来自可可英语:Nowadays, the phenomenon of excessive packaging has becomingincreasingly serious. Lots of packages have already deviated fromtheir original function. Excessive packaging is a serious wastephenomenon, which deserves our special attention and penetratingresearch.There are many reasons accounting for excessive packaging.Firstly, the promotion effects of excessive packaging have beengreatly exaggerated by interest—driven merchants. Furthermore, itis irrational consumption that led to the phenomenon of excessivepackaging. The last but not the least, as everyone sees it thatdistempered of the related laws and regulations and inadequateenforcement of the law together contributed to thisphenomenon.As far as I am concerned, excessive packaging not only createswaste of resources, but also causes unnecessary environmentpollution, so we should try our best to eliminate this phenomenoncompletely. To avoid excessive packaging, we should increase ourawareness of this phenomenon and change our ideas towards it. Weshould also establish the atmosphere of simple packaging, advocateappropriate packaging and build a conservation-mindedsociety.
文都版:In recent years, with the economy growing, all kinds of goodsare flowing into our life. The packaging of goods becomes more andmore attracting our eyes. However, the problem of excessive packaging has aroused people's wide concern.This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. For one thing,the business has seen through the mind of most consumers who areface-saving, for they thought that the more beautiful the packagingof goods is, the best people like. For another thing, excessivepackaging can make the majority of merchants get high profit forthe cheap commodity by improving price. Perhaps the primary reasonlies that the form far outweighs the content.In my opinion, it is more advisable to focus on the quality ofgoods than to decorate its appearance. So, it is urgent thatimmediate measures should be taken to stop the situation. Only inthis way can we reduce unnecessary waste and have a rational andpure shopping condition, making our money cost worthwhile.
文都徐可风① Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over excessivepackaging in our country.② It is known to all that excessive packaging has negativeinfluences on consumers.③ And people would turn pale at the very mention of excessivepackaging.① There are many reasons why excessive packaging emerges, butin general, they come down to three major ones.② For one thing, I argue, Chinese consumers care more aboutpackaging than product itself.③ For another, the packaging often represents the quality ofproduct, so the manufacturer is eager to do excessivepackaging.④ But the prime reason is perhaps that the departmentconcerned turns a blind eye to this irrational phenomenon.① In regard to this problem, steps should be taken to minimizeit.② The first thing we should do is to emphasize product'squality over its packaging.③ Another thing we can do is to strengthen the supervision onexcessive packaging.④ In addition, the Weibo is one of the most effective mediathat remind consumers to spend reasonably.
沪江网校版:Nowadays the phenomena of excessive packaging of goods areprevailing in our society: clothes swathed in tissue paper, placedin cardboard box and finally wrapped in well—designed plastic bags,imported bottles of grape wine packed in wooden boxes, fruits putin hand-woven baskets, to name but a few.There are several causes of excessive packaging. The firstreason is that a large number of companies believe that they canattract customers' attention and stimulate their purchasing desireby over—packaging their goods, thus gaining more profits. On theother hand, quite a number of consumers mistakenly hold that themore delicate the package is, the better the quality will be, thusencouraging excessive packaging.In my point of view, excessive packaging has disastrousconsequences, including the loss of precious resources, excessiveconsumption of water and energy, and unnecessary extraction ofscarce land for landfill.To solve the problem, it's necessary to take the followingmeasures. First, laws and regulations must be made to restrictexcessive packaging of companies. In addition, we need to raiseconsumer's awareness that excessive packaging doesn't equal to highquality and advocate packaging recycling.