Unit 5 Moral Values
I. Words & Expressions (TextA)
1. falter: vi. (L.4) startto lose strength or momentum 开始减弱; speak in ahesitant or unsteady voice 吞吞吐吐的说; move unsteadily orin a way that shows lack of confidence 蹒跚,踉跄
Her smilefaltered and then faded. 她的笑容渐渐收敛,然后消失了。
He falteredand finally stopped in midstride. 他退缩了,最终停步不前。
他的事业渐入低谷 His career isfaltering
2. incentive: n.(L.6)
1. a thingthat motivates or encourages one to do something刺激,鼓励,动机,诱因
2. apayment or concession to stimulate greater output or investment让利
The local government gave farmers an incentive to improve theirland. 当地政府鼓励农民改良土地。
set up an incentive bonus for highproductivity 设立刺激性奖金以提高的生产率
3.poison: v.(L.8) administer poison to (a person or animal),either deliberately or accidentally(故意或偶然)施毒,放毒
有害的烟污染了空气。Noxious fumes poison the air.
他的厌恶之情毒化了他对每个人的态度。 His disgust had poisoned his attitudetoward everyone.
4. stump:vt.. (L.10) usu. be stumped, (of aquestion or problem) be too hard for;baffle是为难,把…难住,使困惑
Educationchiefs were stumped by some of the exam questions.
Detectivesare stumped for a reason for the attack.
5. emerge: vi. (L.11)
1. move outof or away from something and come into view 浮现,显露
2. (of facts orcircumstances) become known 被知晓,暴露
The truthemerged at the inquest. 真相在询问中显露。
Sea mammalsmust emerge periodically to breathe.
It emergedthat the Trade Secretary and the Chancellor are still atloggerheads.
经济已开始从衰退中复苏。The economy has started to emerge from recession.
6. violate: vt.(L.19) 1. break or fail to comply with违反,违背
2. fail to respect (someone’speace, privacy, or rights) 扰乱;侵乱

They violated the terms of aceasefire. 他们违反了停火的条款。
They denied that human rightswere being violated. 他们否认人权受到侵犯。
Nowadays, it is widelyaccepted that it is immoral to violate other people’sprivacy.
7. arise: arose/arisen vi.(L.27)
1. (of a problem,opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent浮现;呈现,出现
2. come into being;originate 产生;源于
New difficulties had arisen.新的困难产生了。
The practice arose in thenineteenth century.这一做法源于19世纪。
arise from/out for: occur asa result 由于…而发生
Motorists are liable fordamages arising out of accidents.
These mistakes mainly arosefrom our misunderstanding.这些错误主要出自我们的误解。
8. lubricate: vt.(L.45)
1. to minimize friction andallow smooth movement 润滑
2. make (a process) runsmoothly 使顺畅,促进
remove the nut and lubricatethe thread 取下螺母并在螺纹上加润滑剂
The availability of creditlubricated the channels of trade.信贷的使用是贸易渠道更为畅通。
Men lubricated with alcoholspeak their true feelings.
9. fake: (L.50) n.1. a thing that is not genuine;假货,赝品; 2. a pretence or trick 骗局
Fakes of Old Masters18世纪前欧洲名画的仿制品
His excuse for coming was afake. 他来此地的借口是骗人的。
adj. notgenuine 伪造的,仿造的
fake designer clothing假冒的名牌服装
expressing fake emotions表达虚假的情感
v.forge or counterfeit 伪造,假冒
1. pretend to feel or sufferfrom (an emotion or illness) 假装,伪装(感情,疾病)
2. make…appear to happen捏造
He had begun to fake a badstomachache. 他开始假装胃部剧痛。
He faked his own death.他捏造了自己的死讯。
The woman faked her spouse’ssignature. 这女人伪造了丈夫的签名。
10. look upon…as: (L. 55)think of or regard in a specified way 看待
I look on tennis differentlyfrom some coaches. 我看待网球的方法与别的教练不同。
11. guarantee: n. (L.57)
1. a formal promise orassurance that certain conditions will be fulfilled保证书
2. something that gives acertainty of outcome 起保证作用的事物
We offer a 10-year guaranteeagainst rusting. 我们提供十年不生锈的保证。
Supervision can’t be aguarantee against a new offence. 监管不能成为不再违法的保证。
v. 1. provide aformal assurance or promise 做保证
2. provide financial securityfor 为…做经济担保
The company guarantees torefund your money. 公司保证退还您的钱
$100,000 is to be depositedto guarantee their phone bills.
本炊具保用5年。The cooker is guaranteed for fiveyears.
没有人能确保在股票上一定盈利。No one can guarantee a profit on stocksand shares.
12. precede: vt. (L.62)come before (something) intime/order/position 先于
A gun battle had preceded inthe explosions. 爆炸之前有过一场枪战。
Take time to read thechapters that precede the recipes 花些时间阅读食谱前面的几张
He let her precede himthrough the gate. 他让她先进门。
Phrase: precede sth. withsth.
He preceded the book with acollection of poems. 他在书的前面加上了一组诗。
13. vulnerable: adj. (L.84)exposed to the possibility of being attacked orharmed, either physically or emotionally易受攻击的,脆弱的
We were in a vulnerableposition. 我们处在弱势地位。
Small fish are vulnerable topredators. 小鱼易受食肉动物袭击。
“We are vulnerable both bywater and land, without either fleet orarmy.”“由于没有舰队和军队,我们在水路和陆路上都易受攻 击。”
14. lapse: n. (L.84)
1. a brief or temporaryfailure of concentration, memory, or judgment(注意力,记忆)短暂丧失,失误,差错
2. a weak or careless declinefrom previously high standards 衰退
3. an interval or passage oftime 时间间隔,时间段
A lapse of concentration inthe second round cost her the contest.
The police tried to trace hislapse into petty crime.
There was a considerablelapse of time between the two events.
vi. 1. (of aright, privilege, or agreement) become invalid because it is notused, claimed, or renewed; expire (权利,特权,协议)终止,失效
2.(of a stateor activity)fail to be maintained; come to an end中止,结束
He let hismembership of CND lapse. 他中止了自己的核裁军运动成员身份
If your diethas lapsed it’s time you revived it.如果你停止节食了,现在就应该恢复。
lapse into:
1. pass gradually into (aninferior state or condition) 堕入,陷入
2. revert to (a previous ormore familiar style of speaking or behaviour)回复(从前或习惯的言语行为方式)
The country has lapsed intochaos. 该国陷入混乱
The girls lapsed intoFrench. 这女孩又改说她习惯的法语了。
15. get away with: (L.85)to escape the consequences of (a blameworthy act, forexample): 逃避:逃避(如应受批评的行为的)后果:
He was very lucky to get awaywith his life. 他很幸运能死里逃生。
You will never get away withthis. 你对此事的责任是逃不掉的。
16. end up(+ving.) (L.87)eventually reach or come to a specified place, state, or courseof action 结果,最终达到,告终
I ended up in Eritrea结果我到了厄立特里亚
You could end up with ahigher income. 你最终会获得更高的收入。
17. confide: v.(L.95) tell someone about a secret or privatematter while trusting them not to repeat it to others吐露(秘密,私事);倾诉
vt. He confidedhis fears to his mother. 他向他母亲吐露了心中的恐惧。
He confided that stress hadcaused him to lose several pounds in weight.他吐露说压力使他的体重减轻了好几磅。
vi. confidein: trust (someone) enough to tell them of such a secret ora private matter 因信任(某人)而向其吐露(秘密,私事)
He confided in friends thathe and his wife planned to separate.
18. not…but…
These constitute your inner sense of what’sright and wrong based not on laws or rules of conduct but on whoyou are. (Line 23)这些构成了你内心判断正误的标准,不是基于法律或行为准则,而是基于你个人。
What is called “modern civilization” is not theresult of a balanced development of all man’s nature, butaccumulated knowledge applied to practicallife.所谓“现代文明”并非人的全部天性均衡发展的结果,而是把所积累的知识运用到实际生活中的结果。
Some satellite relay stations relay radio wavesto the earth but they receive the waves not from the earth, butfrom other space.某些卫星中继站向地球转播无线电波,但它们不是从地球而是从外层太空接受无线电波。
他没有充分考虑顾客的需求,他们要买的并不是他所想卖的东西,而是英国绅士想要卖的东西。He refuses to consider sufficiently the wants of the customers, whomust buy, not the thing he desires but the thing the Englishgentlemen want to sell.
They want not your pity but yourhelp.他们不需要你的同情,而需要你的帮助。
He helped not me but you.= He didn’t help me butyou.
He came not to help, but to hinder us.= Hedidn’t come to help, but to hinder us.
You should pay attention not to what they saybut to what they do.
I know not what course others may take, but, asfor me, give me liberty or give me death!
II. Words & Expressions (TextB)
1. clinch v.敲定,解决; 扭打 line 7
The Texan wanted to impresshim to clinch a business deal.
These findings clinched thematter. 这些发现最终解决了问题。
2. halt n.停止,暂停, 中断 line 12
a halt inproduction 生产停顿
call a halt
He decided to call a halt toall further discussion.他决定要求中止进一步的讨论。
vt.使停止, 使立定
There is growing pressure tohalt the bloodshed. 要求停止流血的压力越来越大。
She halted in midsentence. 句子说了一半她突然停了下来。
3. apt adj.易于...的,有...倾向的, 灵敏的 line 26
an aptreply 一个适宜的回答
She is apt to take offenseeasily. 她易于发怒。
A careless person is apt tomake mistakes. 粗心的人易犯错误。
4. restrain vt. 抑制,制止 line 26
Governments from differentcountries are making efforts to retrain inflation.
That aging lady couldn'trestrain the tears. 那位老妇人禁不住掉眼泪.
5. enforce vt. 强迫,执行, 坚持, 加强 line 42
The Principal enforced aregulation. 校长执行一项条例.
Illness enforced him toremain. 疾病迫使他终日闲着。
6. revolt v. 反抗,起义, 反叛, 反感, 厌恶line 46
to revolt at a public displayof cruelty 对残酷行为的公众展示感到厌恶
revolting against hightaxes. 反对高税收
They revolted from thesight. 他们因厌恶那景象而离开
n. He wasfacing a revolt in his own party. 他正面临这自己党内的反抗。
7. to one’s own advantage/ turn something toadvantage 使变得对自己有利 line58
A clever man always knows howto cope with things to his own advantage.
8. assume vt. 假定,设想, 采取, 呈现line 71
assume responsibility承担责任
assume another'sdebts.承继另一个人的债务
It is reasonable to assumethat such changes have significant social effects.
9. make out v. 书写,填写, 拼凑, 进展,说明, 设法应付, 理解,辨认出line 72
I could barely make out thetraffic signs through the rain.
The passersby could not makeout what she was saying. 路人都不能理解她在说些什么.
He made out that he wasinnocent.他试图证明自己是无辜的
10. in the long run adv.从长远看,从最终结果来看line73
We should evaluate the systemin the long run. 我们要从长远的角度来衡量这个系统。
11. inasmuchadv.因...之故,因为;就…而言line 76
A most unusual astronomerinasmuch as he was deaf mute.
These provisions apply onlyinasmuch as trade between Member States in affected.
III. Key to Enhance Your Language Awareness(p168-175)
Working with Words and Expressions
1. 1)visible 2)variety 3)function 4)casual 5)conventions 6)guarantee
7)infinite 8)emerged 9)dilemma 10)charm 11)internal 12) ounce
13)staff 14)consult 15)challenging
2. 1) becomeof 2) run the (red)light 3) shakeoff 4) disapprove of
5) showup 6) inasmuchas 7) makeout 8) inside out
Increasing Your Word Power
1. 1) faked mysignature 2) would be / wasaddressing a meeting / would address a meeting
3) theirright to free speech had beenviolated 4) enforcethem
5)constitutes a major threat
6) berestrained / restrain himself from doing much heavy work
7) Here aresome examples that can demonstrate
8) generatea feeling / sense of accomplishement
2. 1) regardlessof 2) While / Though /Although 3)as 4) In spite of /Despite
5) Though /Although / While 6)as 7) regardless of
8) in spiteof / despite 9)disregard
3. 1)empower 2)enable 3) encamped4)ensure 5) entitled
6)hardened 7) hasdsoftened 8)threatened 9)frightened 10) hastened
1. 1) where2) why 3)who 4)which 5)when 6)whose 7) whom
8) that /whch 9) whom
2. 1) The girls whom he employs are always…
2) He was …school, after which he went on to Cambridge.
3) This isJohn, with whose help I have finally come out of …
4) We were… village, which was threatened by growing poverty.
5) She wasdancing with a man who had a strange …
6) He paidme … 10 windows, most of which hadn’t been washed for …
1)constitue 2)based 3)traits 4)which 5)simply 6)wonder 7) despite
8)dilemma 9)talent 10)function 11)interaction 12)issues 13) figures
14) who 15)character
He consultsfor our company and we often consult him when we encounter problemsin our work.
2)不要试图去作弊——你决不会得逞的。(get away withsth.)
Don't try to cheat — you’llnever get away with it.
3)不论可能面临什么样的困难,我父亲总是很乐观。他给我们树立了一个正面的榜样。(regardlessof, role model)
My fatheris always optimistic, regardless of the difficulties that he mayface. He is a positive role model for us.
4)这本小说描写了20世纪二三十年代中国一个大家族的兴衰沉浮。(upsand downs)
This noveldecribes the ups and downs of a big family during China’s 1920’sand 1930’s.
5)做事只有好心是不够的,还要有理智。(in goodfaith)
It is notenough to act in good faith. We also need to actreasonably.
6)考试前开夜车(burn the midnightoil),你也许能考个好分数,但从长远看,平时用功才能真正取得学业成功。(in the longrun)
You mayscore good marks by burning the midnight oil before the exams,but in the long run you have to study hard every dayto achieve academic excellence.
7)不要长时间盯着电脑屏幕,每过一阵就要抬眼看看远处。(oncein a while)
Don’t stareat the computer screen for too long. Raise youreyes once in a while and look into thedistance.
8)从别人所犯的错误中吸取教训是很有益处的。(to one’sadvantage)
It’s toyour advantage to learn from the mistakes of others.
IV. Writing Skill
How to write an essay with cause-effectpattern
The topics of such essays are often associatedwith a certain phenomenon, which will cause a series of effectswhich may be good or/and bad. In order to explain the topic clearlyand carefully, the pattern of cause-effect can be applied. Thismeans the cause is presented first, and the effects followed whichmay not be only one. In this way, the logic can be clearlyshown.
It is suggested that students put the cause inthe beginning paragraph and use each of the following paragraphs toillustrate the effects. The last paragraph should be left to make ageneral evaluation or present solutions to the problems that may becaused by the effects.
Sample Writing
Writing topic:The unlimited use ofcars may cause many problems. What are those problems? In order toreduce the problems, should we discourage people to usecars?
The fast increase in the number of cars havebrought along many related problems which are well worth ourgreatest attention.
First of all, urban traffic is getting from badto worse. I’d like to cite my own experience as an example. Fiveyears ago, it took me about 30 minutes to drive from home tooffice. One year later, I needed to spend about 40 minutes on theway. Then two years later, I had to start out from home at least 1hour earlier in order to get to my office on good time for work.And then, since last year, it has just been too normal for me tospend about one and half hours to make it. The traffic just moveslike a worm!
Second, with the ever growing number of cars,air quality in urban areas is deteriorating with each passing day.We used to see clear blue sky and breathe fresh air, but now thiswould be a real luxury. Car exhaust has seriously polluted the airand people’s health is greatly endangered. It seems certain that wehuman beings have already made a fatal mistake that could only beremedied by bringing down the number of cars hugely.
Sure, we can not deny the fact that cars havebrought us speed, comfort and greater mobility. However, these havealready been history. We are suffering much more from cars thanbenefiting from them. Our health conditions are going down rapidlyboth due to the polluted air that we have to breathe every secondand our lack of exercise as a result of the ever increasing amountof time we have to spend behind the wheel!
What can we do? From the foregoing discussion,I’m sure we have already found a solution: to discourage people touse cars! I know very well that science and technology are alsodeveloping very fast and there might be better solutions coming upin the future, but, before that, let’s first salvage ourselves insuch a passive way!
Write a Passage as Required
Choice 1: Many animals are dyingout.
Choice 2: More and more people are goingout to foreign countries.