每天一首英文歌歌词翻译MyNameIsEminem艾米纳姆 艾米纳姆电影

Hi! My name is what? my name iswho?嗨,我的名字是 什么? 我的名字是 谁
my name is... SlimShady我的名字是Slim Shady
Hi! My name ishuh? ...my name iswhat?嗨,我的名字是哈?我的名字是什么?
my name is... SlimShady我的名字是 Slim Shady

Ahem...excuse me!Ahem抱歉
Can I have the attention of the class for onesecond大家能专心听我一下吗
Hi kids! Do you like violence? yeah yeah yeah!孩子们,你们喜欢暴力吗?
Wanna see me stick nine inchnails想不想看我将九英寸长的钉子
through each one of my eyelids? uhhuh!扎进我的眼皮里
Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did?yeahyeah!想不想和我做的一样呢?
Try 'cid and get fucked up worse than my life is?huh? 试着了解我这糟透了的人生吧
My brain's deadweight,我的头脑沉重无比,
I'm tryin' to get my headstraight我试着抬头挺胸
But I can't figure out which SpiceGirl但是我数不出那个特殊的女孩
I want to impregnateUmmmm..让我想发生关系

Dr.Dre said: "Slim Shady you abasehead."Dre博士说"你就是个废人"

"Then why's ya face red, man youwasted"你有什么好害羞的 ,你真浪费
Well since age 12 I've felt like I'm someoneelse当我12岁的时候我就觉得我谁也不是了
Cuz I hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt因为我把真我绑在风口浪尖上

Got pissed off and ripped Pamela Lee's titsoff生气的把Pamela Lee 的胸部撕掉
And smacked her sohard用很强的力量打他
I knocked her clothes backwards like KrisKross我用了金刚狼的十字锁紧
I smoke a fat pound of grass and fall on myass我狠劲的吸了一口叶子一下倒在地上
Faster than a fat bitch who sat down toofast比那些胖的荡妇坐的还快
(Shady, wait a minute, that's my girldog!)(shady 等等,她是我的女朋友,杂种)
I don't give afuck,我他妈什么都不管,
God sent me to piss the worldoff上帝就是送我来捣乱世界

Hi! My name is what? my name iswho?嗨,我的名字是 什么? 我的名字是 谁
my name is... SlimShady我的名字是Slim Shady
Hi! My name ishuh? ...my name iswhat?嗨,我的名字是哈?我的名字是什么?
my name is... SlimShady我的名字是 Slim Shady

My English teacher wanted to have sex in juniorhigh我的英文老师跟我发生段关系
Only problem was, my English teacher was aguy但问题是,我的英文老师是个男的
I smacked him in his face with aneraser我用橡皮擦砸了他的脸
Chased him with astapler拿着订书机追着他跑
And stapled his nuts to a stack of paper(Owwwwwwww!)把他的小坚果钉在纸上
Walked in a strip club, had my jacket zippedup走进一个脱衣舞俱乐部,拉上夹克的拉链
Flashed the bartender and stuck my dick in the tipcup暴露的酒吧服务员,把我宝贝扣进个小杯子

Extraterrestrial, killingpedestrians外星人屠杀着过路的人

Rap'n lesbians while they'rescreamin'跟尖叫的女同性恋大声的说

99% of my life I was liedto99% 的人生都是在欺骗当中
I just found out my mom does more dope than Ido我才发现我的老妈比我还疯狂
I told her I'd grow up to be a famousrapper我告诉他我会成为一个有名的说唱歌手
Make a record about doin' drugs and name it afterher做一张关于毒品和姓氏的唱片

(Oh thank you!)
You know you blew up when the women rush thestands当一个女人冲台上时,你气疯了
To try to touch yourhands要碰你的手

like some screamin' Usherfans就像有些狂热的亚瑟小子的粉丝一样

This guy's wife passed so asked for myautograph这个家伙的老婆死了,所以想要我的签名
So I signedit:我签了然后说

'Dear Dave, thanks for the support,ASSHOLE!亲爱的戴维,谢谢你的支持,狗屎

Hi! My name is what? my name iswho?嗨,我的名字是 什么? 我的名字是 谁
my name is... SlimShady我的名字是Slim Shady
Hi! My name ishuh? ...my name iswhat?嗨,我的名字是哈?我的名字是什么?
my name is... SlimShady我的名字是 Slim Shady

Stop the tape! This kid needs to be lockedaway!停止播放,把这个小孩弄走

(Get him!)

Dr. Dre don't just stand there,OPERATE!Dre博士说别在那傻站着

I'm not ready to leave, it's too scary todie我还不准备离开,我太怕死了
I'll have to be carried inside thecemetery我会被逮到一个坟场

and buriedalive被活埋
Am I comin' or goin'? I can barelydecide,我要不要去呢?我很难下决定
I just drank a fifth of vodka dare me todrive?我才和了第5瓶伏特加,我能驾车吗?

All my life I was verydeprived我一生都没什么文化
I ain't had a wom an inyears,我几年都没女朋友了

my palms are too hairy tohide我手上的毛太长藏不住
Clothes ripped like the Incredible Hulk,我衣裳破烂,就像绿巨人
I spit when Italk,我说话的时候吐口水,

I'll fuck anything that walks(C'mere.)我要上了所有在走路的人
When I waslittle当我小时候,

I used to get so hungry I would throwfits我曾经饿到抽搐
每天一首英文歌歌词翻译MyNameIs【Eminem艾米纳姆】 艾米纳姆电影
Howyougonnabreastfeed memom?你怎么用你的胸部喂我,老妈?


I lay awake and strap myself in thebed我睁着眼睛光着身子躺在床上
Put a bulleproof veston穿上防弹背心,

and shoot myself in the head(BANG!)然后一枪把头打开花
I'm steamin' mad(Arrrggghhh!)我真的是疯了
And by the way when you see my dad?(Yeah.)对了,你什么时候看见我老爸的时候
Tell him that I slit his throat in this dream Ihad告诉他我会在他的梦里掐他的脖子

Hi! My name is what? my name iswho?嗨,我的名字是 什么? 我的名字是 谁
my name is... SlimShady我的名字是Slim Shady
Hi! My name ishuh? ...my name iswhat?嗨,我的名字是哈?我的名字是什么?
my name is... SlimShady我的名字是Slim Shady


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/234883.html


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