P.S. I Love You
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主演:Hilary Swank...Holly 希拉里·斯万克 饰 霍莉
Gerard Butler...Gerry 杰拉德·巴特勒 饰 盖瑞
Lisa Kudrow...Denise 莉莎·库卓 饰 丹尼斯
Harry Connick Jr....Daniel 小哈里·康尼克 饰 丹尼尔
Jeffrey Dean Morgan...William 杰弗里·迪恩·摩根 饰威廉
Gerry: [knowing that Holly is angry with him] Areyou going to make me sleep in the tub again?
盖瑞:[知道霍莉生他气了]你打算 又让我睡浴缸吗?
Holly: You said at my mother’s, you would have a baby butI’m not ready. To my mother! You might as well have said I’m alesbian.
Gerry: Well, I am the only man you ever had.
Holly: Oh, I dated Timmy Harrison for four months beforeI met you.
Gerry: Isn’t he a woman now?
Holly: Why do I have to be the responsible grown up whoworries? Why can’t I be the cute, carefree Irish guy who sings allthe time?
Gerry: Because you can’t sing without making dogsbark?
Gerry: [holding Holly by the shoulders] I knowwhat I want, cause I’m holding it in my hands.
Gerry: [in a fight, Gerry slams the door andimmediately opens it] Are we finished now, luv? Can I comeback?
Holly: I don’t want to make any mistakes, Gerry.
Gerry: Then you’re in the wrong species, love. Be aduck.
Gerry: And we are gonna last. You know how I know?Because I still wake up every morning and the first thing I want todo is see your face.
Sharon: You gotta be rich to be insane, Hol.Losing your mind is not a luxury for the middle class.
Sharon: A 30-year-old body does not recover quiteas fast as a 29-year-old body.
Denise: [finishes kissing Tom at theirt firstmeet] What’s your name?
Tom: Tom.
Denise: Where’ve you been?
Tom: With all the wrong women.
Daniel: We’ll be really weird friends, joined byself-pity, bitterness and vomit.
Daniel: We’re so arrogant, aren’t we? So afraid of age,we do everything we can to prevent it. We don’t realize what aprivilege it is to grow old with someone. Someone who doesn’t driveyou to commit murder or doesn’t humiliate you beyond repair.
Holly: I left without saying anything. He must think I’man idiot.
Denise: Well, you’re an American. They expect us to beidiots.
Holly: [still feels hard to accept William]I feellike I’m trying on a new pair of shoes I really wanna buy, but theyjust don’t fit. Sorry.
William: Alright then, how about going barefoot for awhile?
Gerry: [in his letter to Holly about their firstmeet] I had no idea what you were talking about, but I couldn’thelp loving the way you talked.
Patricia: You know the worst thing for a parent... secondafter losing a child? Watching your child head for the same lifeyou had. You can’t stop it. It’s a terrible, helpless feeling.Makes you angry all the time.
Patricia: All alone or not, you gotta walk ahead.
Gerry: [Gerry’s last letter to Holly]Dear Holly, Idon’t have much time. I don’t mean literally, I mean you’re outbuying ice cream and you’ll be home soon. But I have a feeling thisis the last letter, because there is only one thing left to tellyou. It isn’t to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, youcan take care of yourself without any help from me. It’s to tellyou how much you move me, how you changed me. You made me a man, byloving me Holly. And for that, I am eternally grateful...literally. If you can promise me anything, promise me that wheneveryou’re sad, or unsure, or you lose complete faith, that you’ll tryto see yourself through my eyes. Thank you for the honor of beingmy wife. I’m a man with no regrets. How lucky I am! You made mylife, Holly. But I’m just one chapter in yours. There’ll be more. Ipromise. So here it comes, the big one. Don’t be afraid to fall inlove again. Watch out for that signal, when life as you know itends. P.S. I will always love you
[It takes one year for Holly to finally accept the fact thatGerry has gone. She started to reply to Gerry.]
Holly: Dear Gerry, you said you wanted me to fall in loveagain, and maybe one day I will. But there are all kinds of loveout there. This is my one and only life, and it’s a great andterrible and short and endless thing, and none of us come out of italive. I don’t have a plan. Except, it’s time my mom laughed again.She has never seen the world. She has never seen Ireland. So, I’mtaking her back where we started. Maybe now she’ll understand. Idon’t know how you did it, but you brought me back from the dead.I’ll write to you again soon. P.S... Guess what?