工艺技术服务合同(中英文 服务合同中英文



The Buyer: 买方:

Legal Address: 注册地址:

The Seller: Water TreatmentSystems Co., Ltd. 卖方:水处理系统有限公司

Legal Address:


Article 1 Work Scope 第一条 工作范围

Article 2 Price and Payment 第二条 价格及付款

Article 3 Delivery 第三条 交货时间

Article 4 Responsibilities of the Buyer 第四条 买方的职责

Article 5 The Seller’s Responsibilities 第五条 卖方的职责

Article 6 Intellectual Property Rights and Confidentiality 第六条:知识产权和保密条款

Article 7 Limitation of Liability 第七条 责任限制

Article 8 Force Majeure 第八条 不可抗力

Article 9 Dispute 第九条 争议解决

Article 10 Chinese Law 第十条 中国法律

Article 11 Language 第十一条 语言

The Buyer and the Seller negotiated friendly and reachedagreements as below:


Article 1 Work Scope 第一条 工作范围

The Buyer agrees to buy technical service from the Seller, thetechnical services are listed as below:


Article 2 Price and Payment 第二条 价格及付款:

2.1 The Price of the Contract is : RMB/Month(Tax Excluded)

本合同的价格为: 人民币/月(不含税价)

2.2 Payment Terms: 付款方式:

The Buyer should pay the Seller 100% of the Contract price after7 days after the Contract’s signature.

买方应当在合同签订后 7 日内向卖方支付100%的合同价格。

Article 3 Delivery 第三条交货时间

The Seller should finish technical service within 30 days afterreceived 100% of the Contract Price and received all relateddocuments.

卖方应当在收到全部合同价格及相关资料后 30 日内完成技术服务。

Article 4 Responsibilitiesof the Buyer 第四条 买方的职责

4.1 The Buyer should provide all assistance and support requiredby the technical service, including but not limited to technicalservice documents, drawing, and arrangement on site. The Buyershould guarantee the accuracy of all documents and informationprovided by the Buyer.


4.2 The Buyer should guarantee the health and safety onsite,


4.3 The Buyer should pay the Seller in accordance with Article2.


Article 5 The Seller’sResponsiblities 第五条 卖方的职责

The Seller should deliver advises like describe in his offer inaccordance with Article 3. Provided that the Buyer delay thepayment, the Seller is entitled to postpone the delivery of thetechnical service accordingly, the seller will not be liable forthis kind of postpone.



Article 6 IntellectualProperty Rights and Confidentiality 第六条: 知识产权和保密条款

6.1 The Buyer hereby acknowledges that the intellectual propertyrights used by the Seller in connection with the delivery oftechnical service under this Contract, shall remain that of theSeller. The Buyer shall not, without prior written consent from theSeller, use such intellectual property rights for purpose otherthan the Project itself specified in this Contract. The Buyerguarantees not to infringe the Buyers Intellectual Property Rightsvia any methods.


6.2 The Buyer hereby acknowledges that all information disclosedby the Seller to the Buyer are Confidential information of theSeller. The Buyer shall keep confidential Seller’s confidentialinformation related to the with the exception of any informationlegally obtained through third parties or that are released (notdue to the Buyer) into public domain。


6.3 The above-mentioned obligations of the Buyer shall bind theBuyer’s subcontractors, assignees, agents and employees.


Article 7 Limitation of Liability 第七条 责任限制

7.1 The Seller shall only be responsible for the direct lossunder this Contract. The Seller shall not be liable to the opposite side, whether in contract, tort, orotherwise, for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, lossof use, loss of production, loss of profits or interest costs,and


7.2 The aggregate liabilities of the Seller to the Buyer,whether under this Contract, in tort or otherwise, shall not exceedten (10) percent of the Total Contract Price.


Article 8 Force Majeure第八条 不可抗力

8.1 If any Party is prevented from performing all or part of itsobligations under this Contract by the occurrence of an event ofForce Majeure, that Party shall not be held liable for thenon-performance of its obligations and any consequences resultingthere from.


8.2 Force Majeure shall mean all events which are beyond thecontrol of either Party or Parties to this Contract, and which areunforeseen, or if foreseen, unpreventable and unavoidable and outof either Party’s or Parties’ control, and which arise after theEffective Date and which prevent total or partial performance ofthis Contract by either Party or both Parties .


8.3 Such events shall include, but not be limited to, acts ofnature and natural disasters, floods, serious fires, droughts,typhoons, earthquakes, explosion, epidemics, riots, shipwrecks,sabotage, strike, social upsurges, embargo, sanctions arising fromtrade regulations, wars declared or not, terrorism, or any otherinstances which cannot be foreseen, prevented or controlledincluding instances which are accepted as Force Majeure in generalinternational commercial practices.





8.4 If the performance of the Contract substantially disruptedfor a continuous period of one hundred (100) days by virtue of anyevent of Force Majeure, then either Party may by written notice tothe other Party terminate this Contract.


Article 9 Dispute 第九条争议解决

9.1 Any dispute between the Parties which has not been resolvedin 30 days after the dispute hereof shall be settled by arbitrationwith China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commissionby three (3) arbitrators in accordance with its then current rules.The arbitration shall take place in Beijing. The arbitration shallbe conducted in English.


9.2 The arbitral award shall be final and binding on the Partiesand the Parties agree to be bound thereby and to act accordingly.The costs of arbitration shall be borne by the Party as determinedby the arbitral award.


9.3 In the course of any dispute, those provisions which are notbeing disputed shall be continuously implemented by the Parties.The Parties shall continue to exercise their respective rights, andfulfill their remaining obligations under this Contract.


Article 10 Chinese Law第十条 中国法律:

Except where otherwise specifically agreed in writing by theBuyer and the Seller the Contract shall in all respects be treatedand construed as a Chinese contract and in conformity with ChineseLaw.


Article 11 Language第十一条 语言

The language of this Contract is English-Chinese, if there isany conflict between English and Chinese, Chinese is prior.


For theBuyer买方For the Seller卖方

工艺技术服务合同(中英文) 服务合同中英文


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/216083.html


北京市新技术新产品服务 认定管理 北京市技术服务合同


技术服务工程师的职责 技术工程师职责


汽车技术服务与营销专业人才培养方案 市场营销人才培养方案

招生对象:普通高中和中等职业学校毕业生培养层次:高职、专科学 制:三年制、学年学分制一、培养目标培养德、智、体、美全面发展,掌握现代汽车的结构、工作原理和一定的使用、维修、检测、诊断技术;掌握市场营销的基本理论并具备汽车技术

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