Martini Recipes1. Lychee Martini: 3 oz L1FE Lychee VodkaCocktail Optionalingredients: 1 Dash Vermouth(Dry) 1 Dash Lychee Juice Creme de Cassis (ForLace)Chill cocktail glass and rim with sugar,Combine ingredients ina cocktail shaker with ice,Shake well, strain into cocktail glass,garnish with Lychee(s)or as desired, lace with Creme deCassis(optional) and serve.1. 荔枝马提尼鸡尾酒:3盎司L1FE甜香荔枝伏特加鸡尾酒可选配料:辛辣味美斯酒数滴荔枝汁数滴少许黑醋栗香甜酒冷却鸡尾酒杯并在酒杯边缘蘸糖,将配料与冰混合在鸡尾酒摇杯内,均匀摇动后过滤倒入鸡尾酒杯,并配以荔枝点缀,或按个人口味加入少量黑醋栗甜酒。

2. Peach Martini3 oz L1FE Peach Vodka CocktailOptional Ingredients:1 Dash Triple Sec1 Dash Orange JuiceChampagne or Sprite (For Lace)Chill cocktail glass and rim with sugar. Combine ingredientsin a cocktail shaker with ice, shake well, strain into cocktailglass, garnish as desired, lace cocktail (optional) andserve.蜜桃马提尼鸡尾酒3盎司L1FE 粉红蜜桃伏特加鸡尾酒可选配料:数滴橙皮甜酒数滴橙汁少许香槟或雪碧冷却鸡尾酒杯并在酒杯边缘蘸糖,将配料与冰混合在鸡尾酒摇杯内均匀摇动后过滤倒入鸡尾酒杯,按需要加入少量香槟或雪碧。
3. Apple Martini3 oz L1FE Green Apple Vodka CocktailOptional ingredients:1 Dash Vermouth (Dry)1 Dash Sweet and Sour Mix1 Dash CointreauChill cocktail glass and rim with sugar, Combine ingredientsin a cocktail shaker with ice, shake well, strain into cocktailglass, garnish as desired and serve.苹果味马提尼酒:3盎司L1FE绿青苹果伏特加鸡尾酒可选配料:辛辣味美斯酒数滴酸甜混合汁数滴少许君度甜酒冷却鸡尾酒杯并在酒杯边缘蘸糖,将配料与冰混合在鸡尾酒摇杯内,均匀摇动后过滤倒入鸡尾酒杯,适当点缀。