You should check the following before you make a purchase from asite .
- Use a search engine to find other shops and compare prices andconditions.
- Make comparisons with your local retail stores, but remember totake into account any extra costs (delivery, insurance, customsduty, sales tax, foreign exchange rates) you may incur withInternet purchases.
- Phone or e-mail retailers directly and ask about the goods andservices they provide when dealing with them for the firsttime.
- Check the freight or delivery method and costs.
- Check the legality of importing partic ular goods fromoverseas.
- Monitor children's access, as some firms market directly tochildren.
- Be wary of offers that appear too good to be true.
You should not do the following:
First, there is the convenience of being ableto shop 24 hours a day for any type of product imaginable. Theability to shop from home allows many people who have troublegetting to real world shops such as elderly or disabled people orothers with transport or mobility issues to still purchase theproducts and services they need. Many people also have troubleattending shops during their opening hours, such as those that workthe same hours as shop opening times, mothers with young childrenand no one to mind them.
There are several advantages to shoppingonline, the first one being the ability to shop at a time that isconvenient to you, not just when the shops are open. The secondadvantage ofshopping online is that goods are often cheaper as theseller does not have the costs of running a shop and having to paywages to salespeople, insurance and all of the other running costsof a real world business. Online shopping can also be a lot morecomfortable than real world shopping, you do not have to deal withthe weather - you won't get rained on for instance shoppingonline.
A huge advantage of shopping online is thatyou have the opportunity to compare as many products and prices asyou want without having to spend the time and money to travelbetween several different shops. You will also be able to readreviews that have been written by other people who have purchasedthe item you are considering; you will be able to find out aboutthe item from a genuine user not just the salesperson. Finally youwill be able to find and buy products all over the world not justin your local area - this makes purchasing hard to find items a loteasier.
The main disadvantage of shopping online isthat you have to pay shipping costs and have to wait for the itemsyou purchased to be shipped and delivered. (This could take severalweeks if you have purchased a product from overseas, and the costsof shipping may outweigh any savings you made on the purchaseprice.) You will not be able to purchase an item you need to useimmediately online.
Another disadvantage is that you have to buythe item relying purely on a photograph and description, you cannotfeel or see the item you want to buy. It can sometimes be quitehard to judgethe size or quality of some items purely from a photograph. Thefinal disadvantage of shopping online is that it is much harder andtakes longer to return faulty goods; you will have to repack it andpay to ship it back to the seller. It can literally take weeks toexchange a faulty product purchased online.
In summary, the main advantages of shoppingonline are convenience and cost savings,while the main disadvantage isthat the item is not immediately available, and you cannot inspectit personally before you make your purchase.