Lesson88Trapped in a mine
Way is the rescue taking so long?
Six men have been trap in a mine for seventeen hours. If theyare not brought on surface soon, they may lose lives. However,rescue operations are proving difficult. If explosives are used,vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse. Rescueworkers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of themine. They intend to bring the men up in a special capsule. Ifthere had not been a layer of hard rock beneath the soil, they havewould have completed the job in a few hours. As it is, they havebeen drilling for sixteen hours and they sill have a long way togo. Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mine twohours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with their closestrelatives. Though they are running food and drink, the men arecheerful and confident that they will get out soon. They have beentold that rescue operations are progressing smoothly. If they knewhow difficult it is to drill through the hard rock, they would loseheart.
Summary writing
Make a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words. Writetwo different paragraphs using the points and connections givenbelow.
Six men who have been trapped in strapped in a mine forseventeen
hours may lose their lives because rescue operations are provingdifficult. Since explosives might cause the roof of the mine tocollapse, rescue workers are drilling a hole through hard rock, butprogress is slow. Two hours ago, a microphone was lowered into themine and the men have been in touch with their relatives. They arerunning short of food and drink but they are in goodspirits态度精力.80 words
Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours and maylose their lives. Rescue operations are proving difficult asexplosives might cause the roof of the mine to collapse. Because ofthis, rescue workers are drilling a hole trough hard rock, yetprogress is slow. Now that a microphone
has been into the mine, the men are in touch with theirrelatives. Though they are running short of food and drink, theyare in good spirits.
Continue the above passage. Write two paragraphs in about 150words using the ideas given below;
1 During the rescue operations there was a loud noise---collapseof mine---microphone silent---the men’s voices were heard an hourlater---they were all right.
2 Drilling began again---the collapse had made things easier
---the men were brought to the surface---the scene 场面情景事件 ontheir return.
Several men had already been trapped in a mine for nearlytwenty-four hours. And the rescue was still going on. The rescueworkers had been drilling holes for over twenty hours but theystill had a long way to go. During the rescue operation there was aloud explosive noise and vibration as well, which caused the roofof the mine to collapse. Meanwhile, a microphone, which had beenlowered into the mine to keep in touch with the men inside, becamesilent owing欠,归功于 to the collapse. An hour later, the men’s viceswere heard again through the microphone. This proved that they wereall right恢复平静.
The workers began drilling again. The collapse, however, had madethe things easier, and the rescue operation was progressing moresmoothly. Finally, the men were brought to the surface one by one.At this moment, all the people outside became excited, and themen’s relatives were moved感动 totears.155 words
Letter writing
The postscript附言又及. If you wish to add something to your letterafter you have finished it, you may do so under your signature签名.Whatever不管怎样 you write must be preceded? by the letters ‘P.S.’which stand for ‘Postscript’. Study this example;
Best regards,
P.S. I’ll send you a copy of the book by separate单独的分开的post.
Write two letter-endings followed by postscripts.
1Yours sincerely,
P.S. Do you have an E-mail now? If you have, would you pleaselet me knew your address?
2Best wishes, 祝福
P.S. I’ll send you the photos we took together as soon as theyhave been developed.显影
Key structures
If 条件句
(1)真实条件句 主将从现
(2)非真实条件 与现在事实相反或不可能假设 主would do
从 一般过去
与过去事实相反主 would have done
从 haddone
C Give the correct from of the verbs in parentheses;

1 If he had fitted配有 safety belts安全带 to his car, he (would nothave been injure伤害).
2 The man would have been saved if a helicopter直升机(had been)available有效的.
3 If you come home late, you (will find) the key under themat席子.
4 I would have found the house easily if he (had given) me thecorrect address.
5 If smoking (is forbidden), illnesses will be reduced减少.
Special difficulties
The verb run has a different meaning in each of these sentences.Study them carefully;
They are running out of food.快吃完了 (They have nearly usedup all their supplies.)
A crowd of boys ran after the beggar. (They chased thebeggar.)
That boy was nearly run over by a car. (The car nearly hithim.)
Don’t drive so fast. This car hasn’t been run in yet.(The car must be driven slowly so as not to damage the newengine.)
I ran into Helga while I was in Sweden. 偶遇
Supply the missing words in the following sentences;
1 I ran (into) an old friend of mine in a restaurantyesterday.
2 While driving to work yesterday, I ran (out of) petrol and hadto walk to garage. 加油站
3 This car will have to be serviced as soon as it has been run(in).试转新车 试开机器
4.She’s been taken to hospital. She was run(over) by a car.
5 I ran (after) him, but I could not catch him.
Multiple choice questions
1 They are drilling through the hard rock. This is the () way torescue the men.
a easiest
b quickest
c safest
d most dangerous
2 Rescue operations are proving difficult ().
a but it is certain the men will be saved.
b so it is not certain that the men will be saved.
c so it is certain the men will not be saved.
d so it is certain the men will die.
3 They have been trapped for seventeen hours. They tried to comeup seventeen hours ().
a since
b ago
c for
d since then
b note; 过去式
4 () they are brought to surface soon they may lose theirlives.
a Except
b without
c Unless
d Whether
c note:except without 后面不跟从句
5 It’s proving difficult () the men.
a for rescuing
b to rescuing
c to rescue
d in rescuing
c note;这个句子的真正主语往往是后面的动词不定式、动名词或名词从句。c是动词不定式,a b d 都是介词短语.
6 Vibrations will cause the roof to collapse. They will ()collapse.
a make it
b make it to
c do it to
d do it
a note; make 后面要求用不带to的动词不定式
7 They would have completed the job in a few hours() the hardlayer of rock.
a except
b but for 若无,要不是
c if not
d unless
8 The roof might collapse. It might ().
a explode
b fall down 倒下,倒塌
c fall over 从……落下 翻倒
d blow up 使爆炸,破坏
9 The microphone enabled them to keep in touch. It made it() forthem to keep in touch.
a able
b capable能干的胜任的
c possible
d probable很可能发生的的有希望的
c note; make it possible for sb. to do sth.使某人做某事成为可能
able 常用于 be able to do sth. 主语可是人、动物,不是事物
capable 常用于短语be capable of+动词或动名词, 主语是人
10 They are running out of food. They ().
a have none
b have a lot
c haven’t much
d can’t eat it
c note; 没有太多
11 The men are cheerful. They are in good().
a temper
b mood情绪
c spirits态度精力
d disposition处置性情
12 They may lose heart. They may () in despair.
a give
b give up放弃丧失信心
c give off 发出散发
d give over 交给移交停止
Sentence structure
Rewrite this sentence, then check your answer against thetext.
They didn’t know how difficult it was to drill through the hardrock, otherwise另外否则 they would lose heart.
If they knew how difficult it was to drill through the hardrock, they would lose heart.