副 词 做 状 语
《诀窍英语》黄治森 编写
【副词的构成】1.一般词尾有-ly, 2.其次有-wise 3. 固定形态 4.合成词
【状语的种类】方式、地点、时间;原因、目的、条件;结果、比较、让步、程度、解释(态度和观 点)。
【方式状语的位置】1. 多用于后置状语 2.强调时可用于前位,3.宾语部分太长或修辞的原因,可以紧跟动词,用于中位。
【例句】1) She looked at himconcernedly.
2) Gradually she climbed up to the top of the stonestairs.
3) She listened actively to the teacher in theclassroom.
4) We must learn tospeak English fluently and correctly.
5) Theywarmly welcomed me at their offices.
【地点状语】1.以句末为主, 2. 句前为辅,3.句中也可以
1) He isworking here.
2) There goesthe bell.
The people hereare very happy.
Theweathertomorrowwill befine.
【时间状语】1. 常用于句末 2. 强调是位于句首少数情况下位于句中
1)He went home yesterday.
2)Yesterday he went home.
3)He yesterday went home.

【频度副词】单个的频度副词都是表示不精准的频率,这样的副词通常用在句中,有两个位置:1.be动词和第一个助动词(包括情态动词)之后 2.无助动词(包括情态动词)时,直接放在谓语动词之前。这是一般原则。
1)He is always happy to see the pet.
2)He always eats fish.
3)He can sometimes eat meet.
4)You shouldoftenhavegone to see your parents.
A. We gothere often
B. We oftengo there.
C. Veryoften we go there.
像once aweek这样的确定的频度短语通常还是放在句末。
1. Hestudied English hard at home last year.
2. She ranvery quickly on the sports ground.
3. The boyread quietly over there all afternoon.
4. She wasborn in Wuhan on the first of August, 1999.
5. He lives at75 Xiangchun Road, Changsha.
1. Thestory is very interesting.
2. Hestudies English very hard.
3. Thankyou very much.
4. You’reoldenoughto go toschool.
1.Fortunately I was here.
2.frankly,I don’t like it.
3. It’s alovely day indeed.
4. Perhapsyou are right.
5. Heabsolutely lives from hand to mouth.
6. I quietlike the idea.
7. Hekindly offered me a seat.
8. He justarrived here.
9.Frankly, I am not satisfied with it.。
10. Luckily itwas not so hot.
11.Seriously I wish to work here.
1. there,here在句首句子有倒装,看做是习惯用法,牢牢记住:
1)There goes the bell.
2)Here comes the bus.
3)Here we are.我们到了。
4)Here you are.给你。
2. never,not, hardly, scarcely, seldomlittle带有否定含义的副词在句首,句子要倒装:
1) Not oncedid he talk to me.
2) Neverdid he come here to see me.
3) Never haveI read such a book.
4) Seldomhas he been to Beijing。
5) Scarcelyhad he gone out when it began to rain.
6) Hardlyhad he arrived when she started to cry.
7) Littledid I think that we were talking for the lasttime.
3. oftenthen only so在句首,句子要倒装:
1) Oftendid she want to speak of it.
2) Sobright was the moon.
3) Onlythen could I do that foolish thing.
4) Then didI know the truth.
Only I kissedher last night. 昨晚只有我吻了她(即别人没吻她)。
I only kissedher last night. 昨晚我只是吻了她(即没干别的事)。
I kissed onlyher last night. 昨晚我吻的只有她(即没吻过别人)。
I kissed heronly last night [last night only].我只是在昨晚才吻了她(即其他时候未吻过)。
They secretlydecided to leave the town. 他们秘密决定离开这个城市。
They decidedto leave the town secretly. 他们决定秘密地离开这个城市。
He answeredthe question foolishly. 他对这个问题作了愚蠢的回答。
He foolishlyanswered the question. 他愚蠢地回答了这个问题。
Clearly hedidn’t say so. 显然他没有这样说。(clearly 修饰句子,意为“显然”)
He didn’t sayso clearly. 他说得没有那么清楚。(clearly 修饰动词 say,意为“清楚”)
1. He is astudent. He is a good student. He is a very goodstudent.
2. He has afuture. He has a bright future. He has a very brightfuture.
3. He went intothe room. He went into the dark room with a hammer in his handsilently on his toes last late-night.