1、“Destiny has two ways of crushing us...by refusing yourwishes...and by fulfillingthem.”
命运以两种方式将我们摧毁 ,或是驳拒意愿,或是充盈欲壑。
2、Destiny...to believe that a life is meant for a singlepurpose,one must also believe in a common fate.Father todaughter,brother to sister,mother to child,blood ties can be asunyielding as they are eternal.But it is our bonds of choice thattruly light the road we travel.
3、Love versus hatred,loyalty against betrayal.A person's truedestiny can only be revealed at the end of hisjourney.
4、Some say that to believe in destiny is to dismiss the role offree will that self-determination cannot prevail in the presence offate.When the truth is,the only part of destiny we can control isthe fate we choose for another.
1、For those who believe in resurrection, death isinconsequential. It is not an ending, but rather a new beginning, asecond chance, a reunion. But the very idea of resurrection is soseductive a concept, it's very easy to forget.Before you can risefrom the dead,you have to spend a few days in hell.
2、Let the punishment fit thecrime.
以牙还牙 ,以眼还眼。
3、For those who believe in resurrection, death isinconsequential. In the resurrection, those that were dead live,and those who live believe they shall neverdie.
1、In a race between danger and indecision,the difference betweenlife and death comes down to confidence.Faith in ourabilities,certainty in ourselves and the trust we put inothers.
2、Violence to one is violence toall.
1、Some think intuition is a gift,but it can be a curse as well.Avoice calling to us from places that are better left unexplored.Anecho of memories that will never die no matter how hard we try tokill them.

2、When at a crossroads, my father was fond of saying "Go withyour gut." "Intuition," he said,"always has our best interests atheart."It is a voice that can tell us who is friend and who isfoe.Which ones to hold at arm's length and which ones to keepclose.But too often, we become distracted by fear,doubt, our ownstubborn hopes,and refuse tolisten.
1、They say let he who is without sin cast the first stone.And tobe without sin requires absolute forgiveness.But when your memoriesare freshly opened wounds,forgiveness is the most unnatural ofhuman emotions.
2、Over time, we commit acts with intentions,either good orbad,that require forgiveness.
1、If we choose to,we can live in a world of comfortingillusion.We can allow ourselves to be deceived by false realitiesor we can use them to hide our trueintentions.
2、To successfully create illusion,the first thing you need istrust.But to perfect an illusion,the false reality must appear asauthentic as the one it hides.Careful attention must be paid toevery detail.The slightest of imperfections can, like a pin to aballoon,burst the illusion.And the truth behind the illusionbecomes revealed.
1、Penance is a sacrifice,a voluntary punishment to show remorsefor a sin.The more grievous the sin,the greater the self-inflictedsuffering.For some,the ultimate penance is death.But for others,itis simply a means to an end.
2、To properly do penance,one must express contrition for one'ssins.And perform acts to repair the damage caused by thosetransgressions.
S2E09 【E08无哲理台词】
1、For the righteous,a revelation is a joyous event,therealization of a divine truth.But for the wicked,revelations can befar more terrifying.When dark secrets are exposed, and sinners arepunished for their trespasses.
2、Revelations can help us accept the things we need the most,expose the secrets we so desperately try to hide and illuminate thedangers all around us.But more than anything,Revelations arewindows into our true selves,both the good and the evil,and thoseweavering somewhere in between,with the ultimate power to destroyall that we cherish most.
1、Power,born out of nature,coveted by man.Wars rage on,andvictors are crowned.But true power can never be lost or won.Truepower comes from within.
2、Power can be hoarded by the mighty or stolen from theinnocent.Power provides the ability to choose,but has a proclivityfor corruption.The use of power is not to be taken lightly for itis never without consequence.
1、They say the best-laid plans often go awry.Because no matterhow detailed the preparation,a plan will always have a weakpoint.And there will always be those looking to exploit it,to dooma plan to failure,and the perpetrator along withit
2、Every plan has a fatal flaw.Sometimes it's the heart,even inthose who are supposed to be the most careful.But a careful naturedoesn't always ensure success.When a plan is built on an unstablefoundation,failure is not only a possibility,it's acertainty.
1、Every human is born of collusion.We come into this world theresult of a covenant.Sometimes made of love,sometimes ofcircumstance.But almost always made insecret.
1、In it's purest form,a union becomes part of our veryessence.But when that bond is broken,our essence is foreverchanged.
2、From the moment we're born,we're drawn to form a union withothers.An abiding drive to connect,to love,to belong.In a perfectunion,we find the strength we cannot find in ourselves.But thestrength of the union cannot be known until it istested.
1、Sacrifice by its strictest definition,takes something preciousin exchange for the appeasement of a higher power.An abidingdevotion to a cause that cannot be satisfied with a simplepromise.Because an oath,no matter how solemn,asks nothing inreturn.While true sacrificem demands unspeakableloss.
2、Sacrifice demands the surrender of things we cherish above allelse.Only out of the agony of those losses can a new resolution beborn.An undying devotion to a cause greater than one's self.And amoral duty to see a journey through to its absolutecompletion.
1、In its purest form,an act of retribution provides symmetry,therendering of payment for crimes against the innocent.But the dangerof retaliation lies in furthering the cycle of violence.Still, it'sa risk that must be met when the greater offense is to allow theguilty to go unpunished.
2、Tragedy has a way of bringing out our betterangels.
1、To carry a secret is to play with fire.Try to pass it on, andyou risk hurting someone else.Hold on to it,and eventually, you'llget burned.
1、In the art of war,if you know the enemy and know yourself.Youneed not fear the approaching battles.But if you know only yourselfand not your enemy,for every victory,there will also bedefeat.
2、What's done is done.
木已成舟 ,前事难改。
1、All too often, we mask truth in artifice,concealing ourselvesfor fear of losing the ones we love or prolonging a deception forthose we wish to expose.We hide behind that which brings us comfortfrom pain and sadness or use it to repel a truth too devastating toaccept.
1、A person's true identity can often be difficult todiscernv,even to themselves,causing one to question theircharacter,their calling,their very existence.For most, timeprovides clarity.But for others,these questions remain unansweredfor an identity cannot be fully defined when it is a guardedsecret.
1、Engagement can be a commitment to love or a declaration ofwar.One must enter every battle without hesitation,willing to fullyengage the enemy till death do youpart.