HAARP地震气象武器的工作原理 气象瓶原理


figure 1. Spectrum Analysis of aTypical HAARP Pulse

This graph shows both the signal amplitude, inyellow at the top, and a spectral analysis oftheHAARPpulsein the blue/green patternsat the bottom. To listen to the sound file from which this analysiswas made use below player panel.

HAARP(High-FrequencyActive Auroral Research Program) is a high-powered radiotransmission research facility jointly operated by the US Navy, AirForce and several universities. Because of the high secrecysurrounding the government HAARP project, many theories have risentrying to explain what HAARP is and does. Most of them are simplywild speculations, based on fears about what "they are doing upthere." It is the purpose of this article to provide sufficienttechnical expertise to dispel themystery.

Theabove HAARPsignalwas monitored on 3.39 MHZand recorded in San Jose, California, about 5,000 miles from thetransmitter inGakona, easterncentral Alaska. At that distance and frequency, the signal can onlybe heard during the night after two F-layer ionospheric skips. Someshort-term signal fading over the signal path may be the cause forthe variations in the smooth roll-off in the amplitude from 1 secto the end of the pulse at 6.25 secs. Theseloud6 secondpulsesare usually repeated witha quiet 15 or 30 second pause betweenpulses.

1. HAARP and ULF (Ultra Low Frequency)Waves

TheHAARP soundrecordingmayseemfull of static. It isnot. The rushing roaring sound of a blow torch istheHAARPsignalitself, as shown by thesilence or background noise of the receiver at the end of thepulse, and by the clarity of the tones at the beginning. If youwanted to see or hear the ULF (ultra low frequency) waves sent outby the HAARP transmitter, you will be disappointedhere.

My receiver is not equipped to record ULF waves in the region of 1to 10 Hz, and has an audio roll-off in the range of about 30 Hz.And besides, you can't hear or see a 0.9 or 1 Hz signal anyway. Itis way below the range of normal human hearing. You needinstruments to sense it. A powerful 1 Hz sound wo uld probably be"sensed" as a slow rolling earthquake or a slight rocking motion ason the ocean. Nonetheless, a major component and purposeofthe HAARP signal is an audiomodulation at the frequency of about 0.9 Hz. And what is thatpurpose? I'll get to that in amoment.

2. HAARP Interaction with theAtmosphere

TheHAARPpulseis primarily dividedintotwo components. The firstpart is the sections marked A and B on the chart above and is thepowerful "pre-heat" megawatt pulse aimed upward at the ionospherejust above the HAARP facility. As the radio waves travel up throughthe atmosphere they have no effect until they reachtheionosphereabout200 kilometers above the earth, which is far above the atmosphere.At that point the waves interact with the ions, which may beelectrons, protons or ionized parts of atoms like oxygen, ozone ornitrogen.

Normally the particles in the near vacuum of outer-space in theregion of the ionosphere are simply moving randomly in alldirections. Some particles may hit each other and re-combine intonormal atoms of oxygen and nitrogen, thus simply becoming a part ofthe atmosphere. Other particles may drift off into space and othersmay move downward into the thicker atmosphere where theyre-combine. Then along comestheHAARP signal.

For about a quarter second duringthepart A and B of the pulse,the randomly moving ions are now forced to madly race back andforth in the direction of the radio waves at the speed of light or300,000 kilometers per second, which is real fast. Many of themstrike atoms in the upper atmosphere and cause the atoms to alsobecome ionized. Thus the number of ions is suddenly increased.Since the neutral atoms in the atmosphere do not react to the radiowaves, they remain more or less stationary, and become "sittingducks" just waiting to be hit by one of the billions of racing ionsall rushing back and forth in response totheHAARPwaves.

Even if the neutral atoms don't become ionized, many of them arestruck by the fast ions and soon most of the atmospheric atoms highabovetheHAARPtransmitterare also rushing in all directions but not back and forth as arethe ions. This sudden increase in the motion of both the atoms andions in the upper atmosphere is called "ionosphericheating." In fact, the HAARP facility, along with severalsimilar research instruments in Europe and Russia, are in thecategory ofIonosphericHeaters. But its what HAARP does next duringthepartCof the pulse which makes HAARPunique.

3. Components of theHAARPPulse

InportionAof the pulse, identifier tonesare sent at frequencies of 360, 1000 and 1700 Hz, with someharmonics at higher frequencies visible on the graph. In part B thetones are 650 Hz with a harmonic at 1300 Hz. On the chart theyellow color indicates a very strong signal, the green indicates amedium strength signal and the blue shows a weaksignal.

InpartCof the signal there is acontinuous tone at 2100 Hz which remains during the whole pulse andsometimes several seconds afterward. There is also a much weakertone around 2500 Hz during all of the pulse. And then there is allthat green/yellow stuff at the bottom, sloping upward to the rightduring all of part C. What the heck is that? To explain that weneed to look at the HAARP antenna itself.

fig 2. HAARP AntennaArrary.

Showing the crossed beams of the circularlypolarized antennas.TheHAARP"antennafarm"consists of 48towers, soon to be180,about 25 meters tall and each is topped with a pair of crossedbeams in a north-south and east-west direction. The actualradiating parts of the antenna include those wires dangling fromthe ends of the beams.

By sloping the wires and hooking all theantennas together they act as one large single antenna covering 33acres which can transmit in the north-south or east-westdirection.

4. HAARP CircularPolarization

IfHAARPonlyused the north-south beams then the electrons and protons in theionosphere would race madly in the north-south direction. Andlikewise if the radio waves move in the east-west direction, sowould the ions. What HAARP does is on each portion of thetransmitter cycle it switches from the east-west to the north-southbeams and back again.

If you could see the radio waves rising from the antenna they wouldappear to be spiraling or "cork-screwing" upward. This is called"circular polarization" of the radio signal. This is not uncommon,since all commercial FM stations use circular polarization to sendhorizontal signals to home roof antennas and vertical signals toautomobile antennas.

ButHAARPisnot broadcasting to homes or autos, nor is it switching on eachcycle. No, the HAARP signal is corkscrewing upward at a rateof,TADA!, about 0.9Hz.And why is that? Bycorkscrewing the signal, the ions in the upper atmosphere do notjust race madly back and forth, instead they move in BIG circles.And you can get the most ions running around the "race course" justaboveHAARPifyou make them have a "lap time" of about once persecond.

5. Optimizing the HAARPRotation

What determines the optimum "laptime" is something called the plasma density and is related to thetemperature, number of ions, number of neutral atoms in theionosphere, and some other factors I won't mentionhere.

(Note: For more information on plasma density consultany of the many graduate textsonplasma physics. Also, I haveoversimplified the relation between the 0.9 Hz signal and the "laptime." It is not my purpose here to provide a complete descriptionofionosphericcyclotronicinteractions.)

By making the ions, both electrons and protons, move in big circlesthey each become little electromagnets with a north and south pole.At the latitude of HAARPinGakona, Alaska the earth'smagnetic field lines are nearly vertical. So if the HAARP circularpolarization is either clockwise or counter-clockwise you can makethe ions racing around at 0.9 Hz either be attracted to the earth'smagnetic north pole or repelled. If the circling ions areattracted, then they would simply spiral downward toward theearth's north pole and run into the denser atmosphere and mightproduce a very weak aurora, hence thenameHigh Frequency Active AuroralResearch Program. That's all very interesting but its notexactly the real purpose ofHAARP.

6. HAARP as a"ParticleGun"

IftheHAARPsignalrotates so the ions circle around with their north poles pointingdownward, then they are repelled by the earth's magnetic north poleand are shot out into the vacuum of space at nearly the speed oflight. Wow, you mean HAARP is a particle gun? You betcha! Thelargest one around, sorta.

But its not really a "gun" because you can't aim it at anything.The particles simply shoot off into space. But they are stillspiraling and are magnetic, and as a result they follow along theearth's magnetic field. In less than half a second they arrive atthe earth's south pole. There, they don't even touch the atmospherebut are caused to spiral more tightly by the earth's convergingmagnetic field lines, until they are made to flip over and are shotright back to the north pole, all in less than a second.ThusHAARPisreally a particle injector which fires billions of ions into the"magnetic bottle" of the earth's magnetosphere, where theyremain trapped for a longtime.

7. Uses of the HAARP Particle InjectionDevice

So what can you do withaparticleinjectorlikeHAARP?According to the original patent design, this device could be usedto produce a thick blanket of fast particles in the region of themagnetosphere which would knock out any electronic controls on, orpossibly completely destroy, any space vehicle which flew throughit. This was most interesting in the 1980's when the patent wasfiled and even in 1990 when the US government decided to buildHAARP. At that time the main nuclear threat was the USSR and anymissile from Russia aimed at the US would need to pass through themagnetosphere over the north pole.

Bydeploying theHAARP system, nomissiles from Russia would reach the US. None. Zero. And that ispretty effective! Most people think of an ICBM as a kind of bigrock or arrow. You just lob it from here and it sorta lands on thetarget over there. Not so. An ICBM is a space vehicle. It must takeoff using a large booster rocket, travel at near orbital speed inthe vacuum of space until it is over the target then it mustre-enter the atmosphere.

To survive re-entry the missile must use one of several schemes,like retro rockets, or deploying an ablative heat shield to protectthe warhead from simply burning up in the atmosphere. If themissile'scomputer controlsaredestroyed when passing through the magnetosphere then the missilewill not survive re-entry and will simply burn up like a piece ofspace junk or a meteor. There's a good chance the missile's controlsystems are destroyed even before the second stage separates fromthe booster, thus the missile never even arrives over thetarget.

8. TheHAARP Shield and the "ColdWar"

In the 1980's and '90's a numberofStrategic DefenseInitiative(SDIor"Star Wars") programs were developed. All of them, which relied onshooting particle beams, lasers or anti-ballistic missiles at thetarget were made obsolete and useless in the early 1980's. I know,since I worked on a number of them. They all relied on knowingwhere the target was and then shooting something at the target. Thedevelopment of non-radar-reflective paint and surfaces, or stealthtechnology, meant you can't tell where the target is. If you don'tknow where it is, how can you shoot at it? The only effectivedefensive shield concept was and isHAARP.

My suspicion is, the decision tobuildHAARPin1990 was one of the major reasons for the collapse of the SovietUnion in 1991. Since ALL soviet missiles would be destroyed beforere-entering the atmosphere, the USSR had neither an offensive nordefensive missile weapons system, other than nuclear submarines.The US could turn on and off the HAARP shield at will, so it wasalmost like putting the "shields" up or down on Captain Kirk'sEnterprise on the "real" Star Wars. You put the shields down tofire weapons, then put the shields back up to defend against anyincoming missiles. The USSR was no longer a nuclear threat nor evena nuclear power as soon as the HAARP system was built. Bye, ByeUSSR.

9. Where the HAARP ShieldFails

Unfortunately,theHAARPsystemis not exactlyliketheshieldson the Enterprise. The shield follows along the lines of theearth's magnetic field. Near the north and south poles themagnetosphere reaches down to almost touch the atmosphere. But nearthe equator the magnetosphere is several thousand miles out inspace.

A missile from Russia going over the polar region must pass throughthemagnetosphere. But amissilefromChinacandeploy a second stage, reach orbit and deploy for re-entry allbelow an altitude of several hundred miles and never come anywherenear the magnetosphere. ThusHAARPis no defense against Chinese nuclear weapons. A new technologyis needed. And it was found.

10. New Methods for the HAARPShield

About 1995 a numberofionospheric researchphysicistsstudying particlescoming from the sun, noticed the height of the particles above theearth's surface bouncing back and forth from pole to pole wasdependent on their velocity. By slowing the particles down theracing electrons and protons in the magnetosphere would drop downfrom several thousand miles to almost the top of the atmosphereabout 20 to 50 miles above the surface. Could HAARP be used to makethat happen? Yes.

By changing the frequency at which ions race "around the track"above HAARP just before they are shot out into space, you candetermine the height at which theytravel.

11. The Pulse GraphShows New HAARPTechnology

Simply by changing the frequency of the circularpolarization during theHAARPpulsea vertical curtain ofextremely fast particles can be made to drop down from themagnetosphere to just above the top of the atmosphere along thedirection which the HAARP signal is sent. In the graph of fig.1 thesloping lines of the green/yellow color are caused by the basefrequency of 0.9 to 1 Hz being shifted slightly during thepulse.
HAARP地震气象武器的工作原理 气象瓶原理

What is seen in the graph is the higher frequency harmonics of thesquare wave pulses which heat the ions but it is the ULF componentwhich fires them into space. And it is the slow shifting of the ULFcomponent during the pulse which produces the vertical curtainshield. I have seen and heard many pulses with the sound seeming tobe falling. In this sample the sound is slightly rising. Soundingsomething like the rising roar of a jet engine duringtake-off.

12. What Else You Can Learn AboutHAARP

Well, that is a thumbnail sketch of what you candiscover by looking at the graph and listening to the sound oftheHAARPtransmitter.Of course, none ofthis is part of the "official" story you can get by rummagingthrough the web pagesatthe "official" HAARPwebsite. You might learn about thenumber of university programs which are performing research on theionosphere. But even in the "cover story" of ionospheric research,they hardly mention the study of Alfven Waves at the ultra lowfrequency (ULF) of 0.9 Hz. HAARP is supposed to beanHForHigh-Frequencyfacility.

They do mention some of the students are doing studiesonELF(ExtremelyLow Frequency) waves. But the only way you might find out HAARPis primarily a ULF facility, despite its name, is by looking at thetechnical specifications of the instrumentation.Especially,the InductionMagnetometerinstrument which was madeand tuned for HAARP to detect the pc1 Alfven waves in the magneticfield with a ULF frequency of 0.9Hz.

You can find out about theNavy'sELFSystemsfor communicating to nuclearsubmarines from antennas in Wisconsin and Michigan operating at 76Hz. You will find nothing about how the US Navy has been usingHAARP's ULF signal to transmit much deeper in the ocean. Othercountries can communicate to deep subs with transmitters andantennas which can go down to about 7 Hz. But HAARP operates atabout 1 Hz. The lower the frequency the deeper the signalpenetrates the ocean. To find out about the Navy's "Official"explanation of what they are doingatHAARP, check outtheNavy HAARP FactSheet.

At theHAARPwebsiteyou might learn the thirdmember of the triumvirate which operates the facility is the US AirForce. And that's about all youlearn.Nothing is said about anyAir Force activity at HAARP. Until you read this article youwould never have guessed, thepartof the Air Force which operates the HAARPfacilityistheSpace Vehicles Directorate, whose primary task is planning and engaginginspace warfare. Check outthe "Official" Space VehiclesDirectorateAF HAARP FactSheetto see what they want you toknow. Now, why would theSpaceVehicles Directoratebeinterested in playing with some radios in Alaska? Doh. Well, nowyou know.

To find out about theprimarypurpose of HAARPyou can take alook atthe patent filed by Dr.Eastlund in 1985. The patent isfilled with a lot of those strange "chicken scratchings" of highercalculus used by plasma physicists and theoretical radioscientists. Just ignore those. That's only the stuff you put inpatents to fool the patent inspectors into thinking you know whatyou're talking about before you actually build a device to proveyou are right.

Butthe patent does have some nice pictures of how the "corkscrewing"waves from the transmitter interact with the ions in the ionosphereto shoot them out into space. Along with the patent bibliographythere is a clear description of how a "HAARP" type device can beused. Taken together they give a rather dry, but chillingdescription of the future of warfare in space.

There are two items which you will see of primeimportance:

(1)the patent hasbeen assigned toAPTI Inc,(APTI is a small subdivision of oil company ARCO, the prime defensecontractor which built HAARP)

(2)the Patent OfficeClassifications for the Eastlund patentare089/1.11and376/100-123

Andwhat do those classifications mean? Here's what the US Pat Off saysabout those Classifications.

Class 089
Class Definition:
This class includes all guns adapted to be mounted or supportedotherwise than by hand, all explosion-operated guns including handand shoulder firearms, bomb dropping devices, and those guncombinations and subcombinations which are not provided for inother classes including mounts, supports, carriages, loading andhoisting mechanisms, shields.

Subclass: 1.11
WAGING WAR: This subclass is indented under the classdefinition. Subject matter relating to conducting wars betweennations and states, to tactics employed by a military, police, orlike unit, or individual to the detriment of anadversary.

Class Definition:
This class provides for patents directed to processes involvinginduced nuclear reactions and structures which implement suchprocesses.

376 subclass100
NUCLEAR FUSION:This subclass is indented under the class definition. Subjectmatter comprising structures and processes in which two reactingnuclei are combined to yield at least one nucleus having a greatermass than either of the reactingnuclei.

376 Subclass123
Principal heating bywave energy: This subclass is indented under subclass 121.Subject matter wherein most of the energy imparted to the nucleifor bringing the nuclei to a condition sufficient for reaction totake place is imparted through electromagneticenergy.

The title of Eastlund's Patent is "Method for producinga shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earthssurface." You can see for yourselftheAssigneeandtheClassificationsrighton the first page ofthe text version ofEastlund's Patent. And in addition, youshould look at the "CLAIMS" section and read claim "7. Themethod of claim 6 wherein said shell is formed as an anti-missileshield."

Also at the very end of the patent in the section called "BESTMODES FOR CARRYING OUT THEINVENTION"you willread,

"Itcan be seen from the above, that by generating a shell 20 of highdensity, relativistic particle plasma, an effective defensiveshield can be provided to guard against offensivemissiles."

And that should clarify the purpose of the patent, and thusthepurpose and mission ofHAARP.

Sowhat does all that mean?Well,HAARPitselfis a radio transmitter system which heats a small portion of theionosphere above the facility and does not directly produce nuclearreactions. The circularly polarized radio waves or "electromagneticradiation" do cause"cyclotron"reactions inthe ionsosphereto toss the ionsinto the magnetic bottle of the magnetosphere.

Allthose fast ions trapped in the magnetosphere then act as a "shield"used by the "military" to cause the incoming missiles to go Boom!And that is the "induced nuclear reactions" indicated by thepatent classification. So muchforHAARPjustbeing a government facility for doing research on theaurora.

And if you want the real lowdown info on what"those guys" are really doing up thereatHAARP, then you can take alook atThe UnauthorizedHistory of HAARP.




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