Hydrocarbons, with whichfruit flies perfume themselves in species-specific blends, areknown to be important in courtship, apparently assisting flies thattaste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates in distinguishing theirown species from others.
Hydrocarbons, with which fruit flies perfume themselves inspecies-specific blends, are known to be important incourtship, apparently assisting flies that taste thehydrocarbons on prospective mates in distinguishing their ownspecies from others.
A cure for some kinds ofcancer, scientists believe, may be found within the nextdecades.
- scientists believe, maybe
- scientists believe they maybe
- being maybe, in the belief ofsome scientists
- there are some scientists whobelieve it may be
- which, some scientists believe,may be
选A。scientists believe 为插入语,句子真实主语为cure.
I love you.
He was a boy and she was girl.
I really appreciate the opportunity that you giveme.
I am watching amovie.
Would you marryme?
Yes, I do.
Legendary nineteenth-centuryendurance rider Frank T. Hopkins, who rode an American mustang tovictory in a 3,000-mile race across the Arabian Desert, andthe hero of the Disney movie Hidalgo.
- and
- and who has become
- also has become
- is
- having been
选D。句子缺乏谓语,故A, B, E选项没有谓语必错。而C选项also所表达的意思在原文中并没有出现。
Sir Ronald Ross, winner ofthe 1902 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, and whoidentified the Anopheles mosquito as the transmitter of humanmalaria.
- and who identified
- he has identified
- and he hasidentified
- and who isidentifying
- identified
选E。句子的真实主语为Ronald Ross,句子只能有一套主谓
I am a boy, she is a girl. (错误)
a)使用分号:I am a boy; she is a girl. (正确)
b)使用连词:I am a boy and she is a girl.(正确)
注1:常见连词包括and, but, yet,while, whereas等
注2:副词不能代替连词连接两个句子,例如then, also等
Theodore Roosevelt wasnot just a great reformer; he was also a greatpresident.
- Theodore Roosevelt was not justa great reformer; he was also a great president.
- Theodore Roosevelt was not justa great reformer, and also a great president.
- Theodore Roosevelt was not justa great reformer; but also a great president.
- Great not just as a reformer,but Theodore Roosevelt was also a great president
- Not just a reformer, TheodoreRoosevelt was also a great president.
In the tennis match MartinaHingis took advantage of Venus William’s error and tied thescore; however, Williams fought back to take the leadagain.
- score; however, Williams foughtback to take the lead again
- score; Williams, though, foughtback to take the lead
- score; however, Williamsfighting back to take the lead again
- score; along with Williamsfighting back to take the lead again
- score; in fact, Williams foughtback to take the lead again
独立主格 =有独立主语的状语
WeiWei your teacher, you are more likely to get a highscore.
WeiWei behind you, you are more likely to get a highscore.
WeiWei as helpful as a superwoman, you are more likely toget a high score.
WeiWei standing behind you, you are more likely to get ahigh score.
WeiWei forced to accompany you, you are more likely to geta high score.
Winter coming, it gets colder and colder.冬天来了,天气越来越冷了。
The test finished, we began our holiday.考试结束了,我们开始放假。
He fought the wolf, a stick his only weapon.
He came into the room, his ears red with cold.
The huntsman entered the forest, gun in hand.
The men moved slowly forward, neck deep in thewater
The two boys said good-bye to each other, one to go home,the other to go to his friend’s. 两个男孩彼此道了别,一个回了家,另一个去了他朋友家。
Subject + Verb + Object,a/an noun prep/that …
Last week I came across Lauren, a beautiful girl with sweetsmile.
I hope to learn Calculus, asubject that many students fear or hate.
In laboratory rats, a lowdose of aspirin usually suffices to block production ofthromboxane, a substance that promotes blood clotting.
Nicknamed the supergrain ofthe future, quinoa is complete protein, one that contains allthe necessary amino acids and is high in fiber.
- protein, one that contains allthe necessary amino acids and is
- protein, it contains all thenecessary amino acids and is
- protein, and containing all thenecessary amino acids in addition to being
- protein that contained all thenecessary amino acids and also is
- protein; thus, containing allthe necessary amino acids and being also
Some beaches are frequentlycontaminated by untreated sewage that flows into the ocean,which can last for several days.
- ocean, which can last forseveral days
- ocean that can last for severaldays
- ocean, it can last for severaldays
- ocean, while contamination canlast several days
- ocean; the contamination canlast for several days.
选E。根据题意可知,sewage(污物)或contamination才能做last的主语,而ocean不可以,故选项A, B, C均错误。D选项错误的原因是错误地加入了逻辑转折关系词while
With Americans consumingsugar in record amounts, nutritionists are urging the public toreduce its consumption of sodas, which have largely replacedother, more healthful, beverages.
- nutritionists are urging thepublic to reduce its consumption of sodas, which
- nutritionists have been urgingthat the public reduces its consumption of sodas; those
- the public ought to reduce itsconsumption of sodas, as urged by nutritionists, becausethey
- nutritionists urge aboutreducing public soda consumption, which
- less soda should be consumed bythe public, urge nutritionists, which
选A。由题意可知定语从句修饰的对象是soda,而不是soda consumption或者nutritionists,故其它选项均错误
•That you disapprove it cannotchange my standpoint.
•When he will come depends onthe weather.
•Evidence indicates that Smithwas the killer.
•I wonder what’shappened.
There was little hope thathe would survive.
We came to the decision thatwe must take actions at once.
He made a proposal that themeeting be postponed.
advice, announcement,belief, claim, conclusion, decision, evidence, explanation, fact,hope, idea, impression, knowledge, message, news, opinion, order,promise, proposal, statement, suggestion, thought, threat, warning,wish
because of/contribute to/dueto/
despite/in spite of/in steadof/
Joan feeling tired andfrustrated, and shewas able to finish her painting before the light faded.
- Joan feeling tired andfrustrated, and
- Joan felt tired andfrustrated,
- Although Joan felt tired andfrustrated,
- Despite Joan felt tired andfrustrated
- Nevertheless, Joan felt tiredand frustrated.
选C。题目考查Although A, B 句型
Richard Rodriguez pointedout that Mission San Luis Rey, a Spanish church with an Arabicdome getting its name to honor a French king.
- Mission San Luis Rey, a Spanishchurch with an Arabic dome getting its name to honor a Frenchking
- Mission San Luis Rey, a Spanishchurch with an Arabic dome, was named in honor of a Frenchking
- Mission San Luis Rey’s being aSpanish church with an Arabic dome got named in honor of a Frenchking
- they named Mission San LuisRey, a Spanish church in honor of a French king that had an Arabicdome
- the name of Mission San LuisRey having been a Spanish church with an Arabic dome honoring aFrench king
Charles Lindbergh, forhis attempt at a solo transatlantic flight, was very reluctant tohave any extra weight on his plane, he thereforerefused to carry even a poundof mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so.
A. Charles Lindbergh, forhis attempt at a solo transatlantic flight, was very reluctant tohave any extra weight on his plane, he therefore
B. When Charles Lindberghwas attempting his solo transatlantic flight, being very reluctantto have any extra weight on his plane, he
C. Since he was veryreluctant to carry any extra weight on his plane when he wasattempting his solo transatlantic flight, so CharlesLindbergh
D. Being very reluctant tocarry any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solotransatlantic flight was the reason that CharlesLindbergh
E. Very reluctant to haveany extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solotransatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh
By merging its twopublishing divisions, the company will increase their share ofthe country's $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent,a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-marketpaperbacks.
A. their share of thecountry's $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, amarket ranging
B. from 6 percent to 10percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country,which ranges
C. to 10 percent from 6percent in their share of the $21 billion book market in thecountry, a market ranging
D. in its share, from 6percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market in thecountry, which ranges
E. to 10 percent from 6percent its share of the country's $21 billion book market, whichranges
答案选E。选项A,C错在their指代the company单复数错误。选项B,D错在which修饰对象不应该是the country
Hydrocarbons, with whichfruit flies perfume themselves in species-specific blends, areknown to be important in courtship, apparently assisting flies thattaste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates in distinguishing theirown species from others.
Hydrocarbons, with which fruit flies perfume themselves inspecies-specific blends, are known to be important incourtship, apparently assisting flies that taste thehydrocarbons on prospective mates in distinguishing their ownspecies from others.
A cure for some kinds ofcancer, scientists believe, may be found within the nextdecades.
- scientists believe, maybe
- scientists believe they maybe
- being maybe, in the belief ofsome scientists
- there are some scientists whobelieve it may be
- which, some scientists believe,may be
选A。scientists believe 为插入语,句子真实主语为cure.
I love you.
He was a boy and she was girl.
I really appreciate the opportunity that you giveme.
I am watching amovie.
Would you marryme?
Yes, I do.
Legendary nineteenth-centuryendurance rider Frank T. Hopkins, who rode an American mustang tovictory in a 3,000-mile race across the Arabian Desert, andthe hero of the Disney movie Hidalgo.
- and
- and who has become
- also has become
- is
- having been
选D。句子缺乏谓语,故A, B, E选项没有谓语必错。而C选项also所表达的意思在原文中并没有出现。
Sir Ronald Ross, winner ofthe 1902 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, and whoidentified the Anopheles mosquito as the transmitter of humanmalaria.
- and who identified
- he has identified
- and he hasidentified
- and who isidentifying
- identified
选E。句子的真实主语为Ronald Ross,句子只能有一套主谓
I am a boy, she is a girl. (错误)
a)使用分号:I am a boy; she is a girl. (正确)
b)使用连词:I am a boy and she is a girl.(正确)
注1:常见连词包括and, but, yet,while, whereas等
注2:副词不能代替连词连接两个句子,例如then, also等
Theodore Roosevelt wasnot just a great reformer; he was also a greatpresident.
- Theodore Roosevelt was not justa great reformer; he was also a great president.
- Theodore Roosevelt was not justa great reformer, and also a great president.
- Theodore Roosevelt was not justa great reformer; but also a great president.
- Great not just as a reformer,but Theodore Roosevelt was also a great president
- Not just a reformer, TheodoreRoosevelt was also a great president.
In the tennis match MartinaHingis took advantage of Venus William’s error and tied thescore; however, Williams fought back to take the leadagain.
- score; however, Williams foughtback to take the lead again
- score; Williams, though, foughtback to take the lead
- score; however, Williamsfighting back to take the lead again
- score; along with Williamsfighting back to take the lead again
- score; in fact, Williams foughtback to take the lead again
独立主格 =有独立主语的状语
WeiWei your teacher, you are more likely to get a highscore.
WeiWei behind you, you are more likely to get a highscore.
WeiWei as helpful as a superwoman, you are more likely toget a high score.
WeiWei standing behind you, you are more likely to get ahigh score.
WeiWei forced to accompany you, you are more likely to geta high score.
Winter coming, it gets colder and colder.冬天来了,天气越来越冷了。
The test finished, we began our holiday.考试结束了,我们开始放假。
He fought the wolf, a stick his only weapon.
He came into the room, his ears red with cold.
The huntsman entered the forest, gun in hand.
The men moved slowly forward, neck deep in thewater
The two boys said good-bye to each other, one to go home,the other to go to his friend’s. 两个男孩彼此道了别,一个回了家,另一个去了他朋友家。
Subject + Verb + Object,a/an noun prep/that …
Last week I came across Lauren, a beautiful girl with sweetsmile.
I hope to learn Calculus, asubject that many students fear or hate.
In laboratory rats, a lowdose of aspirin usually suffices to block production ofthromboxane, a substance that promotes blood clotting.
Nicknamed the supergrain ofthe future, quinoa is complete protein, one that contains allthe necessary amino acids and is high in fiber.
- protein, one that contains allthe necessary amino acids and is
- protein, it contains all thenecessary amino acids and is
- protein, and containing all thenecessary amino acids in addition to being
- protein that contained all thenecessary amino acids and also is
- protein; thus, containing allthe necessary amino acids and being also
Some beaches are frequentlycontaminated by untreated sewage that flows into the ocean,which can last for several days.
- ocean, which can last forseveral days
- ocean that can last for severaldays
- ocean, it can last for severaldays
- ocean, while contamination canlast several days
- ocean; the contamination canlast for several days.
选E。根据题意可知,sewage(污物)或contamination才能做last的主语,而ocean不可以,故选项A, B, C均错误。D选项错误的原因是错误地加入了逻辑转折关系词while
With Americans consumingsugar in record amounts, nutritionists are urging the public toreduce its consumption of sodas, which have largely replacedother, more healthful, beverages.
- nutritionists are urging thepublic to reduce its consumption of sodas, which
- nutritionists have been urgingthat the public reduces its consumption of sodas; those
- the public ought to reduce itsconsumption of sodas, as urged by nutritionists, becausethey
- nutritionists urge aboutreducing public soda consumption, which
- less soda should be consumed bythe public, urge nutritionists, which
选A。由题意可知定语从句修饰的对象是soda,而不是soda consumption或者nutritionists,故其它选项均错误
•That you disapprove it cannotchange my standpoint.
•When he will come depends onthe weather.
•Evidence indicates that Smithwas the killer.
•I wonder what’shappened.
There was little hope thathe would survive.
We came to the decision thatwe must take actions at once.
He made a proposal that themeeting be postponed.
advice, announcement,belief, claim, conclusion, decision, evidence, explanation, fact,hope, idea, impression, knowledge, message, news, opinion, order,promise, proposal, statement, suggestion, thought, threat, warning,wish
because of/contribute to/dueto/
despite/in spite of/in steadof/
Joan feeling tired andfrustrated, and shewas able to finish her painting before the light faded.
- Joan feeling tired andfrustrated, and
- Joan felt tired andfrustrated,
- Although Joan felt tired andfrustrated,
- Despite Joan felt tired andfrustrated
- Nevertheless, Joan felt tiredand frustrated.
选C。题目考查Although A, B 句型
Richard Rodriguez pointedout that Mission San Luis Rey, a Spanish church with an Arabicdome getting its name to honor a French king.

- Mission San Luis Rey, a Spanishchurch with an Arabic dome getting its name to honor a Frenchking
- Mission San Luis Rey, a Spanishchurch with an Arabic dome, was named in honor of a Frenchking
- Mission San Luis Rey’s being aSpanish church with an Arabic dome got named in honor of a Frenchking
- they named Mission San LuisRey, a Spanish church in honor of a French king that had an Arabicdome
- the name of Mission San LuisRey having been a Spanish church with an Arabic dome honoring aFrench king
Charles Lindbergh, forhis attempt at a solo transatlantic flight, was very reluctant tohave any extra weight on his plane, he thereforerefused to carry even a poundof mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so.
A. Charles Lindbergh, forhis attempt at a solo transatlantic flight, was very reluctant tohave any extra weight on his plane, he therefore
B. When Charles Lindberghwas attempting his solo transatlantic flight, being very reluctantto have any extra weight on his plane, he
C. Since he was veryreluctant to carry any extra weight on his plane when he wasattempting his solo transatlantic flight, so CharlesLindbergh
D. Being very reluctant tocarry any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solotransatlantic flight was the reason that CharlesLindbergh
E. Very reluctant to haveany extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solotransatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh
By merging its twopublishing divisions, the company will increase their share ofthe country's $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent,a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-marketpaperbacks.
A. their share of thecountry's $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, amarket ranging
B. from 6 percent to 10percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country,which ranges
C. to 10 percent from 6percent in their share of the $21 billion book market in thecountry, a market ranging
D. in its share, from 6percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market in thecountry, which ranges
E. to 10 percent from 6percent its share of the country's $21 billion book market, whichranges
答案选E。选项A,C错在their指代the company单复数错误。选项B,D错在which修饰对象不应该是the country