2010年6月底,我和好友从西雅图轮渡到对岸,进入华盛顿州的奥林匹克国家公园(Olympic NationalPark),到达美国最西北La Push第一海滩(1st Beach)住3天。
这是我在美国度过最安静的一段日子,由于所在地(Quileute OceansideResort)是美国最西北岸印第安人领属,所以房间里故意没有按电话和电视,无线网络信号也及其微弱。因此我们除了海边散步,就剩下看书、睡觉和吃饭了。
The floating rock,La Push:
La Push第一海滩、第二海滩、第三海滩,及至后来我沿途所见到处是枯木、朽木(tidal wood):
La Push是电影Twilight中狼人的聚居地…… Do you remember Billy Black down at LaPush? 哈哈哈,现在换RV车来集合露营了,也有情侣不想花钱的,就自带帐篷:
此情此景,我们忍不住在沙滩上用朽木挥毫:I am notalone when then alone, but the beauty of the nature is mycompanion. / 当我独自一人时我不感到孤独,美丽的自然景色就是我的伙伴。
“La Push is a small community in the state of Washington.It is located near Forks and houses the Quileute tribe. It is wellknown for surfing and whale-watching. It is one of the mainsettings for the second book of the Twilight saga, New Moon, as itis the home of Bella's family friend Jacob Black Stephenie Meyerused the local tribe in the first book as a plot device to tellBella, and the reader, that the Cullens were vampires, and in NewMoon she added a genetic quirk that allows the Quileutes to turninto werewolves when vampires are in the area. ”
7月里,我有断断续续在CW tv channel上看twilight《暮光之城》,还好吧。