童话破灭LostGoodThings-GhostStyle lost good things

童话破灭LostGoodThings-GhostStyle lost good things


简介:这首歌是电影《头文字D》中的插曲,很多人都以为是陈冠希唱的,但其实真正的歌者是这位Ghost Style。GhostStyle是香港本土的一位说唱歌手兼制作人。最为人知的是他于2002年发行的香港第一张英文Rap专辑《Ghost Style'sAlias》。另外,他是陈奕迅的说唱和音及制作人。Ghost Style真名叫BrandonHo,出生于加拿大的蒙特利尔。这首歌的背景音乐真的很好听,缓缓的音乐,安静的Rap,诉说着一个伤心的故事。


pull off my blindfold 摘下眼罩

and you just too cold发现你如此冷酷

you sold me truth 你对我隐瞒真相

baby I was so sold我竟然如此被你出卖

you might as well cut me up physically你怎么不干脆把我杀了算了

you know 你知道吗

you got me on the edge of the extremes你让我接近极限

and I can't believe it我无法相信

and don't know what to think也不知道该想些什么

summer time,my rhymes were so lovesick夏天我沉浸在爱的节奏中

now they so sick cause they ain't about love现在却如此痛苦因为那再也不是爱

here's a pop lick between us wasn'tenough唱一曲关于我们,难道我们之间还会有未完吗

and I know 我也知道

I felt good times come我以为属于我的美好时光到来

I thought they'd stay以为它们会停留

things undone they become what may没有完成的事情就让它们顺其自然

angels came天使降临

but they left you today今天却已经离你而去

and I let you slip away我放手让你走

listen now听着

burning empty still this can't be燃烧到尽头仍然不可能

believe it or not 不管你是否相信

not that happy不那么开心


it's heart in hell free from my cell其实是我的心远离打扰

but now left with no home但是现在已经没有了归宿

I want you to know想让你知道

I never would have oh figure out that way you play menow我从来没有想到你会这样玩弄我

it could have been forever本来可以永久

now it bringing me down现在却让我崩溃

the high and now the low高潮现在是低潮

up and down we go上上下下我们一起经历

put myself too close got burnt like toast我让自己太过投入结果烧的像一片吐司面包

feels like I'm sinking in the dead sea感觉自己像沉再一片死海

don't really care the sapce inside is so empty并不在乎心里的空间如此空虚


it's like it's over before begun好像还没开始就已经结束

this song is over now so was I want这首歌现在唱完了这就是我所想的


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/233232.html


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