2010年6月大学英语四级考试答案及解析 四级考试答案




Nowadays,students attach less importance to the spelling of words in theprocess of English study. This phenomenon greatly influencesstudents’ writing and brings on worries among teachers.

  There are possibly three reasons contributing to thisphenomenon. First, exam-oriented education makes the students payless attention to spelling. Second, some teachers should also beresponsible for it because they don’t emphasize the importance ofspelling during teaching. Last but not least, some students are toolazy to recite words.

Since spelling is one of the most important factors in Englishstudy, due attention should be given to it. As for me, I think,first, exams should be modified to add some factors into it, whichwould help students pay more attention to spelling. Then, schoolsshould also set effective mechanisms to help teachers as well asthe students to realize the importance. Finally, for studentsthemselves, they can, through other ways, make them be interestedin word spelling. Only by these can we surly realize the importanceof spelling and make improvement.


What is hot for 2010 in our colleges? It is the spelling mistakes.Countless students lack due attention to spelling. Taking a lookaround, we can find examples too numerous to list, the one may be“challenge”. Freshman and sophomore almost write this word as“challenge”. How careless they are!

  Why such a phenomenon sweeps every university? Some expertsattribute it to students’ inattention, because students always payno attention to spelling. However, other experts argue, theteachers should be blamed for this situation. In my opinion, it isfar beyond any reasonable doubt that both of them should exertthemselves to change the spelling mistakes.

As far asI’m concerned, I firmly argue that we need to attach greatimportance to word-spelling. To the students, they should writeEnglish as much as they can. Meanwhile, to the teachers, thedictations should be reinforced in the class.


1. A) her daughers' repeated complains
根据第一段最后一句”but it took near-constant complaints from her fourdaughters before she realized she had a problem.”直到她的四个女儿不停的抱怨,她才意识到自己出了问题。

2. D) People haven't yet reached agreement on itsdefinition

3. C) can realize what is important in life
2010年6月大学英语四级考试答案及解析 四级考试答案
据第七段最后一句,”…can be solved by encouraging people to prioritize otherlife goals 鯊উ茝䢩�ᰔ寛http://bulo.hjenglish.com/q/©版权所有沪江网寛ᰔ�䢩茝উ鯊andplans…” 解决这个问题的办法就是将生命中其他的目标和计划摆到重要位置。

4. A) it seriously affected family relationships
根据第十一段最后一句,”if it’s a loss…and family relationships are breakingdown…it’s too much.”

5. C) depressed
根据第十五段第一句话,”People who struggle with excessive Internet use may bedepressed…”

6. B) His family had intervened
根据倒数第五段,”he cut back only after a full-scale familyintervention…”

7. B) curb his desire for online gaming
根据倒数第四段最后一句,”to remind myself to keep my love for online games incheck.” 其中,keep … in check意为,“制止; 控制”。

8. had an Internet addiction

9. professional help
根据倒数第二段最后一句,”I have no money or insurance to get professionalhelp…”:

10. online dating
根据最后一段,”I have a boyfriend now, and I’m not interested in onlinedating.”


11. C) He cannot get access to the assigned book.
由对话可知,该男士认为令他烦恼的是无论是在图书馆还是在书店他都找不到那本书,由此得出答案。get accessto指“获得,走近,接近,能够利用某物”。

12. A) She will drive the man to the supermarket.
由文中女士说她不喜欢别人开她的车以及” why don’t we go together?”可得知女士将开车与男士一同去超市。

13. C) Tidy up the place.
由文中” I guess it’s pretty obvious what you’ll be doing most oftoday”可知,很显然她想让他打扫房间。

14. A) The talks can be held any day except this Friday.
本题考查one day is as good as thenext的意思,该短语指的是任何一天都行。因此男士的意思是除了本周五,其它任何一天都可以。

15. A) He understands the woman’s feelings.文中男士认为,” I’d feelthat way too if I wereyou.”,“如果我是你的话我也会那样(感到很生气)。”因此她赞同女士的想法,表示理解女士的感受。

16. D) She has to invite David to the party.

17. C) Many students find Prof. Johnson’s lectures boring.

18. D) Assemble a computer.
本文中主要是考assemble的意思,如果同学知道assemble意为“组装,装配”,便不难得出答案。”put a computertogether”指“组装电脑”。

19. B) It requires him to work long hours.
男士开头便说”I have to work very long hours”,因此选B。

20. D) It demands physical endurance and patience.

21. D) In a hotel.
由文中” I wrote to about six hotels耪쿷䗩쏔ﺹ늇탿http://bulo.hjenglish.com/q/©版权所有沪江网탿늇ﺹ쏔䗩쿷耪and one of themgave me my first job”可得出答案。

22. B) Paying attention to every detail.
由男士的回答” Attention to detail”可得知,B选项恰好与”attention to detail”同义。

23. A) The pocket money British children get.
原题为 What is the table of figures about? 意思是:这个表格是关于什么的?根据第一句话Nowyou’ve seen this table of figures about the pocket money childrenin Britain get? 我们可以知道这个表格是关于英国孩子的零花钱情况的。

24. C) It often rises higher than inflation.
原题为What do we learn from the conversation about British children’spocket money? 意思是:从对话中我们可以了解到有关英国孩子零花钱的哪些信息?原文中女性说话人说“Why do youthink the rise in pocket money is often higher than inflation?”意思是:“你觉得为什么零花钱通常要比通货膨胀涨的更高呢?”据此我们可以判断英国孩子的零花钱比通货膨胀涨的更高,答案应选C.

25. B) Pay for small personal things.
原题为Supposing the man had children, what would he expect them to dowith their pocket money? 对话中男性说话人说“…out of that, they have to buysome small personal things, but I wouldn’t expect them to save tobuy their own socks, forexample.”意思是“我希望他们用零花钱去买一些小的个人物品,但我不希望他们把钱存起来去买他们自己的短袜等”。据此我们可以判断答案选B.

26 A) District managers
该题比较简单,文章开头说到Alex期盼着与district managers的会议,因此正确答案为A项。

27 D) The important part played by district managers
文章中提到在会议结束时,Alex打算以“the conversation about the importance of thedistrict managers to the company plans”来结束会议,可见他打算强调districtmanagers在公司计划中所起的重要作用。因此D项正确。

28 B) Fifty percent of them were female
此题比较简单,文章中后面说道“Half of our managers are women”,而参加会议的基本上都是那些district managers,由此可判断,会议的听众有一半是女性,所以此题选B项。

29 B) He was not gender sensitive
文章最后一句说这些女性district managers听到Alex总用“he”来指代“districtmanagers”感到surprised和distressed(痛苦的,苦恼的),由此可见Alex失败的原因是由于他对于涉及到性别的用词不够敏感所造成的。

30 C) Ask to see the manager politely but firmly
此题比较简单,原文中提到在餐馆遇到上错菜时,应该“make a polite but firm request to see themanage”,和C项所说完全一致。

31 D) You can’t tell how the person on the line isreacting
此题相对简单,答案基本上是原句,“So you can’t tell how the person on the line isreacting.”

32 D) Stick to the point
此题属于原文再现,原文最后建议写投诉信时,应当“be business-like and stick to thepoint”,即围绕自己的要点来说,而不要说些无关紧要的废话,因此应该选D项。

33. B) Architect
从原文“Before Barbara had children, she worked as an architect for thegovernment, designing government housing”可以得知。

34. A) Do some volunteer work.
从原文“If Barbara feels the need to do socially important work, hethinks that she should do volunteer work one or two days aweek.”可以得知。

35. C) A baby-sitter is no replacement for a mother.
从原文“Tom does not think a baby-sitter can replace a mother”可以得知。


section A


47. G incredibly

48. K replace
replace A with B, 意思是用B 替换A. 这里是用绿色建筑取代现存房屋。

49. J reduced

50. L sense
in the broadest sense, 在最广义上,这里是一个固定搭配。

51. H powering

52. D exceptions
联系下文可知本段意思是老房子基本上是最不节能的。但话不能说得这么绝对,因此用 with some exceptions,指除一些特殊情况外。

53. E expand
tiny cracks and gaps指的是小的缝隙和缺口。小的缝隙和缺口随着时间流逝,会扩大,从而使得外面空气流入,因而加大了能耗。这里选expand表示扩展,增大。

54. O vast
a number of表示大量的,number前面可加一些形容词,如great等,表示数量极大的。这里填入vast,意为数量巨大的。

55. F historic
句中有from……to……, 从什么到什么,联系整句话,意思是从一些历史上的古老建筑到你自己的战后的房子。postwar指二战后,是一个较近的时间,与之对应的则是historic.

56. I protect

Section B

Passage 1

57. D) It is an indispensable device on an airplane.

58. A) Data for analyzing the cause of the crash.
本文第二段介绍了黑匣子在对于探寻Yemeni airliner坠毁原因上所起到的重大作用。由第二段第二行”the black boxis the best bet for identifying what wentwrong”以及后面由于法国一潜艇找到黑匣子这一发现”marked a huge step toward determiningthe cause of a tragedy”可以推断出答案。

59. C) The early models often got damaged in the crash.
文中第三自然段第三行,由”Early models often failed to withstand crashes,however, so in 1965 the device was completelyredesigned…”可得知,1965年黑匣子重新设计的原因是之前的黑匣子在坠机时容易遭到破坏。withstand意为“承受,经受”。

60. C) To make them easily identifiable.
由文中得知黑匣子被漆成橙色或黄色的原因是” to aidvisibility”。Visibility是visible的名词形式,意为“能见度,可见度”,因此,漆成橙色或黄色主要是因为希望黑匣子可见度高,比较明显,容易被发现,故选C。

61. A) There is still a good chance for their beingrecovered.
作者举出Air France Flight 447的例子主要是用来证明其前面的论点”When submerged, they’realso able to emit signals form depths of 20,000ft.”意为黑匣子即使被埋于深处仍然能够发射信号以被察觉。Air France Flight447的黑匣子处于水下深处,但数据显示他们仍能”turn up”(出现),即被探测人员发现。故选A。

Passage 2

62. B) It is based on the concept of positive thinking

63. A) Encouraging positive thinking may do more harm thangood

64. C) You are emphasizing the fact that he is notintelligent.
本题问作者说“… you’re just underlining hisfaults”的含义是什么。文中前面说到有时说的过分,反而会让人感觉更糟,然后又说告诉朋友有爱因斯坦那样的潜能,自然会让朋友感觉有点夸张,反而会觉得是在说自己不聪明。

65. C) Forcing a person to think positive thoughts may lowertheir self-esteem

66. B) Meditation may prove to be a good form of psychotherapy(心理治疗)


67.B differ
选项中,常与from搭配的有differ和derive。根据上下文不难看出,上文先说的是电子商务与电话银行等商务形式没有本质区别,与下文”thedifference lies in”(区别在于)相呼应。

68.B via
via fax:通过传真

69.B used
models used: 所采用的形式。选项中,appear为不及物动词,此处应选填一个及物动词的过去分词作后置定语。

70.B lies
lie in: 在于

71.B of
consist of: 由…组成

72.D selects
select an item: 挑选商品

73.A sends in
send in: 递送; 呈报

74.A visible
visible: 看得见的;明显的。网上购物时,商品目录会在网上呈现在顾客眼前。

75.B over

76.D allows
其中,admit做及物动词时,一般作“允许进入;承认;可容纳”解。allow sb to do,常用词组,容许某人做某事

77.A after

78.D insignificant

79.C corporations

80.D only

81.B later

82.D provided
provide sb with sth,固定词组,为某人提供某物。

83.D besides


85.C widespread

86.A acquired


87. (in) concentrating on the experiment/ focusing her attentionon the experiment.
本题考查两个短语的用法,一个是have difficulty (in) doing sth,该短语中,后面的动词要用现在分词形式。第二个短语是集中注意力,与此对应的有多个短语,如:focus/fix one’sattention on, concentrate on。翻译时需和前面短语的用法结合起来,把动词变成ing形式。

88. did she become angry/did she lose her temper before.
本题考查neither的倒装用法,以及发脾气这个短语,发脾气可以说become angry,也可以用lose one’stemper。

89. being invited to attend the opening ceremony.
本题考查look forward to的用法,后面要跟名词或者动词的ing形式,而且要注意后边是被邀请所以要用被动语态。

90. (should) be fixed/installed by the window
本题考查It is suggested that结构中主语从句中要用虚拟语气的用法,即should +动词原形,should可以省略。

91. the strong opposition of her parents/ her parents’ strongopposition.


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致父亲的悼词 (2010年6月28日,家父病逝) 索宝莉在德病逝 悼词

2010-07-15 07:52尊敬的各位领导、长辈、亲朋好友们:今天,我们怀着极其沉痛的心情,在这里悼念我的父亲郑天荣同志。我的父亲因病缠身,经多方治疗无效,不幸于2010年6月28日晚19:40分,在省中医院与世长辞。永远的离开了我们,告别了这片生他养

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