型号 上市年份 中止年份 制造开始号制造中止号
Original F3.8/F4.5 1928 1932 1 199999
Standard Type 1/Type2 1932 1934 200000 567550
Standard Type3 1934 1938 200000 567550
2.8 A Type 1 1949 1951 1101000 1139999
2.8 A Type 2 1951 1951 1201000 1203999
2.8 B 1952 1953 1204000 1259999
2.8 C 1953 1955 1260000 1457405
2.8 D 1955 1956 1600000 1620100
2.8 E 1956 1959 1621000 1664999
2.8 E2 1959 1960 2350000 2356999
2.8 E3 1962 1965 2360000 2362024
2.8 F 1960 1981 2400000 2451850
2.8 F Type 2 1966 1976 2451851 2479999
2.8 F Type 3 1969 1976 2600000 2799999
2.8 F Type 4 1976 1980 2900000 2959999
2.8 F Aurum 1982 7570001 7571249
2.8 F Aurum 1983 8300000 8301499
2.8 F Platin 1984 1990 2985000 2985499
2.8 F Aurum Platin 1989 1990 2986500 2986599
2.8 GX 1987 2985500
2.8 GX Edition 1989 1991 5010000 5017999
2.8 GX Newton 1992 1993 6030000 8036999
Magic I 1960 1962 2500000 2534999
Magic II 1962 1968 2535000 2547597
Automat Type 1/Type 2 1937 1939 568516 805000
Automat Type 3 1939 1945 805000 1050000
Standard Neu 1939 1941 805000 927999
Automat Type 4 1945 1949 1050000 1099999
Automat Model X 1949 1951 1000000 1168000
Automat MX(V) 1951 1954 1200000 1427999
3.5 MX-EVS Type 1 1954 1955 1428000 1479999
3.5 MX-EVS Type 2 1955 1956 1479000 1739999
3.5 E(with Lightmeter) 1956 1959 1740000 1787849
3.6 E(without Lightmeter) 1956 1959 1850000 1869999
3.5 E2 1959 1961 1870000 1872999
3.5 E3 1961 1965 2380000 2385050
T Type 1 1958 1966 2100000 2199999
T Type 2 1966 1970 2220000 2313999
T Type 3 1971 1976 2314000 2320300
3.5 F Type 1 1958 1960 2200000 2229999
3.5 F Type 2 1960 1960 2230000 2241500
3.5 F Type 3 1960 1964 2250000 2815050
3.5 F Type 4 1965 1976 2800000 2844999
3.5 F Type 5 1979 1979 2845000 2857149
3.5 F Type 5 1979 1979 3555000 3559999
Tele & Wide-Angle
Tele 1959 1975 2300000 2304999
Tele 1970 1975 2305000 2308400
Wide Angle 1961 1967 2490000 2493999
1(Art Deco) 1933 1936 1460000 1760000
I 1934 1936 1590000 1759999
la Type 1 1936 1937 1760000 1947000
II Type 1 1936 1938 1758000 1973999
la Type 2 1937 1938 1945000 2183000
II Type 2 1937 1938 1966000 2124000
la Type 3 1938 1947 611000 1042999
II Type 3 1938 1939 612000 888999
II Type 4 1939 1949 859000 1006999
II Type 5 1949 1950 1007000 1134999
III 1950 1953 1137000 1344050
IV 1953 1954 1344051 1390999
V 1954 1957 1500000 1583999
Va Type 1 1957 1958 1584000 1599999
Va Type 2 1958 1961 1906000 1943999
Vb Type 1 1962 1967 2600000 2649999
Vb Type 2 1968 1975 2650000 2665999
Baby Rolleiflex 3.8/2.8 1931 1933 125000 145100
Black Baby Rolleiflex 1933 1938 150000 524999
Baby Rolleiflex(Sports) 1938 1941 622000 734999
Grey Baby Rollei 1957 1959 2000001 2069999
Black Baby Rollei 1963 1968 2065000 2069999
禄来厂生产的多种双反相机,其中禄来康特[即Rollekonter],禄来可得[Rolleicord]是作为普及简易型供应市场,但也具备了相当水准的机械及光学素质.而禄来弗来克斯[Rolleiflex]的市场定位是高级专业型,追求的是“百年有形”一直按照高级专业水准而设计制造。几经改进后的“禄来弗来”双反,生产在五十年代中叶,六.七十年代。其中:E,F ,T , 等机种型号,在机械结构,生产工艺,制造技术,产品配套及性能上均达到较高水平,在国际市场上曾经畅销一
The following serial number ranges have been collected from severalsources. Serial numbers followed by an asterisk (*) have beencorrected by me. If you have any comments or want to report aserial number you can contact me on this address: PeterRongsted
Start S/N End S/N Prochnow Parker Evans
1 199.999 Rolleiflex 3,8 model 1 Original Rolleiflex 6x6 3.8Original Rolleiflex
1 199.999 Rolleiflex 3,8 model 2 Original Rolleiflex 6x6 3.8Original Rolleiflex
1 199.999 Rolleiflex 4,5 model 1 Original Rolleiflex 6x6 4.5Original Rolleiflex
1 199.999 Rolleiflex 4,5 model 2 Original Rolleiflex 6x6 4.5Original Rolleiflex
125.000 * 145.100 * Rolleiflex 4x4 2,8 model 1 Baby 4x4 1931Rolleiflex 2.8 Original Baby
125.000 * 145.000 * Rolleiflex 4x4 3,5 model 1 Baby 4x4 1931Rolleiflex 3.5 Ori ginal Baby
127.000 523.000 Rolleiflex 4x4 3,5 model 2 Baby 4x4 1934 RolleiflexBlack Baby (type 1)
150.000 * 154.999 * Rolleiflex 4x4 2,8 model ? Baby 4x4 1933Rolleiflex Black Baby (type 2)
150.000 * 154.999 * Rolleiflex 4x4 3,5 model ? Baby 4x4 1933Rolleiflex Black Baby (type 1)
155.000 * 523.000 Rolleiflex 4x4 2,8 model 2 Baby 4x4 1934Rolleiflex Black Baby (type 2)
155.000 * 524.999 * Rolleiflex 4x4 2,8 model 3 Baby 4x4 1937Rolleiflex Black Baby (type 4)
155.000 * 523.000 Rolleiflex 4x4 3,5 model 3 Baby 4x4 1937Rolleiflex Black Baby (type 3)
200.000 567.000 Rolleiflex Standard 3,5 Original StandardRolleiflex Model 622 Old Standard Rolleiflex (type 3)
200.000 567.000 Rolleiflex Standard 3,8 Original StandardRolleiflex Model 621 Old Standard Rolleiflex (type 1)
200.000 567.000 Rolleiflex Standard 4,5 Original StandardRolleiflex Model 620 Old Standard Rolleiflex (type 2)
568.516 610.645 Rolleiflex Automat model 1 Automat 6x6 Model 1Automatic Rolleiflex (type 1)
610.646 804.999 Rolleiflex Automat model 2 Automat 6x6 Model 1Automatic Rolleiflex (type 2)
611.000 1.042.100 Rolleicord Ia model 3 Rolleicord Ia type 3Rolleicord Ia (type 3)
611.000 1.042.100 Rolleicord Ia Polizei
613.000 859.000 Rolleicord II model 3 Rolleicord IIb Rolleicord II(type 3)
622.000 734.999 * Rolleiflex 4x4 2,8 model 4 Baby 4x4 1938Rolleiflex Sports Rolleiflex
805.000 999.999 * Rolleiflex Automat model 3 Automat RolleiflexModel 2 Automatic Rolleiflex (type 3)
806.000 927.999 Rolleiflex Standard neu New Standard Rolleiflex NewStandard Rolleiflex
850.000 850.999 * Rolleiflex 4x4 2,8 Warmodel Baby 4x4 1938Rolleiflex Sports Rolleiflex
859.000 1.095.425 Rolleicord II model 4 Rolleicord IIc RolleicordII (type 4)
859.000 1.135.999 Rolleicord II Phillips model
980.000 1.095.425 Rolleicord II model 5 Rolleicord IIc RolleicordII (type 5)
1.000.000 * 1.049.999 * Rolleiflex Automat model 3 AutomatRolleiflex Model 2 Automatic Rolleiflex (type 4)
1.050.000 * 1.099.999 Rolleiflex Automat model 3 Automat RolleiflexModel 3 Automatic Rolleiflex (type 4)
1.100.000 1.168.999 Rolleiflex 3,5 Automat Rolleiflex Model XRolleiflex X (type 1/2)
1.101.000 1.164.999 Rolleiflex 2,8 A Rolleiflex 2.8A Type 1Rolleiflex 2.8A (type 1)
1.102.000 1.135.999 Rolleicord II model 6 Rolleicord IId RolleicordII (type 5)
1.137.000 1.199.999 Rolleicord III Rolleicord III Rolleicord III(type 1/2)
1.200.000 1.200.999 * Rolleiflex 3,5 A Automat Rolleiflex Model 4Rolleiflex MX (type 1)
1.201.000 1.204.999 Rolleiflex 2,8 A Rolleiflex 2.8A Type 2Rolleiflex 2.8A (type 2)
1.205.000 * 1.219.999 * Rolleiflex 3,5 A Automat Rolleiflex Model 4Rolleiflex MX (type 1)
1.220.000 1.220.999 Rolleiflex 2,8 B Rolleiflex 2.8B Rolleiflex2.8B (type 1)
1.221.000 * 1.298.999 Rolleiflex 3,5 A Automat Rolleiflex Model 4Rolleiflex MX (type 1)
1.260.000 1.260.249 Rolleiflex 2,8 B Rolleiflex 2.8B Rolleiflex2.8B (type 2)
1.260.250 1.261.999 * Rolleiflex 2,8 C Rolleiflex 2.8C Rolleiflex2.8C (type 1)
1.280.000 * 1.285.999 Rolleiflex 2,8 C Rolleiflex 2.8C Rolleiflex2.8C (type 1)
1.292.000 1.292.999 Rolleiflex 2,8 C Rolleiflex 2.8C Rolleiflex2.8C (type 1)
1.300.000 1.344.050 Rolleicord III Rolleicord III Rolleicord III(type 2)
1.344.051 1.390.999 Rolleicord IV Rolleicord IV Rolleicord IV
1.400.000 1.475.405 Rolleiflex 2,8 C Rolleiflex 2.8C Rolleiflex2.8C (type 2)
1.401.000 1.427.999 Rolleiflex 3,5 A Automat Rolleiflex Model 4Rolleiflex MX (type 2)
1.428.000 1.499.999 Rolleiflex 3,5 B Rolleiflex 3.5 MX-EVS 3.5Rolleiflex MX-EVS (type 1)
1.500.000 1.583.999 Rolleicord V Rolleicord V Ro禄来lleicord V
1.584.000 1.599.999 Rolleicord Va model 1 Rolleicord Va Type 1Rolleicord Va (type 1)
1.600.000 1.620.100 Rolleiflex 2,8 D Rolleiflex 2.8D Rolleiflex2.8D
1.621.000 1.665.999 Rolleiflex 2,8 E Rolleiflex 2.8E Rolleiflex2.8E
1.700.000 1.737.999 Rolleiflex 3,5 B Rolleiflex 3.5 MX-EVS 3.5Rolleiflex MX-EVS (type 2)
1.740.000 1.787.999 Rolleiflex 3,5 C Rolleiflex 3.5 E Rolleiflex3.5 E (type 1)
1.850.000 1.868.999 Rolleiflex 3,5 C Rolleiflex 3.5 E Rolleiflex3.5 E (type 2)
1.870.000 1.871.999 Rolleiflex 3,5 E2 model 1 Rolleiflex 3.5 E2Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 (type 1)
1.900.000 1.906.999 Rolleicord Va model 1 Rolleicord Va Type 2Rolleicord Va (type 1)

1.905.000 1.943.999 Rolleicord Va model 2 Rolleicord Va Type 2Rolleicord Va (type 2)
2.000.001 2.064.999 Rolleiflex 4x4 grau Baby 4x4 1957 GreyRolleiflex Grey Baby
2.064.000 2.069.120 Rolleiflex 4x4 schwarz Baby 4x4 1963 BlackRolleiflex Post-war Black Baby
2.100.000 2.155.999 Rolleiflex T model 1 Rolleiflex T 1 RolleiflexT (type 1)
2.156.000 2.156.249 Rolleiflex T speciel edition 24 ? ?
2.157.000 2.199.999 Rolleiflex T model 2 Rolleiflex T 1 RolleiflexT (type 1)
2.200.000 2.219.999 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 1 Rolleiflex 3.5F Model1 Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 1)
2.220.000 * 2.229.999 * Rolleiflex T model 3 Rolleiflex T 2Rolleiflex T (type 2)
2.230.000 2.241.499 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 2 Rolleiflex 3.5F Model2 Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 2)
2.242.000 * 2.249.999 Rolleiflex T model 3 Rolleiflex T 2Rolleiflex T (type 3)
2.250.000 2.299.999 * Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Rolleiflex 3.5FModel 3 Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 3)
2.300.000 2.306.871 Tele-Rolleiflex model 1 Tele Rolleiflex TeleRolleiflex (type 1)
2.306.872 2.308.498 Tele-Rolleiflex model 2 Tele Rolleiflex TeleRolleiflex (type 2)
2.310.000 2.313.949 Rolleiflex T model 3 Rolleiflex T 2 RolleiflexT (type 3)
2.314.000 2.320.449 Rolleiflex T model 3 Rolleiflex T 3 RolleiflexT (type 3)
2.350.000 2.357.999 Rolleiflex 2,8 E2 Rolleiflex 2.8E 2 Rolleiflex2.8 E2
2.360.000 2.362.024 Rolleiflex 2,8 E3 Rolleiflex 2.8E 3 Rolleiflex2.8 E3
2.380.000 2.385.034 Rolleiflex 3,5 E3 Rolleiflex 3.5 E3 Rolleiflex3.5 E3
2.400.000 2.479.999 Rolleiflex 2,8 F Rolleiflex 2.8F Rolleiflex2.8F (type 1/2)
2.480.000 2.481.999 Rolleiflex 3,5 E2 model 2 Rolleiflex 3.5 E2Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 (type 2)
2.490.000 2.493.501 Weitwinkel-Rolleiflex model 1 Wide-AngleRolleiflex Wide-Angle Rollei
2.493.502 2.493.905 Weitwinkel-Rolleiflex model 2 Wide-AngleRolleiflex Wide-Angle Rollei
2.500.000 2.524.999 Rolleimagic Rollei Magic I Rollei-magic I
2.535.000 2.547.600 Rolleimagic II Rollei Magic II Rollei-magicII
2.600.000 2.645.999 Rolleicord Vb model 1 Rolleicord Vb Type 1Rolleicord Vb (type 1)
2.647.000 2.677.534 Rolleicord Vb model 2 Rolleicord Vb Type 2Rolleicord Vb (type 2)
2.800.000 * 2.844.999 * Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Rolleiflex 3.5FModel 4 Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 3/4)
2.845.000 * 2.857.149 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Rolleiflex 3.5FModel 5 Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 4)
2.950.000 2.984.999 Rolleiflex 2,8 F Rolleiflex 2.8F 4 Rolleiflex2.8F (type 2)
2.985.001 2.985.500 Rolleiflex 2,8 F Edition 1984 Platin Rolleiflex2.8F Platin Rolleiflex 2.8F Platin Edition
2.985.501 Rolleiflex 2,8 GX Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Rolleiflex 2.8GX
3.555.000 * 3.559.999 * Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Rolleiflex 3.5FModel 5 Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 5
7.570.001 7.571.249 * Rolleiflex 2,8 F Aurum Rolleiflex 2.8F AurumRolleiflex 2.8F Aurum
8.300.001 8.301.500 Rolleiflex 2,8 F Aurum Rolleiflex 2.8F AurumRolleiflex 2.8F Aurum
禄来双反是双反相机里的极品, 带Zeiss镜头2.8F则是极品中的极品.
它的机身在档次上有差异, 但是不是很大, 更多人是在意配合它的不同镜头的不同表现.而且不同时代的镜头更有一些特殊的风格.这些都是针对于真正的罗来相机爱好者的而言的.那些真正的罗来的狂热着是不太在意那个好, 那个不好. 每一种机身都由它们的生命. 但是,也正因为各自镜头的不同表现,他们往往都拥有不止一台的罗来相机, 在他们看来,仅仅拥有1台机身还是不足以充分领会罗来的乐趣.
但是, 话又说回来, 对于他们, 没有领会Zeiss镜头2.8F的妙处是不可以原谅的,那毕竟是禄来的精美的机身和精致影调再现的蔡司镜头的叠加. 对于他们而言, 可以少拥有1, 2台其它禄来机身,但是不能没有Zeiss镜头2.8F. 所以, 它的价格高涨而且流通很少. 比如说,好的品像的它可以容易地标上25万日币以上
的价格, 可是一般的一些禄来相机, 7万日币可以买到.
玩禄来相机最好是在经历过追求高解像度镜头之后为佳. 因为配合禄来的镜头都是一些影调再现非常细腻,非常人性化的表现.没有那些该死的高解像度镜头做陪称,大多数的人们不会"深刻"地感受到禄来的妙处.不会对禄来带来的那种"异类"的美所感动.