usually与often区别 usually often


1:many times(次数很多,经常): I've often heard it said that is is thecleverest in class. I would like to go to Shanghai moreoften.

OFTEN 2: in manycases(在许多情况下): Americans are often very tall. It isoften difficult to translate poems.

USUALLY: in mostcases(在大多数情况下); generally(一般说来): We're usually in bed byten. I'm not usually so late. It's more than usuallycrowded today.

cf. USUAL:customary(惯常的); in accordance with what happens or is done in mostcases(在大多数情况下发生的): We will meet at the usual time. I'dlike to have my usual (said in arestaurant).


OFTEN 1: manytimes(次数很多地); at short intervals, frequently(间隔很短地,频繁地): Wehave been there quite often.
OFTEN 2: in many instances(在许多情况下): Thesetypes of dog often have eye problems. Oldhouses are often damp.

USUALLY: in the way thatis usual(usual地); most often(最常地): What do you usuallydo on Sundays?

cf. USUAL: such as happens or is done orused, etc in many or most instances(在大多数情况下发生的); customary(惯常地):make all the usual excuses; As is usual withchildren, they soon got tired.

Collins COBUILDDictionary:

OFTEN 1: If somethingOFTEN happens, it happens many times or much of thetime.多次发生地,大部分时间在发生地 They often spent Christmas atPrescott Hill.
usually与often区别 usually often
OFTEN 2: You use OFTENafter 'how", or in clauses, to give information about the frequencyof something. How often do you go toShanghai? I don't do it as often asJohn. (USUALLY can't be used.)

USUALLY: If somethingUSUALLY happens, it is the thing that most often happens in aparticular situation.(在特定情况下最常发生地) The best informaiton abouthotels usually comes from friends and acquaintances who havebeen there.

而USUALLY与usual有关,表示“惯常地(in a customary way);在通常的情况下(in mostcases/instances)”,与“朗文”、“牛津”中OFTEN 2的含义类似。最明确的说明应当是CollinsCOBUILD词典中的“that most often happens in a particularsituation”。换一个角度思考,USUALLY来自于usual,理解起来可能更容易。

从语用角度来说,I often go toShanghai可以独句使用,比如发起话题。
而I usually go toShanghai通常需要有上下文或情境才会显得自然。如果用此句发起话题,通常会有上下文对此句进行“抑制”,如I usually goto Shanghai in summer vacation, but this summer I'd like to have achange.。下面这句话中可以看出often和usually的区别TheyOFTEN eat out on the weekends, but USUALLY they choose the cheapbut nice-looking cafeterias


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