Whatdefinesyouasaperson?什么突显你这个人呢? 00 defines.lua

周一伦敦奥运会上,代表美国的泳将 Matt Grevers 在男子百米仰泳项目上,拿到金牌也创下奥运新纪录52.16秒

Matt Grevers of the United States set anOlympic record t o win the men's 100-meter backstroke at the LondonOlympics on Monday. Grevers finished in 52.16seconds, setting new Olympic record for the event.



Los Angeles Times 7/21/2012

Question: Tell me a bit about your passion to be an Olympian andthe sacrifices you've had to make to not only get there but to alsowin medals.

Answer:I'm glad you put it that way because it really is allabout passion. Every swimmer I know who has made it big isextremely passionate about the sport. It's not just competitivenessbut about loving the sport. It's not about beating someone else butabout being the best you can be.


You have to make sacrifices for it and have to eat right and goto bed early and miss out on social activities, but it's because Iloving swimming so much that it makes all this easier.


I love swimming every day and I'm alwaysexcited to train and see my friends and coaches. Swimming hasdefined me as a person; I feel like I'm a better person allaround because of it.



*有网友Aaron提问 :
What does the underlined sentence “Swimming has defined me as aperson” really mean?


Good question! It means that swimming has helped him figure outwho he is. It's something he enjoys doing and can identify with,something to give him identity. Another person might say: Writinghas defined me as a person.


如果有人问你同样问题 What areas of your life define you as a person?你会如何回答呢?


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101015/238600.html


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