Exchange Participant of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited
Termsand Conditions of Futures Trading Agreement (ElectronicTrading)
1.Interpretation 释义
2.Transactions subject to Laws, Rules of Exchanges, etc.交易须符合法律、交易所规则等
3. Dealingand Clearing 交易及结算
4.Instructions 指示
5.Restriction on use of information 对使用数据的限制
6.Intellectual Property 知识产权
7.Delivery 交付
8.Margins/Payments 保证金/付款
9.Default 违约
10. SetOff 抵销
11.Security 保证
12. NoAssignment and Succession 不可转让及继任
13. NoWaiver 不放弃权利
14.Charges 收费
15.Liability and Indemnity 责任与弥偿
16.Warranties and Undertakings 保证与承诺
17.Currency Transactions 货币交易
18. Timeof Essence 时间要素
19.Negative Pledge 质押
20.Suspension and Termination 暂止及终止
21.Further Assurance 进一步保证
22.Compliance with Laws 遵守法律
23.Communications 通知
24.Translation 翻译
25.Payment to Client 予客户的付款
26.Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Service of LegalDocuments
27.Limitation of Liability, Indemnity and Ratification法律责任范围、弥偿保证和追认规定
28.General 一般规定
Theseterms and conditions set out the rights and obligations of you (the“Client”) and us, OSK Futures Hong Kong Limited (OSKFHK, the“Broker”), in connectionwith the operation of your electronic trading account(s) opened orto be opened with us for dealing in and with futures and options.All the terms and conditions below are legally binding, so pleaseread them carefully or seek legal professional advice before youagree to be bound by them.
1. Interpretation释义
1.1 Inthis Agreement, unless the context requires在本合约中,除非下文另有规定,否则:
“Access Code” means theLogin User Name and/or the PIN/Password;
「进入密码」 指登入用户名称及/或PIN/密码;
“Account” means any oneor more electronic trading account(s) opened, maintained andoperated by the Client with OSKFHK from time to time for use inconnection with the purchases, sales, holdings or other dealing infutures and options and other financial products effected throughOSKFHK on behalf of the Client;
「账户」 指已在侨丰开立、维持及运作的一个或以上的电子交易账户,用以透过侨丰代表客户进行期货及期权或其它金融产品的买卖或持有;
“Account-OpeningDocuments” means the documents to open an Account (incorporatingamong others, a Client Information Statement, Risk DisclosureStatement and Disclaimers) duly signed by the Client as well as allthose documents furnished by the Client in support of itsapplication for opening account(s) with the Broker;
「开户文件」 指客户妥为签署的开户文件(包括客户数据表、风险披露声明书及免责声明),并包括客户因支持其申请在经纪处开户而提供的所有该等文件;
“Agreement” means theseterms and conditions, Risk Disclosure Statement, Disclaimers, thecircular to Client relating to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance,and Client Information Form which shall be read together as oneagreement as original executed or thereafter may from time to timebe amended or supplemented;
「本合约」 指本条款及细则、风险披露声明书、免责声明、个人资料(私隐)条例客户通告及客户数据表(上述文件应合并理解为原来签订的或其后不时修订或补充的一份协议);
“Asset” means items,whether or not capable of being delivered, such as cash,currencies, securities, investments, deposits, commodities orfinancial instruments (including futures contracts or optioncontacts) traded on an Exchange;
「资产」 指在交易所交易的项目(不论该项目能否予以交付),例如现金、货币、证券、投资、存款、商品或金融工具(包括期货合约或期权合约);
“Authorized Person”means, if the Client consists of one or more individuals, each suchindividual and any other person specified as an Authorized Personin the Client Information Form or, if the Client is a bodycorporate, any director or other person specified as an AuthorizedPerson in the Client Information Form, and in either case suchother person(s) as appointed in substitution therefor or inaddition thereto and notified in writing to the Broker by anAuthorized Person from time to time provided that any suchappointment of other Authorized Person(s) shall beeffective
from thetime of actual receipt of notification by the Broker;
「获授权人士」 若客户由一名或多于一名个人组成,指该等每个人及客户资料表指明为获授权人士的任何其它人,若客户为法人团体,指客户数据表指明为获授权人士的任何董事或其它人士。在上述两种情况下,还包括经由一位获授权人士以书面通知经纪的获委任作为代替之其它人士或额外委任之作为获授权人士的其它人士,惟上述之其它获授权人士之委任,将于经纪实际收讫通知时生效;
“Beneficial Identity ofa Client” means the ultimate beneficiary of an individual clientaccount or in the case of a company or body corporate, theindividuals who are the ultimate beneficial owners of the sharecapital of the company or body corporate and includes a beneficiaryholding an interest through a nominee or trust.
「客户的受益身份」 指个人客户账户的最终受益人,或如客户为公司或法人团体,则指公司或法人团体的股份资本最终实益拥有人,包括通过代名人或信托而持有利益的受益人;
“Charged Securities”means such securities, investments and financial instruments(including the benefit of any foreign exchange contracts,commodities contracts or futures contracts or option contracts orany other property whatsoever) as the Client may, with theagreement of the Broker, deposit with or transfer to the Broker byway of security to protect the Broker against any loss or risk ofloss on present, future or contemplated Contracts and/or ClientContracts;
「抵押证券」 指客户可在经纪的同意下以抵押形式存放于或转移予经纪,以保障经纪免受现在、将来或已筹划的合约及/或客户合约的任何亏损或亏损风险的各类证券、投资及金融工具(包括任何外汇合约、商品合约或期货合约或期权合约的权益或任何其它形式的财物);
“Clearing House” meansin relation to HKFE, HKCC and, in relation to any other Exchangesany clearing house providing similar services for suchExchange;
「结算所」 指就期交所而言,期交所结算有限公司,及就任何其它交易所而言,为该交易所提供同样服务的任何结算所;
“Clearing House Margin”means the amount of cash required by way of margin, variationadjustment and/or interest rate cash adjustment (howsoeverdescribed) under the rules and regulations of the relevantExchange, and/or Clearing House to be taken by the Broker from theClient together with all sums of margin, variation adjustmentand/or interest rate cash adjustment (howsoever described) forwhich the Broker must account to the relevant Exchange or ClearingHouse;
「结算所保证金」 指就有关交易所及/或结算所之规则和规例指定,需要以保证金、变价调整及/或利率现金调整(不论实际称谓如何)的方式,由经纪从客户收取的现金款额,连同经纪必须向有关交易所或结算所作出交代的保证金、变价调整及/或利率现金调整(不论实际称谓如何)的所有金额;
“Client” means anyindividual, firm or company under the Account whose particulars areset out in Client Information Form;
「客户」 指任何个人、公司或商行的账户,其数据详载于客户数据表;
“Client Contract” meansa Futures Contract or Option Contract between the Broker and theClient which is matched by a Contract and is identical in its termsexcept as to price and/or parties;
「客户合约」 指经纪与客户之间,以某合约相配并除价格及/或立约人外,其它条款均相同的期货合约或期权合约;
“Client InformationForm” means the form to open an account duly completed and signedby the Client as well as all those documents furnished by theClient in support of the application for opening an account withthe Broker;
「客户数据表」 指客户填写及签署的开立交易账户之表格,并包括客户向经纪申请开立账户而提供的所有文件;
“Close out” means theentering into of a Contract equal and opposite to a Contractpreviously entered into (and each matching a Client Contract) so asto create a level position in relation to the Assets underlying theContracts, or in relation to the Contracts themselves and fix theamount of profit or loss arising from such Contracts (and withrespect to the corresponding Client Contract); and the terms“closed out Contract” and “closing out” shall be construedaccordingly;
「平仓」 指订立与过往订立的合约等同及相反的合约(而所有均与某客户合约对配),以就有关合约的资产或就该等合约自身造成同等持仓,并订定由该合约(及就相应的客户合约)引起的利润或亏损的款额;而「已平仓合约」及「平仓」等词将据此解释;
“Code of Conduct” meansthe Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with theSecurities and Futures Commission;
「操守准则」 指《证券及期货事务监察委员会持牌人或注册人操守准则》;
“Commission” means theSecurities and Futures Commission;
「证监会」 指证券及期货事务监察委员会;
“Contract” means aFutures Contract or Option Contract entered into through aDealer;
「合约」 指通过交易商订立的期货合约或期权合约;
“Dealer” means suchmember of an Exchange and/or Clearing House as is instructed by theBroker to enter into Futures Contracts or Option Contracts on anExchange, and/or clear the same;
「交易商」 指被经纪指示订立及/或撤销交易所之期货合约或期权合约的交易所及/或结算所会员;
“Deposited Securities”means Charged Securities, the certificates or documents of title towhich the Client has deposited by way of Margin;
「寄存证券」 指抵押证券,而客户将其所有权的证明书及文件以保证金方式寄存;
“Electronic TradingService” means any facility provided or to be provided by theBroker from time to time under this Agreement which enables theClient to give Instructions relating to any transaction, and sendor receive other information services via electronic ortelecommunications media (including through the use of mobilephones, touch tones, internet or other electronic ortelecommunications devices as the Broker may from time to timeprescribe), and including but not limited to services offeredthrough iTrader;
「电子交易服务」 指经纪在本合约之下不时已提供或将提供的任何便利,使客户能够透过电子或电讯媒介(包括透过使用无线电话、轻触键、互联网或经纪可能不时指定的其它电子或电讯装置),发出有关任何交易的指示并且发送或接收其它信息服务,包括但不限于透过iTrader提供的服务;
“Instructions” includeinstructions given by the Client(s) or which appear to the Brokerto have been given by Client or on the Client’s/Clients’ behalf byusing the Electronic Trading Service, which in any way relate topurchases, sales, holdings or other dealings in futures and optionsand other financial products effected through OSKFHK on behalf ofthe Client(s), arising out of and/or are in connection with theAccount, whether such instruction was in fact given by theClient(s) or by a person authorized to do so on theClient’s/Clients’ behalf and whether such instructions are givenorally, in writing, by facsimile, telex and/or by electronicmeans;
「指示」 包括客户使用电子交易服务发出的,或据经纪看来是由客户或由他人代表客户使用电子交易服务发出的,在任何方面有关侨丰代表客户进行的期货及期权及其它金融产品买卖、持有或其它交易的指示。该等指示因账户及/或与客户有关而产生,不论是确实由客户发出或由获授权人士代表客户发出,也不论是以口头、书面、传真、电传及/或电子方式发出;
“iTrader” means thefacility provided by the Broker, and includes the website operatedby OSK Holdings Hong Kong Limited and the software comprised inthem;
“Margin” means theamount of cash, approved debt securities, approved securities,variation adjustments, interest rate cash adjustments or any otherform of non-cash collateral as may from time to time be demanded bythe Broker from the Client for the purpose of protecting the Brokeragainst any loss or risk of loss on present, future, orcontemplated Contracts and/or Client Contracts and not being lessthan the relevant Clearing House Margin;
「保证金」 指经纪可能不时为保障经纪免受现行、未来或已筹划的合约及/或客户合约的任何亏损或亏损风险而要向客户索求的现金、核准债务证券、核准证券、变价调整、利率现金调整或任何其它形式的非现金抵押品的款额,而该款额应不少于有关结算所保证金;
“Securities and FuturesOrdinance” means the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571)and any subsidiary legislation made thereunder of the laws of Hong Kong as the same may be from time to time amended orre-enacted;
「证券及期货条例」 指不时修订或重新制定立法的《证券及期货条例》(香港法例第571章)及根据该等香港法例制定的任何附属法例;
“Segregated BankAccount” means a current or deposit account, with an authorizedfinancial institution or with any other person approved by theCommission pursuant to Securities and Futures Ordinance or anyrelevant subsidiary legislation, in the name of the Broker and inthe title of which the word “client”, “segregated”, “Non-House” orsuch other similar word or phrase appears and which constitutes asegregated bank account of the Broker, for the purpose of holdingthe Client’s money;
「独立银行账户」 指与认可金融机构或证监会按照《证券及期货条例》(香港法例第571章)或任何有关的附属立法认可之任何其它人士,以经纪之名义为持有客户款项而开设及在其名称内包括「客户」、「独立」、「非公司」或其它类似的字眼或用语的往来或存款账户,而有关账户亦构成经纪的独立银行账户;
“Transaction” means theentering into a Client Contract or Contract, closing out oreffecting delivery and/or settlement of a Client Contract orContract (which term shall include exercise or allocation of anOption Contract) in connection with this Agreement.
「交易」 指就本合约订立客户合约或合约、平仓或完成客户合约或合约的交付或交收(其意义包括期权合约的行使或分配)。
1.2Terms and expressions defined inthe Ordinances or the HKFE Rules shall unless the context otherwiserequires, have the same meanings when used in this Agreement.Further, where the context allows, in this Agreement, references toany agreement or document is to such agreement or document as thesame may have been, or may from time to time be, amended, varied,innovated, replaced or supplemented and references to statutoryprovisions are to those as modified or re-enacted and in force fromtime to time.
1.3 Wordsimporting the singular shall, where the context permits, includethe plural and vice versa. The expression “person” shall includeany firm, partnership, association of person and body corporate andany such persons acting jointly and the personal representatives orsuccessors in title of any such person. Where the Client comprisestwo or more persons the liabilities and obligations under thisAgreement shall be joint and several. References to “writing” shallinclude telex, cable, facsimile transmission and transmission byelectronic means. Headings are inserted for convenienceonly.
2. Transactions subjectto Laws, Rules of Exchanges, etc. 交易须符合法律、交易所规则等
2.1 AllClient Contracts and all Transactions shall be subject to thisAgreement and, in respect of those Exchanges and/or Clearing Housesof which the Broker is a member or participant, the constitution,rules and regulations of the relevant Exchange and/or ClearingHouse (and in particular as regards Transactions effected on HKFE,the rules, regulations and procedures of HKFE) and to allapplicable laws, rules and regulations (whether or not having theforce of law) whether imposed on the Client or the Broker. Withoutprejudice to Clause 16.2, the HKFE Rules contain provisions whichrequire the Broker, upon the request of HKFE or the Commission, todisclose the name, Beneficial Identity and such other informationconcerning the Client as HKFE or the Commission may require and theClient agrees to provide such information concerning it as theBroker may require in order for the Broker to comply with all theHKFE Rules and Ordinances, and that in the event that the Brokerfails to comply with the disclosure requirement under Rule 606(a)or 613(a) of the HKFE Rules, the Chief Executive of HKFE mayrequire the closing-out of positions held by the Broker on behalfof the Client or the imposition of a margin surcharge on thepositions of the Client. The Client recognises that Transactionswhich are executed on Exchanges other than HKFE or in markets otherthan those organized by the HKFE may have a markedly differentlevel and type of protection in relation to such Transaction ascompared to the level and type of protection afforded by the rulesand regulations of HKFE. Furthermore: -
(a) in theevent of any conflict between (i) this Agreement and (ii) any suchconstitutions, rules, regulations and laws, the latter shallprevail;
(b) theBroker may take or omit to take any action it considers fit inorder to ensure compliance with such constitutions, rules,regulations and laws including, without limitation, adjusting theAccount, disregarding any unexecuted orders or rescinding anyexecuted Transactions;
(c) suchconstitutions, rules, regulations and laws as are so applicable andall such actions so taken shall be binding upon the Client;and
(d) theClient shall be responsible for obtaining in advance andmaintaining any governmental or other consents required inconnection with the Client entering into this Agreement or anyClient Contract or the Broker effecting any Transaction inconnection with this Agreement.
2.2 TheClient consents to the disclosure of any information the Broker mayhave concerning the Client by the Broker and its agents as may berequired from time to time by any applicable rules, regulations andlaws.
2.3 If anyprovisions of this Agreement are or should become inconsistent withany present or future law, rule or regulation of HKFE and/or anyExchange or any other relevant authority or body havingjurisdiction over the subject matter of this Agreement, suchprovision shall be deemed to be rescinded or modified in accordancewith any such law, rule or regulation. In all other respects, thisAgreement shall continue and remain in full force andeffect.
3. Dealing andClearing 交易及结算
3.2 TheBroker shall be entitled but not bound to act on a request from theClient to carry out a Transaction (whether directly or through aDealer). The Broker may at anytime and from time to time impose any limits including positionlimits on the Account and the Client agrees not to exceed suchlimits. Except as directed by the Client in circumstances where theClient is not in default under this Agreement and no Event ofDefault (as defined in clause 9 below) has occurred, the Brokershall have no obligation to close out any Contract or ClientContract.
3.3Because of physical restraints on any Exchange and because of thevery rapid changes in the prices of Assets that frequently takeplace, there may, on occasions, be a delay in making prices or indealing. The Broker may not always be able to trade at the pricesor rates quoted at any specific time or “at best” or “at market”.The Broker shall not be liable for any loss howsoever arising byreason of its failing, or being unable, to comply with the terms ofany limit order undertaken on behalf of the Client. Where theBroker is for any reason whatsoever unable to perform the Client’sorder in full, it may in its discretion effect partial performanceonly. The Client shall in any event accept and be bound by theoutcome when any request to execute orders is made.
3.4 TheBroker shall not be liable for any expense, loss or damage sufferedby the Client or to account to the Client for any profit or gainaccruing to the Broker as a result of the Broker:-
i) tradingor dealing in futures contracts or option contracts or in any Assetunderlying any Contract or Client Contract; and
ii)dealing in respect of Contracts or Client Contracts with theClient.
3.5 TheClient shall indemnify the Broker and its directors, employees,agents and correspondents against all expenses, liabilities, claimsand demands arising out of anything lawfully done by the Broker orsuch persons in connection with this Agreement.
3.6 TheBroker may from time to time trade on its own account on anyExchange or with any Dealer or on the account of any of theBroker's Group Company. A director or an employee of the Broker maytrade on its own account on any Exchange or with anyDealer.
3.7 TheClient acknowledges that Clearing House may do all things necessaryto transfer any Open Contract held by the Broker on the Client’sbehalf and any money and security standing to the credit of theAccount to another exchange participant of HKFE in the event therights of the Broker as an exchange participant of HKFE aresuspended or revoked.
3.8 TheClient acknowledges客户确认: -
(a) (i)that every contract executed on HKFE is subject to the charge of anInvestor Compensation Levy;
(ii) thatevery contract executed on HKFE is subject to the charge of a levypursuant to the Securities and Futures Ordinance;
(iii) thatthe Client shall pay to the Broker brokerage commission and suchother charges and fees at such rate or rates as the Broker may fromtime to time notify the Client;
andfurther acknowledges that the cost of each such levy attributableto the Client shall be borne by the Client; and
(b) that,as regards HKFE, in the case of a default committed by the Brokerand the Client having suffered pecuniary loss thereby, theliability of the Investor Compensation Fund will be restricted tovalid claims as provided for in the relevant Ordinances (as definedin the Securities and Futures Ordinance) and will be subject to themonetary limits specified in such relevant Ordinances andaccordingly that there can be no assurance that any pecuniary losssustained by reason of such a default will necessarily be recoupedfrom the Investor Compensation Fund in full, in part, or atall.
3.9 TheClient acknowledges that the Broker is bound by the HKFE Rules which permit HKFE totake steps to limit the positions or require the closing out ofcontracts on behalf of the Client if HKFE is of the opinion that the Client is accumulatingpositions which are or may be detrimental to any particular marketor markets or which are or may be capable of adversely affectingthe fair and orderly operation of any market or markets as the casemay be.
3.10 Allorders whether made by telex, cable, facsimile, mail, electronicmeans or orally are accepted and transmitted at the Client’s risk.The Broker shall not be responsible for the non-performance of itsobligations under this Agreement by reason of any cause beyond theBroker’s control including, without limitation, transmission orcomputer delays, errors or omissions, strikes and similarindustrial action or the failure of any Dealer, Exchange orClearing House to perform its obligations.
3.11 Anyone of the Authorized Persons is authorized by the Client to giveinstructions on behalf of the Client and the Client undertakes with the Broker from time totime and at all times to ratify and confirm anyinstructions whatsoever given or purported to be given by any ofthe Authorized Persons for and on behalf of the Client, including without limitation, anyInstructions which may be given or purported to be given by anAuthorized Person between the revocation of the authority of suchAuthorized Person and the actual receipt by the Broker of notice ofsuch revocation. Any instructions given or purported to be given byany Authorized Person after revocation by the Client of hisauthority shall be valid and effectual in favour of the Broker ifthe Broker at the time of the receipt of such instructions did nothave actual notice of such revocation.
3.12Unless otherwise proved beyond all doubt to the contrary, theClient acknowledges and agrees that any dealing in or with FuturesContracts or Option Contracts effected by the Broker pursuant tothe instructions of the Client or any Authorized Person shall nothave resulted from the advice of the Broker.
3.13 TheClient confirms and agrees that, for mutual protection of theBroker and the Client, the Broker may electronically monitor ortape record all conversations with the Client and/or any AuthorizedPerson whether conducted on the telephone or through any othermedia and save in the case of manifest error, theClient will accept the contents of any such electronic record ortape recording as final and conclusive evidence of the instructionsof the conversation concerned and itscontent.
3.14 Allorders given pursuant to this Agreement which may be executed onmore than one Exchange may be executed on any Exchange the Brokerselects.
3.15 TheBroker shall not be liable (in respect of matching Client Contractsor otherwise) if the relevant Exchange, Clearing House and/orDealer has ceased for any reason (including setting off theBroker’s positions with it) to recognize the existence of anyContract or fails to perform or close out any Contract, but suchcessation or failure shall not affect the Client’s obligations andliabilities under this Agreement in respect of such Contracts whichthe Client has required the Broker to open and which have not beenclosed out or other obligations or liabilities of the Clientarising therefore.
3.16 TheBroker may at any time without prior notice in its absolutediscretion take such steps as it may consider necessary ordesirable to comply with or perform, cancel or satisfy anyobligations of the Broker to the relevant Exchange, Clearing Houseand/or Dealer in respect of Contracts acquired on the instructionsof the Client, including closing out and/or performing any and allsuch Open Contracts, and may for such purpose:-
i) buy orsell (in any manner howsoever and including from itself) the Assetunderlying any Open Contract; and/or
ii)borrow, buy or sell any currency; and/or 借取、买入或出售任何货币;及/或
iii) applyany 保证金Margin or ChargedSecurities in each case so that all sums expended by the Broker inexcess of any sums held by the Broker on the Client’s behalf shallbe paid by the Client to the Broker forthwith on demand.
3.17 TheBroker’s written confirmations of contracts entered into andsettlement statements and statements of open and/or closedpositions in respect of the Account shall be conclusive against theClient if not objected to in writing by the Client within seven (7)business days after transmission of the information contained insuch confirmations whether by telephone, mail, electronic mail orotherwise to the Client. The records of the Broker shall in theabsence of manifest error be conclusive and binding on the Clientas to the amount standing to the debit or credit of theAccount.
3.18 Uponrequest from the Client, the Broker shall provide thespecifications of, or copies of any prospectus or other offeringdocument relating to products comprised in any Transaction whichmay be entered into on behalf of the Client under this Agreementand an explanation of margin procedures and the circumstances underwhich the Client’s positions may be closed without the Client’sconsent.
3.19The Client acknowledges andagrees that the Broker shall, at its absolute discretion, beentitled to solicit, accept and retain any benefit in connectionwith any transaction effected with any person for the Clientpursuant to the terms and subject to the conditions of thisAgreement, including any commissions, rebates or similar paymentsreceived in connection therewith, and rebates from standardcommissions charged by brokers or other agents to their clients.The Broker shall also, at its absolute discretion, be entitled tooffer any benefit in connection with any transaction effected withany person for the Client pursuant to the terms and subject to theconditions of this Agreement, including any benefit relating to thecommission or similar payments in connectiontherewith.
The Clientacknowledges that securities derivatives markets may have certaintrading limits and disclosure requirements on securities and/orfutures and options contracts that may be held or controlled by aperson; and require a person holding or controlling a reportableposition to notify the relevant Exchanges, and that in relation tothe Hong Kong securities derivatives market, the Client is subjectto the trading limits and reporting obligations under theSecurities and Futures (Contracts Limits and Reportable Positions)Rules and the Rules of the Exchange. The Client furtheracknowledges that it is the Client’s responsibility to observeposition limits and to make reports where applicable.
3.20 TheClient authorises the Broker to allocate to the Broker's ClientOffset Claim Account maintained by the Broker with DerivativesCentral Clearing and Settlement System all the positions that areconsidered eligible under the Clearing House Procedures forFutures/Options Contracts Traded on the Automated Trading System ofthe Exchange for margin offset claim.
4. Instructions指示
4.1 TheClient may only access the Account and give Instruction to theBroker via the Electronic Trading Service. The Client acknowledgesand agrees that the Client shall be the only authorized user of theElectronic Trading Service under the Account. The use of theElectronic Trading Service shall be subject to the terms of thisAgreement and other terms and conditions as may be prescribed bythe Broker from time to time.
4.2 TheBroker shall have the absolute discretion to accept or reject anyInstructions without assigning any reasons therefore. Inparticular, but without limitation to the foregoing, the Brokershall have the right not to execute any Instruction until there isa sufficient cleared fund or sufficient securities in theAccount.
4.3 TheClient hereby consents to using the various media offered via theElectronic Trading Service for communication or transmission ofdata or information. In particular, the Client hereby consents tothe use of electronic media for the purpose of giving Instructionsto and other communications with the Broker and authorizes theBroker to accept electronic Instruction and other communicationfrom the Client as the original Instruction or communication fromthe Client.
4.4 TheClient acknowledges and agrees that it shall not usually bepossible to cancel an Instruction after it has beengiven.
4.5 If theClient experiences any problems in reaching the Broker through anyparticular method, the Client should attempt to use alternatemethods to communicate with the Broker and shall inform the Brokerof such problems. However, the Client must note that if the Clienthas given the same Instruction through more than one method, theBroker will treat the duplicate Instruction as a separateInstruction unless the Broker is actually informed by the Clientthat the Instruction was a duplicate before the Instruction isexecuted.
4.6 TheClient hereby authorizes the Broker to act upon any Instructionsgiven with the use of the Access Codes. All Instructions given orpurported to be given through the use of the Access Codes arebinding on the Client.
4.7 TheClient shall be, and shall procure its directors, officers,employees and agents to be, responsible for the confidentiality,security and use of the Access Codes and undertakes:
. not todisclose the Access Codes to any third party; and不向任何第三方披露进入密码;及
. not towrite down or record the Access Codes in a way that couldfacilitate misuse or fraud.
The Clientunderstands that the Client shall be solely responsible for all Instructionsentered via the Electronic Trading Service using the Access Codes(whether authorized by the Client or not and regardless of anyother mandate instructions the Client may provide the Broker).Instructions provided by the Client electronically or through anyother telecommunications media shall be treated as if they havebeen made in writing and signed by the Client. The Client shall be liable to theBroker for all losses and damages incurred or suffered by theBroker in connection with or resulting from any breach of theprovisions in this Clause 4.7.
4.8 TheClient undertakes to contact the Broker of any loss, unauthorizeddisclosure or misuse of the Access Codes within 24 hours from thetime the Client becomes aware of such matter. Unless and until theBroker actually receives such notification, the Client shall haveno claim whatsoever against the Broker and shall be liable to theBroker for致使经纪招致或蒙受损失和损害all losses and damages incurred or suffered by theBroker in respect ofany use of the Client’s Access Codes, whether authorized by theClient or not.
4.9The Broker shall not bedeemed to have received the Client’s Instructions or executed theClient’s orders unless and until the Client is in receipt of theBroker’s acknowledgement or confirmation relating to the executionof orders either in writing or by phone or by e-mail or otherelectronic or other means as prescribed by the Broker from time totime (including, without limitation, posting on a section orsections of the website(s) specifically designated for access bythe Client). The Client further acknowledges and agrees that, as acondition of using the Electronic Trading Service to giveInstructions, the Client shall immediately notify the Broker inwriting if:
. anInstruction has been placed via the use of the Electronic TradingService and the Client has not received an order number;
. anInstruction has been placed via the use of the Electronic TradingService and the Client has not received an acknowledgement or anaccurate acknowledgment (whether through hard copy, electronic, orverbal means) of the Instruction or of the execution; or
. theClient has received acknowledgment (whether through hard copy,electronic, or verbal means) of an execution for an Instructionwhich the Client did not place.
If theClient fails to notify the Broker in writing of the occurrence ofany of the above events within 24 hours, the Client shall be deemedto have accepted the outcome. Neither the Broker nor any of itsofficers, employees or agents shall have any responsibility orliability to Client or to any other person whose claim may arisethrough the Client for any claims with respect to thehandling,
mishandling or loss of any Instruction.
4.10 TheClient further agrees that the Broker shall not be liablefor:
. anyconsequential, incidental, special, or indirect damage (includinglost profits, trading losses and damages) that result frominconvenience, delay or loss through the use of the ElectronicTrading Service; and
. anylosses resulting from a cause over which the Broker does not havedirect control, including but not limited to the failure ofelectronic or mechanical equipment or communication lines,telephone or other interconnection problems (e.g. if the Client isunable to access the online service provider), unauthorized access,theft, operator errors, severe weather, earthquakes,floods
andstrikes or other labor problems.
4.11 TheBroker may (but shall not be obliged to) monitor electronically orrecord any or all telephone conversations with the Client and/orany of the Client’s Instructions or orders given through the use ofthe Electronic Trading Service. The Client agrees to accept the contents of any suchelectronic records or recordings as final and conclusive evidenceof the contents and are binding on the Client. The Client agreesthat such records shall be admissible in court as evidence of theexistence of the transactions and communications and of the factscontained therein, to the extent permitted by applicablelaw.
4.12 TheClient accepts that the Broker may (but shall not be obliged to)send trade confirmations (either in the form of contract note orotherwise), notices, information, data or other documents to theClient via such electronic media as the Broker may prescribe or mayprovide such information to the Client through the electronicposting of such information, and the Client consents to receivingsuch information in electronic form. The Client shall print outsuch information forthwith without delay to maintain the Client’sown records if necessary.
4.13 TheClient acknowledges and agrees that iTrader and the softwarecomprised therein are proprietary to the Broker, OSK Holdings HongKong Limited and/or third party service providers. The Clientwarrants and undertakes that the Client shall not, and shall notattempt to, tamper with, modify, decompile, reverse engineer orotherwise alter in any way, and shall not attempt to gainunauthorized access to any part of iTrader or any of the softwarecomprised therein, and shall inform the Broker if the Client isaware that any person does so or attempts to do so.
4.14iTrader may provide, for information purpose only, data orinformation about futures and options and other investmentspublished or disseminated by third parties. The Client understandsthat the third parties may assert a proprietary interest in all ofthe data they furnish. The Client acknowledges that neither theBroker nor any third parties guarantee the timeliness, sequence,accuracy or completeness of such data or information. The Clientfurther acknowledges that owing to market volatility and possibledelay in the data-transmission process, data available throughiTrader may not be real-time market quotes for the relevant futuresand options and investment. The Client agrees to hold harmless theBroker and such third parties, for:
. anyinaccuracy, error, or delay in, or distortion or omission of (i)any such data, information, or message or (ii) the transmission ordelivery of any such data, information, or message; or
以下各项的任何不准确、错误或延误或失真或遗漏:(i) 任何该等数据、数据或讯息或 (ii) 任何该等数据、数据或讯息的传送或交付;或
. any lossor damage arising from or occasioned by (i) any such inaccuracy,error, delay, distortion or omission, (ii) non-performance, or (ii)interruption of any such data, information, or message.
因以下各项引起或造成的任何损失或损害:(i) 任何上述不准确、错误、延误、失真或遗漏,(ii) 不履行责任,或 (iii)任何该等数据、数据或讯息受干扰。
4.15在不损害本合约任何其它条文下Without any prejudice to any other provisions ofthis Agreement, theClient agrees that certain information accessible on iTrader isprovided or compiled by the Stock Exchange or Stock ExchangeInformation Services Ltd. or other information providers pursuantto agreements between the Broker and such information providers.The information providers may issue direction to the Broker fromtime to time and the Client shall provide such assistance as theBroker may reasonably require enabling it to comply with suchdirection. The Client also agrees that, without the prior approvalof the information providers, the Client shall not, with respect toany information provided by such information providers:
.disseminate any such information to any other thirdparty;
. use orpermit the use of any such information for any illegalpurpose;
. use anysuch information other than in the ordinary course of the Client’sbusiness (which shall not include dissemination of any suchinformation to third parties); and
. use anysuch information to establish, maintain or provide or to assist inestablishing, maintaining or providing any trading floor or dealingservice for transactions outside the Stock Exchange.
The Clientshall comply with such reasonable directions issued by theinformation providers from time to time concerning the permitteduse of information provided by such informationproviders.
4.16 TheClient agrees that the Broker may provide to the informationproviders:
.information regarding the media by which the Client receivesinformation, the number of persons or devices (and its type)permitted by the Client to access information within and outsideHong Kong; and
. theClient’s name and address in the event that the Broker or theinformation providers suspect that the Client has breached theprovisions in this Agreement.
4.17 TheClient further agrees to permit the information providers and theBroker to inspect the Client’s premises and records in order toascertain whether the license fees in the Client’s respect areproperly accounted for, or whether the Client have been usinginformation contrary to the provisions of thisAgreement.
4.18 TheClient shall not be entitled to use the Electronic Trading Serviceif there exists any restriction whatsoever on the Client’s accountimposed either by the Broker or by any relevant authorities,including without limitation any initial margin requirementsrestriction.
4.19 TheClient agrees that the Client shall be liable for all losses, debtsand deficiencies in the Account including all debts anddeficiencies resulting directly or indirectly from liquidation ofassets held in the Account.
5. Restriction on use ofinformation 对使用数据的限制
5.1 Thedistribution of materials via the Electronic Trading Service and/oriTrader may be restricted by law in certain jurisdictions. It isthe Client’s responsibility to find out what those restrictions areand observe them.
某些司法管辖区的法律可能对透过电子交易服务及/或 iTrader分发数据加以限制。客户须自行负责找出并遵守该等限制。
5.2 Anyinformation and material made available to the Client via theElectronic Trading Service and/or iTrader shall not be regarded asan offer, solicitation, invitation, advice or recommendation to buyor sell investments securities or any other instrument or productof the Broker or any other issuer.
5.3 Use ofthe products or services described via the Electronic TradingService and/or iTrader may not be permitted in some countries andif in doubt, the Client should check with the Client’s local legaladvisor, regulator or authority before requesting information. TheBroker does not possess any licensing or regulatory status in anyjurisdiction other than Hong Kong and the Broker will not offer anyof its products or services described herein to persons or entitiesresident in countries where licensing or registration under theirlocal law is required for its provision of such products orservices.
电子交易服务及/或 iTrader所述的产品或服务可能不获准在一些国家使用。客户如有疑问,应在要求获得资料前向客户的当地法律顾问、监管机构或主管机构查询。经纪并不拥有在香港以外任何司法管辖区的任何执照或注册登记地位。如果经纪欲向任何人士或实体提供销售
6. IntellectualProperty 知识产权
6.1 Thecopyright of all contents published via the Electronic TradingService and/or on iTrader including, but not limited to the text,graphics, links and sounds belong to the Broker, members of theBroker’s Group Company or third parties and may not be copied,downloaded, distributed or published in any way without theBroker’s prior written consent.
6.2 Inrelation to any information or materials which the Client submitsto the Broker using the Electronic Trading Service, the Clientgrants to the Broker a worldwide royalty-free perpetual license ofthe copyright and intellectual property rights in such informationor materials for any purpose including, without limitation, thecopying, transmission, distribution and publication thereof, unlessrestricted by applicable law. The Client agrees that the Brokershall not be under any obligation of confidentiality to the Clientregarding any such information or materials submitted to it usingthe Electronic Trading Service unless agreed otherwise in aseparate direct contract between the Client and the Broker or asrequired by law.
7. Delivery交付
The Clientaccepts that each Client Contract (and also other Transactions madefor the Account) contemplates actual performance in accordance withits terms including delivery and receipt of any Assets and paymenttherefor.
8.Margins/Payments 保证金/付款
8.1 TheClient shall at all times maintain with the Broker, in such amountand such form as the Broker may from time to time requires, Marginin excess of the Client’s indebtedness or obligations to the Brokerwhether by way of trading or otherwise howsoever and the amount ofwhich may be greater than any relevant HKFE and/or Clearing HouseMargin.
8.2 Allamounts (including Margin) payable by the Client in connection withthis Agreement shall be due on demand and in the currency of theBroker’s choice subject only to any restrictions which may beimposed by the appropriate Exchange and/or relevant Clearing House,if any, upon which the Client Contract or the Contract concernedwas executed on the Client’s behalf. Demands for Margin and/or forvariation adjustment must be met within 24 hours or such shorterperiod as the Broker may in its absolute discretion determine to benecessary and specify to the Client. The Broker may close out allopen contracts in respect of which demands for Margin or forvariation adjustment are not met within the period specified by theBroker or at the time of making such call(s) or demand(s). TheBroker is obliged to report to HKFE and the Commission particularsof all open positions in respect of which two successive margincalls, demands for variation adjustments and interest rate cashadjustments are not met within the period specified by theBroker.
8.3 Allamounts held by way of Margin shall be held on trust to apply thesame for the following purposes:
i) to payto the relevant Exchange and/or Clearing House all Clearing HouseMargin due from the Broker to it, or to any Dealer all margindemanded by it from the Broker, in each case on such terms as theBroker may think fit and in respect of all contracts held by theBroker for all clients and for its own account and all repaymentsof Clearing House Margin shall be held on the trusts
ii) toapply in or towards satisfaction, or in reimbursement of theBroker, of all costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expensesincurred under or in respect of all and any Contracts, Transactionsand/or Client Contracts and all liabilities and expenses (includingCharges) incurred as a result of the performance by the Broker ofits duties or the exercise by the Broker of its rights, powersand/or privileges under this Agreement (irrespective of thecurrency in which the same may be denominated); and
iii)subject to the Broker being satisfied that all such costs, damages,losses, liabilities and expenses referred to in Clause 8.3(ii) havebeen satisfied, discharged or otherwise released, to repay anysurplus which is, in the absolute opinion of the Broker,attributable to such Transaction, Contract or Client Contract tothe Client.
8.4 TheBroker shall in its discretion as to the terms thereof and any rateof return earned thereon have power to invest, realise suchinvestment and/or reinvest any amounts paid by way of Margin in anyinvestment, security, currency or deposit it thinks fit; andwhether or not by leaving the same on deposit with any ClearingHouse. The limitations on the type of or method ofinvestment
containedin the Trustee Ordinance (Chapter 29) shall not apply. The Brokershall not be liable to account to the Client for any interest orother profit earned or derived from or accrued to any suchsums.
8.5 Allsums payable by the Client in connection with this Agreement shallbe exclusive of all Taxation. If any Taxation is required by law tobe withheld from such payments, the amount payable by the Clientshall be increased to the extent necessary to ensure that, afterthe making of any withholding, the Broker receives on the due datea net sum equal to what it would have received and retained had nodeduction been made.
8.6 Allmonies paid to the Broker whether on deposit or however describedshall not be entitled to earn interest from the Broker and anydebit balances on the Account shall be charged with interest atsuch rate as may be notified from time to time to the Client orfailing such notification, at a rate per annum not exceeding 5%above the higher from time to time of either the Hong Kong dollarprime rate quoted from time to time by The Hong Kong and ShanghaiBanking Corporation Limited or such other bank in Hong Kong as theBroker may select, or the cost of funding of the Broker (asdetermined and certified by the Broker).
8.7 Allmonies, securities and other property received by the Broker fromthe Client or from any other person (including the Clearing House)for the account of the Client shall be held by the Broker astrustee and segregated from the Broker’s own assets, and suchmonies, securities and other property so held by the Broker shallnot form part of the assets of the Broker for insolvency or windingup purposes but shall be returned to the Client promptly upon theappointment of a provisional liquidator, liquidator or similarofficer over all or part of the Broker’s business orassets.
8.8 Anymonies, approved debt securities or approved securities received bythe Broker from the Client or from any other person (including theClearing House) shall be held in the manner specified underparagraphs 7 to 12 of Schedule 4 to the Code of Conduct and theClient authorizes the Broker to apply such monies, approved debtsecurities or approved securities in the manner specified underparagraphs 14 to 15 of Schedule 4 to the Code of Conduct. Inparticular, the Broker may apply such monies, approved debtsecurities or approved securities in or towards meeting theBroker’s obligations to any party insofar as such obligations arisein connection with or incidental to Futures and/or Option Contractstransacted on the Client’s behalf.
8.9 TheClient acknowledges that in respect of any account of the Brokermaintained with the Clearing House, whether or not such account ismaintained wholly or partly in respect of Futures Contracts orOption Contracts transacted on behalf of the Client and whether ornot monies, approved debt securities or approved securities paid ordeposited by the Client has been paid to or deposited with theClearing House, as between the Broker and the Clearing House, theBroker deals as principal and accordingly no such account isimpressed with any trust or other equitable interest in favour ofthe Client and monies, approved debt securities or approvedsecurities paid to or deposited with the Clearing House are therebyfreed from the trust referred to in Clause 8.7.