第一条 根据中国人民银行《人民币结算账户管理办法》(以下简称《账户管理办法》)和《人民币银行结算账户管理办法实施细则》,为促进业务发展,经甲乙双方在平等互惠、共同协商的基础上,签订本协议,以明确双方的权利和义务。
Clause IPursuant to Management Rules for RMB Bank Settlement Accounts(hereinafter briefly referred to as Account Management Rules) andDetailed Rules for Implementation of Management Rules for RMB BankSettlement Accounts given out by People’s Bank of China, with theaim of promoting the business, both of Party A and Party B,adhering to the principle of equity and mutual benefit, throughnegotiation concluded the agreement to confirm the rights andobligations of the both parties.
第二条 甲乙双方应当共同遵守《中华人民共和国票据法》、《支付结算办法》、《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》和《人民币银行结算账户管理办法实施细则》等法律法规。
Clause IIBoth of Party A and Party B shall comply with such laws andregulations as Law of People's Republic of China on NegotiableInstrument, Regulations on Payment and Settlement, Management Rulesfor RMB Bank Settlement Accounts and Detailed Rules forImplementation of Management Rules for RMB Bank SettlementAccounts.
第三条 乙方自愿在甲方开立银行结算账户,按照支付结算法律法规制度使用支付结算工具,不得利用银行结算账户进行偷逃税款、逃废债务、套取现金、洗钱及其他违法行为。一旦发现乙方存在上述行为,甲方有权停止该账户的支付。
Clause IIIParty B shall open its bank settlement account in Party A in theprinciple of free will, use the settlement instruments pursuant tolaws and regulations on payment and settlement, and shall notutilize the bank settlement account to carry out tax evasion,evasion of repayment of its debts, withdrawal of cash, moneylaundering and other illegal actions. Upon the discovery of Party Bcarrying out the abovementioned actions, Party A shall have rightto stop making payment for the said account.
第四条 甲方应依法为乙方的银行结算账户信息保密。除国家法律、行政法规另有规定外,甲方应拒绝任何单位或个人查询乙方银行结算账户的存款和有关资料。
Clause IVParty A shall legally keep secret the information concerning thebank settlement accounts of Party B. Unless otherwise specified innational laws or administrative regulations, Party A shall refuseany demand from any body or individual to inquire the deposit andrelevant information of the bank settlement account of PartyB.
第五条 甲方向乙方提供银行结算账户服务事宜,并应按规定及时、准确地为乙方办理资金收付业务。因甲方办理业务过程中工作差错所造成的损失,甲方应按照有关法律及规章制度承担相应责任。
Clause VParty A shall render relevant service concerning the banksettlement account to Party B, and pursuant to relevant provisionshandle the receipt and expenditure of capital for Party B in atimely and accurate way. Party A shall, pursuant to relevant lawsand regulations, assume responsibilities for any damage incurred bythe mistakes occurring in the process of Party A handling the saidbusiness.
第六条 乙方应明确其实际控制人为。实际控制人是指虽不是公司的股东,但通过投资关系、协议或其他安排能够实际支配公司行为的自然人。
Clause VIParty B shall confirm that its actual controller is. The actual controller refers to any person, despite of not actingas the shareholder of Party B, who has ability to actually controlthe behavior of Party B through investment relationship, agreementor other arrangement.
第七条 乙方保证向甲方提供的开户资料真实、完整、合法,同意向甲方提供甲方所需的相关资料,并配合甲方向有关部门调取相关资料。
Clause VIIParty B ensures that the account opening information provided toParty A is in a situation of authenticity, completeness andlegality, and that Party B agrees to provide Party A with relevantinformation necessary for Party A and cooperate with Party A inretrieving relevant information from relevantdepartments.
第八条 乙方开立银行结算账户的名称应与其提供的申请开户的证明文件的名称全称一致。如使用简称为户名,甲乙双方约定的规范化简称为,并以此户名办理该账户项下的结算业务。
ClauseVIII The name of the bank settlement account of Party B shall besame as its full name contained in the supporting documentsprovided by Party B for the account opening application. If ashortened name is acted as the name of the said account, thenormalized shortened name agreed by Party A and Party Bis, the settlement under the account shall be handled by using suchname.
Clause IXWhen Party B opens the bank settlement account in Party A, Party Bshall, pursuant to regulations given out by Party A, handle thematters concerning reservation, alteration and countermand of itsseal. The reserved seal shall be in two counterparts, of which thename shall be same as that of the bank settlement account of PartyB. The reserved seal shall be consisted of the official seal ofParty B or its seal used only in financial purpose or its seal usedonly in financial settlement purpose and the signature or seal ofthe authorized signatory. The authorized signatory may be the legalrepresentative, principal or its authorized agent of PartyB.
第十条 乙方在甲方开立的银行结算账户,自开立之日起3个工作日后,方可办理付款业务。乙方开立账户符合以下条件时,该账户可自正式开立之日起办理付款业务:
Clause XFor the bank settlement account opened by Party B in Party A, thepayment business on it may be handled after 3 working days from thedate of opening it. If the said account opened by Party B complieswith the following conditions, the payment business on such accountmay be handled on the same day of formally opening it:
i. Thebasic deposit account, which is converted from the temporarydeposit account under registered capital verification;
ii. Thebasic deposit account, which is opened for depositing the borrowedamount.
iii. Thebank settlement account, which is opened by the depositor as itcancels another bank settlement account in the same bank operatingagency;
iv. Thetemporary deposit account, which is opened by armed police forcewhen it assumes capital construction project, or by other bodieswhen they fight, deal with emergencies and disasters and providerelief, dispose of incident or perform other temporary task in aremote place.
第十一条 乙方的单位名称、办公地址、电话、法定代表人或主要负责人、组织机构代码、注册资金、经营范围以及其他开户资料发生变更时,乙方应主动于变动发生之日起5个工作日内向甲方提供有关证明并办理变更手续。因乙方开户资料发生变化不及时通知甲方所造成的不良后果由乙方承担。
Clause XIIf alteration on such respects of Party B occurs as company name,office address, telephone number, legal representative orprincipal, code of organization, registered capital, business scopeor its other account opening information, Party B shall, on its ownaccord, within five working days from the date of alterationoccurring, render related certificate to Party A and handleprocedures for alteration. The negative effect, which is incurredby Party B failing to timely inform Party A with respect to thealteration on the account opening information of Party B, shall beassumed by Party B.
第十二条 乙方到开户银行柜台办理支付结算业务时,应实现授权办理制度。乙方在办理开户手续的同时,应指定专人办理日常结算业务,并出具加盖有效公章并法人/负责人签字的授权书。当被授权人发生变动时,乙方应及时将加盖有有效公章并法人/负责人签字的新授权书送达甲方,经甲方确认无误后,方可由变动后的被授权人在银行柜台办理支付结算业务。
Clause XIIWhen Party B handles the payment settlement business on the counterof Party A, the authorization system shall be adopted. Party B, ashandling the procedures for opening the account, shall specificallydesignate a person to handle the routine settlement business, andbring forward the letter of authorization affixed with the validofficial seal and signed by the legal person/principal. When theauthorized person is altered, Party B shall timely deliver to PartyA the new letter of authorization affixed with the valid officialseal and signed by the legal person/principal, the new authorizedperson may only handle the payment settlement business on the bankcounter after the new letter of authorization is verified by PartyA to be correct.
第十三条 乙方申请使用甲方服务的,应按照甲方有关收费标准缴纳相应费用,并同意甲方从其账户直接扣划乙方对甲方负有支付义务的各种款项和费用;甲方服务项目升级、调整原有服务项目收费标准,应提前通过甲方的网站、店堂公告或信函等方式予以公示或告知,乙方依然选择使用该升级服务或费用调整后的服务的,即视为乙方接受该等调整,并同意在其欠费时甲方有权从其账户直接扣划有关款项和费用。
ClauseXIII If Party B applies for using the service rendered by Party A,Party B shall make related payments pursuant to relevant chargingstandard given out by Party A, and agree that Party A may directlydeduct from the account of Party B the amounts and expenses, ofwhich Party B assumes obligations to make payment to Party A; PartyA shall, if the services rendered by it upgrade or the chargingstandard for the original service is made adjustment, make anadvanced announcement or notification on the website or shopannouncement of Party A or by means of sending a mail, if Party Bcontinues using such upgraded services or the services for whichthe charging standard has been adjusted, Party B shall be deemed toaccept such adjustment, and agree that Party A has right todirectly deduct from its account the relevant amounts and expensesowed by it.
第十四条 乙方如签发空头支票、签章与预留银行签章不符(使用支付密码或支付密码器,但签发密码错误)、要素不全等不符规定的支票或其它支付凭证,甲方有权予以退票或拒绝执行该支付指令,其中,签发空头支票、签章与预留银行签章不符的(使用支付密码或支付密码器,但签发密码错误),甲方有权按照中国人民银行的规定上报乙方的相关业务信息。同时,对乙方因上述退票或拒绝执行该支付指令而引起的任何损失,甲方不承担任何责任。
Clause XIVIf such situations occur on Party B as issuance of bad check, itsseal failing to comply with the reserved seal (using paymentpassword or payment password system, but issuance password iswrong), and issuance of check or other payment instrument withincomplete essence or failing to comply with rules or regulations,Party A shall have right to return the said check or refuseaccepting such payment instruction. Among them, if occurs theissuance of bad check or its seal failing to comply with thereserved seal (using payment password or payment password system,but issuance password is wrong), Party A shall have right to submitto superior the relevant business information of Party B pursuantto rules and regulations given out by People’s Bank of China.Meanwhile, Party A shall not assume any responsibility for thedamages of Party B incurred by the said behavior of returning checkor refusing accepting such payment instruction.
第十五条 为保证乙方账户资金安全,甲乙双方应进行对账,对账频次由甲方根据乙方账户余额、账户交易情况等决定,但每年不少于四次。对账范围为乙方在中国银行股份有限公司北京市分行范围内开立的账户。甲方应通过邮寄或电子回单柜、电话银行等方式向乙方提供余额证对单,乙方应积极配合甲方完成对账工作,并于收到余额证对单后的五个工作日内完成对账及向甲方反馈对账结果。乙方逾期未反馈的,视同其确认余额证对单无误。
Clause XVWith the aim of securing the capital in the account of Party B,Party A and Party B shall conduct reconciliation, thereconciliation frequency shall be determined by Party A accordingto the accounts of Party B with respect to balance and transactioncondition, however, shall not be less than four times a year. Theaccounts, for which the reconciliation is conducted, shall coverthose opened by Party B in Bank of China Beijing City Branch or theother bodies affiliated to it. Party A shall render the balancereconciliation statement to Party B by means of mail, electronicacknowledgement box or telephone bank, Party B shall activelycooperate with Party A to conduct the reconciliation, and withinfive working days after receipt of the balance reconciliationstatement complete the reconciliation, then send back thereconciliation acknowledgement. Party B shall, if failing to sendback the reconciliation acknowledgement within the provided term,be deemed to verify the balance reconciliation statement to becorrect.
第十六条 甲方向乙方发送的通知、余额证对单等书面文件,以乙方向甲方提交的开户资料及有效变更资料中注明的地址或者甲方已经确认的乙方实际地址为准,也可以采用在甲方营业场所当面递交给乙方人员等其他方式;以挂号邮件、特快专递等方式邮寄发送的,同城(含市区与郊区)范围内寄出后第三个工作日视为送达,中国境内(不含港澳台)非同城地区寄出后第五个工作日视为送达,向港澳台或中国境外发送的于寄出日后第十五个工作日视为送达,但是有证据证明甲方实际收到的日期早于上述日期的则以实际收到日期为准;通过电子回单柜、电话银行、网上银行发送的,以乙方在发送日后第一次在相应系统登录日视为送达。
Clause XVIParty A shall deliver such writing documents as notification or thebalance reconciliation statement to the address of Party B which isexpressly noted in the account opening information Party B bringsforward to Party A and in the valid alteration information, or theactual address of Party B which has been confirmed by Party A,Party A may also hand to the staff of Party B the said writingdocuments in the business place of Party A; if sent by registeredmail or express mail service, the city-wide (including urban areaand suburban district) mail shall be deemed delivered on the thirdworking day from the date of sending out it, the mainland (HongKong, Macau and Taiwan not included) mail, other than city-widemail, shall be deemed delivered on the fifth working day from thedate of sending out it, the mail sent to Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwanor foreign countries shall be deemed delivered on the fifteenthworking day from the date of sending out it, however, if exists theevidence which may confirm that Party A actually receives the mailin a date earlier than the abovementioned date, the actual dateshall prevail; if sent by means of the electronic acknowledgementbox, telephone bank and e-bank, the delivered date shall be the oneon which Party B in the first time login the corresponding systemafter the abovementioned sending.
第十七条 甲方有权按照《账户管理办法》和中国人民银行的有关规定对乙方开立的银行结算账户进行年检。乙方应主动配合甲方的账户年检工作,及时向甲方提供经过年检的最新的账户资料。对于乙方因未向银行提供最新的账户资料而造成的不良后果,甲方不承担任何责任。
ClauseXVII Party A shall have right to carry out annual inspection,pursuant to Account Management Rules and relevant regulations givenout by People’s Bank of China, on the bank settlement accountsopened by Party B. Party B shall, on its own accord, cooperate withParty A in the annual inspection on its accounts, and timelyprovide Party A with the updated information of the accounts whichhave been made annual inspection. Party A shall not assume anyresponsibility for the negative effect which is incurred by Party Bfailing to provide Party A with the updated information of theaccounts.
第十八条 如乙方存在持续一年内未发生收付活动的人民币结算账户,且乙方未对甲方负有债务,甲方应通知乙方自发出通知之日起30天内办理销户手续,逾期未办理视同自愿销户,同时甲方根据中国人民银行有关规定将乙方该等账户中未划转的款项列入久悬未取专户管理,并按照规定收取相关费用。
ClauseXVIII If on the RMB bank settlement account of Party B occurs noreceipt or expenditure for the period of one year, and Party B hasno debts owed to Party A, Party A shall notify Party B to handlethe procedures for cancelling the said account within 30 days fromthe date of giving out such notification, Party B failing to handlethe said procedures within the provided term shall be deemed thatParty B is willing to cancel the account, meanwhile, Party A shall,pursuant to relevant rules and regulations given out by People'sBank of China, list the amount, which is not transferred in suchaccount of Party B, in the special account for long-suspended andpending amounts, and charge relevant expenses pursuant to relevantrules and regulations.
第十九条 乙方撤销银行结算账户时,应以书面形式向甲方申请,主动与甲方核对银行结算账户存款余额,并交回各种重要空白票据、预留银行印鉴卡、结算凭证和开户许可证(如有);乙方未按规定交回各种重要空白票据及结算凭证的,应出具有关证明,造成损失的,由乙方自行承担。乙方尚未清偿其与甲方任何已有或或有的债务时,甲方有权拒绝乙方撤销银行结算账户的申请。
Clause XIXParty B shall, when intending to cancel its bank settlementaccounts, submit to Party A a written application for suchcancellation and shall, in its own accord, review the depositbalance in the said bank settlement accounts with Party A, andreturn the important blank bills, card of the reserved seal,settlement voucher and account opening license (if any); if Party Bfails to return the important blank bills and settlement voucherpursuant to relevant rules and regulations, Party B shall bringforward related certificate and assume by itself the responsibilityfor the damages incurred by it. If Party B fails to make fullrepayment of its existing or contingent debts owed to Party A,Party A shall have right to refuse the application from Party B forcancelling the bank settlement accounts.
第二十条 对于由于不可抗力原因或任何第三者导致的任何延误、中断或暂时中止而使乙方所遭受的任何迟延、损失,甲方不承担赔偿责任。
Clause XX Party A shall not assume the responsibility forindemnifying any delay or damages incurred by Party B due to forcemajeure or any delay, interruption or suspension caused by anythird party.
第二十一条 以上未尽事宜甲乙双方应签订补充协议,补充协议与本协议具有同等效力。
Clause XXIFor the unaccomplished matter Party A and Party B shall conclude asupplementary agreement, the supplementary agreement shall have thesame effect as the agreement.
ClauseXXII If Party B breaches any of its commitments or obligationshereunder, such breach shall be remedied within a provided term, ifsuch breach causes damages on the other party, Party B shall,according to its fault, lawfully assume legal responsibility forthe other party with respect to the direct economic loss incurredby the other party.
第二十三条 本协议于乙方在甲方开立的银行结算账户存续期间有效,如乙方撤销在甲方开立的银行结算账户,自正式销户之日起,本协议自动终止。
ClauseXXIII The agreement shall be effective during the existing periodof the bank settlement accounts opened by Party B in Party A, ifParty B cancels its bank settlement accounts opened in Party A, theagreement shall automatically enter into termination from the dateof formal account cancellation.
第二十四条 若甲乙双方产生纠纷应协商解决,协商未果,任何一方有权向甲方所在地人民法院起诉。
Clause XXIV The disputes arising out of Party A and Party Bshall be made settlement through negotiation between the bothparties, if the negotiation fails, any of the both parties shallhave right to file a lawsuit in the people's court of the placewhere Party A is located.
第二十五条 本协议一式两份,自双方签章之日起生效,甲、乙双方各持一份。
Clause XXV The agreement is in two counterparts andentering into effectiveness from the date of the both partiessigning it, each of Party A and Party B shall hold one copyrespectively.
甲方(签章)Party A (Signature) 乙方(签章)Party B (Signature)
Legal representative or authorized signatoryLegal representative or authorizedsignatory
年 月 日 Date of年 月 日Date of