对于骁龙S4Pro四核处理器,他们怎么说? 骁龙四核平板

本周,全球各地的科技blogger飞赴美国,对最新出炉的骁龙S4 Pro四核处理器进行测评,他们怎么说?

- “I’m certainly very interested in seeing what Qualcomm’squad-core are offering, who have especially written in concerns ofthe performance, and like I said, power savings over theircompeting products.”


-Ricard Lai, 瘾科技

- “In the old days you had PC class processors, which youassume could do the most advanced things, and you had phone andmobile processors, which you could assume couldn’t. The lines areblurring.”


–Harry McCracken Time.com

- “We’re sort of the translators here from the companies to thegeneral public, and so giving us an early word and giving us thetime to play with the stuff, it just makes our jobs a loteasier.”


-Ginny Mies 电脑世界

- “Numbers don’t mean everything, but like still it’s a goodindicator of the r aw power of the chip that’s inside, and when Isaw that three digit figure, I was like wow.”


- “Usually you’re waiting for things to render. In this casethe tablet is waiting for the internet to give it moredata.”


- “I’ve never seen something like this. This is amazing. Theonly complaint is that it’s finishedtoday.”


对于骁龙S4Pro四核处理器,他们怎么说? 骁龙四核平板
- “It’s true, a few years ago we were more talking about thedevice itself. Now we are more talking about what’s inside thedevice.”



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/236752.html


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