有关“同意”类的英文词汇 同意的英文

agree 1 [[5gri:] v.(常用词)同意
—I suuggested we go somewhere for the weekendand she agreed atonce.
* to agree with sth. (不用于被动态)同意;赞同
—I don't agree with any form ofterrorism.我不赞成任何形式的恐怖主义。
* to agree to do sth. 同意做某事
—We agreed to theirproposal.我们同意了他们的建议。
* I quite agree [5kwait] (英;口)我很同意
—I quite agree with what yousay. 我很同意你的说法。
* I'll drink to that [5drINk](口)我同意;我赞成
—Did you say we'd eat out tonight ? I'll drink to that.
* I couldn't agree (英;口)我完全同意
—At this point, I couldn't agree with himmore.在这一点上,我非常的同意他的观点。
* (to be) agreeble to sth. more [[5grI:[bl 5mC:]欣然同意某事
—Are you sure Branson's agreeable to theidea?你肯定布兰森同意这个想法么?
1. accede [[k5si:d]v. (含有让步或被迫的意思;一般用于要求,提案,条约,条件等;尤指
—We are regret for your losing and accede to compensate 500$ toyou.
我们对你方遭受的损失深表歉 意,同意向你们赔偿500美元。
* accession [Ak5seF[n] n. 同意
—I think we can take for granted her accession to theproposal.
2. to approve of sth. [[5prU:v]同意;赞同
—I approve of your trying to earn some money, but please don'tbeglect yourstudies.
* approval [[5pru:vl] n. 同意;赞成
—Do the plans meet with yourapproval?这些计划你赞成(同意)吗?
—I hope the arrangements meet with yourapproval.我希望这些安排会得到你的同意。
3. assent [[5sent] v.(含理解和判断的意思,主要用于意见和建议)同意
—The judge assented to allow the prisoner tospeak.法官同意允许犯人申辩。
* assent n. 同意
—She gave her assent to theplan.她同意这个计划。
4. to associate oneself with sth. [[5s[UsIeitwQn5self] 表示自己赞同某事物
—I have never associated myself with political extremism.
5.concur [k[n5k[:] v.(过去式和过去分词concurred;现在分词concurring;主要指观点和意
—I concur with the speaker in condemning what has been done.
* concurrence [k[n5kQr[ns] n. 同意
—With your concurrence (ie If you agree), I will confirm thearrangement.
—Jules expressed his concurrence with thesuggestion.威尔斯表示同意这个建议。
6. consent [kən'sent] v.(指愿意和感性上的同意;并有屈从的意思)同意
—Her father reluctantly consented to themarriage.她父亲勉强同意这门婚事。
* consent n. 同意;赞同
—We will by no manner of meansconsent.我们决不同意。
* to give one's consent同意
—He gave his consent for the project to get underway.他同意这个计划付诸头施。
有关“同意”类的英文词汇 同意的英文
* by common consent [5kCm[n] 得到大多数人的同意
—The chairman was elected by commonconsent.主席是经大多数同意而选举成的。
* by mutual consent[5mjU:tFU[l]经双方同意
—They have to divorce by mutualconsent.他们双方同意而离婚。
7. countenance ['kauntIn[ns] n. 赞同;认可
—I am surprised to learn that you give countenance to suchconduct.
* to countenance doing sth. 赞同某事
—Her father won't countenance her getting married soyoung.
8. to settle on sth. [5setl Cn] 同意
—With a little discussion, they settled on the spot for apicnic.
9. to close with sb./ sth. [5kl[Uz] 同意
—They close with such adeal.他们同意这笔交易。
10. to declare for sth. [dI5klZ[ fC:]声明赞成某事
— They declared for the offer of increasedpay.他们声明赞成增加工资的建议。
11. to fall in with sth. [5fC:l InwIT] (尤指观点上的)同意
—I fell in with hisview.我同意他的观点。
12. to hold with sth. [5h[Uld wIT](一般用于否定句;疑问句)同意;赞同
—Most of us don't hold with histheory.我们大多数人不同意他的看法。
—Do you hold with nudity on thestage?你同意在舞台上裸体么?
13. to pin sb. down [5pIn5daun]使某人同意
—I managed to pin him down to meeting us afterwork.
14. to say amen to something [5sei B:'m[n]对此事十分同意
—All but a few will say amen to his proposal.
15. to say ditto to [5sei5dIt[U](口)同意...的意见;对...表示同意
—We'll hold a party at weekend.—I say ditto to.
我们将在周末举办个聚会。— 我同意。
16. to see with [5sI:wIT]同意
—I'm sorry to say I can't see withyou.抱歉,我不能同意你的意见。
— I'm afraid I cannot see with youthere.在那一点上我怕我不能同意你的看法。
17. to subscribe to sth. [s[b5skraib(文;指对某观点,理论的)同意;赞成
—Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of theeconomy?
这些词汇应该知道, 掌握更好:
1. I'm all for sth. (我)完全同意/ 赞成某事
—I'm all for people enjoyingthemselves.我完全赞同人们享受。
2. (to be) as one on sth. 赞同某事
—The whole commnttee is as one on this no women are allowed on thegolfcourse.
3. that's fine by me / It's fine byme 我同意
—I thought we could go out to eat. —That's fineby me. 我想我可以出去吃饭。—我同意。
4. to welcome sb./ sth. with open arms [5welk[m5B:mz] 举双手赞成某事
—We welcomed Henry's offer with openarms.我们举双手赞成案例的提议。
5. you can say that again我同意你的观点
—She's a violent woman! —Youcan say that again. She's hit me more thanonce!
她是个彪悍的女生。— 你说的太对了,她打我可不止一次了。
相关词汇链接:allow v.允许;许可


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