用for还是to?(convenientforyou/toyou?) be convenient for

convenient for you/to you?

Which is correct? "if it is convenient for you" or "ifit is convenient to you". If both are correct, what are thedifferences between them?

答:两者都正确,含义略有区别。用for更具体,言下之意,是指做某事是否方便。It's much more likely that I would say"if it is convenient for you". I might be making a specific,concrete suggestion for an appointment, for example:
If it is convenient for you, we could meet tomorrow at 2p.m.

用to对象更明确,是指对你而言是否方便。If I said "convenient to you", I wouldprobably be referring to som ething more general or more theoretical-- i.e. something less specifically connected directly to 'you'. Imight be asking someone whether something seems convenientto them generally speaking.


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