宾语从句精讲精练 宾语从句





1. 宾语是动作的承受者,一般放在及物动词后面。
如:Our team beat all the others.我们的球队打败了所有其他球队。

Two weeks you shall have .你可以有两周的时间。
3.名词作宾语 Facethe facts!
4.代词作宾语 Theywon’t hurt us.
5. 数词作宾语 If you add 5 to 5, youget 10

1、主句+ that(无词义,可省略)+从句(陈述句语序)
2、主句+ whether / if (是否)+从句(陈述句语序)





1、that 引导的宾语从句
原句如果是陈述句,变宾语从句时要用 that 引导,that 无实义,只起到引导的作用。在口语和非正式文体中常可省略。

(1)I think (that) I can sellnewspapers. 我想我可以卖报纸。
(2) I know (that) he is a Canadian athlete. 我知道他是一名加拿大运动员。
(3) Do you think (that) the children need to write.你认为孩子们需要写一首歌吗?
(4)Maria says (that) she doesn’t like theuniforms.玛丽亚说她不喜欢校服。

原句若是一般疑问句,变宾语从句时用whether /if 引导,whether /if意为“是否”。

(1)I want to know whether / if people will leaveas soon as they finish eating in westerncountries.我想知道西方国家的人是否是一吃完饭就离开。

(2)Could you tell me if /whether it’s polite to speak loudly at thetable ?

(3) Idon’t know if/whether you are right.我不知道你是否正确。


whether/if引导的宾语从句用法区别——用whether /if “是否”引导的宾语从句,通常情况下whether /if可以互换。

但以下情况 whether 不能 用if 换:
(1)Whether后面紧跟有or not时。如:

I don’tknow whether or not it rains.我不知道是否会下雨。
I wonder whether we stay or whetherwego.我不知道我们是去还是留。


I'minterested in whether he likesEnglish.我关心的是他是否喜欢英语。

I worryabout whether I hurt her feelings.我担心是否伤了她的感情。

He hasn't decided whether to visit the oldman.他尚未决定是否拜访那位老人。

I don'tknow whether to go.我不知去否。
He hasn't decided whether to go by bus or bytrain.他还未决定是乘公共汽车去还是坐火车去。

Whether they will go by air or by train hasn’tdecided.他们是乘飞机去还是乘火车去还没有定下来。

(5)有些动词(如:discuss) 后面只能跟whether,不能跟if。 如:
We discussed whether we should let him join ourteam.我们商量是否让他加入我们队。

(6)whether可以与虚词it连用,并可引导不定式,但if 不能这样用。 如:
It’s not clear whether he will be able tocome。他是否会来还不清楚


Whethershe will come or not is still aquestion.她是否能来还是个问题。

Thequestion is whether we can catch thebus.问题是我们能否赶上公共汽车。

Please let me know if you like the book.可理解为:
 a.Please let me know whether you like the book.请告诉我你是否喜欢这本书。
 b.If you like the book,please let meknow.你如果喜欢这本书,请告诉我。

原句如果是特殊疑问句,变宾语从句时要用特殊疑问词引导。疑问词包括疑问代词(what, which, who, whose)和疑问副词(when, how, where, why)。 如:
Do you know who that man is over there ? 你知道那边那个人是谁吗?
You may ask what North American people wear on special days.
I ask Tom which Chinese dish is hisfavorite.我问汤姆他最喜欢的是那一道中国菜。
I don’t know who will come to the English corner.我不知道谁会来英语角。
Can you tell me how you deal with the problem ?
Can you tell me where they are ?你能告诉我他们在哪里吗 ?
I ask him why his hot dogs are so popular. 我问他为什么他的热狗这么受欢迎。
连接词在从句中作主语。常见的连接词有: who,what,which等。如:
 Could you tell me who knows the answer,please?你能告诉我谁知道答案吗?
 The small children don't know what is in theirstockings.这些小孩子不知道袜子里有什么东西?
连接词在从句中作主语的定语。常见的连接词有:whose,what,which,how many,how much等。如:
He asked whose handwriting was the best in ourclass.他问我们班上谁的书法最好。
The teacher asked us how many people there were in the room.
常见的连接词有:who(m),what,which,how many,how much, when,why,how,where,if/whether(在句中不充当任何成分)等。如:
He hasn't decided if he'll go on a trip to Wuxi.他还没决定是否去无锡旅行。
Could you tell me what I should do with the money ?
(4)连接词+名词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语或表语的定语。常见的连接词有:what,which,how many,howmuch,how等。如:
Do you know which class he is in ?你知道他在哪个班吗?
She asked me if I knew whose pen it was.她问我是否知道这是谁的钢笔。
六、 宾语从句主句与从句时态一致的问题
  I don't know when he will comeback.我不知道他将何时回来。
  He tells me that his sister came backyesterday.他告诉我他姐姐昨天回来了。
The children didn't know who he was.孩子们不知道他是谁。
He asked his father how it happened.他问他父亲这件事是如何发生的。
  The teacher said that the earth goes round thesun.老师说地球绕着太阳转。
七. 宾语从句口诀



1.In the bookshop,a reader asked theshop keeper _____ Who Moved My Cheese was an interestingbook.
2.—I don't know _____ Mr.Green will come to see us.
—He willhelp us with our English.
3.—We never know _____ the old manis. —They say he is a teacher.
4.I was told _____ Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play withcomputers.
A.thathowB.howthatC.whenthatD.that when
5.Many people firm ly believe _____a healthy lifestyle can improvethe quality of life.
A.thatB.ifC.how D. why
6.—Where do you think _____ he_____ the computer? —Sorry,I have no idea.

7. I just wonder ____ that makes him so excited.
A. why itdoesB. whathe doesC. how itisD. what itis
8.—Where is Jack? —He is awayto spend his holiday.He's gone either to Hangzhou orto
Wuhan,but I'm not sure_____ .
9. Some of my friends are interesting in science, but none of themcantell.
A. when UFOs will appear nexttime

B. why do horses know the way
C. where was this kind of plantfound

D. how doelephants communicate
10. ---What time will Mr. Brown be back to China?----Sorry. I don’tknow.
A. when did he goabroad

B. why he is goingabroad
C. how soon will he beback

D. how long he will stayabroad
11. ---May I come in? I’m sorry I am late.
---Come in, please. But couldyou please tellme?
A. why youare lateagain

B.what were you doingthen
C. who you talkedwith

D. how doyou come to school
12. Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent______ you respond to it.
A.thatB. whether   C.howD. what
13. Peter says that the Whites are on holiday, but no oneknows.
A. where they havebeenB. where are they
C. where are theyfromD. where they havegone
14. ---Do youknowthe Capital Museum? ---NextFriday.
A. when will theyvisitB. when they will visit
C. when did theyvisitD. when they visited
15.—We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.—What do you consider _______to her?
 A.was happening   B.to happen 

C.hashappened  D. happening
16. With his work completed, the businessman stepped back to hisseat,feeling
pleased _______ he was a manof action.
A.whichB. that     C.whatD. whether
17. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____office soon.
A. leavesB.would leave C. hadleftD. hadbeen away
18. ---Could you tellme? He is wanted by the head teacher.
---Sorry, I’ve noidea. Buthehere just now.
A. where Tim;wasB. where is Tim; was
C. where Tim is;wasD. where Tim is; is
19. ---Did Mrs. King leave amessage? ---Yes. She wanted toknowthis Sunday.
A. who you would goshopping B.if you would go shopping withher
C. that you will goshoppingD. when will you go shopping with her
20. ---I’m a teenager’s mother. Sometimes I don’tknow. ---Love andunderstanding.
A. what my son needsmostB. what does my son want toget
C. why my son gets annoyed veryoften D. whydoes my son get annoyed very often.
21. ---Iwonderwithoutwater.---About a week.
A. how long man canliveB. how long can man live
C. when man canliveD. when can man live
22. I’d appreciate _______ if you would like to teach me how to usethe computer.
A.thatB.itC.thisD. you
23. It’s not polite to ask people _____ in England.
A. how much money you havegotB. what the weather is like
C. what your city lookslikeD. how old are you
24. Most children are interested in amazing things, and they wonder_______.
A. when can they seeUFOs
B. how can elephants walk on tiptoes
C. why do fish sleep with their eyes open
D. why there is no plant life withoutlighting
25.--What did your father ask you justnow? ---He askedme_______.
A. whom I was chattingwithB. where I am with my friends
C. when would I gohomeD. if I have finished my homework
26. Mary wrote an articleonthe team had failed to win the game.
27. The small children don't know _____.
A. what is their stockingsinB. what is in their stockings
C. where is their stockingsinD. what in their stockings
28. He asked me ______.
A. who did kick the first goal in the WorldCupB. when was the APEC meeting held
C. when China became a member of theWTOD. where will the 2008 Olympics be held
29. Do you know ______?
A. which floor helivesB. which floor he lives on
C. he lives on whichfloorD. which floor does he lives on
30. He asked , “ Are you a Party member or a Leaguemember?” →He asked me _________.
A. am I a Party member or a League member
B. was I a Party member or a League member
C. if I was a Party member or a League member
D. whether was I a Party member or a Leaguemember.

1. A computer can only do_________ you have instructed it todo.
A.howB.after C.whatD. when
2. I don’t know when __________.
 A. will the trainleaveB. the train will leave
 C. would the trainleaveD. the train leave
3. ---We don’t know___________. ---It is said thathe was born in Sweden.
 A. what heisB. if he lives here
 C. where he comesfromD. which country is he from
4. It is still under discussion _________the old bus station shouldbe replaced with a modern hotel.
A.whetherB.whenC.whichD. where
5. He spoke proudly of his part in the game, without mentioning_____ his teammates
had done.
A.whatB. which   C.whyD. while
6. She wondered _______.
A. how much he cost thecomputerB. how much he paid for thecomputer
C. How much the computer will costhim D. howmuch did he spend on the computer
7. The children said_______ they_______ themselves very much.
A .if,enjoyB .why ,enjoyedC .what ,enjoyD .that , enjoyed
8. I don’t think_______ I _______out the problem .
A .if, canwork B. how,will work C.that , canworkD .when , will work
9. The boy asked _________ I ________any noise from outside .
A .when ,heard B .why, had heard C .whether , hadheard D .what ,heard
10. Who can tell us ________about over there ?
A .what theytalkB .what do they talk
C .what are theytalkingD .what they are talking
11. Don’t you believe ________to the moon by spaceship ?
A .that man did fly B .how didman fly C .if manflyD .whether man fly
12. Please remind me ____ he said he was going. I may be in time tosee him off.
A.where    B.when     C.how     D.what 
13. Miss Li wants to know __________next week .
A .when my uncleleavesB .when will my uncle leave
C .where my uncle willstayD .where does my uncle stay
14. Could you tell me __________with the money ?
A .how todoB .what should Ido
C .how I shoulddoD .what I shoulddo
15. This depends on _________ the weather is fine.
 A.which   B.whether   C.if   D.that
16. He asked his father________..
A .where ithappensB .where did it happen
C .how ithappenedD .how did it happen
17. Could you tell me_________you were late for the meeting thismorning ?
A.whereB.whyC.whenD. how
18. Can you tell me _________you were born ,Betty ?
19. I don’tknow.
A. how often he visits hisgrandparentsB. how soon will he come back
C. how many students are there in hisclass D. howlong is the bridge
20. You must remember _______.
A. what your teachersaidB. what did your teacher say
C. your teacher saidwhatD. what has your teacher said
21. Lily likes _____.
A. what her twin sisterlikeB. what her twin sister does
C. what is her twin sisterlikeD. what does her twin sister do
22. The shopkeeper did not want to sell for ________ he thought wasnot enough.
A.whereB. how    C.whatD. which
23. My mother always asks me _____on the Internet,though mostmothers can.
 A. how she can useQQB. how can she use QQ
 C. when can she useQQD. when she can use QQ
24.One can't be really happy if _____ he enjoys doing is regardedby society as of no importance.
25. —Do you know _____,Mike? —On May12th,2008.
 A. when the earthquake took place in Wenchuan
 B. whether the earthquake took place in Wenchuan
C. when did the earthquake take place in Wenchuan
 D. when the earthquake will take place in Wenchuan
26. —Have you decided_____ the children in the poor areas?
  —By sending them books and schoolbags.
 A. how you willhelpB. what you will give
 C. when will youcallD. how much will you send
27. ---Excuse me, could you tell me __________?--Sorry, sir. I wasn’t there at that time.
A. how did the accidenthappenB. how the accidenthappened
C. how does the accidenthappenD. how the accident happens
28. I really want to know _______.
A. what is wrong with mybrotherB. how will he go to Beijing tomorrow
C. if had he bought thatcarD. where did he go yesterday
29. —Can you tell me ______?—By doing more speaking.
A. how I will improve myEnglishB. which way can I choose
C. how do I deal with myEnglishD. what’s wrong with my English
30. —The light in his room is still on. Do youknow¬¬____________?
—In order to prepare for the coming exam.
A. if he workshardB. why he stays up solate
C. why is he sobusyD. when he will stop working
31. —Can you tell me _______for the 60th China NationalDay? --A wonderfulparade.
A. what is going to beheldB. who is going to be invited
C. how much money will beraisedD. how long will it last
32. —I’d like to know_______.—At 6.30.
A.when doesyour mother usually cook breakfast
B.how yourmother usually cooks breakfast
C.when your mother usually cooksbreakfast
D.how does your mother usually cook breakfast
33. ---Do you know _____ two years ago? ---InBlue Computer Company.
A. what did SallydoB. what Sally did
C. where SallyworkedD. where did Sally work
34. ---Sorry, what did you say just now? ---Iasked _______.
A. when did heleaveB. where you have been
C. whom will you gowithD. how I could get to thestation
35. ---What did Paul say last night?
---He said_______ listening to the radio program—“Teen Talk”.
A. did helikeB. that helikedC. if helikesD. what he liked
36._____ has helped to save the drowning girl is worthpraising.
A.WhoB. TheoneC.AnyoneD. Whoever
37. Michael Jordan has failed over and over again in his life. Andthat's ____ he succeeds .
38. Alice in Wonderland is a fantastic movie. It's about______.
A.how did Alice end the Red Queen's reign of terror
B.what did Alice end the Red Queen's reign of terror
C.how Alice ended the Red Queen's reign of terror
D.what Alice ended the Red Queen's reign of terror
39. --What did your parents thank about your decision?
--They always let medo_______I think I should.
40. --Do you know _______? -- I'm notsure. Maybe an artist.
A.what the man with long hairisB.what is the man with long hair
C.who the man with long hairisD.who is the man with long hair
41. As his best friend, I can make accurate guesses about ______ hewill do or think.
A. what B.which C.whomD.that
42. As a new diplomat, he often thinks of ____he can react moreappropriately on such occasions.
A.whatB.whichC.thatD. How
43. The way he did it was different ________ we were used to.
A. inwhichB. inwhatC. from what D. from which
44. --I'm not sure ________there are living things on other planetsor not.
--Even scientists aren't sureabout it.
A.whetherB.whereC.whyD. if
45. The high school entrance examination will be over soon. Can youtell me ________ this
summer holiday ?
A. where are you going tospendB. how you are going to spend
C. where you were going tospendD. how were you going to spend
46. - Will Liu Ying come to school today ? - Idon't know . But I also want to know ________.
A. that she will come to schooltodayB. whether will she come to school today
C. how will she come to schooltodayD. if she will come to school today
47. - Do you know _______ Mr Black’s address is?
- He may live at NO.18 orNo.19 of Bridge Street.I’m not sure of ______.
A.where,which   B.where, what  
C.what,which  D.what, where
48. The manager entered the office and was happy to learn fourfifths of the tickets____.
A. wasbookedB. had beenbooked
C. werebookedD. have been booked
49. The mother didn’t know_____ to blame for the broken glasses asithappened
while she was out.
A.whoB.whenC.howD. what
50. What did Mike say? He said _____.
A. if you were free the nextweekB. what color was it
C. the weather isfineD. summer comes after spring

1. Do you know _______ during the coming summer holiday?
 A. what will Tom do    B. what did Tom do
 C. what Tom will do    D. what Tom did
2. I'm afraid he's more a talker than a doer, which is ______ henever finishes anything.
A.that  B.whenC.what     D.why
3. We should respect food and think about the people who don’t have_______ we have here and
treat food nicely.
A.thatB.whichC.whatD. whether
4. Jim doesn’t understand ____________.
A. which is the way to themuseumB. why his wife always goes shopping
  C. what isthe way to themuseumD. why does she always go shopping
5. How much one enjoys himself travelling depends largelyon_______he goes with,whether his friends or relatives
6. Mr. King didn’t know_______ yesterday evening.
  A. whendoes his son comehomeB. when his son comes home
  C. when didhis son comehomeD. when his son camehome
7. Could you tell me _______the bike this morning?
  A. how doeshemend    B. how he mends
  C. how hemended     D. how did he mend
8. Could I speak to ____ is incharge of International Sales please?
A.whoB.whatCwhoeverD. whatever
9. Some people believe ___ is easier for small countries to becomestrong and rich than for
A. that;country B. it;oneC. that;countries D.it; ones
10. Parents are taught to understand ______ important education isto their children’sfuture.
A.thatB.howC.suchD. so
11. He wanted to know ___________.
 A. whether he speaks at themeetingB. when the meeting would start
 C. what he’s going to do at themeetingD. where would the meeting be held
12. The road is covered with snow. I can’t understand______ theyinsist on going bymotor-bike.
AwhyBwhetherCwhenD how
13.--Many people are talking about H1N1 flu these days. I don'tknow ______.
-- I'm not sure. But maybe a good lifestyle canhelp.
A what can I do to stopitB why they talk aboutit
C how I can keep myselfsafeD when can I we get rid of it
14. You can’t imagine ________ when they received these niceChristmas presents.
 A. how they were excited   B. how excited they were
 C. how excited were they   D. they were how excited
15. I want to know ________ you will come back at 8:00tomorrow.
 A. that    B. when    C. where    D. whether
16. ---Could you tell me____________? ---Sorry, I don’tknow. I was not at the meeting.
A. what does he say at themeetingB. what did he say at the meeting
 C. what he says at themeetingD. what he said at the meeting
17. ---Could you tell me _________ lastnight? --Er, I was watchingEuro 2004 at home.
 A. what you weredoingB. what were you doing
 C. what you aredoingD. what are you doing
18. The teacher asked the students __________.
 A. if they were interested indinosaursB. when was Albert Einstein born
 C. what they will do with thecomputers D.how many trees they have planted
19. Every morning the patients are asked if ________ theirtemperature taken.
 A. they had had   B. have theyhadC. they have had   D. had they had
20. It’s up to you to decide _______ you’ll go there, by air or byroad.
 A. how      B.why    C. that     D. when
21. She told me that she ____ by her relatives at the busstop.
A. had been seenoffB. have seenoff
C. have been seenoffD. had seen off
22. He asked his father_____.
A. where ithappensB. where did it happen
C. how ithappenedD. how did it happen
23. He asked ________ for the computer.
A. did I pay howmuchB. I paid how much
C. how much did IpayD. how much Ipaid
24. --- What are you interested in about cookingfood? --- We are all interested in ______.
A. how egg isfriedB. how is eggfried
C. how eggfriesD. how does egg fry
25. _______ he’ll come or not isn’t important.
A.WhyB.IfC.WhetherD. What
26. —Excuse me. Could you tell me _____? —Yes. There's a video shopon River Road.
 A. where can I buy someCDsB. where I can buy some CDs
 C. when can I buy someCDsD. when I can buy some CDs
27. I wonder _______ .which of the following is not the rightchoice?(choose the wrong one )
A. whether she will be fit for the job ornot B.whether or not she will be fit for the job
C. if she will be fit for thejobD.what she will be fit for the job
28. John asked me _______ to visit his uncle’s farm with him.
A. how would IlikeB.if or not would I like
C. whether I wouldlikeD. which I would like
29.—Can you describe ___ it happened?
—Yes, I was riding on my bike ___ a car knockedme down from behind.
A.when;asB.how;asC.how;whenD.how; while
30.-- “Do you know _____ ? ’’ --“ They left heresoon after their daughter was born . ”
A when the Greens lefthereC what place the Greens moved to
C how the Greens leavehereD where could the Greens go
31.Mother asked me _______.
A how I can getthereC where could she find me
C when I willleaveD whether it was raining outside
32. More and more students and teachers have began to know____.
A. how important the foreign languageareB. how the foreign language is important
C. how important the foreign languageisD. how important is the foreign language
33. I watched that men for a long time and wanted to know _______.
A whether I have seen himbeforeB where I had seen him before
C that I had seen himbeforeD when did I seen him
34. Do you know ______ ? Onlyten months old.
A when does Tiger Woods startgolfingB when did Tiger Woods start golfing
C when Tiger Woods startsgolfingD when Tiger Woods started golfing
35. Could you tell me ______ ? It will begin atfive.
A when did the filmbeginB when the film began
C when will the filmbeginD when the film will begin
36.To show our respect, we usually have to take our glovesoff______we are to shake hands with.
37. Why did Miss Wang look so worried when we sawher? Because she wondered______ .
A where did the other studentsgoB when would the policeman come
C what her students have done during thetrip D if her students hadsurvived theearthquake
38. Sorry, I don't know what the teacher said justnow. He asked Maria ______.
宾语从句精讲精练 宾语从句
A how long she usually spends on her homework
B why didn't Mike come to the meetingyesterday
C what she was doing these days
D when the speech will begin
39. All the hats look beautiful. I don't know_____ .
 A. how tochooseB. where tochoose
 C. which one tochooseD. to choose which one
40. —Excuse me,please tell me _____.
  —There's a supermarket over there. You can get some there.
 A. how I can find asupermarketB. where the supermarket is
 C. where I can buy somefruitD. if there is a supermarket
41. Tom fell asleep during the class,so he didn't know _____.
 A. what his teachersaysB. what did his teacher say
 C. what his teachersaidD. what does his teacher say
42. —What did your father say?—He asked us _____ .
 A. that we mended therecorderB. what to mend the recorder
 C. where did we mend therecorderD. how to mend the recorder
43. Someone is ringing the doorbell Go andsee________.
A .who isheB. who heisC. who isitD. who it is
44. “Have you seen the film?” he askedme. →He asked me _______.
A. had I seen thefilmB. have I seen the film
C. if I have seen thefilmD. whether I had seen thefilm
45. “Please close the window,” he said to me. →He______ me _____ the window.
A. said to; tocloseB. told to; closing
C. asked ; tocloseD. said to; please close
46. I’ve worked with children before, so I know what ________ in mynew job.
A.expectedB. to expect   C. to be expecting  D. expects
47. He said, “Mother, the boy is very naughty.”→He _____ very naughty.
A. said his mother that the boywasB. said to his mother that the boy is
C. told his mother that the boywasD. spoke to his mother that the boy was
48. “You’ve already got well, haven’tyou?” →Sheasked ________.
A. if I have already got well, hadn’tyouB. whether I had already got well
C. have I already gotwellD. had I already got well.
49. He asked , “ Are you a Party member or a Leaguemember?” →He asked me ________.
A. am I a Party member or a League member
B. was I a Party member or a League member
C. if I was a Party member or a Leaguemember
D. whether was I a Party member or a Leaguemember.
50. The shocking news made me realize________terrible problems wewould face.
A.whatB.howC.thatD. why

1. Have you decided ________for Australia?
A. when will youleaveB. when do you leave
C. you will leavewhenD. when you will leave
2. The little girl who got lost decided to remain ____she was andwait for her mother.
A.whereB.whatC.howD. who
3. Before the sales start, I make a list of ___ my kids will needfor the coming season.
A.whyB.whatC.howD. which
4. I think _______ you will like him.
A.thatB.ifC.whyD. how
5. Mary’s mother asked her _____.
A. that whether she had finished herhomework B. if she has finishedher homework
C. if she had finished herhomeworkD. that if she had finished her homework
6. We cannot figure out ____ quite a number of insects, birds, andanimals are dyingout.
A.thatB.asC.whyD. when
7. He asked me ____.
A. how would the weather be liketomorrowB. what the weather would be like the nextday
C. how the weather would be liketomorrowD. what would the weather be like the next day
8. Do you remember how many times ______ to Australia?
A. had youbeenB. did yougoC. have youbeenD. you have been
9. The hostess said that it ______ time that they ______supper.
A. was;hadB. was; hadhadC. is;haveD. is; have had
10. The doctor asked me how long _______ .
A. was IillB. have I been ill C. I havebeen ill D. I had beenill
11. When asked_____ they needed most, the kids said they wanted tofeel important and loved.
A.whatB.whyC.whomD. which
12. The pupil asked his teacher _____ round the earth.
A. weather the moongoesB. that the moon went
C. whether the moongoesD. whether the moon went
13. Mr. Li ____ Wang Ling ____ a taxi to the airport.
A. asked;takeB. asked;takingC. told;takeD. told; to take
14. She looks sad. Could you please tell me _____ that prevents herfrom being as happy as before?
A. what itisB. it iswhatC. how itisD. it is how
15. Tony wanted to know _________.
A. what had Father Christmas put in his stocking
B. when Father Christmas had put in his stocking
C. what Father Christmas had put in his stocking
D. where Father Christmas had put in his stocking
16. No one knows _____ the professor will come to our schooltomorrow to give us a talk or not.
A.whenB.whetherC.whereD. if
17. July didn’t know_________.
A. where is Tim’sfatherB. when was the first watch made
C. who the old manisD. what was wrong with her watch
18. No one told us _________, so we need your help.
A. how should wedoB. what we shoulddo
C. what todoD. what should we do
19. We don’t know _________ with the rubbish and it pollutes ourland and sea.
A. how doitB. how todoC. what do itD. what to do
20. He asked me _________.
A. whether I find out the sender of themoney
B. whether did I find out the sender of the money
C. whether the sender of the money foundout
D. whether I found out the sender of the money
21. They asked if the teacher ________them some songs the nextweek.
A would teachB hadtaughtC willteachD taught
22. The doctor advised that Mr. Malan ____ an operation right awayso as to save his life.
A.hadB. would have C.haveD. was going to have
23. _____ Tom didn’t go to school?
A. Do you know how B. Why doyou know C. How you knowwhy D. Do you knowwhy
24. This article may shock some sensitive readers, _____I offer myapologies in advance.
A. fromwhomB. forwhomC. towhomD. towards whom
25. He said, “Don’t do thatagain.” He _____ me _______that again.
A. said to ; not todoB. said to ; don’t do
C. told ; don’tdoD. told ; not to do
26. “You’ve already got well, haven’t you?” sheasked. →She asked_______.
A. if I have already got well, hadn’tyouB. whether I had already got well
C. have I already gotwellD. had I already got well.
27. He asked, “How are you getting along?” →Heasked _______.
A. how am I gettingalongB. how are you getting along
C. how I was gettingalongD. how was I getting along
28. Have you decided ______ for London?
A. when will youleaveB. when you willleave
C. when are yougoingD. when you are going
29. Excuse me. Could you tell me ______our tickets?
A. where do weshowB. where shall we show
C. where did weshowD. where we shall show
30. Tom asked my friend _____.
A. where was hefromB. that the earth is bigger than the moon
C. when did he comebackD. not to be so angry
31. Let me tell you _____.
A. how much is thecarB. how much does the car cost
C. how much did I pay for thecarD. how much I spent on the car
32. Peter knew _____.
A. whether he has finished reading thebookB. why the boy had so many questions
C. there were 12 months in ayearD. when they will leave for Paris
33. He asked me _____ told me the accident.
AwhomBwhichCwhoD whose
34. They don't know _____ their parents are.
AthatBwhatCwhyD which
35. He hasn’t decided _______.
A. if he’ll go on a trip toWuxiB. when will he go on a trip to Wuxi
C. if he goes on a trip toWuxiD. when does he go on a trip to Wuxi
36. I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize ______silly mistakes I hadmade.
A. whatB.that C.howD.which
37. — Have you finished the book?
---No, I’ve read up to_________ the children discover the secretcave.
A.whichB.whatC.thatD. where
38. Everyone can play an important role in the society.Asmembers,we should try our best to do________.
A.what we shoulddo B.whatshould we doC.how we should do D. How should we do
39. I want to know _________.
A. whom isshe lookingafterB. whom she is looking
C. whom is shelookingD. whom she is lookingafter
40. Do you remember what________________ when I came in?
A Tom is doing B Tom wasdoing C is Tomdoing D wasTom doing
41. He asked how many pictures_______。
A did they draw B do theydrawC they willdraw D theywould draw
42. It is generally considered unwise to give a child_______ he orshe wants.
A.howeverB.whateverC.whicheverD. wherever
43. His mother insisted that he ___ the coat when going out.
A. put on B. putsonC. to putonD. putting on
44. The companies are working together to create _____ they hopewill be the best means of transport in the 21st century.
A.whichB.thatC.whatD. Who
45. The old lady's hand shook frequently. She explained to herdoctor ____ this shaking had begun half a year before, and ___,only because of this, she had been forced to give up her job.
A. when;how B. how;whenC. how;howD. why; why
46. We haven’t settled the question of _____ it is necessary forhim to study abroad.
A.ifB.whereC.whetherD. that
47. I can't understand _________.
A. what doesChristmasmeanB. what Christmas does mean
C. what meanChristmasdoesD. what Christmasmeans
48. She didn't know _____ back soon.
A. whether he wouldbeB. if would hebe
C. he willbeD. when he would be
49. I don't know _____ he still lives here after so manyyears.
A.whetherBwhereC.whatD. when
50. I can’t understand ______the boy alone.
A. why she left B. why did she leave  
C. why she hadleft D. why had she left
51. She told me the sun ______ in the east.
A. rise B.rose C.rises D. had risen
52. They tried to find out ______ the new train ________.
A. how far/ had gone B. how long/ has gone
C. how far/ went D. how far / hadrun
53. The manager came up to see __________.
A. what was the matter B. what the matter was
C. what the matterisD. what’s the matter
54. Could you please teach me _______ the computer.
A. how checkB. tocheckC. how tocheck D. tohow checking
55. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. →He asked me_______.
A. had I seen thefilmB. have I seen the film
C. if I have seen thefilmD. whether I had seen the film
56. “Please close the window,” he said tome. →He _____ me _____ thewindow.
A. said to; tocloseB. told to; closing
C. asked ; tocloseD. said to; please close
57. Our hometown has changed a lot. Who can tell _____ it would belike in _____ five years.
A. how; another B. what;more C. how ;otherD. what; another
58. ─ Could you tell me______? ─Yes. He ____ to the USA.
A. where is he/ hasbeenB. where he is/ has gone
C. where was he/ hasbeenD. where he was/ has gone
59. I hardly understand _____ he has told me.
A.thatB.whatC.whichD. who
60. The girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous, forshe_______before.
A. didn'tflyB. hasn't flown C. hadn'tflown D.wasn't flying
61. I really don’t know if she _______ it when she ________.
A. finds;arrivesB. finds ;will arrive
C. will find; willarriveD. will find; arrives
62. Can you makesurethe gold ring?
A. where Alice hasputB. where had Alice put
C. where Alice hadputD. where has Alice put
63. --- When are the Shutes leaving for New York?
--- Pardon?
--- I asked _______.
A. when are the Shutes leaving for NewYork B. whenthe Shutes are leaving for New York
C. when were the Shutes leaving for NewYork D. when the Shutes were leaving for NewYork
64. The students want to know whether they _____ dictationtoday.
A.hadB.hasC. willhaveD. are
65. --- Could you tell me _______?
A. how many people have been out ofhospitalB. when is Thanksgiving
C. which animal does he likebestD. what time will the dolphin show start
66. No one knows ________ in fifty years.
A what will our life belikeB what is our life like
C what our life will belikeD what our life is like
67. He asked me ________.
A. if she willcomeB. how many books I want to have
C. they would help us doitD. what was wrong withme
68. I followed him to see _______ he was going, and I was verysurprised when he went into the police station.
AhowBwhereCwhyD whether
69. --- Can I help you?
--- Yes. I’d like a ticket to Mount Emei. Can you tell me______take to get there?
A. how soon willitB. how soon it will
C. how long itwillD. how long will it
70. --- I hear we’ll have a new teacher thisterm. --- Really? Do you know ______?
A. what subject does heteachB. what subject will he teach
C. what subject heteachesD. what subject is he going to teach
71. He asked his teacher _______.
A. if there was a monster in LochNessB. when was Albert Einsteinborn
C. how would the scientists find out theresultD. where could he find the library
72. Do you know ______ over there?
A. whathappensB. what was happened
C. what ishappeningD. what did happen
73. --- Do you know ______ we will arrive at your hometown? ---This afternoon.
A.whenB.whyC.ifD. where
74. He said, “Mother, the boy is very naughty.”→He _____- very naughty.
A. said his mother that the boywasB. said to his mother that the boy is
C. told his mother that the boywasD. spoke to his mother that the boy was
75. Mother asked me _______.
A how I can getthereC where could she find me
C when I willleaveD whether it was raining outside
76. --- Do you know ______ he is? --- He says“1.75 meters”, but I’m not sure.
A. howmanyB. howoldC. howfarD. how tall
77. She said she _______ me five letters in one month.
A. haswrittenB. willwriteC. hadwrittenD. wrote
78. Can you tell me ______ she is waiting for?
A.whyB.whoseC.whomD. which
79. I don’t know ______ he still lives here.
A.whereB.whatC.whenD. Whether
80. --- Be careful! Don’t break the bottles. Do you hear ______ Isaid, David?
--- Yes, mum.
A.whatB.thatC.whyD. if
81. I’d like to know ______.
A. when will he give back thetapeB. whether has he received higher education
C. that he has beenbusyD. whether she will join in our Englishevening
82. I want to be liked and loved for________I am inside.
A.whoB.whereC.whatD. how
83. The poor young man is ready to accept ___________ help he canget.
84. She wanted to know _____ her mother liked the present.
A.whichB.thatC.ifD. what
85. Could you tell me _______?
A. who issheB. where’s the nearest fast restaurant
C. if he will cometomorrowD. which way is to the underground station
86. --- Can you tell me why ______? --- Because Iwant to help the people there.
A. do you go toTibetB. did you go to Tibet
C. are you going toTibetD. you are going to Tibet
87. --- Where does he come from? --- Pardon? --- I asked where______.
A. did he comefromB. he camefrom
C. he comesfromD. does he come from
88. --- Excuse me. Could you tell me ______ get to the plane?
--- Certainly. Go straight along here.
A. how canweB. how wecanC. when canweD. when we can
89. She asked Linda if _____ go and get some.
A. couldsheB. shecouldC. shecanD. she may
90. These wild flowers are so special I would do _____ I can tosave them.
A. whatever    B. that       C. which      D. whichever
91. My physics teacher said that light_____ faster thansound.
 A.travelB.travelsC.traveledD. traveling
92. The plane hasn't arrived yet. Could you tell me _____?
 A. why the plane islateB. how is the plane late
 C. when will the planearriveD. that the plane arrives
93. I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize ______silly mistakes I
A.what B.that C.howD.which
94. —Do you know _____the Smiths left Shanghai?
 —I'm not sure. I only remember it was a Sunday.
 A.ifB.whenC.howD. why
95. I hear one third of the books in Wuhu library _____ new. Let'sborrow some.
A.isB.areC.wasD. were
96. I don't know _____they could pass the exam or not.
 A.whyB.whenC.thatD. whether
97 The how-to book can be of help to ___ wants to do the job.
A.whoB.whomeverC. no matterwhoD. whoever
98. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at_________ I thought was a
dangerous speed.
A.asB. whichC.what D. that
99. Catherine said that she _____ to Guangzhou.
A. has nevergoneB. had never gone
C. has neverbeenD. had neverbeen
100. As a new graduate, he doesn't know _______it takes to start abusiness here.
A.howB.whatC.whenD. which

2)连词if 、whether,作“是否”解,在口语中多用if。
3)连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which,连接副词when, where, why,how,各有自

16-20 BBCBA 21-25ABADA 26-30DBCBC

21-25 BCACA  26-30ABAAB 31-35ACCDB36-40 DCCDC
41-45 ADCAB 46-50DCBAD

1-5CDCBB6-10 DCCDB11-15 BACBD16-20 DAACA
21-25 ACDAC26-30BDCCA31-35 DCBDD36-40 CDCCC
41-45 CDDDC46-50 CCBCA

21-25 ABDCD 26-30BCBDD 31-35DCCBA36-40 CDADB
41-45DBACC 46-50CDAAA 51-55CDBC56-60 CDBBC
61-65 DADCA 66-70CDBCC 71-75ACACD76-80 DCCDA
81-85 DCCCC 86-90 DBBBA
91-95 BACBB 96-100DDCDB


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