英文合同中的陈述与保证条款 陈述及保证条款英文

Provision of Representation and Warranty inContract




The Sellerhereby represents and warrants as to itself that:


it is aduly organized legal entity, validly existing and in good standingunder the laws of the People's Republic of China;


its entry into andperformance of its obligations under this Agreement do not violateany legal requirements in the People’s Republic of China as of thedate hereof or any material agreements to which it is aparty.


Party A isa limited liability company duly incorporated and validly existingunder the laws of its place of incorporation, and has all corporatepower and authority to executed this agreement, exercise the rightsand perform the obligations hereunder in accordance with theprovisions of this agreement.


PARTY A represents and warrants that:

it is dulyincorporated with limited liability and validly exists under thelaws of New Zealand;


it hascorporate power and has taken all necessary corporate and otheraction to enter into and complete this AGREEMENT.



PARTY B represents and warrants that it has full power andauthority to enter into, perform and comply with its obligationsunder this AGREEMENT; this AGREEMENT has been duly executed anddelivered by PARTY B and, subject to the approval by thegovernmental authorities (if required) constitutes legal, valid,binding and enforceable obligations of PARTY A in accordance withits terms.

各方声明并保证: Each PARTYrepresents and warrants that:


It is dulyorganized and registered and in good standing in the United States,has power and authority to enter into and perform?this AGREEMENTand any other agreements and documents executed or delivered by itin connection herewith (collectively, with this AGREEMENT, “theDOCUMENTS”).



its Board of Directorshas taken all necessary action to duly authorize the execution,delivery and performance of this Agreement which actions arereflected in the minutes book of the corporation; and


Itsexecution, delivery and performance of the DOCUMENTS have been dulyauthorized by all necessary action.


PARTY Ahas obtained all consents, approvals and authorizations necessaryfor the valid execution and delivery of this AGREEMENT and all ofthe contracts referred to herein to which it is a party; provided,however, that this AGREEMENT shall be subject to the approval ofthe Examination and Approval Authority before the same may becomeeffective.


The execution, delivery and performance by theTransferee of this Agreement and the completion by the Transfereeof the transfer contemplated hereunder are within the transferee’scorporate power and authority.


The contractor represents and warrants that thecontractor is empowered legally and this contract has been dulyauthorized, executed, and delivered by the contractor, andconstitutes a legal, valid, and binding obligation of thecontractor, enforceable in accordance with its terms.



Party Ahereby represents and warrants that Party A is legal owner of theleased property and has the necessary legal capacity to lease theproperty to Party B. Party A has also obtained all the necessaryauthorizations from all relevant authorities in the People’sRepublic of China in respect of this Agreement and the leasing ofthe property to Party B, including government approval and/ormortgagee consent ( if applicable) Party A shall be liable to KeepParty B be fully indemnified against any costs, expenses, lossesand damages incurred to suffered by Party B as a result of anybreach of Party A’s representations or warranties herein (including but not limited to legal costs)


TheLandlord hereby covenants that the Premises will not be sold ormortgaged to any third person during the term of thisAgreement.
英文合同中的陈述与保证条款 陈述及保证条款英文


发包商再次保证: The SUBCONTRACTORhereby represents and warrants:


1) The SUBCONTRACTOR is a company duly organized, validly existingand in good standing under the laws of the People’s Republic ofChina, being registered at the State Administration for Industryand Commerce of the People’s Republic of China.


2) The conclusion and performance of this SUBCONTRACT are withinthe corporate powers and authority of the SUBCONTRACTOR and do notcontravene any laws, regulations or any agreements to which theSUBCONTRACTOR is a party.


3) There is no pending action or issue in or action by any court oradministration authority which could exert a material adverseimpact on the business, property, status, finance and other aspectsof the SUBCONTRACTOR so as to affect the capability of theSUBCONTRACTOR to carry out its obligations under thisAGREEMENT.

各方保证如下: Each PARTY herebyrepresents and warrants that:


this AGREEMENT hasbeen duly executed and delivered on its behalf and constitutes itslegal, valid, binding and enforceable obligation, except to theextent that enforceability may be limited by applicable bankruptcy,insolvency or other similar laws affecting the enforcement ofcreditor rights;


there are no existingarrangements or agreements with third parties, the terms of whichprevent the PARTIES from entering into this AGREEMENT or whichwould impede the performance of its obligations under theAGREEMENT.



The Sellerguarantee that the Equipment supplied under this Contract is madeof the best quality materials with first class workmanship, brandnew, up to standard in all respects and in goodcondition.



TheLicensor shall guarantee that the Technical Documentation andSoftware supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordancewith the Contract shall be of the latest and well-proved TechnicalDocumentation and Software which are actually used by the Licensorand that the improved, modified and developed TechnicalDocumentation and Software shall be supplied in time by theLicensor to the Licensee in the course of implementation of theContract, without charge.

Licensorguarantees that it is the legitimate owner or holder of Know-howand in the lawful position to grant the license toLicensee.

Licensor guarantees that Know-how is well developed andindustrialized, and is exploitable in accordance with TechnicalDocumentation specified in Appendix 2.

Licensorguarantees that qualified Contract Products as specified inAppendix 1 can be manufactured by exploiting Know-how at JobSite.

Licensorguarantees that Technical Documentation is complete, correct, andclear, and shall be delivered in accordance with the schedulespecified in Appendix 2.

Licensorguarantees that qualified professional technical personnel shall bedispatched in duetime to provide correct and sufficient TechnicalService and Technical Training.

Theguarantee period for the Know-how at Job Site is____ months fromthe date of the acceptance, details of which are specified inAppendix 5. A guarantee expiration certificate shall be signed bythe authorized representative of Licensee at its expiration andsubmitted to Licensor.

Licensorguarantees that Licensee shall not be claimed for productliability in relation to ContractProducts.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/215311.html


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