


Eg: Ienjoy swimming. 【宾语】

Swimming is fun. 【主语】

Thisis a swimming pool.

=a pool forswimming【定语】

a swimming boy= a boy who is swimming

My favourite sport isswimming.【表语】

==Swimming is my favouritesport.【主语】









having beendone


The film is exciting.【分词】

My favourite sport isswimming.【动名词】

==Swimming is my favouritesport

(“Myfavourite sport”=” swimming”)

sleepingcars =cars for sleeping表目的

sleepingboys=boys who are sleeping


Eg:Swimming is fun.

My job is teaching English.


1). It’s necessary to beprepared for a job interview. ____ the answers ready will be ofgreat help.

A. To havehad B. Havinghad

C.HaveD. Having


2). The president wouldattend the meeting himself,_____ gave them a great deal ofencouragement.

A. Thepresident would attend

B. Thepresident to attend

C. Thepresident attended

D. Thepresident’s attending


3) How about the two of us___ a walk down the garden?

A. totake B.take

C.takingD. will take


*动名词的动作发出者 如何表示?

①Would you mind my/me opening thewindow?

② I can’t imaginemy best friend/my best friend’slaughing at my work.

I suggest Tom/tom’s comingearly.

I suggest that he shouldcome early.

The president’s attendingthe meeting himself gave them a great deal ofencouragement.

That the presidentattended the meeting himself gave them a great deal ofencouragement.

It is dangerous forchildren to swim alone.

I open the door to comein.

I open the doorfor them to comein.

不定式的逻辑主语用for 引出

It was a great deal ofencouragement to them for thepresident to attend the meetinghimself.

2.作宾语:常跟动名词做宾语的动词和短语有:avoid, understand, appreciate, enjoy, imagine,mind, admit, practise, suggest, consider(考虑), delay, keep, allow,permit, forbid, look forward to , can’thelp(情不自禁) ,be/get /become used to(习惯于), devote… to , leadto


4). Itis difficult to imagine his ___ the decision withoutany consideration.


C. toaccept D.accepted


5). I can’t stand ___ with Jane inthe same office. She just refuses ___ talking while sheworks.


B. to work;stopping

C. working; tostop

D. to work; tostop




eg:Dancing is fun.

My job is teaching English.

Ilike teaching English in Class 15/16.


eg: Hedenied having been there.

I remember being taken to Beijingas a smallboy.


eg: Would you mind my/meopening the window?

I suggest his/him taking Mike’s place.

④动名词的否定形式 (sb’s) notdoing

eg: Tom was sorry for his not coming ontime.

⑤remember to do/ doing

※forget/try/stop/mean/regret/can’t help




1. I really can’t understand ___ her likethat.

A. you treatB. you to treat

C. why treatD. you treating

2. Little Jim should love ___ tothe theaterthis evening.

A. to betaken B. totake

C. beingtaken D.taking

3. Thehost held the party without ___Tom.

A.invitedB. had invited

C.invitingD. being invited

4. Tom came to the party without ___by the host.

A.invitedB. inviting

C. having invited D. beinginvited

5. Tomwas very unhappy for ___ to the party.

A. having not been invited

B. not having invited

C. having not invited

D. not having been invited

6. Ourmonitor suggested ___ a discussion of thissubject.

A. to have B.should have

C.haveD. having

7. We think the film is____.

A.worth to see B. worthy ofseeing

C.worth seeing D. worthy tosee

8. ---- Let’s have abreak.

----Not now, I don’t want ____ yet.

A. to stopstudy

B.stopping to studying

C. to stop studying

D. stopping studying

9. ----You should saysorry to your brother.

----Yes, I regret ____ with him.

A.quarrelingB. quarrelled

C. toquarrelD. to have quarrelled

10. The sick woman needs____ after.

A.lookingB. to look

C. being looked

D. to be looked

11. ----What do you thinkmade Jim so happy?

----_____ by his teacher.



C.PraiseD. Being praised

E. As he waspraised

12. Mary has been ____ herjob but she hasn’t decided yet.

A. considering changing

B. considered changing

C. considering to change

D. considered to have changed

13. Cai lun was considered____ paper the first in the world.

A. inventingB. having invented

C. to inventD. to have invented

14. ---- The light in theoffice is still on.

---- Oh, I forgot ___.

A. turning itoff B. turnit off

C. to turn itoffD. having turned itoff

15. Theynow regret ___ so soon.

A.getB. getting

C. togetD. to have got

16. I am sorry for ____ahead of time.

A.letting you not know

B.not letting you know

C.letting you know not

D.letting not you know

17. Theday I have been looking forward to is ____.

A.comingB. is coming

C. was coming D.came

18.The day I looked forward to ____ atlast.

A.comingB. is coming

C. was coming D. came

19. Thatday I looked forward to ____ , but I was toobusy.

A.comingB. is coming

C. was coming D. came

20. He has always insistedon ___ Dr Turner instead of MrTurner.

A. heshould be called B. he iscalled

C. hiscalledD. his beingcalled

21.While shopping, people sometimes can’t help ___ into buying something theydon’t really need.

A.topersuadeB. persuading

C.being persuaded D.persuade

22. She can’t help ___ thehouse because she’s busy makingcakes.

A. to clean B.cleaning

C. cleaned D. beingcleaned

23. What worried the childmost was ___to visit his mother inhospital.

A.his not allowing

B.his not being allowed

C.his being not alloweds

D.having not been allowed

Answers:1---5 D A C D D

6---10 D C C A A/D

11---15 D A D C B

16---20 B A D A D

21--23 C A B


Why not to try a secondtime?


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动名词 动名词是什么

定义  由于动名词是由动词变化而来,它仍保留着动词的某些特征,具有动词的某些变化形式,用以表达名词所不能表达的较为复杂的意念。动名词的名词特征表现在它可在句子中当名词来用,作主语、宾语、表语、定语。它也可以被副词修饰或者

动词ing形式动名词 的形式及用法 动名词用法

【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:动词ing形式(动名词)的形式及用法1. doing的形式:doing; being done2. doing做主语,表语和宾语。3. doing与to do在动词后面做宾语的区别二. 知识总结归纳:(一)动词ing形式起名词作用,在语法中也称做动名词.在句

鉴赏诗歌的意象和意境 意象和意境的区别

