prefertodoratherthando等的用法 would rather prefer

prefer to do rather than do等近义词组,搭配多样。现将它们的搭配及用法罗列如下:
1.prefer A to B
2.would rather do A than do B A instead of doing B
4.prefer to do A rather than do B
5.prefer doing A to doing B doing A better than doing B
7.would sooner do A than do B
8.would do A rather than do B
9.prefer+ that从句“宁愿”(从句一般用虚拟语气)

prefer的用法 ------- sample sentences:
1、后接不定式时与rather than 或instead of连用,如:
     He preferred to die rather than (to) steal. / He perferred to die instead of stealing. 他宁死也不去偷窃。 
     I prefer swimming to skating. (I like swimming better than skating.)我喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。
    prefer 因其本身含有比较之意,而不可再与more 或most连用。 
     He comes from Shanghai, so he prefers rice. 他是上海人,因此更喜欢吃米饭。 
     I prefer going by bike.我宁愿骑单车去。
     I prefer the white one.我喜欢那个白的。 
4、prefer to do “愿意做”。
    I prefer to go at once.我愿意马上就走。 
5、prefer sb. to do “愿意某人做”
         I prefer you to go at once.我倒希望你马上就走。 
6、prefer to sth.“宁愿做...而不做...”.
     I prefer tea to milk.我宁愿喝茶也不喝牛奶。
      I prefer watching TV to going out. 我宁愿看电视也不出去。 
7、prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿做...而不做...”
        I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。 
8、prefer+ that从句“宁愿”(从句一般用虚拟语气)
       I prefer that you should do it.我宁愿你做这件事。 


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