2012年海淀区初三二模英语答案 2016年海淀区初三一模





一、听对话, 选择与对话内容相符的图片。(共4分,每小题1分)

1. B 2. B 3.A 4. C


5. A 6. B 7.A 8. C 9. B10. C 11. B 12.B 13. C

14. C 15. A 16. C


17. Lucy 18. reporter 19.ten / 10 20. May 21. sunny

知识运用 (共25分)


22. D 23. A 24.D 25. C 26. B27. B 28. C 29.A 30. A 31.B

32. B 33. D 34. D


35. C 36. B 37.A 38. D 39.C 40. D 41.A 42. D 43. C44. B

45. A 46. B



47. B 48. C 49.D 50. A 51. D52. A

53. A 54. D 55.B 56. C 57. B58. A 59. B


60. E 61. D 62.B 63. A


64. No. / No, they aren’t.

65. (For) about six weeks.

66. Because the BücherboXX system relies on trust and thecommunity’s good will.

67. Without a book.

68. What the project is and how it works.

书面表达 (25分)


69. am sorry for

70. as hard as

71. either today or tomorrow

72. kept repairing

73. didn’t do his homework until he picked out as many difficultpoints as possible in the notes and went over them


74. One possible version:

Dear Jack,

I’m glad to hear fromyou. It’s my honor to be with you and show you around Beijing.Now I will tell you about my plan for your two-day stay here.

On the first day, I am going to take you to my school and studywith me. In the morning, you can choose 3 classes to listen to. Inthe afternoon, there will be different kinds of clubs after class.I am sure you will fall in love with my school.

On thesecond day, I plan to have a bus tour to enjoy the sights ofBeijing. We will get off at Tian’an Men Square, where we can feelthe perfect mixture of the past and the present. After walking onthe magnificent square, we can visit the Palace Museum. Here youcan see some wonderful buildings and learn about Chinese historybetter.

So, what’s your decision? I just can’t wait to meet you andyou’re always welcome!


Li Fei



Number 1

M: Excuse me. Could you please show me the camera?

W: Sure. Here you are.

Number 2

M: What should I do to keep healthy?

W: You should eat more vegetables.

Number 3

M: Sarah, what’s your favorite subject?

W: I like math best. It’s really fun.

Number 4

M: We are going to the park. Would you like to join us?

W: That sounds great. I’d love to.



W: Hi, John, what did you do last night?

M: Oh, I had a great time last night! I went to a party and metan old

friend of mine. We hadn’t seen each other for years, so we had alot to talk

about. After that we went to a movie.

W: Hmm, it seems like you had a great time.

W: Yeah. I guess you’re right!


W: Where do you live, Kim?

M: I live in an apartment downtown.
W: Oh, that's convenient.

M: Yeah. But there is a lot of traffic. I can't stand the noisesometimes! Where do you live, Gina?

W: I have a house in the countryside.
M: Oh, I bet it's really quiet. But is there much to dothere?
W: No, not much. In fact, nothing ever really happens. That's thetrouble.

But there’s a great pizza place. The pizzas are delicious andvery cheap.

M: Wow! You’re really lucky!


M: Can you tell me a little about Mexico City?
W: Sure. What would you like to know?
M: Well, what's a good time to visit?

W: I think you can go anytime. The weather is always nice.
2012年海淀区初三二模英语答案 2016年海淀区初三一模
M: Oh, good! And what should I see there?
W: Well, you should visit the National Museum and go to the Palaceof Fine Arts.
M: It sounds really exciting!

W: Where are you from again, David?

M: I’m from Miami, Florida.

W: Oh! I’ve always wanted to visit Miami. What’s it like? Whatcan I do there?

M: Well, there’s a lot to do. But a visitor should spend sometime on the beach. The

beaches there arebeautiful.


M: How do you spend your days, Helen?

W: Well, on weekdays I get up around ten. Then I read the paperfor an hour and have lunch at about noon.

M: Really? What time do you go to work?

W: I start work at three.

M: And when do you get home at night?
W: I get home pretty late, around midnight.
M: So what do you do, exactly?
W: I'm a TV announcer. Don't you know me? I do the news report onKNTV!
M: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't watch TV.
W: And you, Daniel? What’s your day like?

M: Well, right now, I’m in school, so I just have a part-timejob. But I’m pretty busy. I get up early, around six am. Then Iwork from seven until nine. I go to school and study until four pm.Then I work again from five until seven.

W: So what do you do?

M: (laughs) I’m a dog walker.

W: A what? What’s that?

M: A dog walker. I take people’s dogs for walks. It’s great, andit keeps me in shape, too.


If you want to make films then you’ll be interested in our newcompetition. If you’re between 11 and 18, you can enter this year’sFilm-making competition. The film should last no more than 12minutes and you should have at least three main characters.

We have seen some great films over the years from very excitingyoung film-makers. Last year’s films were about The Family, and wesaw some wonderful films. This year, however, we want films aboutthe weather – it can either be about how it makes you feel or howit can change a day. A challenging topic!

There are some fantastic prizes. Our first prize winner willvisit London. We have other prizes to give away – there are 100books and also some of the latest cameras to win.

You can send your films to us by post or bring them to ouroffices in the Market Square.

If you have any questions about the competition, we’ll be gladto hear from you. You can telephone us at 163-55934.


M: I’m talking to student Lucy, who wants to becomea weather reporter.

Lucy, when did you become interested inweather?

W: Well, I could actually read a weather map when Iwas ten! I remember we had

really cold winters in my hometown that made travelling difficult, so I’d turn on

the TV to see when we’d have goodweather. My science teacher was surprised

how much I knew during ourlessons on weather at school!

M: And you started a weather club at your school.What happened there?

W: Well, my teacher asked me to help other pupilslearn about the weather, so I

started the club in May, 2008.The school already had a mini weather station, so

we used that to make adaily weather diary. And I found the information very useful forschool projects I worked on!

M: So finally, Lucy, what’s your favorite weather?

W: Well, everyone likes it when it’s sunny, and I do, too, butwhen it’s raining hard

outside you get great grey cloudsthat are really beautiful, so I usually rush out in

the wet! Fog is interesting, too,the way it suddenly appears, but it’s a bit

dangerous, so Ican’t say I really like it.

Dear Jack,

I’m glad to hear that youwill come to Beijing and stay here for 2 days. It’s my honor to bewith you and show you around Beijing, but to tell you the truth,two days is really short if you want to have a good look at thewonderful city. Next, I will tell you about my plan for yourtwo-day stay here.

On the first day, I am going to take you tomy school and study with me. I am sure you will fall in love withmy school, because the courses and activities are enjoyable andinteresting, especially the after-school activities. Students cannot only open up their eyes to the world by reading books aboutscience, history and so on, but also take exercise and relaxthemselves. Moreover, they can have doing what they love to do,such as playing chess, singing, making models and so on.

On the second day, I plan to have a bus tour.It is a good idea to enjoy the sight on the top deck of adouble-deck bus. Then we will get off at Tian’an Men Square, wherewe can feel the perfect mixture and the past and the present. Afterwalking on the magnificent square, we can visit the Place Museum,where the ancient emperors lived. Here you can see some wonderfulbuildings and learn about Chinese historybetter.

So, what’s your decision? I just can’t wait to meet you andyou’re always welcome!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/222744.html




2012年高考考前适应性训练试卷(语文) 2012上海高考英语试卷


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