success difficult

success difficult

Success is not easy to talk aboutbecause the word success it-self has hundreds of definitions. Forsome it means power, for some it means wealth, for others it isfame or great achieve-ments. But I have my own understanding ofit.

Success means to try yourbest.
Many people believe that success meansto win. In my opin-ion, it means to try your best when you doeverything, no matter you will win or not. When you are taking partin a long-distance race, if you keep on running as fast as you can,you are successful, although you may be the last to pass thefinishing-line. Because you have showed your best to others, andyou have made I your greatest effort to be the winner.

Success means to work hard.
No one cansucceed without any hard work. Karl Max was successful, because hespent more than 30 years writing the book "Communist Manifesto";Tomas Edison succeeded, because he had experimented thousands oftimes to find the best material for lights. Every success calls forhard work. If you want to suc-ceed, work hard first.

Success means not to lose heart.
No one canalways be the winner. You will certainly lose or fail some day. Itis important for you not to lose heart. A person who has lost heartis just like a tree without roots. It will be easi-ly blown down bythe wind. Nobel had failed many times when he was doing hisexperiments. Sometimes his lab was on fire and he was nearlykilled. But he never lost heart and kept on trying. Finally heinvented a new explosive. So when you fail or meet any difficulty,just believe in yourself, stand up and give the dif-ficulty a heavystrike.


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