英文证明函写作模板 公司关系证明函 英文


工作证明 (Working Certificate)


Guang Dong Electronic Development Co. Ltd. was founded in1995 with the registered capital of RMB 20,000,000. We mainlydeal with electronic devices.

Mr. Zhao Jian has been working in our company since 1995. Due tohis outstanding working behavior, Mr. Zhao was promoted to themarketing manager in 1996. Mr. Zhao worked hard and had opened upwide market, which made our company have a stable position in thekeener competition. His annual salary is RMB 48,000.

For better development in the future, Mr. Zhao decided to goto Britain for further study. Our company needshigh-qualified manager, so we totally agree with his studyplan and sincerely hope that Mr. Zhao can come back to ourcompany for further work after finishing his study.

英文证明函写作模板 公司关系证明函 英文


GeneralManager: WangLiang


Guang Dong Electronic Development Co.Ltd.

大学在读证明 (SchoolCertificate)

Sep. 16th , 2004

Fan Yu, male, was born on Mar.2nd, 1985 and has beenstudying in Fu Dan University since Sep. 2003. Now he is asophomore with the major of Accounting. Fan Yu gains excellentscore in examination, respects teachers, unites with students,takes actively part in all kinds of activities and is a goodstudent with good character. Fan Yu decises to further his study inBritain.

Hereby Certified!

President: Liu Mingsheng


Fu Dan University

大学毕业证书(Certificate of Graduation )

Let it be known that Mr. Wang Chunming, native of ShandongProvince, born on January 17, 1962, having specialized inseismological geology in the Geology Department of ChangchunUniversity from October, 1978 to July, 1982 and having completedthe four year undergraduate program with qualified standing, ishereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation.

研究生毕业证书(Certificate of Graduation)

Mr. Kang Jiangrong was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province inApril, 1968. From Sep. 1985 to Dec.1989, he was a postgraduatestudent in our institute, majoring in Textile Machinery, Hefulfilled his study plan, and passed oral examination on his thesisin July, 1989. He was allowed to graduate.

研士学位证书(Certificate ofMaster Degree)

We hereby certify that Mr. Jiang Shan who had fulfilled therequirements of the Ordinances and Regulations of the Universitywas by the University Authority admitted to the Master Degree ofScience in Electronic Engineering at a Congregation held in theUniversity on July 14, 1989.

健康证明书(Certificate ofHealth)

To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that Mr. Lin Chonghan is physically andmentally healthy. This statement is based on his health history anda physical checkup. My observation of his health condition isthat he is capable of doing extensive hard work, both manuallyand intellectually.

Sincerely yours,
Dept. of Internal Medicine
National People’s Hospital

参加学会、社团证明 (Certificateof Associations and Clubs)

Harbin Institute of Technology

Date: Sep. 10, 1997

To Whom It May Concern,
This is to certify that Mr. Liang has been a leader of GreenAssociation since 1996. Green Association is the biggestassociation hosted by volunteering students who intend to protectenvironment.

He organized several big environment-protecting programs, such asBattery Recycle Project, Tree Planting Project etc.

Mr. Liang has shown outstanding organizing capability and strongresponsibility. He gets along with his colleagues very well and isadmired by other members.

If there is any information regarding this gentleman, please donot hesitate to let me know.

Sincerely yours,

College Student Union  

职称证书(Instructor’s License)

Date: Feb., 1984
File No. Jiangzi 19045

This is to certify that Mr. Cheng Qin, a native of Chengdu City,China, born on March 26, 1966, has been qualified forinstructorship pursuant to Teacher's Qualification Regulations ofColleges and Universities.

Minister of Education:Zhao Mingxuan
Submitting School: Sichuan College of Technology

获奖证明 (Certificate ofAwards)

Tsinghua University
NO. 742821 November 22, 1985

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to certify that Miss Liu, a senior student in ourDepartment of International Trade received four times the BookCoupon Awards, which only students among the top five percent areentitled to.

Dean of Department of International Trade : Wang Hua

Tsinghua University


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/224609.html


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