1、Paging seal—在盖有许多页纸的文件或合同时,把文件几页纸张的边缝连在一起盖章.具有防止在文件内增减页码的作用,以保持原件的完整性。
来看Workers' Daily的一项报道 – A company denied their employmentrelationship with a worker and refused to pay social insurance forhim under the pretense that his labor contract was invalid since ithad no "paging seal" i.e. an officialseal spanning across the contract pages. According to the localauthority, the reason provided by the company had no legalbasis.某公司以与某员工签订的劳动合同上未加盖“骑缝章”而拒绝承认与该员工的用工关系并拒绝为其购买社会保险。骑缝章即在横跨合同各页的印章。据当地权威人士称,该公司提供的理由没有法律依据。另外,cross-pageseal与Paging seal同意。
2、a seal on theperforation公章要均匀盖压在两页可折叠纸的中缝上,一半留作存根,另一半持作凭证,验证时,两半相对,公章应完整、合一,我们暂且称之为中缝章。此时“perforation”的意思是arow of small holes punched in a sheet of paper, e.g. of postagestamps, so that a part can be torn offeasily,即打印在表单或纸张上的一排微孔,以便撕下另一部分。我们公司的业务招待申请单就是这样,层层签字审批完后,在中缝加盖公章,一半CEO办公室留作存根,另一半给申请部门。
而在无线电管理局颁布的Provisions on the Management of ImportofRadioTransmission Equipment(《进口无线电传输设备的管理规定》)中有这么一段“This table is validwhen sealed on the perforation withRatification Statement for Customs Entry of RadioEquipment”,此表与无线电传输设备入关审查批件一并加盖骑缝章有效。
同样,天津电子表实验所出示的检验报告中出现“This report is invalid without special sealfor test and seal on theperforation”---本报告无“实验专用章”和“骑缝章”无效。
可见a sealon the perforation即可做“中缝章”用,也可作“骑缝章”用。