发布时间:2022年04月15日 03:34:56分享人:南国猫觅海来源:互联网10
it works for me
- 1. Hey, that's justthe way Iam . It works for me.
- 嘿,我就是这个样子,这样做对我行得通.
- 2. You can try this balm. It works for me.
- 你可以试试这种护唇膏. 我觉得它很有效.
- 3. Oh, no, not again, It never works for me.
- 哦,别, 别再来了, 那从不对我起作用.
- 4. I never go anywhere, anditworkswell for me.
- 我从不去什么地方, 这让我很受用.
- 5. That is whatI didand it works very well for me.
- 我就是这样做的,并且效果很好.
- ---------------------------------------
-We’re having dinner at 7:30. Does it work for you?
-Sounds fine. 好吧。
-We will arrive 20 minutes later. Does it work for you?
-Works for me. 没问题。
-We’re going to interview you this afternoon. Does it work foryou?
-Fine. I’m expecting you. 好的,我期盼你的到来。
爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/226779.html


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