2012年12月四级真题答案 2012年12月四级真题


1.B) showmanship

2.A) He invented lots of functionalgadgets.

3.B) His keen interest in designing elegantand user-friendly gadgets.

4.A) One of the greatest chief executives ofhis time.

5.D) an inspiration

6.C) He commanded absolute loyalty from Appleusers.

7.D) It originates in the consumer market.

8. closed and inflexible

9. combined

10. reshaping entire industries


47. taking

48. concern

49. stop

50. available

51. prefer

52. specify

53. variety

54. nationwide

55. items

56. criteria

57. should not stop people from looking for ajob.

58. Job turnover

59. It doesn’t have much effect on individualjob seekers.

60. Persistence

61. They exclude those who have stoppedlooking for a job.

62. The elderly are in greater danger of tumorgrowth.

63. They are doubtful about its necessity.

64. It is a must for adult women.

65. They want to protect themselves againstmedical disputes.

66. The more, the better.


67. across
68. attachment
69. mere
70. enough
71. affecting
72. published
73. return
74. lightly
75. while
76. far
77. than
2012年12月四级真题答案 2012年12月四级真题
78. inspiring
79. supportive
80. confirm
81. with
82. different
83. other
84. sense
85. especially
86. from


Part III ListeningComprehension

Section A

Directions: In this section, you willhear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end ofeach conversation, one or more questions will be asked about whatwas said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spokenonly once. After each question there will be a pause. During thepause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), anddecide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letteron Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre。


W: I just heard about a reallybeautiful park in the east end of the town. There are a lot ofroses in bloom。

M: Why don’t we walk over there and seefor ourselves?

Q: What will the speakers probablydo?

答案C) Go to thepark to enjoy the flowers.


M: My presentation is scheduled for9:30 tomorrow morning at the lecture hall. I hope to see youthere。

W: Oh, sorry. I was about to tell youthat I have an appointment with my dentist at 9:00 o’clocktomorrow。

Q: What do we learn about thewoman?


W: How long have you been running thiscompany?

M: Twenty years if you can believethat. I brought it from a small operation to what it is today。

Q: What do we learn about the man?


M: Have you read the news on the campusnet? Susan has won the scholarship for next year。

W: I knew she would from the verybeginning. Such a brilliant and diligent girl! She certainlydeserves it。

Q: What does the woman mean?


W: Taking a bus to Miami, it’s cheaperthan going by train。

M: That’s true. But I’d rather pay alittle more for the added comfort and convenience。

Q: What does the man mean?


M: I think it’s time we got rid of allthis old furniture。

W: You’re right. We need to promote ourimage besides it’s not a real antique。

Q: What do the speakers mean?


M: That was some storm yesterday. Howwas I afraid I couldn’t make it home。

W: Yeah, most of the roads to my housewere flooded. I didn’t get home from the lab until midnight。

Q: What do we learn from theconversation?


W: My boys are always complaining thatthey’re bored。

M: Why don’t you get them into someteam sports? My son and daughter play soccer every Saturday. Andthey both look forward to it all week。

Q: What does the man mean?

Section B

Conversation 1

W: So John, I hear you and Arthur sharea job, don’t you?

M: Yes. We’ve shared a sales job atSonatech for about two years now。

W: Well, how do you divide up yourschedule?

M: You know we are both salesrepresentatives, and we take orders over the phone. When we startedjob sharing it was difficult, because we both worked all dayMonday. I worked Tuesday and Thursday and Arthur worked Wednesdayand Friday. The problem was that when I was in the office onTuesday. I would talk to people, then they would call back onWednesday with a question. But Arthur couldn’t answer the questionand he couldn’t ask me about it because I wasn’t in the office. Sohe had to ask the people to call me back the next day, Thursday. Ofcourse, they didn’t like to wait until the next day to have theirquestions answered。

W: Yes, that sounds like a problem。

M: So, finally we decided that Arthurwould work in the mornings and I would work in the afternoons. Nowif someone calls with the question for me in the morning, Arthurtells them to call me in the afternoon. This way, people get theirquestions answered the same day。

W: What do you do about vacations?

M: Well, Sonatech gives the usual twoweeks of vacation to full-time employees, I take a week and Arthurtakes a week。

W: It sounds like job sharing hasworked out well for you。

M: Yes, it has. We are both happy withit。

Q19. What do John and author do atSonatech?

Q20. What problem did John and Arthurhave when they started job sharing?

Q21. What does John say about theirannual vacation?

Conversation 2

W: May I see your license, please?

M: But officer, did I do somethingwrong?

W: Do you mean to say you didn’t seethe speed limit sign back there?

M: Um, no, madam, I guess I didn’t。

W: In other words, you drove by toofast to read it. The sign says 35m/h. A school is just nearby, youknow?

M: Don’t get me wrong, but myspeedometer didn’t read much faster than that。

W: Then, why is it that my radar showedyou are going 45? Let me put it another way. I’m going to give youa ticket. Again, may I see your license, please?

M: Here it is, officer. But let meexplain. I was late for an important appointment and I was worriedthat I wouldn’t make it on time. So.。。

W: Uha, just a minute, here. Yourlicense is no longer valid. You should have renewed it two weeksago. I’m going to have to write you up for that, too。

M: What? Really?

W: Your license becomes invalid on yourbirthday and that was two weeks ago according to the date here. Youare in violation of the law—driving without a valid license。

M: I’m sorry, madam. I hadn’t realizedthat。

W: Here’s the ticket for not having avalid license. But I’m only going to give you a warning aboutexceeding the speed limit. Be careful next time。

M: Yes, madam, officer, I will. Thankyou。

Q22. Where was the man stopped by thepolice officer?

Q23. What did the man claim about thespeed limit sign?

Q24. What did the woman say about theman’s driving license?

Q25. What was the man’s penalty?

1.D) Excessive intake of sugar


87.完全无视他的存在completely ignoring her absence。

  88.才是他区别于其他高等动物thatsets him apart from other animals

  89. 哪儿也找不到了 out of mysight

  90. 他就被听众打断了 when he wasinterrupted by the audience

  91.巨大的能量就会被释放出来 enormous energy would have been released


87.我感动如此激动 had I felt so excited

  88. 可能会说一些后来会后悔的话 could had said somethingshe would regret later。

  89. 集中注意力复习功课 in focusing reviewing lessons

  90. 听到他们用法语交流 hear they communicating in French

  91.可以免费获取 accessing it free

87. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never before in mylife (我感到如此激动)!
88. Yesterday Jane left the meeting early. Otherwise, she(可能会说一些后来会懊悔的话).
89. With the noisy going on outside the classroom, I had greatdifficulty (集中注意力复习功课).
90. This is the first time I (听到他们用法语交流).
91. All the information you need to apply for your visa is(可以免费获取).


1. 我感到如此激动 had I felt so excited
2. 可能会说一些后来会懊悔的话 could had said something she would regretlater
3. 集中注意力复习功课 in focusing reviewing lessons
4. 听到他们用法语交流 hear them communicating in French
5. 可以免费获取 freely available/available for free


Education Pays

As is shown in the table, the unemployment rate decreases steadilyas the education level increases. The fact revealed by thestatistics is obvious: graduates with a degree are less likely tobe unemployed.

What has brought about this effect? I believe there are three mainreasons. To begin with, the education level is still the top factorthat employers would take into account when selecting jobcandidates. It is believed that people with a college degree tendto be more intelligent and qualified. In addition, as a result ofgood learning habit formed during college, job hunters with higheducation background are also more efficient in acquiring andprocessing job hunting information. Finally, college educationequips graduates with specialized skills, leading to greaterattachment to the company they are employed and higher possibilityto be reemployed even if they leave their previous company.

In conclusion, it is the qualifications, learning habit andspecialized skills that high education equip a graduate that makeone distinctive in labor market.


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