后天性学者症候群 后天性学者症候群指儿童或成年人在左脑受损后,突然间发展出的学者症候群患者特殊才能。学者症候群指个人存在严重的智力障碍、自闭症或其他心理疾病,却拥有与其障碍全然相对的、不协调且惊人的某种能力。后天性学者症候群患者一般头部曾受创伤,之后出现超凡的数学、音乐或艺术才能。 现在全世界约有40名后天性学者症候群患者。医学界仍然在研究这种病的成因,但不少专家认为,当左脑受损后,右脑负责弥补左脑失去的功能,从而激发大脑潜能。
书店不是快餐店,没必要24小时开放。北京三联书店在多数实体书店已经关门歇业的时候开始搞24小时营业,不是好的营销方法。 书店就是书店,主营是销售图书,而不是把其改成阅览室,搞得灯火辉煌让人免费读书,背离了书店的初衷,不会有好的结果。 目前来说,网购加网上阅览已成了大多数人的读书方式,我就天天在网上阅览,关键是方便。 在实际生活中,卖书的书店越来越成为一个大的且没有座位的阅览室了,通常在书店里,一目十行看书的人多,真正买书的人却寥寥无几。说明,还是有人喜欢读书的,在这种情况下,书店不妨大胆尝试,干脆把书店改成有偿的阅览室岂不更好更直接,把供人阅读的书和要出售的新书分开来,免得那些新书被人翻阅得破烂不堪后又原价卖给真正买书读的人。这一点我深有体会,有好几回,去比较大的书店买书,书很中意,就是已经被不买书的人翻看的破破烂烂,书店还不打折,很是无奈!
为了治日益严重的大气污染,有人想出了限制车辆出行的单双号限行法,可道高一尺,魔高一丈,很快便被人想出了应对的方法:我家有钱,再买一辆车,一个单号,一个双号,问题不就解决了。是啊,现在有钱人越来越多了,他们只考虑自己的方便,而完全忽略了多一辆车对环境的危害。 因此,单双号限行法是一个方法!但需要改进一下,更好的方法是,从号牌上控制,不论一个家庭有几辆车,只能限定一种车号,统一单双号,即:要不都是单号,要不都是双号,再用单双号限行法,这样一来,就立即见效了,因为不论是单日还是双日,管你家有多少辆车,每一天只能准许一辆车行驶!这个方法交通部门不妨试试!

拉马克,法国博物学家。生物学伟大的奠基人之一,生物学一词是他发明的,最先提出生物进化的学说,是进化论的倡导者和先驱。他还是一个分类学家,林奈(Carl von linne'1707~1778)的继承人。主要著作有《法国全境植物志》、《无脊椎动物的系统》、《动物学哲学》等。
Outin the woods stood a nice little Fir Tree. The place he had was averygoodone: the sun shone on him: asto fresh air, there was enough of that,androundhim grew many large-sized comrades, pines as well as firs. ButthelittleFir wanted so very much to be a grown-up tree.Hedid not think of the warm sun and of the fresh air; he did not carefor thelittlecottage children that ran about and prattled when they were inthewoodslooking for wild-strawberries. The children often came with a wholepitcherfull of berries, or a long row of them threaded on a straw, andsatdownnear the young tree and said, "Oh, how pretty he is! What a nicelittlefir!" But this was what the Tree could not bear tohear.
At the end of a year he had shot up a good deal, and after anotheryear he was
another long bit taller; for with fir trees one can always tell bythe shoots
how many years old they are.
"Oh! Were I but such a high tree as the others are," sighed he."Then I should
be able to spread out my branches, and with the tops to look intothe wide
world! Then would the birds build nests among my branches: and whenthere was
a breeze, I could bend with as much stateliness as theothers!"
Neither the sunbeams, nor the birds, nor the red clouds whichmorning and
evening sailed above him, gave the little Tree anypleasure.
In winter, when the snow lay glittering on the ground, a hare wouldoften come
leaping along, and jump right over the little Tree. Oh, that madehim so
angry! But two winters were past, and in the third the Tree was solarge that
the hare was obliged to go round it. "To grow and grow, to getolder and be
tall," thought the Tree--"that, after all, is the most delightfulthing in the
In autumn the wood-cutters always came and felled some of thelargest trees.
This happened every year; and the young Fir Tree, that had nowgrown to a very
comely size, trembled at the sight; for the magnificent great treesfell to
the earth with noise and cracking, the branches were lopped off,and the trees
looked long and bare; they were hardly to be recognised; and thenthey were
laid in carts, and the horses dragged them out of thewood.
Where did they go to? What became of them?
In spring, when the swallows and the storks came, the Tree askedthem, "Don't
you know where they have been taken? Have you not met themanywhere?"
The swallows did not know anything about it; but the Stork lookedmusing,
nodded his head, and said, "Yes; I think I know; I met many shipsas I was
flying hither from Egypt; on the ships were magnificent masts, andI venture
to assert that it was they that smelt so of fir. I may congratulateyou, for
they lifted themselves on high most majestically!"
"Oh, were I but old enough to fly across the sea! But how does thesea look in
reality? What is it like?"
"That would take a long time to explain," said the Stork, and withthese words
off he went.
"Rejoice in thy growth!" said the Sunbeams. "Rejoice in thyvigorous growth,
and in the fresh life that moveth within thee!"
And the Wind kissed the Tree, and the Dew wept tears over him; butthe Fir
understood it not.
When Christmas came, quite young trees were cut down: trees whichoften were
not even as large or of the same age as this Fir Tree, who couldnever rest,
but always wanted to be off. These young trees, and they werealways the
finest looking, retained their branches; they were laid on carts,and the
horses drew them out of the wood.
"Where are they going to?" asked the Fir. "They are not taller thanI; there
was one indeed that was considerably shorter; and why do theyretain all their
branches? Whither are they taken?"
"We know! We know!" chirped the Sparrows. "We have peeped in at thewindows in
the town below! We know whither they are taken! The greatestsplendor and the
greatest magnificence one can imagine await them. We peeped throughthe
windows, and saw them planted in the middle of the warm room andornamented
with the most splendid things, with gilded apples, withgingerbread, with
toys, and many hundred lights!"
"And then?" asked the Fir Tree, trembling in every bough. "Andthen? What
happens then?"
"We did not see anything more: it was incomparablybeautiful."
"I would fain know if I am destined for so glorious a career,"cried the Tree,
rejoicing. "That is still better than to cross the sea! What alonging do I
suffer! Were Christmas but come! I am now tall, and my branchesspread like
the others that were carried off last year! Oh! were I but alreadyon the
cart! Were I in the warm room with all the splendor andmagnificence! Yes;
then something better, something still grander, will surely follow,or
wherefore should they thus ornament me? Something better, somethingstill
grander must follow--but what? Oh, how I long, how I suffer! I donot know
myself what is the matter with me!"
"Rejoice in our presence!" said the Air and the Sunlight. "Rejoicein thy own
fresh youth!"
But the Tree did not rejoice at all; he grew and grew, and wasgreen both
winter and summer. People that saw him said, "What a fine tree!"and towards
Christmas he was one of the first that was cut down. The axe struckdeep into
the very pith; the Tree fell to the earth with a sigh; he felt apang--it was
like a swoon; he could not think of happiness, for he was sorrowfulat being
separated from his home, from the place where he had sprung up. Hewell knew
that he should never see his dear old comrades, the little bushesand flowers
around him, anymore; perhaps not even the birds! The departure wasnot at all
The Tree only came to himself when he was unloaded in a court-yardwith the
other trees, and heard a man say, "That one is splendid! We don'twant the
others." Then two servants came in rich livery and carried the FirTree into a
large and splendid drawing-room. Portraits were hanging on thewalls, and near
the white porcelain stove stood two large Chinese vases with lionson the
covers. There, too, were large easy-chairs, silken sofas, largetables full of
picture-books and full of toys, worth hundreds and hundreds ofcrowns--at
least the children said so. And the Fir Tree was stuck upright in acask that
was filled with sand; but no one could see that it was a cask, forgreen cloth
was hung all round it, and it stood on a large gaily-coloredcarpet. Oh! how
the Tree quivered! What was to happen? The servants, as well as theyoung
ladies, decorated it. On one branch there hung little nets cut outof colored
paper, and each net was filled with sugarplums; and among the otherboughs
gilded apples and walnuts were suspended, looking as though theyhad grown
there, and little blue and white tapers were placed among theleaves. Dolls
that looked for all the world like men--the Tree had never beheldsuch
before--were seen among the foliage, and at the very top a largestar of gold
tinsel was fixed. It was really splendid--beyond descriptionsplendid.
"This evening!" they all said. "How it will shine thisevening!"
"Oh!" thought the Tree. "If the evening were but come! If thetapers were but
lighted! And then I wonder what will happen! Perhaps the othertrees from the
forest will come to look at me! Perhaps the sparrows will beatagainst the
windowpanes! I wonder if I shall take root here, and winter andsummer stand
covered with ornaments!"
He knew very much about the matter--but he was so impatient thatfor sheer
longing he got a pain in his back, and this with trees is the samething as a
headache with us.
The candles were now lighted--what brightness! What splendor! TheTree
trembled so in every bough that one of the tapers set fire to thefoliage. It
blazed up famously.
"Help! Help!" cried the young ladies, and they quickly put out thefire.
Now the Tree did not even dare tremble. What a state he was in! Hewas so
uneasy lest he should lose something of his splendor, that he wasquite
bewildered amidst the glare and brightness; when suddenly bothfolding-doors
opened and a troop of children rushed in as if they would upset theTree. The
older persons followed quietly; the little ones stood quite still.But it was
only for a moment; then they shouted that the whole place re-echoedwith their
rejoicing; they danced round the Tree, and one present after theother was
pulled off.
"What are they about?" thought the Tree. "What is to happen now!"And the
lights burned down to the very branches, and as they burned downthey were put
out one after the other, and then the children had permission toplunder the
Tree. So they fell upon it with such violence that all its branchescracked;
if it had not been fixed firmly in the ground, it would certainlyhave tumbled
The children danced about with their beautiful playthings; no onelooked at
the Tree except the old nurse, who peeped between the branches; butit was
only to see if there was a fig or an apple left that had beenforgotten.
"A story! A story!" cried the children, drawing a little fat mantowards the
Tree. He seated himself under it and said, "Now we are in theshade, and the
Tree can listen too. But I shall tell only one story. Now whichwill you have;
that about Ivedy-Avedy, or about Humpy-Dumpy, who tumbleddownstairs, and yet
after all came to the throne and married the princess?"
"Ivedy-Avedy," cried some; "Humpy-Dumpy," cried the others. Therewas such a
bawling and screaming--the Fir Tree alone was silent, and hethought to
himself, "Am I not to bawl with the rest? Am I to do nothingwhatever?" for he
was one of the company, and had done what he had to do.
And the man told about Humpy-Dumpy that tumbled down, whonotwithstanding came
to the throne, and at last married the princess. And the childrenclapped
their hands, and cried. "Oh, go on! Do go on!" They wanted to hearabout
Ivedy-Avedy too, but the little man only told them aboutHumpy-Dumpy. The Fir
Tree stood quite still and absorbed in thought; the birds in thewood had
never related the like of this. "Humpy-Dumpy fell downstairs, andyet he
married the princess! Yes, yes! That's the way of the world!"thought the Fir
Tree, and believed it all, because the man who told the story wasso
good-looking. "Well, well! who knows, perhaps I may falldownstairs, too, and
get a princess as wife!" And he looked forward with joy to themorrow, when
he hoped to be decked out again with lights, playthings, fruits,and tinsel.
"I won't tremble to-morrow!" thought the Fir Tree. "I will enjoy tothe full
all my splendor! To-morrow I shall hear again the story ofHumpy-Dumpy, and
perhaps that of Ivedy-Avedy too." And the whole night the Treestood still and
in deep thought.
In the morning the servant and the housemaid came in.
"Now then the splendor will begin again," thought the Fir. But theydragged
him out of the room, and up the stairs into the loft: and here, ina dark
corner, where no daylight could enter, they left him. "What's themeaning of
this?" thought the Tree. "What am I to do here? What shall I hearnow, I
wonder?" And he leaned against the wall lost in reverie. Timeenough had he
too for his reflections; for days and nights passed on, and nobodycame up;
and when at last somebody did come, it was only to put some greattrunks in a
corner, out of the way. There stood the Tree quite hidden; itseemed as if he
had been entirely forgotten.
"'Tis now winter out-of-doors!" thought the Tree. "The earth ishard and
covered with snow; men cannot plant me now, and therefore I havebeen put up
here under shelter till the spring-time comes! How thoughtful thatis! How
kind man is, after all! If it only were not so dark here, and soterribly
lonely! Not even a hare! And out in the woods it was so pleasant,when the
snow was on the ground, and the hare leaped by; yes--even when hejumped over
me; but I did not like it then! It is really terribly lonelyhere!"
"Squeak! Squeak!" said a little Mouse, at the same moment, peepingout of his
hole. And then another little one came. They snuffed about the FirTree, and
rustled among the branches.
"It is dreadfully cold," said the Mouse. "But for that, it would bedelightful
here, old Fir, wouldn't it?"
"I am by no means old," said the Fir Tree. "There's many a oneconsiderably
older than I am."
"Where do you come from," asked the Mice; "and what can you do?"They were so
extremely curious. "Tell us about the most beautiful spot on theearth. Have
you never been there? Were you never in the larder, where cheeseslie on the
shelves, and hams hang from above; where one dances about on tallowcandles:
that place where one enters lean, and comes out again fat andportly?"
"I know no such place," said the Tree. "But I know the wood, wherethe sun
shines and where the little birds sing." And then he told all abouthis youth;
and the little Mice had never heard the like before; and theylistened and
"Well, to be sure! How much you have seen! How happy you must havebeen!"
"I!" said the Fir Tree, thinking over what he had himself related."Yes, in
reality those were happy times." And then he told aboutChristmas-eve, when he
was decked out with cakes and candles.
"Oh," said the little Mice, "how fortunate you have been, old FirTree!"
"I am by no means old," said he. "I came from the wood this winter;I am in my
prime, and am only rather short for my age."
"What delightful stories you know," said the Mice: and the nextnight they
came with four other little Mice, who were to hear what the Treerecounted:
and the more he related, the more he remembered himself; and itappeared as if
those times had really been happy times. "But they may stillcome--they may
still come! Humpy-Dumpy fell downstairs, and yet he got aprincess!" and he
thought at the moment of a nice little Birch Tree growing out inthe woods: to
the Fir, that would be a real charming princess.
"Who is Humpy-Dumpy?" asked the Mice. So then the Fir Tree told thewhole
fairy tale, for he could remember every single word of it; and thelittle Mice
jumped for joy up to the very top of the Tree. Next night two moreMice came,
and on Sunday two Rats even; but they said the stories were notinteresting,
which vexed the little Mice; and they, too, now began to think themnot so
very amusing either.
"Do you know only one story?" asked the Rats.
"Only that one," answered the Tree. "I heard it on my happiestevening; but I
did not then know how happy I was."
"It is a very stupid story! Don't you know one about bacon andtallow candles?
Can't you tell any larder stories?"
"No," said the Tree.
"Then good-bye," said the Rats; and they went home.
At last the little Mice stayed away also; and the Tree sighed:"After all, it
was very pleasant when the sleek little Mice sat round me, andlistened to
what I told them. Now that too is over. But I will take good careto enjoy
myself when I am brought out again."
But when was that to be? Why, one morning there came a quantity ofpeople and
set to work in the loft. The trunks were moved, the tree was pulledout and
thrown--rather hard, it is true--down on the floor, but a man drewhim towards
the stairs, where the daylight shone.
"Now a merry life will begin again," thought the Tree. He felt thefresh air,
the first sunbeam--and now he was out in the courtyard. All passedso quickly,
there was so much going on around him, the Tree quite forgot tolook to
himself. The court adjoined a garden, and all was in flower; theroses hung so
fresh and odorous over the balustrade, the lindens were in blossom,the
Swallows flew by, and said, "Quirre-vit! My husband is come!" butit was not
the Fir Tree that they meant.
"Now, then, I shall really enjoy life," said he exultingly, andspread out his
branches; but, alas, they were all withered and yellow! It was in acorner
that he lay, among weeds and nettles. The golden star of tinsel wasstill on
the top of the Tree, and glittered in the sunshine.
In the court-yard some of the merry children were playing who haddanced at
Christmas round the Fir Tree, and were so glad at the sight of him.One of the
youngest ran and tore off the golden star.
"Only look what is still on the ugly old Christmas tree!" said he,trampling
on the branches, so that they all cracked beneath hisfeet.
And the Tree beheld all the beauty of the flowers, and thefreshness in the
garden; he beheld himself, and wished he had remained in his darkcorner in
the loft; he thought of his first youth in the wood, of themerry
Christmas-eve, and of the little Mice who had listened with so muchpleasure
to the story of Humpy-Dumpy.
"'Tis over--'tis past!" said the poor Tree. "Had I but rejoicedwhen I had
reason to do so! But now 'tis past, 'tis past!"
And the gardener's boy chopped the Tree into small pieces; therewas a whole
heap lying there. The wood flamed up splendidly under the largebrewing
copper, and it sighed so deeply! Each sigh was like ashot.
The boys played about in the court, and the youngest wore the goldstar on his
breast which the Tree had had on the happiest evening of his life.However,
that was over now--the Tree gone, the story at an end. All, allwas
over--every tale must end at last.