Mon., Oct. 8,2012, Issue #81 | Read Newsletter Online | See Previous Issues |
Welcome toCUDA: WEEK INREVIEW, a news summary for the worldwide CUDA,GPGPU and parallel programming community. |
| CUDA TECH TIP: How to detect CUDA compute capability at compiletime. See tip below. |
| | YOUR CUDA STORY ATSC12: Let us know howyou use CUDA in 140 characters or less. Your submission will beconsidered for display on NVIDIA’s SC12 booth (#2217) and website. Reply to the one-minute survey. |
| | CUDA SPOTLIGHT | Using GPUs to Study the HumanBrain This week’s Spotlight is on Dr. Anders Eklund, a postdoc atthe Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute. Anders was a CUDASpotlight in 2011 while a student at Linkoping University inSweden. We caught up with him recently to learn about his currentwork. Read the interview here. | |
| | CUDA NEWS | Robotic Bees? The i09 website reports on a GPU computing project at theUniversities of Sheffield and Sussex, where scientists "are hopingto create the first accurate computer simulation of a honey beebrain - and then upload it into an autonomous flying robot…. Theresearchers hope a robotic insect could supplement or replace theshrinking population of honey bees." See:
Chemistry and LifeScience Equip@meso will hold its first-ever scientific event - "Chemistryand Life Science: Numerical Simulation to HPC" - on Oct. 18 at theUniversity of Strasbourg. Equip@meso is a France-based initiativeto create a network of supercomputers for calculation-intensivetasks. See:
 F# on theGPU At the "F#unctional Londoners" Meetup on Oct. 18, attendees willhear a talk by Daniel Egloff on F# on the GPU with Alea.CUDA. Dr.Egloff is the founder of QuantAlea. See:
HPC SolutionsWorkshop Dell is holding an event called "Enabling Discovery with Dell HPCSolutions" on Oct. 25 in Baltimore, Maryland. The workshop istargeted to researchers and developers. Speakers include: •TamasBudavari, Johns Hopkins University •AnupMahurkar, University of Maryland Baltimore •JeffreyB. Klauda, University of Maryland College Park •KevinHildebrand, University of Maryland College Park •JonathanBentz, NVIDIA See:
CUDAConsulting Training, programming, and project development services areavailable from CUDA consultants around the world. To be consideredfor inclusion on list, email: (with CUDA Consultingin subject line).
GPU Computing onTwitter For daily updates about GPU computing and parallel programming,follow @gpucomputing on Twitter. |
| | GPU THESIS WATCH | Title: CUDAImplementation of Parallel Algorithms for Animal NoseprintIdentification Author: Vincent Stanley Dayes, San Diego State University Advisor: William Root, San Diego State University URL: | | CUDA JOB OF THE WEEK | Ventana MedicalSystems, a member of theRoche Group, is seeking a Senior Imaging Scientist withexpertise in image processing and computer vision to work with acollaborative team of engineers and scientists on initiativespertaining to digital pathology. Familiarity with CUDA a plus. See: | | NEW ON THE NVIDIA BLOG | back to the top | Stay up to dateby reading the NVIDIA blog: GPU-Accelerated Computing Surges in Russia, bySumit Gupta Synerscope: Data Analysis for the Rest of Us,by Brian Caulfield | | GPU MEETUPS | back to the top | Find a GPU Meetupin your location, or start one up. Upcoming meetings include: Silicon Valley, Oct. 8 Paris, Oct. 18 (special full day event) Brisbane, Oct. 25 New York, Oct. 30
Note: If you would be interested joining a GPU Meetup inMinneapolis, Minn., see: | | CUDA TECH TIP | back to the top | Detect CUDA Compute Capability at CompileTime When nvcc compiles a .cu file, it defines the __CUDA_ARCH__ preprocessor macro to a value representing theCUDA Compute Capability. Section 6.7.4 of the NVCC documentation("CUDA Compiler Driver NVCC," included with the CUDA Toolkit)states that: …the architecture identification macro__CUDA_ARCH__ is assigned a three-digit value string xy0 (ending in aliteral 0) during each nvcc compilation stage 1 that compilesfor compute_xy. This macro can be used in the implementation of GPUfunctions for determining the virtual architecture for which it iscurrently being compiled. The host code (the non-GPU code) must notdepend on it. As an example,this function uses the macro to only call Compute Capability 2.0functions on devices that support them: | #if __CUDA_ARCH__>= 200 intb = __ballot(); intp = popc(b & lanemask); #else //do something else for earlier architectures #endif | (Source: Stack Overflow) | | CUDA CALENDAR | back to the top | October-December - GPU Acceleration inBioinformatics Oct. 9, 2012,London, U.K. Sponsored by Institute for Cancer Research and NVIDIA |
- OpenACC Directives with PGIAccelerator Compilers (Webinar)
Oct. 11,2012 Taught by Michael Wolfe, PGI Note: Final webinar in a 3-part series |
- OpenACC Workshop (RWTHAachen University)
Oct. 11-12, 2012,Aachen, Germany Taught by Timo Stich, NVIDIA and Sandra Wienke, RWTH AachenUniversity |
- Nsight Eclipse: HighProductivity IDE for CUDA on Linux, MacOS(Webinar)
Oct. 12, 2012,10:00 am IST |
- Portability, Scalability,Numerical Stability in Accelerated Kernels(Webinar)
Oct. 16, 2012,9:00 am PT Speaker: John Stratton, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign |
- OpenACC Workshop (NationalScience Foundation, USA)
Oct. 16-17,2012 Hosted by Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center, Natl. Inst. forComputational Sciences, Georgia Tech Note: Telecast to 10 satellite sites around the USA |
- Dell HPC SolutionsWorkshop
Oct. 25, 2012,Baltimore, Maryland Note: Includes talks by researchers, complimentary lunch |
- GPU Accelerated Applicationsand Academic Research
Oct. 31, 2012,10:00 am PT Speaker: Devang Sachdev, NVIDIA |
- 4-Day CUDA Training Course(Acceleware)
Nov. 6-9, 2012,Houston, Texas |
- SC12
Nov. 10-16, 2012,Salt Lake City, Utah |
- GPUs in theCloud
Dec. 3-6, 2012,Taipei, Taiwan |
- Many-Core DeveloperConference (UKMAC 2012)
Dec. 5, 2012,University of Bristol, UK |
2013 - GPU Tech Conference March 18-21,2013, San Jose, Calif. |
(To list an event, email: |
| | CUDARESOURCES | Downloads | – CUDA – CUDA 5 survey: – Nsight: – CARMA (pre-register): | CUDA on the Web | – GPU Test – Learn more about CUDA: – Follow CUDA & GPU Computing on Twitter: – Network with other developers: – Stay tuned to GPGPU news and events: – Newsletter archive: – CUDA Spotlights: |
| | ABOUT CUDA | CUDA® is aparallel computing platform and programming model invented byNVIDIA. It enables dramatic increases in computing performance byharnessing the power of the graphics processing unit (GPU). NVIDIAprovides a complete toolkitfor programming on the CUDA architecture, supporting standard computinglanguages such as C, C++ and Fortran. Send comments andsuggestions on the newsletter to | | You are receivingthis email because you have previously expressed interest in NVIDIAproducts and technologies. Click here to opt in specifically to CUDA: Week inReview. | | Feel free toforward this email to customers, partners and colleagues.
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