Lucidity, Simplicity,Euphony
By W. SomersetMaugham
I have never had much patiencewith the writers who claim from the reader an effort to understandtheir meaning. You have only to go to the great philosophers to seethat it is possible to express with lucidity the most subtlereflections. You may find it difficult to understand the thought ofHume, and if you have no philosophical training its implicationswill doubtless escape you; but no one with any education at all canfail to understand exactly what the maning of each sentence is. Fewpeople have written English with more grace than Berkeley. Thereare two sorts of obscurity that you find in writers. One is due tonegligence and the other to wilfulness. People often writeobscurely because they have never taken the trouble to learn towrite clear. This sort of obscurity you find too often in modernphilosophers, in men of science, and even in literary critics. Hereis is indeed strange. You would have thought that men who passedtheir lives in the study of the great masters of literature wouldbe sufficiently sensitive to the beauty of language to write if notbeautifully at least with perspicuity. Yet you will find in theirworks sentence after sentence that you must read twice to discoverthe sense. Often you can only guess at it, for the writers haveevidently not said what they intended.
Another cause of obscurity isthat the writer is himself not quite sure of his meaning. He has avague impression of what he wants to say, but has not, either fromlack of mental power or from laziness, exactly formulated it in hismind and it is natural enough that he should not find a preciseexpression for a confused idea. This is due largely to the factthat many writers think, not before, but as they write. The penoriginates the thoughts. The disadvantage of this, and indeed it isa danger against which the author must be always on his guard, isthat there is a sort of magic in the written word. The ideaacquires substance by taking on a visible nature, and then standsin the way of its own clarification. But this sort of obscuritymerges very easily into the wilful. Some writers who do not thinkclearly are inclined to suppose that their thoughts have asignificance greater than at first sight appears. It is flatteringto believe that they are too profound to be expressed so clearlythat all who run may read, and very naturally it does not occur tosuch writers that the fault is with their own minds which have notthe faculty of precise reflection. Here again the magic of thewritten word obtains. It is very easy to persuade oneself that ap hrase that one does not quite understand may mean a great dealmore than one realizes. From this there is only a little way to goto fall into the habit of setting down one’s impressions in alltheir original vagueness. Fools can always be found to discover ahidden sense in them. There is another form of wilful obscuritythat masquerades as aristocratic exclusiveness. The author wrapshis meaning in mystery so that the vulgar shall not participate init. His soul is a secret garden into which the elect may penetrateonly after overcoming a number of perilous obstacles. But this kindof obscurity is not only pretentious; it is short-sighted. For timeplays it an odd trick. If the sense is meagre time reduces it to ameaningless verbiage that no one thinks ofreading.
Simplicity is not such anobvious merit as lucidity. I have aimed at it because I have nogift for richness. Within limits I admire richness in others,though I find it difficult to digest in quantity. I can read onepage of Ruskin with delight, but twenty only with weariness. Therolling period, the stately epithet, the noun rich in poeticassociations, the subordinate clauses that give the sentence weightand magnificence, the grandeur like that of wave following wave inthe open sea; there is no doubt that in all this there is somethinginspiring. Words thus strung together fall on the ear like music.The appeal is sensuous rather than intellectual, and the beauty ofthe sound leads you easily to conclude that you need not botherabout the meaning. But words are tyrannical things, they exist fortheir meanings, and if you will not pay attention to these, youcannot pay attention at all. Your mind wanders. This kind ofwriting demands a subject that will suit it. It is surely out ofplace to write in the grand style of inconsiderablethings.
But if richness needs gifts withwhich everyone is not endowed, simplicity by no means comes bynature. To achieve it needs rigid discipline. So far as I know oursis the only language in which it has been found necessary to give aname to the piece of prose which is described as the purple patch;it would not have been necessary to do so unless it werecharacteristic. English prose is elaborate rather than simple. Itwas not always so. Nothing could be more racy, straightforward andalive than the prose of Shakespeare; but it must be remembered thatthis was dialogue written to be spoken. We do not know how he wouldhave written if like Corneille he had composed prefaces to hisplays. It may be that the would have been as euphuistic as theletters of Queen Eli zabeth. But earlier prose, the prose of SirThomas More, for instance, is neither ponderous, flowery nororatorical. It smacks of the English soil. To my mind King James’sBible has been a very harmful influence on English prose. I am notso stupid as to deny its great beauty. It is majestical. But theBible is an oriental book. Its alien imagery has nothing to do withus.
Those hyperboles, those lusciousmetaphors, are foreign to our genius. I cannot but think that notthe least of the misfortunes that the Secession from Rome broughtupon the spiritual life of our country is that this work for solong a period became the daily, and with many the only, reading ofour people. Those rhythms, that powerful vocabulary, thatgrandiloquence, became part and parcel of the national sensibility.The plain, honest English speech was overwhelmed with ornament.Blunt Englishmen twisted their tongues to speak like Hebrewprophets. There was evidently something in the English temper towhich this was congenial, perhaps a native lack of precision inthought, perhaps a naive delight in fine words for their own sake,an innate eccentricity and love of embroidery, I do not know; butthe fact remains that ever since, Engllish prose has had tostruggle against the tendency to luxuriance. When from time to timethe spirit of the language has reasserted itself, as it did withDryden and the writers of Queen Anne, it was only to be submergedonce more by the pomposities of Gibbon and Dr. Johnson. WhenEnglish prose recovered simplicity with Hazlitt, the Shelley of theletters and Charles Lamb at his best, it lost it again with DeQuincey, Carlyle, Meredith and Walter Pater. It is obvious that thegrand style is more striking than the plain. Indeed many peoplethink that a style that does not attract notice is not style. Theywill admire Walter Pater’s, but will read an essay by MatthewArnold without giving a moment’s attention to the elegance,distinction and sobriety with which he set down what he had tosay.
The dictum that the style is theman is well known. It is one of those aphorisms that say too muchto mean a great deal. Where is the man in Goethe, in his birdlikelyrics or in his clumsy prose? And Hazlitt? But I suppose that if aman has a confused mind he will write in a confused way, if histemper is capricious his prose will be fantastical, and if he has aquick, darting intelligence that is reminded by the matter in handof a hundred things, he will, unless he has great self-control,load his pages with metaphor and simile. There is a greatdifference between the magniloquence of the Jacobean writers, whowere intoxicated with the new wealth that had lately been broughtinto the language, and the turgidity of Gibbon and Dr. Johnson, whowere the victims of bad theories. I can read every word that Dr.Johnson wrote with delight, for he had good sense, charm and wit.No one could have written better if he had not wilfully set himselfto write in the grand style. He knew good English when he saw it.No critic has praised Dryden’s prose more aptly. He said of himthat he appeared to have no art other than that of expressing withclearness what he thought with vigor. And one of his Lives hefinished with the words: “Whoever wishes to attain an Englishstyle, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious,must give his days and nights to the volumes of Addison.” But whenhe himself sat down to write it was with a very different aim. Hemistook the orotund for the dignified. He had not the good breedingto see that simplicity and naturalness are the truest marks ofdistinction.
Whether you ascribe importanceto euphony, the last of the three characteristics that I mentioned,must depend on the sensitiveness of your ear. A great many readers,and many admirable writers, are devoid of this quality. Poets as weknow have always made a great use of alliteration. They arepersuaded that the repetition of a sound gives an effect of beauty.I do not think it does so in prose. It seems to me that in prosealliteration should be used only for a special reason; whenused by accident it falls on the ear very disagreeable. But itsaccidental use is so common that one can only suppose that thesound of it is not universally offensive. Many writers withoutdistress will put two rhyming words together, join a monstrous longadjective to a monstrous long noun, or between the end of one wordand the beginning of another have a conjunction of consonants thatalmost breaks your jaw. These are trivial and obvious instances.These are trivial and obvious instances. I mention them only toprove that if careful writers can do such things it is only becausethey have no ear. Words have weight, sound and appearance; it isonly by considering these that you can write a sentence that isgood to look at and good to listen to.

I have read many books onEnglish prose, but have found it hard to profit by them; for themost part they are vague, unduly theoretical, and often scolding.But you cannot say this of Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern EnglishUsage. It is a valuable work. I do not think anyone writes so wellthat he cannot learn much from it. It is lively reading. Fowlerliked simplicity, straightforwardness and common sense. He had nopatience with pretentiousness. He had a sound feeling that idiomwas the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrase.He was no slavish admirer of logic and was willing enough to giveusage right of way through the exact demesnes of grammar. Englishgrammar is very difficult and few writers have avoided makingmistakes in it. So heedful a writer as Henry James, for instance,on occasion wrote so ungrammatically that a schoolmaster, findingsuch errors in a schoolboy’s essay, would be justly indignant. Itis necessary to know grammar, and it is better to writegrammatically than not, but it is well to remember that grammar iscommon speech formulated. Usage is the only test, I would prefer aphrase that was easy and unaffected to a phrase that wasgrammatical. One of the differences between French and English isthat in French you can be grammatical with complete naturalness,but in English not invariably. It is a difficulty in writingEnglish that the sound of the living voice dominates the look ofthe printed word. I have given the matter of style a great deal ofthought and have taken great pains. I have written few pages that Ifeel I could not improve and far too many that I have left withdissafisfaction because, try as I would, I could do no better. Icannot say of myself what Johnson said of Pope: “He never passed afault unamended by indifference, nor quitted it by despair.” I donot write as I want to ; I write as I can.
But Fowler had no ear. He didnot see that simplicity may sometimes make concessions to euphony.I do not think a far-fetched, an archaic or even an affected wordis out of place when it sounds better than the blunt, obvious oneor when it gives a sentence a better balance. But, I hasten to add,though I think you may without misgiving make this concession topleasant sound, I think you should make none to what may obscureyour meaning. Anything is better than not to write clearly. Thereis nothing to be said against lucidity, and against simplicity onlythe possibility of dryness. This is a risk that is well worthtaking when you reflect how much better it is to be bald than towear a curly wig. But there is in euphony a danger that must beconsidered. It is very likely to be monotonous. When George Moorebegan to write, his style was poor; it gave you the impression thathe wrote on wrapping paper with a blunt pencil. But he developedgradually a very musical Egnlish. He learnt to write sentences thatfall away on the ear with a misty languor and it delighted him somuch that he could never have enough of it. He did not escapemonotony. It is like the sound of water lapping a shingly beach, sosoothing that you presently cease to be sensible of it. It is somellifluous that you hanker for some harshness, for an abruptdissonance, that will interrupt the silky concord. I do not knowhow one can guard against this. I suppose the best chance is tohave a more lively faculty of boredom than one’s readers so thatone is wearied before they are. One must always be on the watch formannerisms and when certain cadences come too easily to the pen askoneself whether they have not become mechanical. It is very hard todiscover the exact point where the idiom one has formed to expressoneself has lost its tang. As Dr. Johnson said: “He that has oncestudiously formed a style, rarely writes afterwards with completeease.” Admirably as I think Matthew Arnold’s style was suited tohis particular purposes, I must admit that his mannerisms are oftenirritating. His style was an instrument that he had forged once forall; it was not like the human hand capable of performing a varietyof actions.
If you could write lucidly,simply, euphoniously and yet with liveliness you would writeperfectly: you would write like Voltaire. And yet we know how fatalthe pursuit of liveliness many be: it may result in the tiresomeacrobatics of Meredith. Macaulay and Carlyle were in theirdifferent ways arresting, but at the heavy cost of naturalness.Their flashy effects distract the mind. They destroy theirpersuasiveness; you would not believe a man was very intent onploughing a furrow if he carried a hoop with him and jumped throughit at every other step. A good style should show no sign of effort.What is written should seem a happy accident. I think no one inFrance now writes more admirably than Colette, and such is the easeof her expression that you cannot bring yourself to believe thatshe takes any trouble over it. I am told that there are pianistswho have a natural technique so that they can play in a manner thatmost executants can achieve only as the result of unremitting toil,and I am willing to believe that there are writers who are equallyfortunate. Among them I was much inclined to place Colette. I askedher. I was exceedingly surprised to hear that she wrote everythingover and over agiain she told me that she would often spend a wholemorning working upon a single page. But it does not matter how onegets the effect of ease. For my part, if I get it at all, it isonly by strenuous effort. Nature seldom provides me with the word,the turn of phrase, that is appropriate without being far-fetchedor commonplace.
--From The Summing Up
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