ladies and gentleman,good morning!welcome to shanxi!its my greathonour to stand here to be your tour guide,please allow meintroduce myself, my name is z,u can call me Doris too.the man whositting beside me is our driver Mr li ,he has more than ten year’sexperience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasantone .we will do our best to make your tourpleasant and enjoyable .
shanxi has long been known as "ancient architecture museum ofchina". A great many civil houses build in Ming and Qing Dynastieshave been preserved in here.they are the testimony of history ofShanxi Merchants .the Courtyard of Family Qiao that we will visittoday is one of them.
乔家大院位于祁县东观镇乔家堡村,距太原54公里,乘车大约一小时就可以到达。乔家大院是一所民居建筑,是我国保存下来的最完整的一座民居建筑。占地8725㎡,建筑面积3870㎡,共6个大院,20个小院,313间房屋。1985年乔家大院被开辟成为晋中民俗博物馆,一部《大红灯笼高高 挂》使得乔家大院名扬海外,2005年拍摄的《乔家大院》更是让许多人了解了乔家大院,了解了晋商。我们现在就来到了乔家大院的大门口了,我们现少停留一下。
Courtyard of Family Qiao located in Qixian County in ShanxiProvince , 54 km south of Taiyuan.this is a kind of civil house ,itis the most complete civil house which is preserved in china.itoccupying area of 8725 square meters,while the floorage occupies3870 square has 6 compounds, 20 small courtyards, 313housings.
there isnt any flagpole or stone lions outside the gate,but thosetall walls could shows the prestige of the owner.houses in thisyard was designed quite naturallyperfect,it shows the characteristic style of the civil houses innorth .its highly valuable in the study of history,in scientificresearches,it is also valuable as a tourist resort.The specialistsand scholars commend it as "a bright pearl of the civil houses innorth".there is a screen wall facing the gate of a house,we calledthis "zhaobi",we can see it consisting of hundred forms of thecharacter for “shòu” ,it means longevity.

after we entry the front gate, we see the map first,there are 6compounds in total.the houses in northern yard was tall,its theresidence of elders.relatively low houses in south lived theyounger generation.
the first courtyard was build during the Reign of Jia Qing and DaoGuang.its the old yard .
we will see a entrance screen ,zhaobi,after we entry the gate ofthis yard . i mentioned it useful for two purposes,one isfor decoration,another is for guards the house and avoidsuspicion.
this screen was used to dedicated to the "earth god".there is asmall niche below,was used to set the "earth god".there is a lot ofexquisite brick carving on the screen.
there are still two yards in the first,we areentrying the firt one,this yard shows the folklore of "live"and"row". the two carriages displayed in wing room is very big ,onlythose rich people who can own this kind of stuff.
now ,we are stand in the second yard ,we can see the main house isa two-story building ,but there isnt any windows or doors on secondfloor,this is a special style in china.the board above means thehappiest thing is to be goodness . the main room was used forrecept,we are mr qiao's quests,so lets go to the mainroom first. u wont feel cold in this room in winter,because thewall in this room are relatively thick ,its nearly 1.2 meters ,thisroom is patterned after past cave,its warm in winter and cold insummer.
the east wing displayed festivals and holidays. it shows thetroditional festival of china and their correspondingcustoms,spiritual religion and amusement.Tomb-sweeping Day ,DragonBoat Festival,spring festival.
the west wing displayed clothes and ornaments,there is an oldsaying,"judge a man from his cuff,judge a women from her foots andhands". bigger the cuff ,richer the family .and to women,a girlwill be well recived if she had a very small foots.if she had a bigfoot,she need to worry about that she will never get married.
the side room is the exhibition of agriculture ,there areroller,uesd for crush grain,and stone mill,used for grinding graininto flour,and there are some exhibition of farming activities inthere too.
the second courtyard displayd the family history.Qiaoguifa was theearliest ancestor wo make the family get rich,he was ill-fated whenhe was young.his parents died when he was little boy.He was send tohis uncle's home as a child.he is a hard-working and manypeople looked down on him just because his he decided"zou xikou",it means went to work in Inner Mongolia.he saved somemoney by means of worked for a varietyshop,and invested his own store.this became the beginning of hisfamily business.his son,Qiaguangmei has formulated a series offamily rules.Qiaoguangmei had two sons,eldest son died earlier.andhis young boy Qiaozhiyong inherited his family property and made agreater achievements .moreover he is the oldest man in his family,living 89 years old.he has six wifes ,the youngest one could behis granddaughter.his business spread through central innermongolia.
as the old saying, Clogs to clogs is only three generations.atlast, Qiaozhiyong gived the family possessions to his grandnephewwho had been aborad . but , their business begun to went downhillat 1926 cause the war.the business had been shutdown at 1953finally. most of their later generation lived in beijing ,shanghai,kunming now.
there are three treasures in the third courtyard.lets see it oneafter another.also, we start with the main room.the precious inthis room is called "the mirror of Rhinoceros Watching theMoon",its carved out of lignumvitae,the general woods will floatbecause it is less dense than water.but this will sink towards thebottom,it has gone through over two hundred years , but its imageis still perfect.
the east wing displayed a very special ball, in fact its aspherical mirror,but the most spectacular is whatever how manypeople stand in this room and wherever you are,u will find urselfin that ball,quite clear and not to deform. its was used for spy atthat time,when mr Qiao was discussed important business ,it canprevent eavesdropping .if u dont believe it ,just try it~~
the third precious which is kept in here is a light with ninedragons.its made by ebony and having eight sides and eightangles.this a special gift given by the Empress Dowager Cixi whenshe was escaping.the Palace Museum in Beijing wanne took awayseveral times,but had been rejected finally.
now,we are in the forth courtyard,displayed the commerce and custom.this yard founded by Qiaozhiyong's grandnephew.all in thesignature of new technology brought from abroad.the window of themainroom, it is European Style , moreover,there are many exquisitebrick .the brick on the transom shows a censer and a boy sit onit.The moral to it is to have plenty of offspring,there arelyre-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting carved on beside ,that means he hope his later generation are thoroughly accomplishedin all of them.we can also see the brick of bell and usedfor educated his offspring that treasuring the life time .
now lets go inside the main room,there is a waxwork in here,Itdepicts the scene of shopkeeper account for his master.the boystanding behind him is a buster,the selection of buster was overlystrict in here,first the boy should be handsome,seven feet tall atleast,and he should be a villager of their native village.second,they were thoroughly vetted before they were allowed intothis house.
the side rooms displayed many furnitures which were purchased fromlocal residents.there is a china doll here,this is a pillowactually , there is a ostiole on the back,u can filling it with hotwater in winter,cold water in summer.
the fifth courtyard was build by Qiaozhiyong,this yard displayedlife etiquette,lets see the first small yard ,it shows the scene ofa child on his one year old birthday,everyone come to congratulatethis little boy.there will be a formal ceremony ,a vocationalinclination test for an infant.people will prepare many thingsrepresent many kinds of vocation for the child,and then let himgrabing,the thing he finally grabed willrepresent the one he will be in the future .such as ,a abacusrepresent he will go into business,a pen represent he will be acalligrapher in the future.very interesting. the child will eatlongevity noodles in his birthday,it was taboo to eat steamedstuffed bun,cause they think its not good for the child's futurelife.
okay,now lets visit the inside yard toghter,it shows the ChineseMarriage is divided into six the morningof the weeding day,the bride will go to the ancestral temple withher parents,and then back to home,dressed up herself with redcotton-padded jacket and trousers,u know ,in china,red representgood luck,and the bride's family hope her could live better aftershe get married.the older brother had to carried the bride on hisback to enter a sedan will bring good luck to thebride.
the main room shows the scene of wedding ceremony , bridegroomshould unveil her bride's veil with a steelyard,then thecontentment and joy will fill their future days.the last procedureis teasing the bride and the bridegroom on wedding night,peoplewill put a saddle on the bed.the bride had to crossed it with onefeet,then people will withdraw the saddle .another feet dont needto cross it anymore.It will bring peace to the bride.moreover,theywill receive a box with longan、lotus seeds 、peanut and jujube ,takea homonym,it means they wish to have a son soon and make familyprosperous.
about the last courtyard,originally the owner want to build a studyyard in here,and he bought complete rockery.but The Chinese July7th Incident happened in 1937,only remained some the namehas changed to "the garden yard',we can see a string of houses inthe north,that is the unfinished study rooms. its just next to theancestral temple ,it can be seen this family take theirdescendant's education seriously,so that they could bring prestigeand honour to their families and clansmen.