Stayuptoolate stay late

Nowadays,it is not uncommon to find students doze blatantlyin class, if they do not skid or slip out ofclasses. If a student is unfortunately asked tostand outside the classroom by a stern teacher, he may innocentlyand pathetically claim that he burned the midnight oil for examsand therefore did not get enough sleep. In fact,according to a recent survey, nine out of ten of students admit tohave the same problem, while their reasons for staying up latevary. However, whatever the reason is, staying uptoo late brings prolonged harm.

The initial stage of staying up too late may not troublestudents much, but they do have some mentaldisturbance. If one sleeps less than 8hours——necessary sleep hour recommended by health experts, he orshe will probably be confronted with various maladjustments. Onetypical symptom of inadequate sleep is the appearance of lassitudeand anxiety. A case in point is the student whoonce or twice stays up too late fail to focus on any activities,together with being absent-minded in class. Evenworse, this symptom often last a few days and if not given notice,one’s biological clock may be broken which will induce insomnia orMoreover, it is worth pointing out that since sleeping at night istotally different from afternoon nap, and the thought thatafternoon nap can compensate for lack of sleep is sheergroundless.

However,if you think the above is the entire story, then you are wrong. Thetruth is with the accumulative effect of staying up too late,students may suffer from what is called “staying-up-late syndrome”,whose mainly sy mptom is weight-gaining and the flourish ofwhelks. According to a survey in England, up to38.7% of students who sleep less than 7.5hours per day begin togain weight quickly though. Specialists indicatethat when a person is deprived of enough sleep, the quantity ofleptin, a material that can reduce appetites, declines, causing theincrease of the hormone that stimulate appetite.That is why people who used to stay up late tend to feelhungry. Besides, staying up too late is the chiefculprit of the incretion disorder as many hormones are secretedduring sleep so one is more likely to get more whelk without enoughsleep,accompanied with annoying forgettery, impaired vision,testiness, willies and alimentary infection.

Appalled?Not that bad. It is still not too late to keepoff the bad habit of staying up too late. As amatter of fact, students have many other choices; for example, theycan get up earlier if they real worry about insufficient time forstudy. After all time is like water in thesponge, you can extrude them. Keep in mind thatnothing can replace a regular sleep habit to ensure you of feelingrefreshed and vigorous next day.


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