英文名词单复数运用中应注意的一些问题 英语名词复数变化规则

1.2 名词单复数运用中应注意的一些问题
英文名词单复数运用中应注意的一些问题 英语名词复数变化规则

误:Bring me a chalk.

正:a piece of chalk

误:He gave me many good advices.

正:many pieces of good advice


(2)抽象名词没有复数形式,并且也不能把不定冠词加在它们的前面,如要加以数的观念时,须加“a stroke of”,“twopieces of”等表量的短语于它们的前面,如 a stroke of luck,two pieces of informa-ion,many pieces of advice等,这类常见的抽象名词有:advice,infor-mation,luck,bravery,courage,happiness,honesty,love,enjoyment,recreation,relaxation,fun,laughter,peace,ignorance,intelligence,knowl-edge,work,trouble。



a.Many ships go down on the waters.

b.She is dressed in silks.

c.His ashes are in Westminister Abbey.


a.He drank a glass of beer.

He filled the glasses with wine.

b.I opened a tin of peaches.

I bought two tins of coffee.

c.I haven't a copper in my pocket.

He gave the beggar a few coppers.


a.We have advices to the effect that the price of copper isdeclining.

b.From the latest advices from Geneva,I learn that Austria willbe- come an independent nation on May 15.


a.He bough three pounds of meat.

b.Here are two cakes of soap.

c.A bed is a piece of furniture.

d.She has bought a new article of clothing.


误:We ptayed billiard.


误:Please accept my warmest congratulation on yourgreduation.




a.The poor were in duds.

b.After her husband's death,the widow was in weeds for a longtime.


a.The glasses are on the table.

b.The pair of glasses is on the table.

c.The pants are in the drawer.

d.This pair of pants is bought for you.


a.Measles takes a long time to get over.

b.Glanders is a contagious disease of horses with swellingsbelow the jaw,and sores in the nose and throat.


a.Billiards is played by women as well as men.

b.Dominoes is played with 28 flat oblong pieces of bone orwood.

c.Draughts is an easier game than chess.


a.He is a man of means.

b.I'd like to help you,but I'm momentarily out of funds.

c.We must try our best to make receipts meet expenditures.


a.He spent his Christmas Day in his lodgings.

b.The officers were having a meeting at the divisionheadquarters.

c.This is beyond the confines of the human knowledge.

d.Is there any fish in the depths of the ocean?


a.It's not easy to wipe out the remnants of bourgeoisrights.

b.Effective measures must be taken to deal with thescourings.

c.Those scientists were studying the gleanings for long hours ofre- search.


a.You must obey the dictates of your own conscience.

b.The teachings of Marx and Lenin on the state areveryimportant.

c.Arrangements have been made to give the foreign guests a warmwelcome.


a.It is a personal arrangement.

b.The arrangement of the furniture took us a long time.


a.Professor Brown has read a lot of pages of history.

b.At the end of his career in politics,he retired and wrote hismem- oirs.


a.Before liberation,thousands of poor people fell into hopelessstraits.

b.He wrote an account of the proceedings of the meeting.

c.The police think this man may be the thief they're lookingfor,so they're watching his movements.

d.The enemy were under unfavourable conditions.


a.Whatever you decide,you have my prayers.

b.Rogations were sung in Christmas Churches.

c.The young pioneers paid their devoirs to the revolutionaryfighters.


a.They went into raptures over the victory.

b.The sight of the small child crying tugged at myheartstrings.

c.No matter how hard he tried,he couldn't get rid of thecares.

d.The author described the rigours of prison life.


a.He was infactuated with her charms.

b.He has read a novel of manners recently.

c.We must observe the diplomatic proprieties.


a.It is revised according to the latest advices.

b.We need some consumer durables.

c.Greens are vegetables,such as cabbages.

d.The general was proud that his men had taken the enemy coloursin battle.

(12)某些惯用或固定短语中常以复数形式出现的名词,常见的有:turn the tables on sb.(转败为胜),makeamends(陪罪),rake one's brains(绞尽脑汁),with flying colours(大获全胜),showone's colours (现出本来面目),stick to one's colours(坚持自己的观点),rain catsand dogs(大雨滂沱),be all fingers and thumbs(笨手笨脚),up to the elbowsin(忙于),go to the dogs(差点毁灭),give oneself airs(骄傲),keep upappearances(装门面),be on pins and needles(坐立不安),castles in theair(空想),carry coals to Newcastle(做徒劳而多余的事),have one's head in theclouds(虚无飘渺),haul over the coals(严厉批评),compare notes(交换意见),takenotes(记笔记),out of one's senses(失去理智),come to blows(动手互殴),with openarms(热烈欢迎),on all fours(完全相似、爬着),lose one's bearings(迷失方向),full ofbeans(精力充沛),spill the beans(不慎泄密),armed to the teeth(全副武装),showone's teeth(发怒),as thick as thieves(亲密无间),kick over thetraces(不服驾驭、不受约束),cover up one's tracks(隐匿行踪),make tracks(逃跑),treadon sb.'s toes(得罪某人),in terms of(关于),make friends(交朋友),hold one'shorses(忍耐),at all hazards(冒着一切危险),go great guns(高速度地干),stick toone's guns(坚守阵地),hate sb.'s guts(对某人恨之入骨),sweat one's gutsout(努力干),handle sb.with kid-gloves (温和对待某人),for keeps(永远地),to allintends and purposes(实质上),by inches(慢慢地),show one's horns(退缩),byhalves(不完全地),go halves(平分),put sb.behind bars(把某人送进监牢),pullstrings(幕后操纵),by all accounts(根据大家所知),out of one's wits (不知所措),clipsb.'s wings(使某人无计可施),lend wings(加速),wheels withwheels(复杂错综之事),speak volumes for(充分说明),be (down)on one'suppers(一贫如洗),fish in troubled waters(浑水摸鱼),turn up trumps(令人满意),atclose quarters(逼近地),add fuel to the flames(火上加油),pour oil on thetroubled waters(平息风波),be spit- ting feathers(非常生气),stir one'sstumps(赶快),on the stocks(在准备中),bring sb.to his knees(使某人屈服),gird upone's loins(准备行动),go by contraries(相反地),at all costs(不惜一切代价),knockspots off sb.(彻底打败),burst one's sides(捧腹大笑),by fits andstarts(间歇地),mend one's ways(改过自新),off one's oats(感觉不好),put/setsth.to rights(使某物恢复正常),no great shakes(平凡的人或事),go topieces(瓦解、变糟糕),fall to pieces(打碎),cast pearls beforeswine(明珠投暗),blow out sb.'s brains(把某人打得脑袋开花),know one's o-nions(精明能干),get down to brass tacks(讨论实质问题),feel(it)in one'sbones(确信),play one's cards right(办事高明),on the cards(很可能发生),as crossas two sticks(非常生气),a bed of roses(称心如意的境遇),a bed ofthorns(艰难的境遇),take leaves of one's senses(发疯),on one's lastlegs(日暮途穷),let sleeping dogs lie(莫惹是非),in pairs (成对),joinhands(携手、联合),join forces(联合、会师),get one's fin- gersburnt(因管闲事吃苦头),at all events(无论如何),ups and downs (盛衰),on yourmarks(各就各位),full marks(高度赞扬),put sb.through his paces(考验某人),in theeyes of(在…心目中),keep one's eyes open(留神),make eyes at(送秋波),get eyeson(见到),open one's eyes to(使认识),throw dust in one's eyes(欺瞒),fall ondeaf ears(没人理会),up to one's ears in(深陷于、忙于),in dribs anddrabs(点点滴滴),shake in one's shoes(吓得发抖),leave sb.to his owndevices(听其自然),by degrees(逐渐地),rest on one's laurels(吃老本),lick theboots of(俯首贴耳、拍马屁),hang up one's boots(停止干某事),at sixes andsevens(乱七八糟),pull one's socks up(鼓起劲儿干),in one's shoes(处于某地位),likea cat on hot bricks(非常紧张),call the shots(发号施令),set by theears(震惊),full to the scuppers(很饱),shut/close one's eyes(闭目不见),cryone's eyes out(哭肿眼睛),eyes front/right/left(向前/右/左看),by nomeans(绝不),by all means(务必),by any means (无论如何),by some means orother(用某种方法),go shares(分担),on the horns of a dilemma(困境),go toany/great lenths(竭尽全力),等等。

a.I made amends to my mother for breaking up her favouritecup.

b.He showed his colours when he rescued the ponies from theburning car.

c.I'm all fingers and thumbs this morning.I don't seem to beable to button my shirt.


a.She had a word with him.她和他说了一句话。

She had words with him.她和他发生口角。

b.He is in the blue.他在蓝天上。

He is in the blues.他精神不振。

英文中有些名词单数和复数意义不相同,如 have a word withsb.表示“和某人说一句话”,have wordswith sb.表示“与某人发生争吵”,have a few words with sb.则表示“和某人说几句话”,in theblues 表示“精神不振、闷闷不乐”,in the blue则表示“在蓝天上”。


a.Write down your answer on a blank sheet of paper.

b.We have many papers coming in weekly.



a.They were given some bread and water.

b.They were not allowed to fish in our territorial waters.



a.We are all of one mind.

b.We have made up our minds to do this.

mind意为“意见”; minds意为“决心”,made up one's minds意为“下定决心”。


a.Jack got the boot.

b.Jack got the boots.

get the boot是俚语,意为“被解雇”;get the boots意为“得到那双靴子”。


a.It's time to clear the deck.

b.It's time to clear the decks.

clear the deck意为“打扫甲板”;clear the decks是惯用语,意为“准备行动、准备战斗”。


a.The man is in the dump.

b.The man is in the dumps.

dump原意为“垃圾”;(down)in the dumps是口语,意为“精神沮丧、情绪低落”。


a.Are you going to buy some tin?

b.Are you going to buy some tins of sardines?



a.Have you got any copper?

b.Have you got any coppers?



a.She laid a hand on the boy.

b.She laid hands on the boy.

lay a band on sb.表示“打某人”;lay hands on sb.表示“抓住某人以便罚款”。


a.He slept with his father.他和父亲睡在一起。

b.He slept with his fathers.他和祖先埋葬在一起。



a.He swept the board.

b.He swept the boards.

sweep the board是习语,意为“赢得全部赌注”或“全胜”。


a.Please put the iron over there.

b.Please put the irons over there.



a.Where did you put the glass?

b.Where did you put the glasses?



a.He bought some bronze.

b.He bought some bronzes.



a.He is on the board.

b.He is on the boards.

be on the board意为“某董事会的成员”; be on the boards表示“被雇用当演员”。


a.He mended his fence.

b.He mended his fences.

mend one's fences是习惯用语,指“与有关方面调整和改善关系”。


a.Those children found some sand.

b.Those children found some sands.



a.I bought some salt.

b.I bought some salts.



a.He had his last word.

b.He had his latt words.

one's last word表示(发言时的)最后一句话”;one's last words意为“临终遗言”。


误:There is much fruit in myrefrigerator:apples,oranges,tomatoes,and so on.

正:There are many fruits

误:Mary is great help to her mother.

正:a great help





a.It is a thousand pities.(a great pity)非常遗憾。

b.The grammar lying upon the desk is mine.


c.I have a friendship for him.我跟他有交情。

d.A good map would be a help.

e.It was a relief to sit down.

f.He had a good knowledge of physics.

g.It would be a pity to cut down these trrees.

类似的还有:a love of music,a hatred of violence,ahope/hopes,anidea/ideas(想法),a job/jobs,a day/days,a fear/fears,asuspicion/suspi-cions,a worry/worries,a need/needs。


a.She had beauty in her youth.她年轻时长得美。

She was a beauty in her youth.她年轻时是个美人。

b.Children should show respect for their teachers.


They paid a respect to the late prime minister.


c.I'm learning composition.我在学习写作。

I'm writing a composition.我在写作文。

d.Exercise makes up strong.运动可以强身。

Swimming is a good exercise.游泳是好的运动。

e.Life is pleasure.人生是快乐的。

Work is a pleasure to him.工作对他是一种乐趣。

f.Kindness is a virtue.友善是美德。

He has done me a great kindness.(act of kindness)


I have received many kindnesses from him.他对我非常好。

g.Life is short.人生苦短。

He lives a happy life.他生活幸福。

Many lives were lost in that railway accident.


有时在名词前另加表示数量的词,也同样有使抽象名词变成普通名词的作用,如what a piece ofimpudence(何等卑鄙),twenty casesof death(二十个死者),a word/piece ofadvice(一句忠言),a stroke ofwork(工作计划),what a stroke of luck(多么幸运)。


a.Paper was made in China about 2000 years ago.

please hand in your papers.


b.The boat draws six feet of water.

They were not allowed to fish in our territorial waters.

This is a ship for service in home waters.


c.I am of your mind.

They made up their minds to give their lives to theircountry.



a.He did the work without any difficulty.(困难)

If you knew the difficulties I am in!


b.A tobacconist is a person who sells tobacco.(烟草)

Some of the best tobaccos are grown in Turkey.(表示烟草种类之多)


a.Have you invited the Browns.(指布朗一家)

b.There are two Miss Smiths/Misses Smith in theclass.(指两个同姓Smith的女子)


误:He goes to work by a bicycle.

正:by bicycle

误:There are many rooms for improvement in our work.

正:There is much room

英语中不可数名词有时可以用作可数名词但意思起一定的变化,如glass(玻璃),glasses(玻璃杯),tea( 茶),teas(各种茶),experience(经验),experiences(经历)。但可数名词有时也可以用作不可数名词(以前我们一直称为惯用法),如:Wewere at table when he came in.这里attable中的table已经不再表示具体的桌子,而表示抽象的概念,其意思是“进餐”,因而变成不可数名词,前面没有不定冠词。由具体到抽象,必须变用冠词(单数时)为不用冠词,这就是英语中可数名词用作不可数名词的基本特点。可数名词用作不可数名词大致可以分以下几种情况:


a.All my children are at college.

b.He goes to school every day.

c.Before libration my father was sent to prison without anyreasonwhatever.

d.When he was a boy his greatest wish was to go to sea.


e.My daughter goes to school every day.

f.I'm going to the school to attend the parents' meeting.

(2)表示交通工具的一些名词,如bicycle,car,bus,train,boat/ship,aeroplane/plane等与by连用时,已经不表示具体的交通工具,而表示抽象的概念,如乘车、坐飞机等,相当于by加不可数名词land,water,air等,onfoot(走路),on horse beck(骑马)也属于这种用法。

a.He goes to work by bicycle.

b.He came by boat.

c.I prefer to go on foot.


a.His father is professor of Tianjin University.


b.His father is a professor of Tianjin University.


c.He is president of the association.

d.Comrade Li is secretary of our Party Organization.


e.She is woman enough to understand why you are in trouble.


f.He was gentleman enough to help her.他十分慷慨地帮助了她。


g.She is all woman.她女性味十足。

h.I am more engineer than soldier.



(4)在表示数量的of结构中,如 a bit of garden,a kilometre ofrailway,a patchof road,two miles of bumpy road,a few square feet offloor,an inchof pencil,acres of lawn,two-hundred miles ofwall以及表示头衔、学位、地位的of结构中,如 the rank of general,the title ofhero,thepost of usher等,of后的名词具有抽象意义,用作不可数名词。


a.The trees are now in flower.

b.There's no school tomorrow.

c.He's on holiday.


a.The house comprises five rooms.(房间)

There is much room for improvement in our work.(余地)

b.China is a great socialist country.(国家)

It is very good country for growing rice.(地方)

c.I am going to move to a new house.(房子)

She keeps house for his uncle.(管家)


a.I saw two little lambs.

I like to eat New Zealand lamb very much.

b.I caught two fish yesterday afternoon.

I like fish very much.

c.Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

Do you like boiled chicken?



a.There is a huge pine in front of my house.

This box is made of pine.

b.I had an egg for my breakfast today.

Egg is my favourite dish.


a.Morning is the best time for study.

b.Night falls.

c.When our part of the earth begins to turn away from thesun,wehave afternoon and evening and night.

此外,如果在单数可数名词前加上too much或too little时,可数名词则用作不可数名词,表示抽象意义。

d.He has too much family.他家务太重。

e.He seems to have too much mouth and too little ear.




的,如:He used to sleep in my rooms when he came totown.这里rooms虽指一间以上的房间,但把各房间的总和看作一个单位,而并不指每

一房间,to sleep in my rooms当然不是说同时睡在多个房间。


a.I am all ears to hear their discussion.我很留意他们的讨论。

b.At the magic show the children were all eyes.




b.Please give my best regards to your father.

c.We all filed past to pay our last respects to the remains ofLao Li.


误:The passenger has left two baggages in the train.

正:two pieces of baggage

误:He gave me many good advices.

正:much good advice

有些名词容易被理解为可数名词,而实际上是不可数的,如work,news,chalk,paper,luggage,baggage,advice,fortune,weather,prose,china(瓷器),information,soap,toothpeste,property,homework,music,equipment,bread,toast,hearsay,fun,luck,clothing,merchandise,food等,如欲加上数的观念时,应加a piece of,an article of,a stroke of等等。

a.A wardrope is a piece of furniture.

b.She has bought a new article of clothing.

c.Man needs various kinds of food.

d.Two articles of merchandise were lost in the store.

e.What a stroke of luck I have!


(1)误:There is still a room for improvement.



a.You are a great fun.

b.We have a good weather today.

c.It is a great luck to meet you here.

d.The child can be a good company for me.

(2)误:I have a good news to tell you.

正:good news

news只可作不可数名词,其前可以用a piece/item/bit of,some/little/much修饰,如 apiece of bread,a piece of equipment,a piece of jew-elry,a shert ofpaper,a cake of soap,a bottle of ink,all ear of corn,an ar-ticle offurniture。

(3)误:He has recently found a work at bank.

正:a job



a.This works is the biggest factory in the city.

b.Those are chemical works.


当“著作”解,如the works of Shakespeare。

当“工程、工事’解,如defence works。

当“奇迹”解,如 might works。

(4)误:He wrote with a chalk.

正:a piece of chalk

chalk是不可数名词,但当它指“各种粉笔”时,也可以有复数形式 chalks。

(5)误:Could you give me a paper to write the address on?

正:a piece of paper


(6)误:You have such a good fortune.

正:a piece of good fortune

fortune指“运气”时为不可数名词,但表示“财富、财产”时为可数名词,如:She has made afortune.

(7)误:It's not good to go out in such a bad weather.

正:bad weather

weather是不可数名词,但在某些习惯用语中,它常以复数形式出现,如 under allweathers(不论天气如何),in all weathers(不管某人命运)。

(8)误:Professor White asked me to write a prose.

正:a piece of prose

prose表示“散文”时,为不可数名词,但可用 in a prose表示“用散文形式写”。

(9)误:It's only a hearsay that the chairman is going toresign.

正:It's only hearsay

(10)误:The used car was in a good condition.

正:in good condition


a.Being a good skater is one of the conditions for getting onthe hock-ey team.作一个好的溜冰者是进入曲棍队的条件之一。

b.Poor working conditions caused the employees to go onstrike.


(11)误:Where are your baggages?

正:Where is your baggage?

(12)误:How many luggages do you have?

正:How much luggage

(13)误:The old often give good advices to the young.


advice是不可数名词,须用 a piece of或 two/four/many piecesofadvice。当advice指“从远处来的消息”,尤指“商业信息”时,有复数形式advices。advice为名词,相应的动词为advise。

(14)误:He obtained many informations from his friends in thatgov-ernment agency.

正:a lot of information

(15)误:I have ordered new furnitures for the office.


(16)误:He checked in his luggages at the airport.


baggage和luggage一样,都做“行李”解,这两个词都是不可数名词,不能用复数:Where is yourbaggage?假如说到行李的件数,则是apiece of luggage/baggage,two/three…pieces ofluggage/baggage,这两词区别是luggage是旅客的一般行李,baggage则是笨重的行李,如军队的行李。

(17)误:The typhoon did many damages to the growing rice.

正:much damage

damage指“损害”时为不可数名词。当它指“损害赔偿”时,为可数名词:The insurance companyrefused to pay him damages.

(18)误:He is a man of noble characters.


character作“品格”解时,只能用单数形式,为不可数名词。若character当书中或戏中的“人物、角色”解或指象中文中的“汉字”解时,为可数名词:ManyAmericans speak Mandarin fairly well,but theyfind it difficult torecognize the characters.

(19)误:I had my hairs cut yesterday afternoon.


hair泛指头发时通常作不可数名词,但说到几根头发时,却可用hairs:There are two white hairs onhis coat.

(20)误:She had to make a choice between love and breads.


bread是不可数名词,如要说一片面包要用 a piece of bread,一条面包要说 a loaf ofbread。bread and butter(涂奶油的面包)应当作一个词看待,要用单数:Here is bread andbutter.

(21)误:Is it good to eat some fruits after lunch.


fruit通指水果时,常作不可数名词,但当它表示各种不同的水果时,可用复数:Taiwan producesbanana,oranges and other fruits.

(22)误:Tooth decay is the most common disease of humanities.


当humanity泛指“人类”时,为不可数名词,当humanities指“人文学科”(studies such asliterature,the languages of ancient GreeceandRome,history,etc.)时,为可数名词,常以复数形式出现。

(23)误:A refrigerator is a property.

正:a piece of property

property表示“财产”时是不可数名词,但它表示“地产”时是可数名词:He has a property in thecountry.

(24)误:Please give me a buttered-toast.

正:a slice of buttered-toast

toast表示“烤面包”时是不可数名词,但在 as warm as a toast(暖烘烘的)中的 a toast不可改为 apiece of toast。另外,在表示“祝酒”或“干杯”时,toast是可数名词:Let's drink atoast!干杯!


(25)误:The workers have installed a lot of machineries.


表示“一台机器”可用a piece of machinery或a machine。

(26)误:Mr.Li has five thousand vocabularies.

正:a vocabulary of five thousand words


(27)误I bought a lot of stationeries last semester.


(28)误:Do you like such a scenery?

正:scenery/a scene

(29)误:Do you like reading poetries?


说“一首诗”用a piece of poetry或a poem。

(30)误:We are going to buy some porcelains.


porcelain是瓷器的总称,不可变为复数。说“一件瓷器”用 a pieceof porcelain,如 a spoon,abowl,a cup等。

(31)误:That business man deals in hardwares.


hardware是集体名词,不可变为复数,说“一件五金器具”用apiece of hardware,如 a pen,anail,a lock等。

(32)误:Our soldiers captured ten artilleries.

正:ten pieces of artillery

artillery是大炮的总称,为不可数名词,如要说“一门大炮”需要用 a piece of artillery或 acannon。

(33)误:We asked the postman to forward our mails.


mail是不可数名词,它常和the或物主代词连用,表示一批邮件,如说“一件邮件”要用a piece ofmail,但表示各种邮件时,mail可有复数形式:The ship sank and the mails were lost.

(34)误:The crossbow is a medieval weaponry built in such a way astogive it greater strength than an ordinary bow.


weaponry是不可数名词,在意义上等于weapons,为武器的总称,如指一件武器应用 a piece ofweaponry或 a weapon,相应的还有poet-ry,poem,jewelry,jewel,clothing,garment。


误:Our school was burned to ash.


英语中有些可数名词在汉语意思上习惯被误解为不可数名词,或某些不可数名词在惯用法和特定条件下用作可数名词。如:beburned/reducedto ashes(被烧为灰烬)为惯用语,其中ash用复数形式。


(1)误:I saw an old man with long beard walk into the house.

正:with a long beard


a.Men and goats have beards.

b.He no longer wears a beard.

hair却不同于beard,hair指一头头发时为不可数名词,而指一根或几根头发时为可数名词,如find a hair inthe soup。

c.My hair has grown very long.

d.Ten years passed;I found she had a few white hairs.

此外,一些文学作品中表示非常之多的不可数物质名词也常有复数形式,如 the sands of the desert,thesnows and frosts of the Antac-tics,waters of the East Lake。

(2)误:He described his wild experience in many foreigncountries.


experience指“something that happens to one”(个人体验的事情)时,用作可数名词。

(3)误:Meat,eggs and nuts are food that is high in protein.


指多种食物时,必须用foods;泛指一般的食物时,则以food表示:They asked for food.

(4)误:All his belonging was damaged by fire.

正:All his belogings were


(5)误:They tried to save their life.



(6)误:Give our best regard to professor Miller.



(7)误:The children were waiting for their turn to ride in aneigh-teenthcentury stage coach.


turn在本句中为可数名词。注意下列短语中turn的单复数用法:in one's turn(依次),in turn(轮流),byturns(轮流),take turns(轮流)。

(8)误:Our wage is getting higher.

正:Our wages are



误:The aircraft carrier is carrying two aircrafts on theboard.


有些可数名词单复数形式常易发生错误,aircraft是单复数同形的集合名词,on board意为“在船上”。


(1)误:American withdrew from Vietnam.





ChineseChinesethe Chinese

EnglishmanEnglishmenthe English

AmericanAmericansthe Americans

FrenchmanFrenchmenthe French

RussianRrssiansthe Russians

ItalianItaliansthe Italians

JapaneseJapanesethe Japanese

GermanGermansthe Germans

IndianIndiansthe Indians

KoreanKoreansthe Koreans

PortuguesePortuguesethe Portuguese

SpaniardSpaniardsthe Spaniards

Dutchman(荷兰人)Dutchmenthe Dutch

HollanderHollandersthe Dutch

GreekGreeksthe Greeks

SwissSwissthe Swiss

DaneDanesthe Danes

SwedeSwedesthe Swedes

NorwegianNorwegiansthe Norwegians

EgyptianEgyptiansthe Egyptians

TurkTurksthe Turks

(2)误:There were a huge audiences at that concert.



(3)误:Carps are expensive here.



(4)误:Two Chineses and one Italian were there.

正:Two Chinese


(5)误:I made a friend with a young lady.


make/keep friends with为惯用语,形成 friend的关系要靠双方。

a.He is great friends with me.他和我很要好。

b.He is a friend of mine.他是我的一个好朋友。

(6)误:Somebody's scissor is under my desk.

正:somebody's scissors are


(7)误:Your cloth is a perfect fit.

正:Your clothes are


(8)误:Rain and snow are a phenomenon of the weather.



(9)误:The boy took a great pain to assemble the model airplaneneat-ly.

正:great pains

take pains(费力、努力)为惯用语,注意要用pains。

(10)误:Her dress is extremely behind the time.

正:behind the times

behind the times意为“落伍”,是惯用语,behind time意为“迟了,晚了”:My watch isfive minutes behind time.at times意为“偶尔,有时”,all thetime意为“一直、始终”。当time指某一特定时间或时期时,用单数;in Lincoln's time,at Christmastime。

(11)误:The universitry president shook hand with the visitors onebyone.


握手也是出自双方的动作,hand习惯用复数,与此有关的习惯用语也大多用复数,如 by the hands of(经…之手),inthe hands of(交托给),on one's hands(由…负责照管),lay hands on(抓住),washone'shands of(洗手不干),还应注意:make up one's minds(下决心),ex-changelessons(互教互学),join hands(联手),change hands(转手、易手)等习惯用语。

(12)误:I just bought a trouser.

正:a pair of trousers

注意许多由双边、多边或几个部分组成的物体名词要用复数形式,如:breeches,scissors,shears.knickers,pants,shorts,drawers,clothes,pyjamas,pliers,pincers等,这类名词还常和a pair of等连用。但当这些名词用作定语时要用单数,如 a trouser leg,a card table等。

(13)误:His speech was highly spoken by a large number ofaudience.

正:a large audience

andience指听众或观众的整体,可以用作单数,也可用作复数:The audience were/was enjoyingevery minute of the show.它不能用来指单个的人,因而只能用 a large audience表示“听众多”,用a smallandience表示“听众少”,a large number of audiences表示“许多批听众”。


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