You need to be on acid to understand the was bad!!byJony7/27/2012 10:21:21 PM 6:21 AM
Wish they had the lights on earlier, so we could see what was goingonby Daniel Hargreaves7/27/2012 10:20:04 PM 6:20 AM
pls go to you tube and watch the Beijing ceremonies! The Brits willbe ashamed of what they have given to the world today!bypatriia7/27/2012 10:18:33 PM 6:18 AM
noooo my tv turned off!!by isaac7/27/2012 10:05:40 PM 6:05 AM
To put a floundering system in the middle of such a wonderfulevent? I suppose America should put Obamacare at the center thenext time the US is privileged to host the Games. What a joke!byNHS - Really?7/27/2012 10:05:39 PM 6:05 AM
Beijing and Vancouver impressive……I was hoping to watch and getentertained by the British but I got Mr Bean! Awful. Danny Boylewhat a waste of money!by fire danny7/27/2012 9:58:45 PM 5:58 AM
What was that all about, a huge lost oppertunity , I am British andwas ashamed at this opening,they had an almost once in a lifetimeto make this big, and it was a joke, Barcelona, Canada winterolimpics best for meby Richard7/27/2012 9:57:46 PM 5:57 AM
As a Londoner, I’m so disappointed. Most of it has just been onechaotic party without any harmony… and nothing stunning visually.Where’s the entertainment for the non British world that iswatching this? Organizers should have warned everybody to study thehistory and culture of Britain, and be fluent in the Englishlanguage, prior to the barmiparmi7/27/2012 9:57:19 PM 5:57AM

London opening ceremony team did not do their homework! It’s acomplete failure. I did not understand the opening ceremony! Nordid I get any sense of what it really means to be British!byolympic hopeful7/27/2012 9:56:50 PM 5:56 AM
Danny Boyle! what’s with all those rap music, bed time monsters,back to the 80′s… could have done better!by upset7/27/20129:56:12 PM 5:56 AM
“The Chinese get a surprisingly big round of applause.”
It was a delayed “thank you” for their opening ceremony not Piliage7/27/2012 9:55:21 PM 5:55 AM
bloody failure!by back in london7/27/2012 9:54:03 PM 5:54 AM
The absolute worst ceremony.. No culture whatsoever… Its beenconfirmed
This is utterly woeful. Where are the fireworks, drums,atmosphere?! It is truely bad. Seriously, all this hype and aBILLION people watching, Boyle has decided the best use of time torepresent the UK on a global stage is Dizzy Rascal rapping in ahouse and two unknown people texting and going to a fake houseparty. I can only apologise to the rest of the world; i’m just asconfused as you are as to what I just saw. Where are the differenthistorical periods with kings, queens and castles? Where was theworld wars that brought the whole world together where we allshared suffering? Where is the sporting element and parts that therest of the whole world can understand?! Danny Boyle, you should beashamed – im surprised it never had an advert for Coka Cola halfway through…
so bored i’m now drinking my son in law’s gin with diet coke ! notonic in the house !by mike kiddle7/27/2012 9:51:48 PM 5:51 AM
太无聊了。我现在在喝我女婿的GIN酒+健怡可乐。 家里没有补品啊
i have to wait another 4 years to see hopefully a better openingceremony! but Britain, you topped it…it’s not bad, its horrible! amsorry but am just being honest!by name it7/27/2012 9:39:42 PM 5:39AM
I am from Asia and I was impressed with Vancouver and Beijing.London is messed up. what right does Danny Boyle have to havemessed up what could possibly be one of the most anticipated showin the world. It could Britiain’s chance to brag!byAnonymous7/27/2012 9:32:01 PM 5:32 AM
I was hoping to get a glimpse of UK’s culture, history and to getinspired by the ceremony. But I got nonsense. :(by Pat7/27/20129:31:25 PM 5:31 AM
This is even worse than I could ever have imagined. What would bewrong with just welcoming the athletes and then going to bed likelm doing now. Thanks for making britain a laughing stock again!byAnonymous7/27/2012 9:31:12 PM 5:31 AM
This country should be ashamed of this dross put out to the world,it looks as if all the village am dram societies have been calledin at the last minute to try and entertain a crowd. What anabsolute waste of time and Disgusted in England7/27/20129:30:09 PM
5:30 AM
The athletes are here… so that’s it for the ceremony… damn i shouldhave chose golf over this boring bs…by Oceans X7/27/2012 9:30:02 PM5:30 AM
I agree 110% Andrew M. Worst ceremonies I have seen! Bad!byKristine7/27/2012 9:29:56 PM 5:29 AM
Look, if none of you are going to come out and say it then Iwill.
This is shamefully pathetic. Unquestionably the worst OpeningCeremonies for a wide variety of reasons – in ‘decades’.
I”ve been flipping back from several channels to the openingceremony and it’s not getting any better. Can I say Boring!!! Is itjust me?by MB7/27/2012 9:28:55 PM 5:28 AM
cut out the Stars! we need inspiration performance. Olympics is notabout Hollywood. its about the regular man and we need moreinspirational performance than bored7/27/2012 9:28:21 PM5:28 AM
I’m finding it hard to follow what’s going Ram Singh7/27/20129:26:58 PM 5:26 AM
sorry but comparing this with Beijing and the Winter Olympics inCanada, they were better than what I am seeing. Danny Boyle messedthis up! Big TIME!!!!!!!!!!by Anonymous7/27/2012 9:26:42 PM 5:26AM
This all seems a bit commercial to Scotty K7/27/2012 9:26:04PM 5:26 AM
Well this tops Vancouver for corny amateurish tedium.byLaurel7/27/2012 9:25:50 PM 5:25 AM
Watching it live via streaming. The show is boring…
Give me some real performance by some real JG7/27/20129:24:44 PM 5:24 AM
I guess some knowledge of UK history might help a bit… i’m honestlya bit lost so far…by Oceans X7/27/2012 9:23:54 PM 5:23 AM
I might be too early to judge but the ceremony I am seeing with allthe pop culture music is pretty sad considering this is theOLYMPICS! I am not impressed…yet…sorryby KR7/27/2012 9:22:18 PM5:22 AM
This opening ceremony is unbelievably bad. I can’t believe DannyBoyle actually is the mastermind behind this royal mess. totallyboring. the only good (kinda) bits are the Queen/Bond and Mr. Bean.The opening is like a travelogue and then we get non-stop musicvideos. Olympics opening cermont is supposed to be spectacular andgrand for the international audience. This has to be worst everOlympics opening I’ve ever watched. What a huge yawn fest!!
I am watching a rock concert or what?by Andy7/27/2012 11:04:49 PM7:04 AM
Time to go to bed and maybe when I wake up it was just one bignightmare dream…by Anonymous7/27/2012 11:12:48 PM 7:12 AM
comment by supersubag (U7126766)
posted 14 Hours Ago
Well make this look like a childrens party in 4 years time - wereGREAT Britain - you dont hear anyone calling it "Great China" -although they do have that Great Wall...
4年后的我们或搞成一场小p孩儿狂欢 —— 我们是“大”不列颠,—— 没人把中国叫成“大”中国,即使他们有伟大的长城。