区别decide,determine decide to do

区别decide,determine decide to do
1)作为及物动词后接名词,这时的 decide通常是指经过讨论而得出结论——“定下来”或“解决了”;determine 表示经过研究“确定”或由一定规律“绝对”。例如:We decided the question byexperiment. 我们经过试验解决了这个问题。The judge decided the case.审判员判决了案件。It is hard to determine the meaningof the word. 这词的意思很难确定。Social existence determines socialconsciousness. 社会存在决定社会意识。
2)这两个词都可以接不定式,也可以接 that 从句或 on加名词(或动名词),这时 decide 表示“决定(做)……”;determine 词义比 decide强,有“经过慎重研究(考虑)决定”或“决定下来不再改动”的含义。例如:We decided not to go. 我们决定不去。We have decided that he should go.我们决定他去。He decided on going there.他决定去那儿。We decided on a plan.我们决定了一个计划。We have determined to get the workdone before May Day. 我们已经决定在“五一”前完成这项工作。We have determined that we shouldget the work done before May Day. (同上)We determined on holding a meeting.我们决定召开一个会。We determined on an early start.我们决定尽早出发。
3)在下列句子里 decided 和 determined都是形容词,意思是“下了决心”,两次可以换用,但 determined 更常用:I am determined to fight for thefour modernizations. 我们决心为实现四化而奋斗。He is quite decided. 他已抱定决定。


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