Father's Day to me is just as special asMother's Day. Without either one, we would not behere.
Each parent has something to give and sometimes one parent ends up playing both roles and Ihappen to be one of those parents.
I completely raised my son by myself, even though I wantedhim to have a father figure in his life. There were somethings that were hard to share and talk about, especially me beingthe opposite sex.
I can remember how difficult it wasto answer some of the questions of the maleanatomy, which I wished his dad could haveexplained. Laughs*
I can remember my son, at the age of four at the time, asked me,"Mom can we call my wee wee something else?" I took a deep breathand responded, "Ummm, just call him your buddy. He replied,"Buddy?" I said yeah well he hangs around with you all the time.Shoot, at the time I figured that was better then using the realname for a four year old or was it? All I know is that I did thebest I could raising him.
Last year I had to have a major surgery and I have always beenindependent. It hurt my pride that Ihad to rely on others for help. I can remember myson saying, " Mom you took care of me for 21 years, now it's myturn."
It touched me to here him say that; everything I had done for himhe had acknowledged.
Children don't forget things when they are growing up, especiallythose who have provided for them. Today he is twenty-two years oldand going to college.
My father played a very important role in my life andwhen I look back on my childhood, hewas my total inspiration. Most of everything I knowtoday, he has taught me or gave me the strength and encouragementwhile walking on those stepping stones in life.
He reminds me to never give up on my dreams because one day, theycould be my own reality. He has taught me that laughter, kindnessand love are more valuable than gold and that when you give you getback ten fold.
Happy Father's Day to those who are there to support and love theirchildren. Happy Father's Day to all the mothers outthere who have to play afather's role and to all the fathers who have to play a mother'srole. Raising children has never beeneasy but it takes a special parent to make a difference in achild's life.
This poem is dedicated to my father:
Dad, I think about all the things in my life which you have givento me.
You taught me how to fix things that are brokenand how to live responsibly.
You even taught me how to be a mechanic by checking the motor oilin my car.
You taught me that money doesnt growon trees and how to save coins in ajar.
You taught me how to draw animals from numbers and you let me becreative.
You taught me to respect my elders and told folklores of manynatives.
You taught me to always be honest and to help others who are inneed.
You taught me how to view life andhow crooked people can be.
You taught me how to catch a fish and how to bait my ownhook.
You taught me all your kitchen secrets including how tocook...
You taught me that every day I will always learn somethingnew.
You taught me that if I needed anything I could always count onyou...
You taught me to think positive andto always look ahead.
You taught me to how to use all those handy tools in yourshed.
You taught me how to live life to its fullest and to alwayssmile.
You taught me that if it is meant to be then fate would alwaysallow.
You taught me how to appreciate even the little things.
You taught me to be me and encouraged me to spread my wings.
Dad, you have taught me so many wonderfulthings
And you have inspired me in so manyways.... to live, love and laugh everyday. You areeverything that I am today and I just wanted to say...
Thanks for loving me and Happy Father'sDay!!!!

father's day:Third Sunday in June 父亲节在六月:第三个星期日 The United States is one of the few countries in the world thathas an official day on which fathers are honored by their children.On the third

美国2004年电影歌剧《歌剧魅影》唱段之一原唱:Emmy Rossum 翻译:细雨蒙蒙剧中Christin在阴郁的冰雪环绕的墓园中注视着逝去多年的父亲的墓碑…You wereonce my one companion 你曾是我唯一的陪伴You were all that mattered 你曾

Mother,mother妈妈,妈妈There’s too many of youcrying太多事让是落泪And brother,brother,兄弟,兄弟there’s for too many of youdying太多事造成了你的离去You know you’ve got to find away你知道你必须要找到那条To bring brin
Dance With My Father 为什么会如此喜欢英文歌?大概是因为我还从 一首英文歌dance
Trainspotting > MusicDance With My FatherAfly | 2005-7-15 | Fanfou四届格莱美奖得主,R&B音乐教父级人物路德·范德鲁斯 Luther Vandross,于 2005 年 7 月 1 日星期五于肯尼迪医疗中心因病去世,才华未尽,享年 54 岁。几十年来,Luther Van

每天阅读一点点-----有志者事竟成 每天进步一点点格言
Where There Is aWill, There Is a Way(有志者事竟成)Henry Bond wasabout ten years old when his father died. His mother found itdifficult to provide for the support of a large family, thus leftentirely in her care.