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印度电视剧新娘剧情大爆料 印度电视剧新娘第三部


[ edit ] Sagar & Vidya's Shaddi[ 编辑 ] 萨加尔&维迪亚的Shaddi

The story is about a simple naive village girlname Vidya fromBanaras.故事讲述了一个简单天真的乡村姑娘的名字从Banaras维迪亚。The twist in her life takes place when she getsmarried to a mentally challenged man named Sagar Pratap Singh whorefuses to take herside.在她的生活发生扭曲当她嫁给了一个智障人,名叫萨加尔普拉塔普辛格谁拒绝接受她的身边。Sindoora (Sagar's stepsister), is jealous ofVidya because all her dad's property is in Vidya's name, and so shetries to kick her out.Sindoora(Sagar的继姐妹),是维迪亚嫉妒,因为她的父亲的财产维迪亚的名字,所以她试图赶她走。However,Sindoora's husband comes back from a business trip and withSindoora and Aniket's 10 year sonBharat.然而,Sindoora的丈夫回来出差和Sindoora和Aniket的10年儿子巴拉特。He makes Vidya stay in Sagar's room and so Bharatand Sagar try to pull pranks on Vidya to get her toleave.他让维迪亚留在Sagar的房等巴拉特和萨加尔尝试拉维迪亚恶作剧让她离开。Sagar gets sick and Sindoora tells Vidya to getSagar medicine and because Vidya is an illiterate, meaning shecannot read or write, she by mistake grabspoison.萨格尔生病和Sindoora告诉维迪亚得到萨加尔药,因为维迪亚是文盲,这意味着她不能读或写,误抓毒她。However before she gave it to Sagar, Sindoorathrows it out of her hand.然而在她给了萨加尔,Sindoora它扔了她的手。Sagar gets mad and the next day he was about tohit Vidya in the hand with a ruler however he sees that her hand iscovered withblood.萨格尔很恼火,第二天他正准备用尺子打在手维迪亚不过他看到她的手沾满了鲜血。This was the first time Sagar found out Vidya isnot bad she does things bymistake.这是第一次萨加尔发现维迪亚不坏,她是通过错误的东西。 SlowlySagar accepts Vidya and calls her his bestfriend.萨加尔慢慢接受维迪亚和他最好的朋友打电话给她。 (He thenfalls in love with her that, to the point where he cannot livewithout her). (然后,他爱上了在爱她,到这种地步,他不能没有她的生活)。

[ edit ] Vidya's family moves in [ 编辑 ] 维迪亚的家庭在行动

Vidya's mom shows up with Hema (her mom's sister)and Shalu (Hema'sdaughter).维迪亚的妈妈显示与赫马(她妈妈的妹妹)和沙鹿(赫马族的女儿)。Another twist was when Harsh shows up and says heis Vidya's far-away cousin and so he wants to stay with her for abit (Harsh is not her cousin, but a goon that has been trying toget married to Vidya foryears).另一种扭曲是当严酷的显示出来,并说他是维迪亚的远方表亲,所以他想与她留了一会儿(恶劣是不是她的表哥,而是一个打手已经试图让结婚多年维迪亚)。During the stay Harsh takes Sagar for a ride andthe next day when Sagar tries to drive on his own, he almost fallsof a cliff.中止期间采取严厉的车程,第二天,当萨加尔试图驾驶自己的萨加尔,他几乎跌倒在悬崖。However, Vidya goes in front of him and so Sagar,thinking fast, makes a turn and hits atree.然而,维迪亚在他面前去,所以萨加尔,思维快,在转弯,命中一树。Harsh had been planning this and so he tellseveryone that he and Vidya had made a plan to kill Sagar so thathis property and money can be theirown.苛刻了,所以他策划这告诉大家,他和维迪亚已作出计划,以杀死萨加尔使他的财产和资金可以是自己的。

Everyone thinks that Vidya was trying to killSagar and so they kick her out however Vidya says that she wants toknow if Sagar is okay before she leaves and so Sindoora lets herstay.大家都认为维迪亚试图杀死萨加尔,于是便赶她走但维迪亚说,她想知道如果萨加尔在她离开前是好的,所以让她留下Sindoora。During the whole day, Vidya does not eat or drinkanything and she went to the temple to do a prayer forSagar.在整个一天,维迪亚不吃或喝任何东西,她到庙里做萨加尔祈祷。She circles the temple 1,008 times and when shefinishes she faints.她圈的寺庙1008倍,当她完成她昏倒。However Chinu (Sagar cousin), and Bharat see andthey believe that Vidya never tried to hurthim.然而Chinu(萨加尔表弟)和巴拉特看到他们认为维迪亚从未试图伤害他。They take her home and Sagar gets better, Vidyawas just about to leave (as she had promised) when Sagar comes outand tells everyone that Vidya saved hislife.他们把她带回家和萨加尔好转时,维迪亚正要离开(因为她曾许诺)当萨加尔出来,告诉大家,维迪亚救过他的命。Harsh is now out of the house, however Chandrafalls in love with Harsh and they getmarried.严酷的是现在没有房子,但是钱德拉爱上了恶劣的爱,他们结婚了。Harsh turns good.严酷的转好。

Later Sagar's ex-girlfriend who had abandonedSagar when he became mentally ill came back with a kid saying itwas hers and Sagar she even had fake DNA report but Aniket getsanother one done and asked Sindoora what it says, it said that kidis not Sagars or his ex-girlfriend "Suril" but Sindoora lies andsaid itwas.后来Sagar的前女友谁放弃了萨加尔时,他成为精神病患者带着一个孩子回来说这是她的,萨加尔她甚至还假冒DNA的报告,但Aniket取得一个又一个做,问Sindoora说话是算数的,它说,孩子不是Sagars或他的前女友“Suril”,但Sindoora谎言和说,这是。Everyone decided to take the kid in but Sagarrefused, Vidya then made Sagar accept, Suril puts on the same Sarias Vidya and puts Sameer (the kid) on a boat and cuts therope.每个人都决定采取萨加尔在孩子,但遭到拒绝,于是维迪亚萨加尔接受,Suril放在同样的纱丽为维迪亚,放在船上切割绳Sameer(孩子)。Sagar from behind thought it was Vidya seeing thesame clothes.从后面萨加尔以为是维迪亚看到了同样的衣服。 Sagarattempts to save Sameer, hand gets rescued by an old friendTushar.萨格尔试图挽救Sameer,手得到救起一个老朋友Tushar。He takes Vidya's side and says that Vidya was notthe one who put Sameer on theboat.他以维迪亚的身边,说维迪亚不是一个谁把船上Sameer。 Soonenough Vidya, Tushar, Bharat, Chinu and Sameer find out that it wasSuril that put Sameer on that boat and they find out that Sameer isnot Suril's or Sagar'sson.很快维迪亚,Tushar,巴拉特,Chinu和Sameer发现,这是Suril是把那条小船Sameer,他们发现,Sameer不Suril的或Sagar的儿子。

Sagar's mum is giving all her property to Suril,Vidya refuses and she is then kicked out of the house.Sagar的妈妈正在给她所有的财产Suril,维迪亚拒绝了,她便赶出了家门。 Suril iskicked out and Sagar brings Vidya back.Suril被踢出来,萨加尔带来维迪亚回来。 Aniketfounds out that the person who was really behind Suril's actionswas his wife, Sindoora.Aniket开创出,人谁是背后Suril的行为真的是他的妻子,Sindoora。 He triesto make her say the truth about how her plot to kill Sagar andVIdya.他试图让她说,她的阴谋如何杀死萨加尔和维迪亚真理。 Aniketleaves Sindoora, but Vidya realized that they were breaking up,everyone in the house try to reconcile them and finally madeit. Aniket叶Sindoora,但维迪亚意识到,他们分手,在家里每个人都试图调和他们终于成功了。Sindoora apologizes to Aniket for what she doneto Sagar, he feels sorry to her and he forgives her.Sindoora道歉,Aniket她做什么萨加尔,他觉得对不起她,他原谅了她。 OnSagar's birthday Sindoora tells Sagar that Vidya has been cheatingon him.在Sagar的生日Sindoora告诉萨加尔说维迪亚已在他作弊。Sagar was about to ask Vidya but Vidya tells himthat she learned English for him and the man she went visit was herteacher.萨格尔是要问维迪亚但维迪亚告诉他,她学会了他和她去访问英国男子是她的老师。Sagar is disappointed in himself for thinkingthat Vidya would cheat on him.萨格尔是在自己的失望,认为维迪亚会欺骗他。He has also accepted her back in his room and hesays that he does love her a lot, their aunty then decides to makeSagar and Vidya closer that Vidya should say she is pregnant andVidya doesso.他还接受了他的房间里回来,他说他不爱她了很多,然后决定他们的阿姨,使萨加尔和维迪亚密切的维迪亚应该说她怀孕了维迪亚这样做。Sindoora finds out that their auntie is helpingVidya so she pays a guy to crash into her and kill her, she doesnot die. Sindoora发现,他们的阿姨帮助维迪亚所以她支付一家伙撞向她杀了她,她没有死。Sindoora blames the crash that happened at thetemple was a part of Aniket's plan to kill Sagar.Sindoora归咎于崩溃,在寺庙发生的情况是一个Aniket计划捕杀萨加尔的一部分。Aniket is sent to jail and Vidya is left alone tofight Sindoora. Aniket被送到监狱,维迪亚独自打Sindoora。Sindoora later finds out that Vidya is notpregnant and she exposes it in front of everyone.Sindoora后来发现,维迪亚没有怀孕,她暴露在众人面前。 Vidya iskicked out of the house but Sagar cannot live without her so hegives all his property to Sindoora and goes to findVidya.维迪亚是踢出了房子,但萨加尔出来的生活不能没有她,他给他的所有财产Sindoora,去寻找维迪亚。

Sindoora sends thugs after Sagar to killhim. Sindoora萨加尔后发送暴徒杀死他。 Theybeat him up and throw him into the water (where Vidya and Sagar hadfirst met).他们打了起来,扔进水里(其中维迪亚和萨加尔第一次见面)他。Vidya sees and tries to help him but somevillager hold her back and get Sagar out and take him to thehospital.维迪亚看到并试图帮助他,但一些村民握着她的竞技状态,获得萨加尔出来,带他去医院。In the hospital he rememberseverything.在医院里,他记得的一切。 He sayssorry to Vidya.他说,对不起,维迪亚。 The twoof them make a plan to get a proof againstSindoora.他们俩做了计划,让一对Sindoora证明。 Sagarpretends that after getting beat up he is mentally ill again andthe two of them go home.萨格尔假装起床后殴打他是精神病患者再次和他们俩回家。Sagar annoys Sindoora so much that she confirmseverything and says that she had tried to killSagar.萨格尔惹恼Sindoora以至于她证实一切,并说她曾试图杀死萨加尔。Vidya, Sagar and Chinu (he finds out Sagar is notmental and so he helps them with their plan) gets everything ontape.维迪亚,萨加尔和Chinu(萨加尔发现了他是不是精神,所以他用自己的计划,帮助他们)在磁带上得到的一切。Sindoora finds out that Sagar is not mentallyill, and pays the thugs to kill the two of them but Sagar and Vidyaran away from the house.Sindoora发现,萨加尔是不是精神病,并支付暴徒杀死他们两个,但萨加尔和维迪亚就从屋里跑了。They have been running for days before Sindoorasees them and chases them with acar.他们已经运行天前Sindoora看到他们,他们与一辆汽车追逐。Sagar and Vidya ran but eventually stop in frontof a cliff and Sindoora grabs a gun and shootsthem.萨格尔和维迪亚跑,但最终停在一个悬崖边Sindoora抓起枪前,瞪了他们。They die and Chinu finds their bodies and takethem home on theirdeathbed.他们死,Chinu发现他们的尸体,并将它们在作垂死的家。After the death ceremony, Chinu and his wifeShalu and her parents leave thehouse.仪式结束后死亡,Chinu和他的妻子和她的父母离开沙鹿的房子。Bharat (Sindoora's son), knows that his mom wasthe cause of their death and so he runsaway.巴拉特(Sindoora的儿子),知道他的妈妈是他们的死因,所以他逃跑了。8 years later, Shalu's parents return and bringKamna (Chinu and Shalu's 8 year old daughter as Chinu and Shalu haddied in a car crash).8年后,沙鹿的父母回来,把Kamna(Chinu和沙鹿的8年作为Chinu和沙鹿岁的女儿已经在车祸中死亡)。Every year on Sagar and Vidya's death, Sindooraholds a prayer forthem.萨加尔和维迪亚上的每去世一年,Sindoora拥有为他们祷告。

[ edit ] Amar and Divya (Reincarnation of Sagar andVidya) [ 编辑 ] 阿马尔和Divya(维迪亚转世的萨加尔和)

Sagar and Vidya return 21 years later as Amar andDivya.萨格尔和维迪亚21年后作为回报阿马尔和Divya。 Divyaand Amar meet in Banares and they fall in love.Divya与阿马尔满足Banares,他们在相爱。 They donot get married right away, but eventually theydo.他们不马上结婚,但最终他们做的。 The twoend up in Sindoora's house again because Amar is the real son ofMahua and Rajeev (Rajeev had switched the babies in thehospital).在Sindoora两端的房子了,因为阿马尔是麻花和Rajeev真正的儿子(拉杰夫们转而在医院的婴儿)。When Divya gets shot by Samrat (really Sindooradid it but blamed Samrat) she remembers everything from herpreviousbirth.当Divya得到了Samrat拍摄(真正Sindoora做到了,但指责Samrat),她记得她以前出生的一切。She remembers that Sindoora is the one thatkilled them.她记得,Sindoora就是那个杀了他们。 Thebullet was removed and she managed tosurvive.子弹取出,她熬过来了。 Divyatries to prove to Amar that his 'Badi Maa' is the cause of theirprevious death and she is his real enemy.Divya阿马尔试图证明他的'巴迪马阿'是他们以前的死因,她是他真正的敌人。 He didnot believe it because Sindoora was trying to get everyone to thinkthat the bullet made Divya kind ofcrazy.他不相信,因为Sindoora试图让每个人都认为子弹作出Divya一种疯狂。Amar eventually finds out the truth, himself andBharat (Sindoora's son who returns after 22 years to help Amar)helped them getrevenge.阿马尔最终发现了真相,自己和巴拉特(Sindoora的儿子谁22年后返回到帮助阿马尔)帮助他们报仇。Bharat wanted to get revenge because he hated hismom because he knew the truth abouther.巴拉特想报仇,因为他讨厌他,因为他知道妈妈对她的真相。 He knewsince he was little that she had killed Sagar and Vidya and thatshe had put his dad injail.他知道,因为他小时候,她杀死了萨加尔和维迪亚,她已经把他的爸爸在监狱里。He wanted to get revenge fromher.他想从她的报复。 Finally,Sindoora got arrested with the help of Amar, Divya, andBharat.最后,Sindoora被逮捕了同阿马尔,Divya,和Bharat帮助。She managed to escape and the police were tryingto find her.她设法逃脱,警方正试图找到她。 Shecalled Bharat, thinking he is on her side, and Bharat came alongwith Divya andAmar.她呼吁巴拉特,以为他在她的身边,和Bharat带着Divya和阿马尔沿。She tried to kill Divya and Amar again, butBharat came from behind and shother.她试图杀死Divya和阿马尔一次,但巴拉特来自后面枪杀了她。 It wasshown that she fell into the pond, but they never found herbody.结果表明,她到池塘下跌,但他们从未发现她的身体。 It waspresumed that she was eaten by thecrocodiles.据推测,她被鳄鱼吃掉。

Amar and Divya are having a nice life and Bharatand Aditi are trying to tell Divya the truth about them not beingmarried.阿马尔和Divya正处于一个很好的生活和巴拉特和阿底提正试图告诉Divya真相并不是他们结婚。In the most recent episodes, Amar is currently inBanaras because on his way there, he accidentally drove into andkilled Shivam who was on his way to getmarried.在最近的事件,阿马尔目前Banaras因为他的路上,他不小心开进并杀害Shivam谁在路上了结婚。Amar is then forced to stay with the familybecause Shivam's soon-to-be-wife thinks that Amar is actuallyShivam.阿马尔然后被迫与家人留下来,因为Shivam的即将要被妻子认为,实际上是Shivam阿马尔。He was asked to play as Shivam for a few days infront of Gauri.有人问他,作为Shivam玩在生歌丽•前几天。Recently, Amar was married to Gauri because shestill thinks that Amar isShivam.最近,结婚,生歌丽•阿马尔是因为她仍然认为阿马尔是Shivam。Because of her heart problem, the family isafraid to tell Gauri that Shivam is dead because they are afraidshe might alsodie.由于她的心脏问题,家庭是不敢告诉生歌丽•该Shivam是死了,因为他们害怕,她也可能会死。so Amar stays asShivam.所以作为Shivam阿马尔停留。 After anight they spend together in a building due to their car breakingdown.经过一个晚上,他们一起度过了他们的车,由于打破建设。 Peoplethink that she is a bad girl so Amar puts Sindoora on her and goeshome.人们认为她是一个坏女孩等阿马尔穿上了她Sindoora和回家。Amar finds out Divya is pregnant and Bharat'swedding is to come soon, Bharat brought the lady who took care ofhim when he wassmaller.阿马尔发现Divya怀孕和Bharat的婚礼即将投入市场,巴拉特带来的夫人谁照顾他时,他较小。Gauri decided to go find her husband inDelhi.生歌丽•决定去寻找她的丈夫在德里。 AfterSagar's mom brought Gauri home to stay she found out thatAmar/Shivam was living there when she went downstairs to look forhim, she saw him dancing with Divya and huggingher.萨加尔后的妈妈带来了生歌丽•我的身边,她发现,阿马尔/Shivam是生活在那里,当她下楼去找他,她看见他跳舞Divya和拥抱她。 Nextday, Gauri tries to tell the family about Amar marrying her butAmar stops her.第二天,生歌丽•试图告诉家人有关阿马尔娶了她,但她阿马尔停止。Amar told her that Shivam is dead and he is Amarnot Shivam.阿马尔告诉她,Shivam是死的,他是不Shivam阿马尔。Bharat's ma (a lady who took care of him after heran away) saw Amar and Gauri together, alone in a room, she tellsDivya, not wanting to hide this.Bharat的马(一夫人谁照顾他后,他跑了)看到阿马尔和生歌丽•在一起,独自在一个房间里,她告诉Divya,不想隐瞒这一点。Divya asks Amar where he was when she wassleeping that night but he says nothing, she then begins to suspecthim and Gauri, now she's saying that all these girls want is menand Divya begins to suspect something between her husband and Gaurisoon enough she finds out and then she makes Gauri get it out inthe open and even through that Gauri stays in their home.Divya问阿马尔在那里,他是在她睡觉的夜晚,但他没说什么,她然后开始怀疑他和生歌丽•,现在她的说法,所有这些女孩需要的是男人和Divya开始怀疑,她的丈夫和生歌丽•东西很快她然后她发现,使生歌丽•把它弄出来,在通过该生歌丽•开放,甚至在他们家住宿。

Divya is in a very critical stage in her life,only one of them can survive, ie the baby or her, but she reallywants the baby.Divya是她生活在一个非常关键的阶段,只有其中一个可以生存,即婴儿或她,但她真的希望宝宝。Bharat and Aditi getmarried.巴拉特和阿底提结婚。 Amartells Gauri to get out of his house but Gauri always tattle tailsand tells Divya that she's leaving even though she knows Divya willnot let thathappen.阿马尔告诉生歌丽•让他出门总还是有的,但生歌丽•尾巴,并告诉Divya,她的离开,即使她知道Divya不会让这种情况发生。Divya is diagnosed with Kidney disease and Gaurihas a heart disease. Divya被诊断出患有肾病和生歌丽•有心脏病。But Amar only cares aboutDivya.但是,阿马尔只关心Divya。 Bharat'sma (Karuna) gets kicked out of the house by Aniket because she doesnot like Aditi, since she is a divorcee.Bharat的马(卡鲁纳)得到踢出了房子的Aniket因为她不喜欢阿底提,因为她是一个离过婚。She leaves the house and Bharat's real mom(Sindoora) enters as it turns out that she was never dead., she isnow mentallyunwell.她离开了房子,Bharat的亲生母亲(Sindoora)进入,因为事实证明,她从来没有死。,她现在精神不适。Though Divya does not think she iscrazy.虽然Divya不认为她是疯了。 Theytest her to see if she is really crazy, but somehow Sindoora alwaysseems to know about theirplans.他们检查了她,看她是否真的是疯了,但不知何故Sindoora似乎总是知道他们的计划。Divya has now found out that Sindoora is notreally crazy she is just acting like it.Divya现已发现,Sindoora她是不是真的疯了,就像是行事。 Sindooratries to harm pregnant Divya, in that attempt Divya goes into acoma after giving birth to a baby girl, Dia.Sindoora试图伤害怀孕Divya在试图去Divya陷入昏迷后生下一名女婴,直径。

Amar at first refuses to love the baby, but laterrealized the baby had nothing to do with their relationship he nowstarted caring for thebaby.起初阿马尔拒绝爱宝宝,但后来意识到孩子无关,与他们的关系,他现在开始为孩子的关怀。Aditi realized truth of Sindoora and joins Aniketin his fight againstSindoora.阿底提实现了Sindoora真理,加入了他对Sindoora斗争Aniket。Sindoora at first succeed in convincing Gaurithat it's her duty to make Amar accept her as his second wife butGauri later realized her mistake and prays to Devima for speedyrecovery of Divya.Sindoora首先成功地说服生歌丽•这是她的责任,使阿马尔接受她,但他的第二任妻子生歌丽•对Divya后来才意识到自己的错误,并迅速恢复到Devima祈祷。Her prayers are answered and Divyarecover.她的祈祷得到了回应和Divya恢复。 Aditiand Aniket know about Sindoora's real character and they have aplan to send Sindoora to jail and the plan is unknown to everyoneelse.阿底提和Aniket了解Sindoora的真正的性格,他们有计划派Sindoora入狱,计划是未知的其他人。This time Sindoora's evil scheme is to break upAmar and Divya, that is As the drama progressed, we see that Divyais finally out of coma but cannot remember anything for more than10minutes.这一次Sindoora的邪恶计划是打破阿马尔和Divya,被认为是戏剧的进展,我们看到,Divya终于走出昏迷,但可以不记得任何超过10分钟。One Example of this is when she forgets baby Diain the bath tub luckily, Amar came and saved the baby and rushedher to thehospital.其中的一个例子是,当她忘了在浴缸内幸运的孩子直径,阿马尔来了,救了孩子,赶紧把她送到了医院。

Amar is really worried about Divya because shegets scared once he is notaround.阿马尔是真的担心Divya因为她对此感到害怕,一旦他不在身边。Amar and Divya head home because of Divya becauseis slowly losing her memory, and when they went to the doctor andhe said that there is 80% chance of Divya losing her memorycompletely.阿马尔和Divya因为Divya回家,因为正在逐渐失去她的记忆,当他们去看医生,他说,有80Divya她的记忆完全丧失%的机会。 The nextday, Amar wakes up and cannot find Divya, he's scared, searchingfor her in each and every corner of the house, until he seesDivya's feet behind the curtain, he opens it and Divya gets scaredand tells Amar to go away, saying "I don't know you, who are you,what do youwant?".第二天,阿马尔被唤醒并不能找到Divya,他吓坏了,寻找她在每一个房子的角落里,直到他看到幕后Divya的脚,他打开它,Divya对此感到害怕,并告诉阿马尔离开,他说:“我不知道你,你是谁,你想要什么?”。At this point she has lost all hermemory.此时,她已失去了她所有的记忆。 Amar andAditi has a plan that might bring Divya's memory back, they putbaby Dia on the bed to let her cry, and Divya comes and plays withher, so Amar thought she got her memory, but no, she looks at themand says to baby Dia that look, your mummy and papa arehere.阿马尔和阿底提了一个计划,可能带来Divya的回忆,他们把它放在床上宝宝直径让她哭,Divya来与她话剧,很阿马尔以为她得到了她的记忆,但没有,她看着他们,说:宝宝直径看起来,你的妈妈和爸爸在这里。Amar gets a bigger shock as she cannot rememberanything, because of this Divya is getting distracted and packs herstuff to leave, and badi maa comes and asks about Divya where sheis going, and she's looks at Amar and asks if she can stay in theroom.阿马尔得到了更大的冲击,因为她不记得任何事情,因为这Divya越来越分心,包她的东西离开,巴迪备忘录来问关于Divya她在哪里去,和她在阿马尔看,问她是否能留在房间。

Amar resumes office but gets to know that hiscompany has been taken over byB-ventures.阿马尔得到恢复办公室,但要知道,他的公司已经采取由B -企业了。He decides to meet them and goes to their officeand sees Sindoora's portrait in the office and is stunned, Amarshares the news with family that Bharat has forged their familybusiness.他决定去迎接他们,他们的办公室,看到在办公室Sindoora的画像,是震惊,阿马尔股与家人,巴拉特锻造了他们的家族企业的消息。Family supports Amar and advices him to startafresh by taking loan but to Amar's surprise there is a huge loanamount already taken in his name by Bharat…and what surprises himeven the most is when the bank manager says that Amar himself hassanctioned the loan to Bharat and now Amar has to return the loanin a week's time or else his property will be auctioned andbusiness will be sealed… Divya meets Bharat and tries explaininghim that whatever he is doing is not right but Bharat does not moveand asks Divya to stay out of this.家庭支持阿马尔和建议,他开始采取贷款,但到Amar的惊喜存在着巨大的贷款额已经以他的名义采取的巴拉特...而重新什么惊喜他即使是最重要的是当银行经理说,阿马尔本人已批准的贷款向Bharat现在阿马尔必须返回在一周的时间,贷款,否则他的财产将被拍卖,企业将被封闭...Divya符合巴拉特,并试图解释他,无论他做的是不正确的,但巴拉特不动,并要求Divya留出这一点。The auction begins and the family spends the lastmoments in their house.拍卖会开始和家庭花费在他们家的最后时刻。The house is finally sold and Bharat takes chargeof the house.这房子是出售和Bharat终于把房子的费用。Bharat names this house as Sindooraniwas.巴拉特称此为Sindoora niwas房子。 Amar andDivya along with Dia leave home but not Aniket andUma.阿马尔和Divya随着直径离开家,但却没有Aniket和乌玛。Amar and Divya walking on the road on a look outfor shelter.阿马尔和Divya走在住房上一看出来的道路。 Umatells Aniket that they should have not left Amar and Divyaalone.乌玛告诉Aniket,他们应该没有离开阿马尔和Divya孤独。Bharat now behaves like the owner of the house.巴拉特现在的行为就像是房子的主人。 Divya,Amar and Dia are together as a family and Bharat is all alonesitting in the house with nobody around him, because he is gettingso mean, Aditi has started hating him.Divya,阿马尔和DIA在一起像一个家庭和Bharat是独自一人在家里坐在他身边的人,因为他的意思了,因此,阿底提已经开始恨他。Bharat makes progress in his business ventureseven as Amar plunges deep intopoverty.巴拉特使得他的创业进度甚至阿马尔深深陷入贫困。 WhileBharat starts getting international proje cts for his company, Amarhas to take up the job of a truck driver to support Divya andDia.虽然巴拉特开始变得对他的公司的国际项目,阿马尔已采取了一辆卡车的司机,以支持Divya和DIA工作。

The whole family is in a state of shock afterAmar is in jail .全家人在监狱后阿马尔正处于休克状态。Bharat performs the last rites ofSindoora.巴拉特的Sindoora执行的最后仪式。 TheDoctor comes as a savior for Divya.医生是一款以Divya救星。Divya and Bharat come face to face and Bharattells her that now for him there is even a bigger task to see thatAmar is hanged to death and he takes his mothers revenge and Divyafreaks out and tells Bharat that she will also fight the battletill the end.Divya和Bharat面对面和Bharat告诉她,他现在甚至有一个更大的目标地看到,阿马尔是绞刑死刑,他带着他的母亲复仇,Divya巴拉特怪胎出来,并告诉她还将打仗,直到结束。Divya and Doctor Shashank go and meet variouslawyers in town but all of them refuse Amar's case.Divya与医生Shashank去满足不同的律师在城里,但他们都拒绝Amar的案件。Bhargav manipulates and takes the power ofattorney in his name and hands it over to Sindoora (she is stillalive). Bhargav操纵的,在他的名字的委托书和双手它交给Sindoora(她还活着)。The judgment day for Amar arrives and everybodyis present at thecourtroom.对于审判的日子来到阿马尔,每个人都在法庭存在。

He begs Divya for forgiveness, Divya at first wasmad but forgives Bharat after he says he will help her search forSindoora and free Amar, however they only have a few days Divya andBharat search Sindoora, they find out that Sindoora has booked aticket out of Delhi, so they hurry to findher.他乞求宽恕Divya,Divya起初是生气,但之后他原谅巴拉特说,他将帮助她Sindoora阿马尔搜索和自由,但他们只有一个Divya和Bharat搜索Sindoora,他们发现,Sindoora已预订了机票几天离开新德里,所以他们急于找到她。There are police surrounding the airport.周围有警察的航空口岸。 In thetrain Sindoora is smiling because she thinks she had won again, butthen suddenly the person who is sitting in front of Sindoora lowersthe newspaper and it isDivya!在火车上Sindoora在微笑,因为她认为她赢得了,但突然的人谁是在Sindoora坐在前排降低了报纸,这是Divya!Divya tries to get Sindoora to go with her, butSindoora pushes her and run away.Divya试图让Sindoora去与她,但她推Sindoora逃跑。 Sindoorasneak inside the Singh house, to kidnap Dia.Sindoora潜行进去辛格家,绑架直径。 Anikettries to stop her, but gets injured.Aniket试图阻止她,但得到受伤。 In theend Sindoora is trying to blackmail Bharat and Divya saying shewill kill Dia if they try to saveAmar.最后Sindoora是企图勒索巴拉特和Divya迪亚说她会杀了,如果他们试图挽救阿马尔。Then Amar is 30 minutes away from being hanged,time passed by and Amar has the rope around hisneck.接着是30分钟的路程阿马尔被绞死,通过时间和阿马尔有脖子的绳索。The man tells the guy to pull the stick to hangAmar.该名男子告诉家伙把控制杆拉挂阿马尔。 Meanwhile Divya and Bharat are powerless to stopSindoora and then the policearrive.与此同时Divya和Bharat无力阻止Sindoora,然后在警察到来。They phone the man to stop Amar death and Amar issaved.他们手机的人停止死亡和阿马尔阿马尔被保存。 Sindooragets arrested and goes mental. Sindoora被捕,去获取精神。The final scenes are Divya and Amar's wedding,everyone is happy again.最后的场面Divya与Amar的婚礼,大家都高兴了。They show Sindoora in jail, who are lookinginsane and "playing" with twodolls.它们显示在监狱Sindoora,谁正在寻找疯狂和“耍”两个娃娃。

[ edit ] Sagar & Vidya's Freedom/Amar& Divya's Peaceful Future[ 编辑 ] 萨加尔&维迪亚的自由/阿马尔和Divya的和平的未来

The last thing shown is a family picture of theSingh family, with the text "Love can neverdie".展示的最后一件事情是一个家庭的全家福辛格与文本,“爱能永远不死”。Sindoora has finally come to an end after thanmore than 25 years and Divya/Vidya and Amar/Sagar can finally behappy. Sindoora终于告一段落后,则比25年和Divya/维迪亚和阿马尔/萨加尔终于可以快乐。 The showends with the Banoo Main Teri Dulhaan's ThemeSong.节目结束与Banoo主要泰瑞Dulhaan的主题曲。


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