其意可归纳为D选项:Allow Yourself to Be Weak。

64.本段反映的是有些人视幸福生活为方方面面的完美,这反而使他们的生活充满诸多不幸福的因素。对此,作者在本段第一部分的结尾提出:Only those who accept this reality can lead areally full life. 其传达的意思就是“不要追求事事完美”,所以本题正确答案为F。

65.本段的主题句就是段首句:Successful people all have their own places wherethey can withdraw in order to work. 句中的withdraw表达出了B选项中escape的含义,因此此题的正确答案为B。


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