

1.____he does has nothing to do with me.
A. whateverB. No matter what C. That D.If

2. The manager came over and asked thecustomer how____
A. did the quarrel cameabout B .thequarrel had come about
C. had the quarrel comeabout D. hadthe quarrel come about

3. Energy is ____makes thing work..
A. what B. something C.anything D. that

4. Information has beenput forward ____ more middle school graduateswill be admitted into universities.
A. while B. that C. when D.as

5. This is ___the shenzhou V Spaceshiplanded.
A.there B. inwhich C.where D. when

6. They have no idea at all____.
A. where he hasgoneB. where did he go
C. which place has hegone D. where has hegone

7. The doctor did a lot to reduce thepatient’s fear ____he would die of the disease.
A.that B.which C. ofwhich D. ofthat

8. The order came ___the soldiers ____thesmall village the next morning.
A. that ;hadto leave B.that; should leave
C. /; mustleaveD. when; should leave

9. ___is no possibility ____Bob can winthe first prize in the match.
A. There;that B. It;that C. there;whether D. It; whether

10. The question came up at the meeting_____ we had enoughmoney for our research.
A.that B.which C.whether D. if

11. Is _____he said really true?
A. thatB. what C.why D. whether

12.____the meeting should last two days or three daysdoesn’t matter.
A. That B.Whether C. IfD. Where

13. It worried her a bit _____her hair was turninggray.
A.while B.ifC. that D. for

14. ???_____more countries can use natural energy in thefuture remains to be seen.
A.Whether B.This C.who D. If

15.____he will go to work in a mountain village surprisesall of us.
A. What B.That C.Whether D. If

16. ____you don’t like him is none of my business.
A. What B.That C.WhoD. How

17.____all the inventions have in common is ____they havesucceeded.
A. What;what B. That;that C. what;that D. That ; what

18. ____appeared to me that he enjoyed the food verymuch.
A.WhatB.ItC. AllthatD. That

19. It is widely ______that smoking can cause cancer.
A.believed B.thinkC.sayD. hoped

20. ____caused the accident is still a completemystery.
A.What B.ThatC. How D.Where


21. ____he always serves the people very well isknown.
A.What B.ThatC. Which D. Who

22.____has passed the test will get a prize .
A.Whoever B. Nomater who C.Whomever D. Who

23.Is____ true that the famous scientist will give us alecture next week?
AthatBitChisD he

24.It has not been decided ___ they will leave for NewYork.
A.when BwhyCthatD what

25. Obviously___ we do morning exercises every day ___ usgood.
A. thatdo B. if;doC what; does D. that; dose

26 It is said____ ____ was all ___ he said.
A that; that;that B what; what;what C that; which;what D that; that; which

27___ gets home first is to cook the supper.
A.WhoB Whom C. Thosewho D. Whoever

28___ moved us most was___ he liked after the old man formore than twenty years.
A. That;that B. What;that C What;what D. That; what

29.___ you did it is not known to all.
A.WhoB. What C.HowD. Which

30.___ you do should be well done.
AHowB.ThatC. Whatever D Why

31. The reason I plan to go is___ she will be disappointedif I don’t.
A.because B.thatC. thanks to D.what

32. What time do you think__?
A. will Tom comebackB. Tom will come back
C. is Tom comingbackD. can Tom get here

33. The teacher said that light___ faster than sound.
A. Has traveled B.traveled C. had traveled D.travels

34..___ is still a question___ will win.
A. It; thatB. It; who C. That;who D. This; that

35. If you know___ it was that write A Tale of Two Cities,raise your hand.
A. whom B.which C.who D. that

36. In some countries,___ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.
A.thatB. which C.as D.what

37. Thinking___ you know___ in fact youdon’t is a terrible mistake.
A. that;that B. what;what C. that;what D. whatthat

38. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not isjust___ worries the public.
A.whyB.whichC.thatD. what

39. Why don’t you bring___ to his attention that you are too busy to doit?
A.thatB. what C.thatD. it

40.___ David says sounds right to Helen.That’s why she has made up her mind to leave with him___happens.
A. whatever;whateverB. No matter what; whatever

21. ____he always serves the people very well isknown.
A.What B.ThatC. Which D. Who

22.____has passed the test will get a prize .
A.Whoever B. Nomater who C.Whomever D. Who

23.Is____ true that the famous scientist will give us alecture next week?
AthatBitChisD he

24.It has not been decided ___ they will leave for NewYork.
A.when BwhyCthatD what

25. Obviously___ we do morning exercises every day ___ usgood.
A. thatdo B. if;doC what; does D. that; dose

26 It is said____ ____ was all ___ he said.
A that; that;that B what; what;what C that; which;what D that; that; which

27___ gets home first is to cook the supper.
A.WhoB Whom C. Thosewho D. Whoever

28___ moved us most was___ he liked after the old man formore than twenty years.
A. That;that B. What;that C What;what D. That; what

29.___ you did it is not known to all.
A.WhoB. What C.HowD. Which

30.___ you do should be well done.
AHowB.ThatC. Whatever D Why

31. The reason I plan to go is___ she will be disappointedif I don’t.
A.because B.thatC. thanks to D.what

32. What time do you think__?
A. will Tom comebackB. Tom will come back
C. is Tom comingbackD. can Tom get here

33. The teacher said that light___ faster than sound.
A. Has traveled B.traveled C. had traveled D.travels

34..___ is still a question___ will win.
A. It; thatB. It; who C. That;who D. This; that

35. If you know___ it was that write A Tale of Two Cities,raise your hand.
A. whom B.which C.who D. that

36. In some countries,___ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.
A.thatB. which C.as D.what

37. Thinking___ you know___ in fact youdon’t is a terrible mistake.
A. that;that B. what;what C. that;what D. whatthat

38. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not isjust___ worries the public.
A.whyB.whichC.thatD. what

39. Why don’t you bring___ to his attention that you are too busy to doit?
A.thatB. what C.thatD. it

40.___ David says sounds right to Helen.That’s why she has made up her mind to leave with him___happens.
A. whatever;whateverB. No matter what; whatever
 C. No matter what; No matterwhatD. Whatever; however

1.Who will write the poem has not been decidedyet.

2.Don’t ask about what the meeting is for.
3. I heard it that he had gone abroad.

4.What surprised us is that he lost in the game.
5. Whatever he did is right

6.What he left us was a large sum of money.
7. They kept it quiet that he was dead.

8.Tell me why you don’t like school.
9. He had a feeling that she might not approve of theplan.

10.Whoever comes will be welcome.
11. He wasn’t sure whether he ought to laugh orcry.

12.The book is where you left it.
13. I took it for granted that you would stay withus.

14.We hope that you will enjoy your stay here.
15. When he will be back depends on the weather.

16.We are certain that this is true.
17. He accepted the fact that she would never comeback.

18.Where we live doesn’t matter.
19. I have no doubt that you were telling thetruth.

20. That is why he turned me down
21. I feel it a terrible thing that I have to get up so early.

22. The reasonwas that he didn’t work hard.
23. New York is no longer what it was ten yearsago.

24.Thisis where you are wrong.
25. I hate it when people speak with their mouthfull.

26.That’s what makes him an excellent conductor.
27. She came to the conclusion that she must act atonce

28.I appreciated itvery much that he had done me a favor.
29. Our success depends on / upon how well we can cooperate withone another
30. Nobody can explain the mystery why he suddenlydisappeared.
1. His success was because of _____ he had been working hard.
A. that B. thefact which C. the fact that D. the fact
2."Is Mary from New York City?" "I don'tknow _____."
A. from what city does she come from B. from what city she come
C. what city does she come from D. what city she comesfrom
3. ________ Tom liked to eat was different from ________.
A. That…that you had expected B. What …that you had expected
C. That…what you had expected D. What…what you had expected
4. The reason why I didn't go to Shanghai was _____ a newjob.
A I got B. becauseof getting C. because I got    D. that I got
5. It worried her a bit _____ her hair was turning grey.
A. while B. that C. if D. for
6. Henry killed the dog. I'll ask him why ______.
A. did he do that B. he didthat C. hedid      D. he has done so
7. Have you seen Henrylately?My boss wants to know_____.
A. how he is getting along B. how is he gettingalongC. what he is gettingalong D. what is he getting along
8. These computers are different from ________.
A. that we expected  B.what we expectedC. which wehave expected   D. whatwe expect
9. He asked me _____ with me.
A. what is the trouble B. what wrongwas C. what was the matter D. what trouble it is
10. I am sure _____ he said is true.
A. that  B. aboutthat  C. of that  D. thatwhat
11. When and why he came here _____ yet.
A. is not known  B. are not known C. has not known D. have not bee
12.I wonder how much _____.
A. does the watch cost B. did the watchcostC. the watchcosted    D. the watchcosts
13. Mary is _____ someone might recognize her.
A. afraid of    B. afraid about C. afraid that D. afraid for
14._____ is no reason for dismissing her.
A. Because she was a few minutes late B. Owing to a few minutes late
C. The fact that she was a few minutes late D. Being afew minutes late
15. They came to the conclusion _____ by a computer.
A. that not all things can be done B. because of not all thingsbe done
C. being not all things can be done D. because not all things can be done
16. Why the explosion occurred was _____ the laboratory attendanthad been careless.
A. for  B.because  C.since  D. that
17. I don't doubt _____ he'll come.
A. that  B.if  C.what  D. whether
18."Why did you go to the wrong class, Mr. Wang?"
"Well, I forget _____ I was supposed to go to."
A. which the room  B.which room    C. what was the room D. what room was it
19. Output is now six times _____ it was before liberation.
A. that B. which C. what D. of which
20. Mary: Helen is a mere washer woman, yet she's now buying a bighouse.
Carol: Yes. Because she's always saved _____.
A. what little she earns B. how littleshe earnsC. for little sheearns  D. withlittle she earns
21._____ surprised me most was _____ such a little boy of sevencould play the violin so well.
A. That...what  B. What...that    C.That...which D.What...which
22. Do you know _____ ?
A. what is this used for   B. what this is usedforC. which this is used  D. that this is usedfor
23. She is pleased with what you have given him and _____ you havetold him.
A. that  B.which  C. allwhat  D. all that
24. Excuse me, would you please tell me _____?
A. when the sports meet is taken place B. when is the sports meetgoing to be held
C. when is the sports meet to begin D. when the sports meet is totake place
25. Do you happen to know _____?
A. what size shoes he wears B. how bigshoes he wears
C. what is the size of his shoes D. whatnumber shoes are his
26. This book will show you _____ can be used in othercontexts.
A. how you have observed B. howwhat you have observed
C. that you have observed D. howthat you have observed
27. Where do you think _____?
A. has he gone B. has hebeen C. he's gone   D. washe
28. Do you know ______?
A. how many populations there are in the world? B. howmuch population there is in the world
C. how many the population of the world is D. what the population of the world is
29. Would you go and see _____ outside?
A. what to take place B. what Tom hashappened C. what is happening D. what thematter had been
30. Last Sunday he promised ________ today, but he hasn't appearedyet.
A. that he would come   B. that he will comeC.he will come to seeme D. whetherhe would come
31._____? I think he is Charles.
A. Who do you think he isB. Doyou think who he isC. Whom doyou think he is D. Do you think who heis
32. He didn't know which room _____.
A. they lived    B. they lived in C. did they live D. didthey live in
33. The little boy ate _____ his mother gave him.
A. that B. which C. whatever D. no matter what
34. The city is no longer _____.
A. what it is    B. that it used to be  C. whichit was D. what it used to be
35. My parents used _____ they had to get a new car for me.
A. which B. that C. what D. all what
36._____ we go swimming every day _____ us a lot of good.
A. If...do    B. That...do C.If...does D. That...does
37._____ was the idea _____ the wife thought of?
A. What...that B.That...what    C. How...why   D. Why...how
38. We think it possible _____ the local government will be able tosolve the housing problem.
A. for       B. that      C.when     D. how
39.One of the men held the view _____ the book said wasright.
. what that  B. thatwhat C. thatwhich D. which that
40. I have no idea _____ or not he has finished the work.
A. if B. that C. whether D. which

1. It’s uncertain that the experiment is worthdoing.
2. All what is hard is to do good all one's life and never doanything bad.
3.What the boy didn't take medicine made his motherangry.
4. You can't imagine how excited were they when they received thesenice Christmas presents.
5. That we'll go camping tomorrow depends on theweather.
6. What he really means is what he disagrees withus.
7. Whom is going to do the job will be decided by the Partycommittee.
8. When we'll finish translating the book depend on thetime.
9. Where will the house be built will be discussed at tomorrow'smeeting.
10. If you come or not is up to you.
11. That is what he likes the place somuch.
12. That is that Lu Xun once lived.
13. We thought strange that Tom did not comeyesterday.
14. The fact which she had not said anything surprised all ofus.
15. Can you tell me who is that gentleman?
16. Who leaves the room last ought to turn off thelights.
17. The energy is that makes the cells able to do theirwork.
18. Jack was soon told why he did was notnecessary.
19. Is this what we met each other two years ago?
20. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who he is..
21.I don't care whether she has no money. I care if she is honestor not.
22. The child is always lying, so none of us will believe no matterwhat he says.
23. See to that the children don't catch cold.
24. He, that is playing an important part, which is well-known tous all.
25. The boy dived into the water and, after it seemed to be a longtime, he came up again.
1. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______was true.他偷了一部自行车是真的。
2. The important thing is _______ _______ _______ , but not______________ _______.
3. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ has not beenfound. 他不知道出生在何时何地。
4. The problem is _______ _______ ________ ________ to the littleboy.
5. She insisted ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______the countryside. 她坚持不被派到农村去。
6. I don’t care about _______ _______ _______ _______ ______________.我并不在意你是否有钱。
7. He has made _______ _______ _______ he will not give in.他清楚地表明他不会屈服。
8. We don’t believe _______ _______ ______ _______ _____________.
9. Nobody knows _______ _______ _______ _______.没有人知道他来自哪里
10. I couldn’t understand _______ _______ ______________.我不能理解为什么被拒绝了。
11. _______ _______ _______ _______ all the museums will bereopened soon.
12. He insisted that he _______ in good health and _______ ______________ to workthere.
13. _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ should turn off thelights.
14. It is known to us all _______ _______ _______ _______ _______,there is harm.
15. The problem is _______ _______ _______ _______ ______________.


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名词性从句考纲解读掌握名词性从句的基本结构以及在句子中的作用;掌握名词行从句不同连接词;弄清名词性从句与定语从句及状语从句的区别。二. 高考要求名词性从句基本要求能力提升掌握名词性从句(主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)的基

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第一节 基本知识与基本概念【什么是名词性从句?】上一章,我们了解的是定语从句,加上我们以前了解的宾语从句和状语从句,好像“名词性从句”这个概念本身就和我们所熟知的概念不是一路货色。没错。请看下表:根据从句在句子中的功能分根据


定语从句专项练习1.The journey around theworld took the old sailor nine months, _____ the sailing time was226 days.(全国03 2004.28)A. of whichB. during which C. fromwhichD. for which2. George Orwe

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来源:学大教育 时间:2010-12-22 作者:学大教育  【Email转发】  【打印】',1)">【考情分析】名词性从句是历年高考的重点和难点也是热点。名词性从句相当于名词,可用作主句的主语、表语、宾语和同位语。因此,名词性从句分为主语从句
