漫漫夜空wheni said go
有什么最璀璨i never meantaway
璀璨之中you ought to know
是谁在轻声呼唤the freaky games weplay
呼唤声中could you forgive
为何如此感动and learn how toforget
那是什么样生命在痛hear me as i"m calling out yourname
翅膀颤颤迎着风fireflycome back to me
随风化雨也从容make the night as bringht asday
细沙般的荧火虫i"ll be looking out foryou
光芒碎在寒夜中tell me that you"re lonelytoo
沧桑世间微火种fireflycome lead me on
不愿回头宁成空follow you into the sun
星光般的萤火虫that"sthe way it ought to be
只为心中一个梦fireflycome back to me
问岁月you and me
有什么最难过we shared amistery
岁月轻叹we were soclose
为何生命必经蹉跎like honey to thebee
悲欢离合成就的终究是传说and if you tell me how to make youunderstand
缤纷背后谁在匆匆过i"m minor in a major kind a way
只怨孤单无人陪Firefly come back to me
只知有酒今朝醉make the night as bright as day
看看微微萤火虫I'll be looking out for you
何曾见它流过泪Tell me that your lonely too
满眼荣耀的光辉Firefly come lead me on
满手金银的负累follow you into the sun
想想闪闪萤火虫that's the way it ought to be
怎样才算更卑微Firefly come back to me
迎着风,向前冲Fly firefly,through the sky
管他来去何匆匆come and play with my desire
星相伴,月相送Don't be long,don't ask why
无须巍峨自成峰Ican't wait another night
来去何匆匆Wait another night
年少无畏命运凶Firefly come back to me
疯狂换得千疮孔make the night as bright as day
回首长叹又何用I'll be looking out for you
青春无悔你可懂Tell me that your lonely too
何必自怜无人宠Firefly come lead me on
何必徒羡他人功follow you into the sun
小小虫儿教会我that's the way it ought to be
什么该珍重Fireflycome back
百尺高楼终会崩Fireflycome back to me
万丈冰山归消融makethe night as bright as day
名利浮云眼朦胧I'llbe looking out for you
唯有真爱千古颂Tellme that your lonely too
沉舟侧畔千帆勇Fireflycome lead me on
繁华落尽皆成冢follow you into the sun
人生无处不春风that's the way it ought to be
平凡才是真英雄Firefly come back to me