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原文地址:英语常用副词作者:WhenEconom y


actually 实际上;真实地 [ Actually, it bores mestiff.

totally 完全地 [ I totally agree. 我完全同意。]

eventually最后 [ so that amazing progresseventually occurs in short periods.]

recently 最近 [has recentlycome into fashion]

absolutely [[美, 俚](用于答话)是, 当然是; 正是如此 Do you think so?Absolutely. 你是这样想吗? 当然是。]

largely很大程度上,大部分 [largely depend on.....]


currently 现在,当前,普遍地,通常地

probably 大概,或许

surely 确切地 [i'd surely be a hippie child]

personally 就自已而言,亲自地

seriously adv. 严肃地, 认真地, 严重地

我摘录的一些单词句子(推荐) ->英语常用句型、句子、单词摘录(国外博客论坛语录)P1(2009-03-13 23:25:41)William Wei


afterwards然后后来,  later稍后随后, eventually最后终于, hence 从此今后 from thistime/from now 从此今后

directly直接地立即, quickly很快地,  shortly立刻不久, soon 不久马上

nowadays现今, presently目前不久, lately近来的,


constantly, continuously不断地经常地



occasionally 偶尔地,

seldom 很少不常,

rarely 很少地,



accordingly 相应地 In accordance; correspondingly.

likewise 同样地照样,* The food was excellent, (and) likewise thewine. 菜好极了, 酒也是. * I'm going to bed and you would be well advisedto do likewise. 我要睡觉了, 你最好也睡吧.

accordingly 因此,

consequently 因此,

hence 因此, thereby 因此由此

merely 只不过仅仅 merely a flesh wound.仅仅是皮肉伤

furthermore, moreover, besides

nevertheless, nonetheless; however 仍然
* He is often rude to me, but I like him nevertheless.他时常对我粗鲁无礼,但我还很喜欢他.

In spite of sth; 尽管,

regardless 无论如何 continues to work regardless.不顾后果地继续工作


actually, definitely, undoubtedly,absolutely

normally, generally,

wholly 完全地彻底地

likely 或许很可能,

virtually 事实上实质上,


necessarily 必要地,

similarly 类似地同样地

simply 简单地

conversely 相反地颠倒地

respectively 逐个地分别的,

individually 个别地 * speak to each member of a group individually对组里每个人逐个地说.

separately 个别地单独地

roughly 概略地大致地,

somewhat 稍微有点

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approximately, nearly,

largely, mainly, mostly, primarily,

increasingly, , partly,



aside 往旁边 pull the curtain aside 把帘子拉向一边

alongside 旁边 stood with a bodyguard alongside,

backwards/backward都可作副词stepped backwards 向后踏步 a backward view(作形容词时不能用backwards)

beneath 在…之下 * They found the body buried beneath a pile ofleaves.

downwards 向下 downdard 形容词,

forth * from that day forth 从那天起,

forward  向前地  * set the clock forward.把表向前拨

inwards 向内地,  outwards 向外地

nearby 附近的,

northeast 东北地,

northwest 西北的,

southeast 东南地

southwest 西南地

opposite 在对面的 They sat opposite at the table.

outdoors 在户外在野外

overhead 在头顶 look overhead 向上看

overseas 海外

sideways 向侧面地,

underground 地下的

underneath 在下面  * the underneath of a car


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