ActLikeALadyThinkLikeAMan i think i like you
ActLike A Lady Think Like A Man by SteveHarvey
Justfinished reading this little book on dating and the differencebetween men and women. Men and women havedifferent makeup and think differently, so it's interesting andeven helpful to learn something about men'sperspectives.
Ireally love reading, which calms me and helps mebecome a better thinker. I love non-fictionEnglish books the best.
Somequotes from the book:
"Nothing on this planet can compare with awoman's love - it is kind and compassionate, patient and nurturing,generous and sweet and unconditional."
"A manwho truly loves you would never make you ask for money fornecessities."
"Realmen do what they have to do to make sure their people are takencare of, clothed, housed, and reasonably satisfied, and if they'redoing anything less than that, they are notmen.-or shall we say he's not your man, because he will eventually dothis for someone's daughter, maybe notyou."
"If aman can't provide, then he doesn't feel like a man, so he flees toescape the horrible feelings of inadequacy, or he's going to burythose feelings in drugs and alcohol."
"Areal woman can bring out the best in a man."
"theonly way a woman can truly be completely satisfied is to getherself four different men - an old one, an ugly one, a Mandingoand a gay guy... the old man will spend his pension check on you,hug you, hold you, give you comfort, and won't expect any sex fromyou... the ugly man will go above and beyond the call of duty tohelp you out...Mind-blowing sex - that's what you get need a gay guy - someone you can go shopping with,who doesn't want anything from you but gossip and details aboutwhat the old man bought you, which errands you sent the uglyto take care of ... the gay guy gives you all theconversation you need...
"Themore you make us feel like we are special, the more we'll give inreturn."
"Awoman's love is emotional, nurturing, heartfelt - sweet and kindand all encompassing."

When?will?I?see?you?again when i see you again
WhenwillIseeyouagain(说明:黑体字部分来自网络。色彩字则是Sijing 的校译。特致谢。In that misty morningWhen I saw your smiling faceYou only look at me and I was yoursBut when I turned aroundYou were nowhere to b
stupidlove超新星中文谐音歌词 i love you谐音歌词

WishYouWereHere--原创歌词翻译 i wish you were here
我本来是想和翻唱一起发的……下次好了 我总觉得我的声音录下来听着很奇怪维尼,还是你先唱吧。第一次翻译歌词,算做尝试。翻译掺杂着我对这首歌的理解,以后会翻得更完美哒~~Quote Avril:"Wish You Were Here" is asong that talks abo

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英语口语:表达爱意的常用句 & 英语歌曲:And I Love You So andiloveyouso
英语口语:表达爱意的常用句 & 英语歌曲:And I Love You So英语口语:表达爱意的常用句 (ZT)今年的情人节恰逢新年大年初一,想好要怎么对另一半表达你的爱意了吗?或者要趁着这个机会向倾慕已久的他/她表白呢?请看下面的句子。I'm crazy