P-Member是什么意思?与O-member的区别 水泥p.o是什么意思

Any country desiring to participate in the work of the IEC shallform a Electrotechnical Committee for its own country, thisCommittee is called National Committee(NC). There shall be only oneNational Committee for each country. There are two forms ofparticipation in the IEC:

  1. Full membership gives the possibility of fullyparticipating in international standardization activities.
  2. Associate membership allows for limited participation ofcountries with limited resources.

In addition, a Pre-Associate membership status providescountries with support in forming a national electrotechnicalcommittee, with the aim of becoming Associate members.
P-Member是什么意思?与O-member的区别 水泥p.o是什么意思
The standards work of the IEC is carried out by technicalcommittees (TCs) and subcommittees (SCs). The committees preparetechnical documents which are then submitted to IEC members forvoting with a view to their approval as international standards.Full member has the right to participate in thework of technical committees and subcommittees as

  1. Participating member (P-member) with an obligation tovote on all questions formally submitted for voting withintechnical committees or subcommittees, and to participate inmeetings, or
  2. Observer member (O-member) to follow the work as anobserver and therefore to receive committee documents and to haveright to submit comments and to attend meetings. P-member :Participating member of a TC( Tecnical Committe)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/235014.html


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