老公去德国出差带回了sebamed品牌的Baby Pflegecreme 和babyPlegeotion。之前我一直认为pflegecreme比plegelotion更粘稠,更适合秋冬使用,用于干燥皮肤的护理,而lotion我觉得更稀一些,没那么油腻,更适合春夏使用,但我觉得这两个东西都可以用来抹在身体和脸上,视季节和皮肤干燥程度来定。老公则坚持认为creme是抹脸的,而lotion是抹身上的,这是它们的区别。为此争执一晚无果,网上查了很多也没有定论。第二天我按网上sebamed官网的邮箱给生产商发了邮件询问二者的区别。其实我并没有期望得到回复,必竟远隔千山万水,中国的邮箱能否被国外识别,是否会被当成垃圾邮件都不确定,再加上我憋脚的英语(11个单词的一句话)……
Thank you for your E-Mail and your interest in sebamed.
Baby sebamed Pflegecreme is a highly viscous emulasion of thetype water-in-oil with 31% lipid content and therefore very richand emollient. By contrast, Baby sebamed Plegeotion is a moreliquid oil-in-water emulsion with 22% lipids and therefore lighterand predominately moisturizing. The composition is compeltelydifferent. Zhe Lotion can be used for care of larger skin areas,especially on the body, whereas the cream is better suited forsmall skin areas like face and hands. It is well suited for coldprotection in cold climate. The lotion is well suited for warmerclimate.
Best Regards